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How do I notify a ListView that it's ItemsSource has been changed? I'm adding items to a List<> that's the ItemSource of a ListView but it won't update the visual part of the thing...
Nevermind, ObservableCollection<> does the trick
2 hours later…
Hello guys
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
hi guys, anyone up for some troubleshooting with my code?
is anyone up?
1 hour later…
Found a property in the codebase called "UserFilterOptionses".
Wondering if it was written by Gollum.
Dam Users filering our optionses
it cant have been any way gollum is a network engineer not a programer
Morning all!
Whoever flagged that image of those chocolate brownies: wtf were you thinking?
anyone mind helping me out with some c#?
what kind of code can explain adding items to a list involving cooldowns, activation times, and priority?
@Adan I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan this is probably the hardest thing you might work with
6days and still havent found a full answer, here it goes: i have 3 kinds of missiles, one is better than the rest, the second is better than the third
//CD List
var qcd = 4;
var wcd = 3;
var rcd = 5;
var ecd = 1;
//Missile Activation Time
var qat = .7;
var wat = .1;
var rat = .2;
var eat = .7;
var baat = 1.2;
Are these just free floating variables?
Not properties of a class?
free floating variables
Good (Or I'll leave that to your own interpretation) morning.
which missile fires first? which one second?
Good morning, Roel
//Missile Damage
var qdmg = 80;
var wdmg = 40;
var rdmg = 45;
var edmg = 60;
theres 4 kinds of missiles, each has activation times and re-load (cooldown) times
the highest damage missile is highest priority, 80 damage, while the lowest priority is wdmg = 40
given activation/cooldown times, what's the order of missile activations given 11 seconds?
it should look like this:
Step 1: create a Missile class that has a Cooldown, ActivationTime and Damage properties. Create an instance for each of your missiles.
Good (UGT) Morning
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i tried but it's complicated, im using simplicity to get the understanding
You'll find that it will help simplicity, not hinder it.
Once you have your objects, put them in a list, sorted by Damage, descending.
@Adan do you need to make more damage as you can?
@IvanPlyusnin the damage is static, what i want is a list of the order of missiles that will fire
but theres 4 kinds of missiles, the highest priority is the highest damage
but you have to consider activation times/cooldown
qdmg-.7 activation time-4 second cooldown
that's the first missile that fires
@Adan Think about your data structures for a moment and you'll see you're doing the best thing any man can do to simplify his life
@MoonOwl22 on scratch pieces of paper i have the list down, i just cant seem to code it
@Adan Are you being forced to use C#?
@Adan do you have any requiments of way how to solve a problem?
//CD List
var qcd = 4;
var wcd = 3;
var rcd = 5;
var ecd = 1;

//Missile Activation Time
var qat = .7;
var wat = .1;
var rat = .2;
var eat = .7;

//Missile Damage
var qdmg = 80;
var wdmg = 40;
var rdmg = 45;
var edmg = 60;

//Missile Name
var q = "q";
var w = "w";
var r = "r";
var e = "e";
the requirement is so simple: get the name of the first missile fired
get the second, ....
since there are 4 missiles, only prefer highest damage
maybe i am wrong, but obviously just calculate the average damage of every missile
"q" has 80 damage with .7 activation time and 4second cooldown
if "q" is activated, it's cooldown is 4 - .7(activation time) = 3.3
and execute one with the best value
"e" has 60 damage with .7 activation time and 1 second cooldown
if "e" is activated it's cooldown is 1 - .7 = .3
what's the next missile? and what if "q" has finished it's cooldown?
1 sec
Just make it a list of missile classes already.
@Adan, as previous advice, you should create missile class to connect activation time and damage
It helps simplicity.
next multiply AT and DAMAGE
activate missle with the maximum value
1 sec please, looking for my class
to be honest this is extremely hard, today is the 7th day ive been trying to solve this
ive put in 60+ hrs, gime 1 sec
@Adan do you need to create console program or with GUI?
public Thing(string name, double damage, double activationTime, double coolDown) // double time
this.Name = name;
this.Damage = damage;
this.ActivationTime = activationTime;
this.CD = coolDown;
//this.Time = time;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public double Damage { get; private set; }
public double ActivationTime { get; private set; }
public double CD { get; private set; }
@IvanPlyusnin console application C#
i do not understand your problem? why not using Linq?
CD list - is numbers of different missiles? right?
@SebastianL If we're in "free floating variables linked only by naming convention", I think pushing LINQ into the equation is a bit premature.
so its not a list?!
guys gime 1 sec
im formatting this for you guys
gime 1 sec please
i want to clarify the order of activating missile. for example i chose some missile, next i sould wait activation time, then missle is activated, and then next activation time will be started of next missile?
priority missile chosen --> timer: 0sec --> missile activation time = .7 --> missile launches in 0 + .7 = .7, cooldown = 4 - .7 = 3.3
and what does CD mean?
ok cooldown
CD = cooldown, this is the amount of time it takes to refresh that missile that was launched
second missile chosen --> timer: .7 sec --> missile activation time - .7 --> missile launches in .7 --> .7 + .7 = 1.4, "q" missile cd = 2.6, "e" missile cd = 1 - .7 = .3
make AT, CD and DAMAGE private fields
your program should choose the best missle by ordering using some metrics
for example speed of damaging
List<Thing> list = new List<Thing>();

list.Add(new Thing(q, qdmg, qat, qcd));
list.Add(new Thing(w, wdmg, wat, wcd));
list.Add(new Thing(e, edmg, eat, ecd));
list.Add(new Thing(r, rdmg, rat, rcd));
constructing is ok i think
I'm still not clear if the goal of the exercise is the pick the best missile (in which case it can be done with a simple damage-over-time formula) or to enumerate the order of all missiles fired.
it's not as easy as you think, i can find the missile with the highest damage
the program must iterate x number of times and based on that, have a missile history list
It's really quite easy regardless of the things you want to select upon, but you're just not registering the correct information yet.
the way it picks missiles is damage
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i also don't know, just stating task for training
so "q" goes first, then "e" but.... you have to consider the activation time and cooldown
First ensure that you register the time at which you use the missile.
Then create an IsAvailable boolean that checks on the used time + cooldown time span
i have to keep track of missile activation time and cooldown
how do i do that?
Make a Use method that updates the internal cooldown time.
example please?
how do i post a picture here?
if i can post my notes you guys can understand it better
@Adan click the upload... button to the right of the textbox.
like that ^
i think this problem is not about priority queues, it is about just linq order using avarage damage speed
just post an URL that ends on .jpg or .png
public class Missile {
  private DateTime? _availableAt;

  public Missile(string name, double activationTime, TimeSpan cooldown, double damage) {
    ActivationTime = activationTime;
    Cooldown = cooldown;
    Damage = damage;
    Name = name;

  public double ActivationTime { get; }
  public TimeSpan Cooldown { get; }
  public double Damage { get; }
  public string Name { get; }

  public bool IsAvailable() {
    return _availableAt == null || _availableAt < DateTime.Now;

  public bool Use() {
Go from there.
@SteffenWinkler Assuming it's already hosted somewhere. But you can upload local pics as well.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan oh...didn't knew that. Thank's
@RoelvanUden heey that looks promising, but please allow me to post my notes, it'l clear up everything
@Adam how many missiles of each type do you have?
@RoelvanUden stop toying around with the nuke launch program...
this is a job i have to do with a military department
they want to simulate missile efficiency
And they hired you for the job?
A military department that talks about animation. How about that eh.
q activates at 11, q missile is in animation for .7 seconds, at 10.3 E missile activates
q cooldown is 3.3 after activation
the order is by priority, q goes first if ready, if not use E, if not use R, if not use the last type of missle "w"
@adan something like this? dotnetfiddle.net/LUL4pP
you can add every parameter whereever you want
@SebastianL nice, this finds the highest damage, good, now use that 'v4' , if you use it consider .7 activation time and it's 4sec cooldown
imagine a simulation where missiles are being launched continuously
You can do that yourself ;-)
which ones fire first? and so forth
@adan so you want a working cd and the "simulation" uses the best and first avail missile automatic?
@RoelvanUden i cant disclose too much info
that freaking line killed me
@Adan :)
@SebastianL you want to get a list where in 11 seconds, list all the missels that can activate by priority considering activation/cooldowns
there's a joke containing the phrase "it's not rocket science" in here somewhere...
the goal is to deal the most damage
i cant figure it out because im bad with for loops
@SteffenWinkler :D
@Adan To start a Monday with some lecturing; it sounds to me like you're working on something related to a game, or possibly even automating/hacking a game. Which is completely fine. And it sounds to me like you are a student, or beginner hobbyist. Which is completely fine. And if you're asking for help, that's also completely fine. Expecting others to do the work for you is not fine. And if you're truly hired by a military somewhere, I fear for humanities future.
@RoelvanUden as if
please help.. ive spent over 70 hours this week
xD you should learn the basic with some youtubevideos first boy
@SteffenWinkler Hah quite accurate.
the last sentence immediately brought that xkcd in front of my inner eye ;)
i already know the basics
can't tell if you're building a game or a mass murder weapon
we're not building weapons
it's combat simulations
this is avery hard problem
you can do it easily by hand but for some reason coding it is killing me
in 11 seconds, give a list of the missiles fired
@Adan where do you live? in what country?
figures that the guy with the russian sounding name is gathering intel already...
let's solve this and ill answer u guys of what i can disclose :D
and can share some stories
@adan a last tip for you dotnetfiddle.net/TXtckm
Uhm... really? Really really? You know the basics, but you find classes hard, and are bad with for loops? Really really? Admitting you don't know something is not a sign of weakness you know.. but the attitude that comes from being all "secretive" and avoiding really does not motivate me/us to help, at all.
@SebastianL explain what the code does
i just added an empty for loop
you could call it a hint
@SteffenWinkler :D
1 sec, looking over code
@SebastianL it's not exactly PC but damn that opportunity was too good to pass on.
@SebastianL i already have this code
Lets guess when the NSA shows up here :D
i tried this:
@SebastianL who says it didn't show up already? ;)
double hd1CD = 0;
double hd2CD = 0;
double hd3CD = 0;
double hd4CD = 0;

if (hd1CD <= 0)
// 11
// 4 - .7 = 3.3
hd1CD = cdDMG1 - atDMG1;


if (hd2CD <= 0)
//[function to add E]
//11 - .7
hd1List.Add(hd1List[0] - atDMG1);

for (int i = 0; i < hd1List.Count; i++)

I mean, I've never seen this chat that full...the avatar list has to hide 5 pictures already because it doesn't have enough space.
maybe @IvanPlyusnin has this name just to confuse us
@SebastianL There is a mistake in that code. The parameter is spelt wrong in the missile initialiser. double activatiuonTime so this.activationTime = activationTime is the same as this.activationTime = this.activationTime
:28194023 Haha yes I rarely do that :-D
for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((double)iterations / cdDMG1); i++)
hd1List.Add((iterations - (i * cdDMG1)));
var qAnswer = 0;
var eAnswer = 0;
var rAnswer = 0;
var wAnswer = 0;

var q1Iteration = 11;
var q1activationRange = 11 - .7;

var qRange = 10.3 - 7; // = 3.3
double[] sList = new[] { .7, .2, .1 }; // sum = 1 < 3.3
double[] slimitList = new[] { 7 + .7, 7 + .2, 7 + .1 }; // = 7.7, 7.2, 7.1
double[] sPotential = new[] { 10.3 - 7.7, (10.3 - .7) - 7.2, (10.3 - .7 - .2) - 7.1 }; // = 2.6, 2.4, 2.3
other failed attempts...
@Scott yep youre right :/ but anyway
quote from a microsoft MVP: "In many cases the same script which builds your application is used to deploy it."
var qRange = 10.3 - 7; // = 3.3 that is why we always need faster CPUs...
@SebastianL what do you mean?
.... well i give up lol
@IvanPlyusnin we suspect you to be NSA :D
who cares?
@adan we cared, but we wont do your work
@SebastianL it's a honor for me
i know, but i need a hint to start with
@Adan We just spent the last 30 minutes trying to teach you, so don't say we don't care. You didn't care, and that is the unfortunate truth.
On that note, I leave that particular convo.
@Adan i did 3/4 of your work there so how many hints do you need?
@RoelvanUden what does the code you posted do with timers?
@RoelvanUden damn, just when I started to wonder if I needed some popcorn
@SebastianL that code only grabs the highest number in the dmg part of that list, i already know how to do that
that's not my issue
@SteffenWinkler If you have some good popcorn flavor ideas, I'm all ears! I'm experimenting with a airpopper and making healthy and tasty popcorns but alas, all attempts failed thus far.
i give up
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan any ideas?
@RoelvanUden in all honesty I actually don't like popcorn. Sorry :/. More of a potatoe crisp guy (spicy stuff) or Paprika with something to dip them in.
we all give up in a big unity. Like a true family
can i please get help?
@ntohl that's deep...
you got help
from at least 5 people
@SebastianL not by you
@SteffenWinkler Ahh, too bad. Same here, but I want to like popcorn.. but yeah.
now hes whining
it's easy to give up when it's hard
it's ok
@RoelvanUden yeah I was always the guy that only took a softdrink into the cinema. At least now they got nachos =)
paprika is my favourit flavour of chips too.
its not hard, youre just too ignorant
text for my wallpaper to be motivated "
it's easy to give up when it's hard"
@SteffenWinkler They actually have potato crisps here now :D
@ntohl oh, no those were two seperate things: Spicy potatoe crisps (1) and the other just take two or three paprikas, cut them up and dip them in something. Like tzatziki.
@RoelvanUden woah, the future is here ;)
@RoelvanUden i think u were the closest, but ive never seen 'DateTime' and 'TimeSpan', what does that code do? what u posted earlier?
public Missile(string name, double activationTime, TimeSpan cooldown, double damage) {
ActivationTime = activationTime;
Cooldown = cooldown;
Damage = damage;
Name = name;

public double ActivationTime { get; }
public TimeSpan Cooldown { get; }
public double Damage { get; }
public string Name { get; }

public bool IsAvailable() {
return _availableAt == null || _availableAt < DateTime.Now;

public bool Use() {
if (!IsAvailable()) return false;
_availableAt = DateTime.Now.Add(Cooldown);
return true;
this is gold.
@Adan you really should do some sort of C# tutorial to get familiar with the language.
@Adan there might be some place where the people actually help you: boards.4chan.org/b
@SebastianL now you are being mean.
What did those guys over at 4chan ever do to you?
@RoelvanUden thanks
4chan/b rules
@Adan try a recursive solver for the problem. That shoots every type of missile in a step. After shooting checks if we are still in the interval, and sums the damage. If there is enough time go one recursion deeper.
@ntohl example?
@ntohl why recursive? Wouldn't a normal for loop with the total damage being a class field be enough for this?
s/example/write it for me/
@SteffenWinkler nope, because if you activate a priority missile, you have to consider it's activation time and cooldown
missile 'q' is chosen because it deals the most damage, if so it has a cooldown of 4s - .7 activation time, then during the cooldown other missiles are fired, the next with the most damage is 'e' missile
@Adan yeah...still don't need recursion for that o_0. Either use one loop/type of rocket or put all in one list and use while (rocketList.Count > 0)and use LINQ to get the first fireable rocket.
and 'e' missile has a cd of 1 second - .7 activation time = .3 seconds, meanwhile missile 'q' has a cd of 3.3-.7 = 2.6
as time is increasing missile 'q' is almost ready to fire again
i think Roel van Uden is the closest, he's using timeSpan
so spawn of multiple threads. One per rocket type. Still no need for recursion, which would eventually result in a stackoverflow exception
Doesn't C# have tail call optimization?
Assuming he does a proper return ...
I think not
Oh that's pretty sad :D
have to check it one min
just think about this: you have 4 types of missiles you can fire, you fire the best missile and while waiting for it's cooldown, fire the rest of the missiles
Q: Why doesn't .NET/C# optimize for tail-call recursion?

ripper234I found this question about which languages optimize tail recursion. What I want to know is why C# doesn't optimize tail recursion, whenever possible? For a concrete case, why isn't this method optimized into a loop (VS2008 32 bit, if that matters)?: private static void Foo(int i) { if (i == ...

A: Why doesn't .NET/C# optimize for tail-call recursion?

ShuggyCoUkJIT compilation is a tricky balancing act between not spending too much time doing the compilation phase (thus slowing down short lived applications considerably) vs not doing enough analysis to keep the application competitive in the long term with a standard Ahead of Time compilation. Interest...

relevant part:
Ah. So in 4.0 it does. Good to know.
The CLR itself does support tail call optimization, but the language specific compiler must know how to generate the relevant opcode and the JIT must be willing to respect it. F#'s fsc will generate the relevant opcodes (though for a simple recursion it may just convert the whole thing into a while loop directly). C#'s csc does not.[...]

Note that the CLR changes for 4.0 the x86, x64 and ia64 will respect it
I suppose Roslyn does too.
@RoelvanUden can we please skype?
@RoelvanUden i think you have the true answer
what really goes in service host file ?
 <%@ ServiceHost Debug="true" Language="C#"    Service="????, ?????, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=abc"
is it full name space or what is it
@Mathematics Look in a real file, what does it show?
top o' the morning, folks
I need to add one myself, I keep getting

The Type 'xxxxx' provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive, or provided in the configuration element system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/serviceActivations could not be found.
so I am trying to find what exactly it's expecting
It's harder to help when you're only showing ???? and not real code. But judging by the comma there, it's expecting a fully qualified assembly name.
ah right, so it's expecting this then,

<%@ ServiceHost Debug="true" Language="C#" Service="NameSpace Of Service Class, Namespace of the project, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=abc"
it seems to be working now as well, thanks
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan can you help me please?
@Adan what is your issue ?
public class missileSimulation
public missileSimulation(string name, double damage, double activationTime, double coolDown) // double time
this.Name = name;
this.Damage = damage;
this.ActivationTime = activationTime;
this.CD = coolDown;
//this.Time = time;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public double Damage { get; private set; }
public double ActivationTime { get; private set; }
public double CD { get; private set; }

static void Main(string[] args)
//Cooldown List
var qcd = 4;
@Mathematics i need the program to give me a list of the damage values in priority of the highest damage over 11 seconds
People should stop assuming C# is .NET
You can have C# with an alternative framework theoretically
@Mathematics "q" has missile damage of '80', so this damage value goes into a new list
@Mathematics however,... because it was chosen, it has a cooldown of 4 seconds so i have to wait that time, meanwhile i can activate the next priority missile: 'e'
@Mathematics i dont know how to express this list of missiles over 11 seconds..
@MoonOwl22 like Mono
@SebastianL Mono's framework is like an open source implementation of the .NET framework. I mean something conceptually alternative
The weapon target assignment problem (WTA) is a class of combinatorial optimization problems present in the fields of optimization and operations research. It consists of finding an optimal assignment of a set of weapons of various types to a set of targets in order to maximize the total expected damage done to the opponent. The basic problem is as follows: There are a number of weapons and a number of targets. The weapons are of type . There are available weapons of type . Similarly, there are targets, each with a value of . Any of the weapons can be assigned to any target. Each weapon type...
Hello guys
Like what King Crimson and Pink Floyd were to the Rolling Stones
i have put dropdown control inside telerik grid view and now on that dropdown selection chnage i want to get dropdown selected value
This is my code:
@Mathematics Technically, not "namespace of project", but "fully qualified assembly name". It's often the same as the default namespace or the output filename but doesn't have to be.
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn Visible="false" DataField="PaymentStatus" FilterControlAltText="Filter PaymentStatus column"
HeaderText="Payment Status" SortExpression="PaymentStatus" UniqueName="PaymentStatus">
<asp:DropDownList Width="168px" ID="ddlPaymentStatus" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlPaymentStatus_SelectedIndexChanged" AutoPostBack="true" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
@Mathematics It's the name you see in the Project Properties screen under Assembly Name.
protected void ddlPaymentStatus_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
--How to get dropdown selected value here????
@Learning can object sender be cast to a DropDownList? or can you access the ddlPaymentStatus.SelectedItem from within the method?
i can access ddlPaymentStatus directly in this method as this dropdown control is inside the gridview
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ah right that makes sense, thanks
@Learning then it should be passed as the object sender. Stick a debug point in your method and see what sender is. That should have the information you want.
@Squiggle:Can you tell me how to get DataField="PaymentStatus" value on dropdown selection event?
PaymentStatus should be exposed as a property in your code-behind, right?
How do you truncate a defined number of decimal digits in a decimal?
@ErroreFatale Do you want to display only a certain number of digits, or do you want to round to a certain number of digits?
I know that you can use string.Format, but I want to mantain the decimal type...
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan display
@ErroreFatale Then keep the value as it is, and simply specify a formatting string when you're outputting the value. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dwhawy9k(v=vs.110).aspx
So I have to use strings?
How are you displaying the value?
They are displayed in a Telerik report
They are returned as decimals
The report should allow you to specify a format string.
Yes, probably
If not, well, you'll have to pass a string instead of a decimal because your library blocks you. :-/
Just like Console.WriteLine("My decimal: {0:N2}", myDecimal). Your value stays a decimal, it's only at the point of display that you format it to a string.
How does it work this? {0:N2}
it's magic
I see that Telerik uses the same language
I mean, hw do you use it?
See the link I posted earlier.
ok thanks
is there any way to inspect AppDomain data at runtime other than with AppDomain.GetData()?
hi how can i transform in linq... this query please?
SELECT DISTINCT DB1.Doors, DB1.Body, DB1.ModelNum, DB1.vehicleFileName, DB1.BodyName, DB1.ModelFrom
WHERE (DB1.Class_ID = 1) AND (DB1.Species = 'CAR') AND (DB1.MAKE_ID = -1) AND (DB1.ModelName = '500') AND (DB2.ClearEngine LIKE '%312A1000%')
What have you tried so far?
i'll put my code
Oh come on we've been waiting for 30 minutes now!
DB1.Species = 'CAR' ?? !!!
Car is a species. Did you not see transformers?
apparently not.
@MarkusWerner didn't you ask this same question last week?
@RoelvanUden something something free roaming something german autobahn
I am getting bytes out of report viewer but not sure how to return it to the client as a file really ?

bytes = viwer.LocalReport.Render("EXCEL", null,
out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamIds, out warnings);
if I just return byte[] ... but I want client to get files instead
like excel file not a byte
is only way I could do this is via JS ?
@Squiggle contrary to popular believe, software development questions and problems are not influenced by quantuum mechanics
@Mathematics Set the content-type accordingly, and perhaps the disposition to indicate it is a download
@RoelvanUden not so sure how would do that, let me find someonthing on google, brb
configuration in aspnet 4.x is pissing me off after reading about how great configuration is in aspnet 5
@SteffenWinkler there are those who believe that most software problems can be fixed by TYPING HARDER ON YOUR KEYBOARD
@Squiggle well every professional knows that only works by slamming your flat hand on either the keyboard OR the computer case.
It's also known as percussive maintenance or the 'Melmac workaround/fix'
@StevenLiekens what you tryina do
"percussive maintenance" is my new favorite phrase
!!urban percussive maintenance
@RoelvanUden Percussive Maintenance The fine art of bludgeoning an electronic device in order to encourage it to work properly. Vigorous usage of this technique often renders said device permanently nonfunctional.
I like it.
@RoelvanUden I'm surprised you didn't knew that term.
@Mathematics have one config file for each environment that we deploy to
I did not, no, unfortunately. It's a good term, almost as good as a ID-10-T error.
in aspnet 5 you can do that easily
in aspnet4 you're stuck with a single Web.config
You can use transformations.
yes but those don't run at execution time
I want my app to use Web.$(EnvironmentName).config
@RoelvanUden PEBKAC
and I want it to figure out EnvironmentName at runtime
closest I could find is this, but can't use reposonse in web services

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