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Wow. I really don't feel like programming today. I've been struggling to motivate myself the entire morning, so I did quite a bit of work, but motivation is currently at an all-time low. Monday I suppose? :/
Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays!
@RoelvanUden could b something more serious, what u working on
@Mathematics Some administrative panel thing for account management and subscriptions and invoices and shit.
@RoelvanUden eeewww, using asp.net mvc
Of course. It was fun last week. It's just today is being meh.
I'd much rather curl up in bed and sleep.
Although that may be a more universal truth
@RoelvanUden huh, funny enough I'd actually find the motivation to write a DROP statement for that ;)
grrr, I hate it
can't even able to find returning byte[] as a file
@Mathematics what? math?
@SteffenWinkler math ?
I want to return this as a file not as a byte[] to browser

     bytes = viwer.LocalReport.Render("EXCELOPENXML", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamIds, out warnings);
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:\temp\output.xlsx", FileMode.Create);
            fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
using a wcf service
@Mathematics well you wrote 'I hate it'. it could've been anything so I took the opportunity.
@Mathematics How does a WCF service yield results to a browser?
Some kind of funky HTTP binding?
you can use HTTP binding to implement a shonky REST-ish web service in WCF
Okay... but that's not a good end-point to serve files, anyway.
SOAP clients implemented in js in the browser exist, IIRC
^ entitled "How to Async"
@TomW "the front-end guys want to use Angular but there's no budget to overhaul the legacy web services"
And I bet that programmer argues that his way is right
I still don't understand how people do what am trying to do since wcf and rest are used wide spread
@Mathematics something ugly like stackoverflow.com/a/1016266/1034004
basically you return HTTP result with your content and setting the mime type so the consuming browser knows what sort of content it is.
I think I would prefer using JS instead
get the byteArray then do, Not sure what
it's a little more elegant if you're using ASP.Net MVC or WebAPI
JS on the server-side, you mean?
nope, on client side
what would that help with?
call rest service in JS

var result = getFile() // gonna return byteArray from wcf
@StevenLiekens Good god!
It applies to me! I'm human after all!
you are?
I still doubt.
does anyone have experince implementing stateless service using webapi?
how about using string base 64 ?
@IvanPlyusnin Well yes
@IvanPlyusnin WebAPI is stateless by nature
@Mathematics Possible. But it's a bit wrong to download an entire file into memory, then convert it into a download. It's really quite inefficient.
And all that to work around the fact that you think certain code is ugly. Get over that :P
for example i have controller with actions, autorization was implemented in ActionFilterAttribute
every action has [CheckAuth]
so every request has auth token in it's cookies, so client with this cookies has state, right?
I hope you don't check on cookies.
Nor use them with an API
can you give me a link with example?
I won't going to create a file, just going to get bytes from here -

viwer.LocalReport.Render("EXCELOPENXML", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamIds, out warnings);

then convert it to base 64 string and return to client
Wow. SpaceX is sure producing some spectacular explosions lately.
They're doing some awesome stuff yeah
@Mathematics It's still downloading the entire file into memory, THEN creating a file from it. If it was a stream with MiME the browser can immediately pipe it into a file and not waste RAM trying to allocate the entire file. Imaging sending over a 1GB file, your phone would explode.
:28199890 so you want me to this ?

public Stream TestMethod()
    byte[] data = GetData();
    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);
    WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; //or whatever your mime type is
    stream.Position = 0;
    return stream;
or something like this
It would be better if GetData was a stream too, but yes, at least the browser can immediately pipe that into a file instead of allocating it in RAM (if you set the correct additional headers)
hey all o/
Hello Mr. 331
How are you, Squiggle?
I am fine! Thank you for asking.
Nice! So I'm struggling with a design concept here. Can I bounce a problem off of you?
who brought that panini thing back up lol
Wow, when phrasing it so politely, please do.
This room's happy helper, @Squiggle, would be glad to do so.
So, basically I'm working with a json object, specifically a MongoDB document. Most of our documents are consistent, but of course some have fields that other's don't, and you can't guarantee how many nested objects are inside, so my struggle is how can I display something like this to the user? I have to account for so many different things: a straight up string/string key value pair, a string/array pair, a string/object and displaying that inner object, etc.
I'm at a total loss and I can't even think of an example I could try to mock or build on.
/me readjusts his top hat
I suppose I could consider a tree view of some kind? Kind of like how a file hierarchy is displayed, or even in the same way MongoChef or some other GUI tool displays the items. Not sure how user friendly that is though, since a GUI tool is designed for the developer.
@McAdam331 you're retrieving data without a consistent schema from your data store?
Well that's why we're using MongoDB.
how about just a json viewer
TL;DR we're storing data from vehicle reprogramming. We record information in some vehicles that might not need to be recorded in another.
@McAdam331 @Squiggle could you share an example of most complex document?
Hmm I can try to come back with one I might have to filter out company information so I'd need some time.
@McAdam331 sounds like you need to use some tree view, but it is better to look at example
it's not so much the complexity, it's the fact you don't know what you're getting.
when you say "display this to the user" are you talking about generating a HTML view from data that may-or-may-not exist?
@RoelvanUden ok let me try it now
shouldn't I be using FileStream instead then
@Squiggle I'm envisioning something like the json viewer that tweray linked, but WinForms friendly preferably. What sort of C# component can I use? TreeView?
@RoelvanUden do you think I should be worried about disposing stream
No, WCF should do that.
@McAdam331 maybe you should aggregate fields to other one. something like Desription = Address + Phone + BirthDate + Salary, if you don't know which of fields are exist

and maybe try to use one of this components
Thanks for the link, Ivan! I will look into it. I'm gonna try populating a TreeView and see if it works how I expect it to.
@RoelvanUden it's returning plane file, trying to find way to add filetype to file
maybe I need to add this to stream,
got it was missing something
which architecture are you guys are following and which one you guys like ?
Onion, DDD, N-Tier ?
or something else
everyone on lunch ?
ddd + ntier
o/ Steve
you're in the wrong room :o
I'm lost! :X
good morning, humans.
ppfft, speak for yourself, i'm a super human :X
you all look the same to me
Don't let him fool you
@Mathematics Architecture...?
I just build stuff. :-)
i use the architecture appropriate for the task.
i don't "follow" an architecture
I live by KISS YAGNA DRY SoC and SRP. If that happens to result in something you'd call one of the mentioned "architecture"'s to follow, then all the more power to me.
@Amy good (UGT) morning
ok Let me make my question less arguable and more answerable Which architecture do you find most interesting, Name one or say non ;)
london bridge.
@RoelvanUden I'm pretty sure you made half of those up and could've added at least 8 more abbreviations
If he's making them up he can add as many as he likes
well, 26^N
are the abbreviations limited to the latin alphabet?
@Mathematics Gaudi.
@Amy interesting point. Since they're gibberish anyway, I'd say no, they aren't.
my favorite architecture is YAಠ_ಠGNO
user/pw for a receipt journal system at a large retail chain: admin/admin
Go security!
Someone needs to get fired.
@TomW violently?
well, they guys who deliver the Point-of-sale system ain't the brightest fellas
@scheien there's no safer password.
POS is a great acronym
it really is.
actually its an initialism.
not an acronym.
@Amy: possibly 'password'.
@Amy I pronounce it "poss", so it's an acronym
i guess so, then. i've always said PEE-OH-ESS
just found that variables in powershell have URIs
they do?
PS C:\> Set-Content variable:\foo "bar"
PS C:\> $foo
weirdest thing ever in any scripting language
if you ask me
php doesn't count
Where's the URI?
!!google set-content
but is that a valid URI? a uri would be scheme://path
yeah well microsoft and standards
Nice. Using the extensibility points of a given standard just because they can
Technically correct is best correct.
I think your discovery could be better phrased as "powershell variables can be referenced by path"
> Two slashes (//): This is required by some schemes and not required by some others
@Squiggle I ended up going with a TreeView after all to display my stuff. Wrote a simple recursive method and used the Reflection namespace to display all the values. The only tricky part has been figuring out the best way to recurse through BsonArrays but I will sort it out. Thanks for your help earlier.
Guys, I have a question. How can I wrap the objects in a WinForms so they extend when the form is larger?
Is the Anchor attribute enough for what you're trying to do?
Sorry, Im new to c#. I dont really understand
There's an Anchor attribute (in the Visual Studio properties window, near the bottom when you have a component selected) that more or less binds the space between your component and an edge. So, if you set it up to anchor against the left/right edge, for example, when you expand the form your component will stretch/shrink with it.
Thx @McAdam331
No problem. Let me know if that wasn't what you needed.
Not sure how picky this room is about gifs and stuff but I just cannot stop laughing at this
return HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream; is there any substiture in WCF
@Anonymous: IIRC you need to use the Anchor property on the child. Then you can anchor it to top{left,center,right} and so on. It's a visual clicky thing in the properties window.
ah right property. Not attribute. I come from the Android room lol
Hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha (the gif)
ah yeah, didnt see that you answered it @McAdam331. :)
It's okay, I'm glad you confirmed it because I wasn't 100% sure. I mean, I knew what I said about Anchor was true, just wasn't sure if that's what they really meant.
androids are allowed in here as long as they obey the three laws.
Which are?
read Isaac Asimov.
@McAdam331 that's a classic
!!google three laws of robotics
1 message moved to Trash can
Oh neat you guys have a bot in here too?
i'm getting Image Not Found, squiggle
yes, we have a bot.
!!give McAdam331 a lick
@Amy Mmmm! McAdam331 tastes just like raisin
We had one for a while too but it's been out of commission, not sure what happened to it.
oh gross
you're telling me. why do you taste like raisin?
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
^ @Amy can you see that one?
there we go.
what is that? a flying squirrel of some kind?
it's a "sugar glider" - a sort of Possum
ah ha
cute little guy. i'll take one
looks like a bat but it's cute
my cats will love him.
they will love him to death.
so much love
@Amy I don't know. Should I be concerned?
Damn. I really missed an opportunity to say that your bot was raisin some concerns for me.
its my 'my' bot. i'm not sure who runs it.
I have an asp.net mvc application that works well when debugged in visual studio, but when I publish it to azure I have the following error: http://pastebin.com/TzrSJXMQ
I realized that the web server is looking for the version, but the assembly in my local solution is I tried to add an assembly redirect. Is this the right thing to do?
@ErroreFatale technically yes, that's the right thing to do - but it's a bit of a hack. It's much better to ensure all components are using compatible versions of assemblies.
However, after I've added a binding redirect I have this other error: pastebin.com/c5c9D2Cu
never seen that one before
Okay so here's what I've done for now. It does exactly what I needed to, really, but we'll see how scalable it is if I start running into new issues as we start building up our classes a bit more. stackoverflow.com/questions/34857880/…
Isn't it a wonderful day!?
It is pretty good.
It's fantastic!
its fucking monday
Yes!! It's the best freakin monday ever!
@Rusty you, my friend, need glasses. Or a better screen. Probably both.
I don't know about that much.
or maybe you need to go outside ;)
it's cute eyes
i was unable to focus much on the whole body
it has a tail too!
that is a bat. Well a Flughund, which is a kind of bat.
have you guys ever seen a mad elephant
that's a fruit bat, right?
@Rusty if you're about to do an impression that involves turning your pockets inside out...
the german word for it, translated, would be flying dog (Flughund)
its looks the same if it was furry
yeah but it isn't.
and it's a tad bit larger
"Pipistrello" in Italian. "Chauve souris" in French.
ah yes, the majestic bald mouse when literally translated from french to english.
from wikipedia: The largest attain a wingspan of 1.7 m (5.6 ft), weighing in at up to 1.6 kg (3.5 lb)
I prefer "bat". It's such a simple word.
i was saying that elephants are really friendly, but of they turn mad...
Its really funny to see the destruction
Fledermaus in German. @Squiggle
I'm a mad elephant
Darwin theory of evolution. If it looks like a bat, it is bat
it could be a duck.
@McAdam331 One of my favourite translations from french to english is "pommes de terre"
maybe its ancestors were
we should weigh the bat. if it weighs the same as a witch, it's a duck
ducks and witches?
ducks are innocent birds
@Amy well, do you weigh the witch with it's broom and cat or without?
without, of course.
@Amy but how do you know it's a witch, then?
For some reason I'm hungry for duck panini now
or perhaps just one duck panino
@SteffenWinkler you ask politely.
we dont eat ducks
@Amy oh, ok.
sometimes when i am sad i watch koala videos
@KendallFrey Yeah that's one of mine too lol
my back has an itch and i can't reach it. fuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hate port forwarding nat and other firewall rules somedays..
@Amy stick a knife in a hole and use it to scratch Your back.
it will not itch
"stick a knife in a hole" sounds like terrible advice.
depends is the 220 on
if 220 is on, than it will again, not itch
one person in the office doesn't know the difference between "to" and "towards"
English is their first language?
towards is the same as to, but with wards involved.
Restangular's documentation is lacking
@Squiggle nope
but neither is mine so that's no excuse
@StevenLiekens That's to bad. Language is towards importance.
@Squiggle when are you hiring again?
@Amy what issues were you having with $resource which made you switch to restangular?
nested resources.
i'm unhappy with both libraries
considering saying "fuck it" and just switching to $http
@StevenLiekens I'd work under @Squiggle but only if i am allowed to call him that all the time :D
@StevenLiekens every so often. Would you like to send your CV through to me and I'll make sure it's on the pile for the next round?
...after I update it
heh. No rush - there's probably nothing going to happen until next financial year.
the restangular documentation is awful
@SebastianL I'm only a contractor. I don't manage anybody.
@Squiggle awww too bad :D
@Amy can't you avoid using nested resources?
i guess i could
screw these shitty angular libraries.
There's any way to restrict access to all the controllers within an Area in ASP.NET MVC other then decorating each of them with the Authorize attribute?
Btw, hi. Sorry for join the conversation asking right away. xD
@Zignd you could write your own attribute
not sure if theres a better way
@SteveG I was looking for something built-in on the framework, I thought that doing it in the way I said wasn't the recommended way.
i'm not sure to be honest, just guessing
you can set the [Authorize] attribute on a base controller class, then inherit from that class
@Amy Yeah... that's a good idea.
Thanks guys ^^
oh, i was under the assumption that authorize wouldn't work for you
Oh it works, but I would like to use it for all controllers xD
you can also create your own Authorize attribute and apply it to all controllers in your global.asax. that attribute would then pay attention to the area
the area name is in the routedata collection, iirc.
Yeah, that would be a solution too, but I'm really short in time.
A: How can we set authorization for a whole area in ASP.NET MVC?

Brian RiceI just started on this... but so far this is working pretty good for me. I create a custom AuthorizeAttribute class and add this in the RegisterGlobalFilters function. In CustomAuthorizeAttribute I check for various conditions based on the area it is in. public class FilterConfig { public...

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