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Here's your answer: (in Java, but same)
Oh, thanks @Amy
you answered my actual question. You were not saying that my question here was in the wrong place... :-(
Your saying that even after the rephrased edit, the question is off topic to programming, and specific to Github website. So where do I ask Github related questions?
@Adan The reason that solves your issue is that the rounding errors introduced by 0.1 - 0.1 are themselves rounded away when doing math on larger numbers like 1.0
@KendallFrey this is the only solution unfortunately :/
no of course not
@KendallFrey it isnt?
@KendallFrey what do i do?
I'm not sure what your problem is.
@Adan See my link to SO: Its about Java, but answers your question. stackoverflow.com/questions/15625556/…
In the simplest case "I have rounding errors" becomes "Round your answer to 10 (or some similarly high-precision number) decimal places"
Though why you get rounding errors is of interest
double values are IEEE floating point numbers. Unless they are a power of 2 (or sums of powers of 2, e.g. 1/8 + 1/4 = 3/8), they cannot be represented exactly, even if they have high precision. Some floating point operations will compound the round-off error present in these floating point numbers. In cases you've described above, the floating-point errors have become significant enough to show up in the output.

It doesn't matter what the source of the number is, whether it's parsing a string from a JTextField or specifying a double literal -- the problem is inherit in floating-point repre
If you are in some situation where you expect 0.1 to be exact (and not just ridiculously close) then you probably should be using decimal.
@KendallFrey i dont understand how you dont know what the problem is, i just want to .1 - .1 = 0, im getting Epsilons, how hard is that to understand? i want 0 not epsilon
double example = 0; decimals cant = 0, i must have a variable that starts with 0 in my code
@Adan he realized what your problem is. And is telling you to change the lines with double hd1CD... to decimal hd1CD... same with all other variables. Then your hd2CD won't give that result.
@Adan .1 - .1 is zero, you're leaving out detail
also, don't use the term "epsilon" incorrectly
and what exactly do you mean by "decimals cant = 0"
'operator '-' canot be applied to operands of type 'decimal' and 'double'
decimal hd1CD = 0;
and if you want to understand WHY the double cannot give you the correct result, and is giving 2.7555756156289E-17 then please read the stack overflow.

hd1CD = hd1CD - .7;
im getting error with hd1CD = hd1CD - .7; 'operator '-' canot be applied to operands of type 'decimal' and 'double'
@Adan use .7M instead of .7
@KendallFrey THANK YOU
you have to add a M at the end of the number. Take a look at my dotnetfiddle
it took 1 fkn hour to get 'use decimals, and dont forget to put M after the decimal'
i suggested using decimals an hour ago
and you never asked about that issue.
but left out: 'use M after the decimal'
Kendall is the savior here, thanks man
1 hour ago, by Amy
does it do that if you use Decimal instead of double
@Adan Homework: read up on the suffixes you attach to literals to use other types, such as long
Lesson learned: For you answer to be accepted you have to understand what the person asking is not comprehending. Perhaps the thing they are not getting, is the answer you provided itself.
so their current question is not the original question, but simply not understanding what you answered.
so, a'ways explain the answer
@KendallFrey will do
@Amy, Adan received your answer, as well as Kendall's but did not "get" it. Neither of you were attending to his understanding, but rather to his original question.
hey guys how do i detect if my number is negative?
if (hd1CD < 0)
var negativeN = -5; if(negativeN == 'negative') {//code}?
that's 1 way, thanks
@pashute i don't need that explained to me.
Amy didnt get it, it's okay
she was very helpful tho
misunderstandings happen
@Amy did not mean to offend. You were fast to answer and very helpful to me as well.
There wasn't a misunderstanding. And yes I did get it.
@Adan I assume you don't need to include negative zero? Because if not, use pashute's way.
@Amy - Don't worry, sometimes they learn to fish, and sometimes they just hook themselves right in the eye on the first cast.
Was just summing up the situation after the long discussion, where two, and later three people were telling him an answer, and he was not comprehending it, because he was not realizing that all three were actually answering his question.
no.. only Amy suggested the solution but it was not complete
you never tried the idea and never asked about the M suffix issue.
i mean, the entire chat transcript is available.
Not really important, we're all here to help each other so thanks to all. Those asking and those answering.

I was once by a famous rabbi and someone came in with an urgent request. The rabbi was a bit impatient and tried to answer but was not able to, because the person asking kept on explaining the question in another way.... Finally the rabbi realized that what this person really needed was not an immediate answer but rather the feeling that he was being listened to and receiving compassion. Once that happened, the man immediately became silent and waited for the answer.
"help vampire"
It's a thing.
Q: The Help Vampire problem

Barry KellyWhat is Stack Overflow's long-term solution for the Help Vampire problem? Quote from article follows: Identifying Help Vampires can be tricky, because they look like any ordinary person (or Internet user, whichever is lesser). But by closely observing an individual's behavior using this hand...

how do i subtract and if result is < 0, the equation = 0
example: 0 - .7 = -.7 ) if negative --> convert to 0
i believe it, @TravisJ
Off topic: @Amy , I heard of some Irish hunters (or some say Kurds) who were hunting unsuccessfully for ducks. Finally they realized they weren't throwing the dogs high enough. Sorry, back to topic
@Adan Math.Max(myNumber, 0)
"people believe what they want to believe"? I mean, it is kind of stretch to use an analogy of hunters shooting their own dogs in the air thinking they were ducks just to claim success. What kind of story is that to tell anyway?
tymeJV is wrong
yeah i dont get it either.
he is, what happens if i subtract 3.3 - .7? i will just get inaccuracy
@KendallFrey thanks, you got it again :D
yeah... i was trying to type why that was stupid.
tablet touch typing sucks.
just do result < 0 ? 0 : result;
or something like that
4 hours later…
how do you express complex logical 'if''s?
@Adan can you explain more?
how do i express
concantinating logic?
if( var 1 > var 2 && var 1 > var 3 ) || (var 1 == 0 || var1 > 0))
stuff like this
uhh nvm i can do this
il come back if i need help
instead of (var 1 == 0 || var1 > 0) you can (var 1>= 0)
i have dropdown in my telerik gridview like this:
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width="100px" Visible="false" DataField="TransactionId" FilterControlAltText="Filter PaymentStatus column"
HeaderText="Payment Status" SortExpression="PaymentStatus" UniqueName="PaymentStatus">
<asp:DropDownList Width="168px" Onchange='<%# string.Format("javascript:return ConfirmPaymentStatusChange(\"{0}\", \"{1}\");", Eval("TransactionId"), RadAjaxManager2.ClientID) %>' Visible="false" ID="ddlPaymentStatus" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlPaymentStatus_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
But getting this error:Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control.
i want to fire client side event that is onchange to show confirmation box on dropdown selection change evennt but i want to pass Data-field that is TransactionId as parameter
how to do this?
hey guys :D
anyone here?
I just found an article that CryEngine has a plugin for enabling C# support anyone tried it?
how do i create a list that excludes 0's?
var one =1; var two = 2; var pen = 0; var zero = 0;
decimal[] simpleList = new[] {0, 0, 1, 2} --> grab all numbers except 0 and put into new list
int[] simpleList = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 2 };
List<int> list = simpleList.Where(s => s != 0).ToList();
@Jamaxack thank you :D
@Adan or you can use this
int[] simpleList = new[] { 0, 0, 1, 2 };
List<int> list = simpleList.Except(new[] { 0 }).ToList();
with except() method, if you want to skip many numbers it is easier to change
hmm why this method? i thought the other one works too?
oh okay
this 2 works
for multiple numbers
yes this 2 will work for multiple numbers, but editing with except() method is easier
i get an error on that method, im trying to use 'decimal' instead of 'int'
put after numbers M
decimal[] simpleList = new[] { 0M, 0, 1, 2 };
thank you :D
Morning all
I think that's what it's called when I feel like this, anyway
Morning (UGT)
feeling bit (not sure) this morning

Not sure @Mathematics?
@JakobMillah Nope, just feeling really (not sure)
@ntohl: heh yeah :)
anyway, how can I get stream out of delegate CreateStream without creating it as a global variable
"Here, let me make a screenshot of code" >_<'
Lol, here you go if you want to copy paste it - msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
@RoelvanUden copy protection at it's best
@ntohl copy protection :L
He forgot to watermark it
@scheien yeah. And with so readable perfect letters, the worst writing analizer would parse it
btw in the example CreateStream is private
looks private to me as well :)
it's not global than
the Stream that comes out neither
if I understand correctly the statement
ohh, now I see what do You mean
m_streams is global
yup that's correct
I want to add this code to a WCF service, but don't want to add global variables to it
so really want to add it to a single method
separate the m_streams into a class, that only responsible about the Render
and only the necessary things needed for the CreateStreamCallback
then I will have to create 2 streams, one for class and one for returning from WCF method, if am not wrong
I just want to return same stream back to browser
let me try another class
You can still call GetStream(...) on that class. Just You try to magically hide the details
okay, this may be a stupid question but here it goes: Why do some questions on SO have a yellow background and others have a 'normal' white background?
@SteffenWinkler maybe yellow ones are from VIPs ?
@SteffenWinkler when You have favourit tags, question from the tags will be yellow
@ntohl nope, that's not it. There are questions yellow that have tags that aren'T my favorite and there are questions that only have tags that are my favorite but aren't yellow
@Mathematics nope. Some questions are by new users (~ 15 rep) and are yellow, others are by users with > 1k rep.
hmm. Ok. But whenever I checked, it had c# tag. My assumption was wrong
Q: Why do some questions in question lists have a yellow background?

Kurt W. LeuchtOn SO, when I'm scrolling through "questions" some have a yellow background. Is this intuitive to everyone but me? What is the yellow background trying to tell me about this particular question?

interesting tags
@ntohl found it in a related meta question. You are mostly right, but there is one exception: Note that when viewing a question list within one or more of your interesting tags, only questions with one or more additional interesting tags will be highlighted.
that's what threw me off. I'm only inside filtered lists with at least one of my favorite tags filtered.
yeah. There are frequent tags with little bit lighter yellow
A: What do the colors on Stack Overflow mean?

Justin StandardThe colors are designed to draw the user's attention to certain features of the site. Colors on the "Vote Count" in the question list: The red text means that the question currently has no answers. The green background means that the question has at least one answer, but not an accepted answ...

hello guys
Q: How to return result from a delegate

Please TeachHow can I change this class to return me stream which I can send back to browser ? I am trying to create a Excel file using report viewer and send it back to client who is using a browser, public class WebReportRenderer : IDisposable { private ReportViewer rvInstance; private IList<Stream

I am not sure if making it as a public property going to work as reportviewer need to be disposed
can anybody tell me how to pass any control object with attributes like below:
var ddlPaymentStatusDropdown = (DropDownList)item.FindControl("ddlPaymentStatus");
ddlPaymentStatusDropdown.Attributes.Add("onchange", "ConfirmPaymentStatusChange('" + ddlPaymentStatusDropdown.ClientID + "')");
in ConfirmPaymentStatusChange function i want to send whole dropdown object
adding to the .Attributes will only give you the ability to change the HTML markup
you won't be able to call codebehind like that
what is it you're trying to do there?
i have on dropdown control inside gridview like this:
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderStyle-Width="101px" Visible="false" DataField="TransactionId" FilterControlAltText="Filter PaymentStatus column"
HeaderText="Payment Status" SortExpression="PaymentStatus" UniqueName="PaymentStatus">
<asp:DropDownList Width="90px" Visible="false" ID="ddlPaymentStatus" onchange="ConfirmPaymentStatusChange()"
OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlPaymentStatus_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>

msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… you'll probably want to hook into .SelectedIndexChanged even instead
how does compiler choose which method to call
@IvanPlyusnin C# specification document, section "Better function member"
if you're really interested :)
basically 'fewest defaults, then most specific type'
@Squiggle i try to prepare to interview
would the same thing happen if you called Foo("a") as Foo("a" as object);
compiler chose different methods
...why? :)
When declaring variables in a class, is it good common practice to assign a default value?
@Squiggle i would answer you if i knew
looks like in almost all situations passing in one parameter it defaults to object a, unless you pass in an actual object[] array or multiple parameters.
what's the interview for? :D
and try Foo(null);
@Squiggle interview for a new job
Alone at office == Can sing how much I want
seems like am trying something impossible here
someone give me a job where I can work from home?
A colleague of mine is working from home 3 days a week
I think he also is the employee that earns the most moenyz :P
If he's worth the dosh, then so be it :)
He is. Smart AF
And fast..
in which path I could find System.Web.Extensions.dll (I am using Visual studio 8)?
guess the translation from Java is easier that way?!
someone asking the exact question on stackoverflow
@Squiggle Why? Are you tired of your coworkers?
btw, I feel that I work more efficient from home than at the office
nope they're ace - I just want to work from home a couple of days a week. I've got a lovely home office, a great view, better coffee...
mostly because there aren't anyone who can disturb me (other than our cat, but only when he wants food)
@scheien So do I.. Or at least working from the office close to where I live.. 2 days I week I drive 1 hour to and from work.. Not the best
@Squiggle: Have you asked your boss/teamleader if it's ok? or is it company policy to work at the office?
@JakobMillah: yeah, 1 hour is a long drive when you you're doing it multiple times a week
@scheien our cat was wild. Other than feeding him, it was randomly piss behind the closet. Needed a lot of extra time to mop it up
@ntohl ouch, that's not good :/
now it's in much better place at my friend's site
@scheien company policy for contractors
I think I am a bit spoiled
Ugh. I'm trying to get folks to use Gulp for our Angular project. Others want to use the ASP.Net Web Optimization tools.
why? 1 hour drive is a lot
@Squiggle: the optimization tools are just... crap :(
using Web Optimization would mean having to use the MVC stack and Razor templating etc - on a static Angular site
We are only 3 working at the office close to my place "10 min walking". And I am allowed to stay there even though I am alone
currently we're doing minification using WebEssentials and T4 templates, which is also shit.
I hate webessentials
There's no msbuild tools that do the same thing, are there?
It has screwed me over so many times
sorry for posting it again, but maybe someone drop there interests in it
that don't require node
Q: How to return result from a delegate

Please TeachHow can I change this class to return me stream which I can send back to browser ? I am trying to create a Excel file using report viewer and send it back to client who is using a browser, public class WebReportRenderer : IDisposable { private ReportViewer rvInstance; private IList<Stream

@Mathematics why are you storing a list of streams locally?
@Squiggle for less/minification/concatination? not sure.
@Squiggle I am not it's the person I tried getting code from... but I don't see any other way possible which is why asked the question really
@Mathematics see if you can trim down that code just to a single method that takes parameters and returns a single stream, then use that outGoingResponse code to return it in your web service.
Assuming your file stream is fine, the bit you have to worry about is the web service code
@Squiggle You are asking to return what's in stream list in the end in same method ? but it will be disposed isn't it
as the class is using disposable interface
also I am not sure if callback function will be done with what it was doing
I can get it to work if I use another method override for render which will return byte but then I will have to convert it back to stream
what is callback here ?
var callback = new CreateStreamCallback(CreateWebBrowserStream);
would it return stream to me ?
 private Stream CreateWebBrowserStream(string name, string extension, System.Text.Encoding encoding, string mimeType, bool willSeek)
        Stream stream = new FileStream(name + "." + extension, FileMode.Create);
        return stream;
hah. theguardian.com - go there and open F12 developer tools
nice haha
I would rate these newspaper websites x --- rat ed, they are aweful
That is pretty awesome actually
@Squiggle Empty console here.
@RoelvanUden meh. It's just a big "WE ARE HIRING" message, with the link to developer job site.
@Squiggle nice
TBH if my gf gets the job in London she applied for I might as well apply :)
@Mathematics just like your spelling.
<-- Guarniad reader
@Squiggle They seem a competent bunch.
@Mathematics The Guardian has integrity, and some fantastic journalists. Sure a lot of it is middle-class aspirational tosh, but it's the best of the broadsheets by far.
@RoelvanUden I met a few of their devs at a hacks-and-hackers dev day a while back. They're great people. They do loads of fun stuff with python.
Opinions/thoughts; nameof-like functionality for TypeScript gist.github.com/Deathspike/32f7a0080b251a1c8dac. Looking for your opinions and perhaps improvements upon the code. :-)
Is it bad to date a software developer?
It would be a dream come true.
We've decided we're going to date until we're like around 27 and get married
Then have our first kid once we own property
And our kid will be a software developer as well
I would love to date a software developer..
Just one with music and technology interests and I'll take her
where do you find those @MoonOwl22?
Well, met through the department
Well... A Milf is looking at me in a special way at work.. Why is always the engaged looking at me?
Me no understand
Perhaps that's the reason why they are only engaged and not married
oh well, married**
Our kid will be surrounded by everything STEM
Have never been with someone that has a slight interest in tech.. :/
By the time they are about to get into high school, they should be able to solve calculus problems
@JakobMillah that's awesome!!!
if You are going to first date, and talk about children, than You will fail
I found it hard to be with someone I can't talk about stuff with
@Rusty How is that awesome!? Complicated shit :P
@ntohl Just setting expectations for our kids
Ehh, if you can talk about kids on the first date, you are mature enough
Special way.... You gotta make the move
@Rusty No.. Way
Well, we have been on three so far
!!s/I can't talk about stuff with//
ur weired man!
Well fuck me then @CapricaSix
Caprica, what are u doing!
I hope my kids will have an interest in studying to no end
@Rusty That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@MoonOwl22 So do I... If my kids end up white trash.. :/ I'll turn EMO again
argh what the hell
Caprica no understand kids
You make her depressed
@JakobMillah My kids will not be allowed to be like anything on BET or Reality TV
it's hard to understand kids.
@MoonOwl22 Inb4 your kids end up at Paradise Hotel
@MoonOwl22 i like that plan. Let no kid watch that crap
It would be your kid, brainwash it as you please?
:D thats called good parenting
every parent does that
every gf does that
but now shes getting married
why the heck you guys brought that up!
My kids will be expected to be responsible at all times
thats funny
I won't monitor them to give them their freedom
expectation vs reality
when kids turn teenagers they become douchebags
And I will keep the devil's lettuce away from them
Not necessarily.
:D 13 month old boy. I tell him not to eat the rubber ball. Tries to put it into his mouth. I stop him. I stop him 2 times. I stop him 11 times. Still not get it
I am thinking of sending them to a strict Catholic school
Approach like a dog; treats if done right, scold if not. Don't be a softy.
Not for the Catholic teachings but for the strict environment
good idea. They will learn to rebel early...
And that is good
earlier adolescence -> earlier grown up age
@MoonOwl22 Damn.. Sounds harsch
I will want them to learn the virtues early
It's not harsh
but high probability of commiting suicide
Don't go the path my dad did though.. I turned up ok I guess.. But it was not the right way
What path?
Just hope you'll get as great a kid as I was. You'll have no problems whatsoever!
Alcoholic, physical/mental abuse. Was his slave between 7 and 14 years old before government moved me

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