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So basically the DOM is the "Document Object Model". It is composed while a web page is rendering. While the browser is parsing the input stream (html) it is creating a set of objects that represent the render (drawn elements on the page). These are all in memory and can be accessed by JavaScript.
Accessing these in memory representations allow you to to change the composition of the elements on the page including adding information, changing their order or introducing new elements ("DOM manipulation" - typically this is how pages are changed on the fly), or attaching behaviors to them (click events).
Honestly, I do want to learn all of this very thoroughly but i've been sort of thrown into a project with nearly no prior web development experience except one entry level asp.net class, for which i have forgotten most things. I'm actually 'learning' on my own time, but at the same time i need to get stuff done on the clock, so its a very weird process for me
Okay, so the code version lol
Okay, that was a great summary
The entry point for these in JavaScript are through the "native API" which is document. So for example, you can access any element currently on the page by using document.querySelector("#id") or a set with document.querySelectorAll(".className") or more depending on the selector you choose.
@Michael i was there once. you'll get it, hang in there.
the web is an eccentric mistress.
okay that makes sense to me.
is there a difference between document.getElementById('#id') and document.querySelector("#id")
Also, unobtrusive js lets you use content-security-policy headers which pretty much stops cross-site scripting, which is a big win security-wise.
Not behind the scenes. The difference between querySelector and querySelectorAll is that the former returns the first match and the latter returns all matches.
The selectors are css based.
Since you are using MVC you have jquery though, which is a javascript library that wraps querySelector
document.getElementById('#id') should be document.getElementById('id')
oh right
So jQuery is simply $("#id") and then you have access to the jquery API
And if you want to get back to the native api you then need to access the internal element (jquery hides these in an array) so that would be
document.getElementById("#id") === document.querySelector("#id") === $("#id")[0] === $("#id").get(0)
I recall some of this from reading up on my own
So in order to attach your inline handler you should relocate that to where the actual behavior is defined. Instead of
function showdetailsdiv(){ stuff } <input type="file" multiple id="AttachmentUpLoad_FileUpload" name="AttachmentUpLoad.FileUpload" onchange="showdetailsdiv()">
//code from showdetailsdiv
so instead of inline JS your saying, just do it all in the script... for example $('#myDiv').click(function(){ }
okay, and the w3 documentation you referenced earlier details why that makes a difference?
I love how there's more talk of JS here than in the JS room
There is only one caveat. In order to access the element it has to be on the page already. So that means doing the script at the end of the page or wait for the page to fully load. jQuery provides a nice shortcut for this with
$(function(){ /*anything in here is guaranteed to have the dom loaded */ });
right, I recognize that
@Michael - There are several differences. The main ones include separating your logic from your view - this helps with making things reusable; modifying the elements from script - this helps with making things dynamic; placing script in separate files - this helps with load times and takes advantage of caching
I see
@ShotgunNinja - Heh, well a lot of mvc is front end work to be honest
yeah I suppose
Okay, can i ask my original question? I actually dont think it really has too much to do with the inline js though ;)
@Michael - The dynamic aspect is really important, because once you get used to that you can start to incorporate ajax to make pages more like applications without having to constantly reload the page
@Michael - Yeah, sorry for the tangent
@Michael - Did it have to do with getting files out of the form collection?
so the <input type="file" multiple id="AttachmentUpLoad_FileUpload" name="AttachmentUpLoad.FileUpload" onchange="showdetailsdiv()">
I think the input type="file" is storing the file that the user selects
but when I refresh the page, the form is resubmitted
it stores a reference to it, but it isn't uploaded until the request is made at which point it is sent in the request body
and I am getting repeat files each time the page is refreshed
That is because you aren't following the PGR pattern I believe
post redirect get.
When you refresh, what you are doing is sending the same request that was just sent. So since the last request was a post with the file reference which then sends the file in the request body, each time you refresh you are sending that file again.
so how do i not do that? :)
So after you post, server side you need to return the view from a httpget method, which means in the post actionresult you need to use return redirecttoaction("some get method") so that if refresh is used it only requests the get method
anyone want to take a stab at this? stackoverflow.com/questions/34166186/…
@Amy - Does upvoting it count? :P
yes :)
wait if i am posting, how could I return the view from an http get?
but answers are the preferred means of stabbing it.
@Amy - "using Windows authentication" ? I use forms auth, can you explain a little how your app is using windows auth?
this is an intranet site.
i miss @bluefeet, she should be a regular, and if she's lucky, we'll make her RO
inside the domain i'm using ntlm auth
@Michael - Use TempData to move server side information between the httppost and httpget methods
@SteveG aww shucks, I'm still around. <wipes tear>
@Amy - Does the page prompt you for user name pw or does windows?
my browser prompts.
@Amy are you using LDAP?
everything works correctly if i remove the hub
@Amy Oh LDAP.
i think maybe signalr isn't accepting the negotiate token generated by the rest of the app? maybe?
@Amy - Is there a race condition between asking for the windows auth and verifying it?
@TravisJ i've never used RedirectToAction if i put a RedirectToAction in my [HttpPost] ActionResult, it still yells at me to return a view
i dont think so. the requests are occurring sequentially in fiddler.
what is the return type of your HTTPPOST method, @michael?
@Michael - Yes, it should. Hopefully it returns a HttpGet view so that when you refresh the post isn't sent again :)
It should be ActionResult
@Michael - Oh I see
@Michael - return RedirectToAction("getviewname");
ohh wait.
okay, let me try this out
i've used signalr with ntlm before without issue, and with mvc without issue. but using them together seems to confuse things somehow
i've spent the last 2-3 hours trying to figure this out, all in vain :(
@Amy - The startup class, that is SignalR associated right?
Owin is using IIS as the host.
So, I am curious, can you debug, step through the startup calls, and try to reproduce this by waiting for like 5 seconds between each call?
i based my startup code off this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/29093592/47589
sure, i can try that, gimme a minute
Woo, I made a deadlock!
deadpool > deadlock
@Amy - What version of signalr are you using?
nothing found setting the breakpoint and pausing.
Okay, I will take a stab at answering.
I know it, I just don't want to say it
(bad south park reference)
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb is 3.0.1
are you using jquery?
@Amy - Alright. Stab in the dark. The resource being requested is returning the 401 because the credentials do not grant access to it. This is because the credentials are somehow not being included, not that they are improper. As a result, perhaps this suggested fix at github https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/issues/1735 which is related to sending credentials with ajax will help:
xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}
@TravisJ Its looking like that worked. my statement looks like: 'return RedirectToAction("Attachments", "Incident", new { id = m.incidentID });'
i dont think thats it. all i'm trying to do at this point is load the hubs js, not connect to signalr
@Amy - Hm.
i'm not actually using the hub anywhere in my JS, only referencing the hubs file
@Amy - Is it a CORS issue? Does this help? stackoverflow.com/a/19897620/1026459
i got a bit caught up on the new { } part. but it looks like I had to specify the parameter 'id' of the Action that I was redirecting too.
Is it possible to use async/await in T4?
why do object routevalues have to be in the new { }?
why? waffles, unicorns, rainbows, etc. something in there
so yeah
MSFT is neat
how's everyone? I finally was able to boot my machine :P
@Codeman is this your first week?
@Codeman - Glad to see you got your Ancestry profile uploaded to MSFT :)
@SteveG yeah, 2nd day
So a coworker's working with some code that deals with temp directories, and we're doing the usual shit by using user guids and job guids as part of the path. He started wondering if we should be helping ensure shorter paths to avoid a pathlength 248 problem. And that got me thinking...
@Michael the new { } is an anonymous class. It lets you return multiple values.
@MikeAsdf it got you thinking "why aren't we using Linux"? :P
yeah :)
like I said... serious hardware here
What if we mapped the bytes of the guides into asian Unicode chars?
6 core Xeon with hyperthreading, 32GB RAM, 512GB SSD
@Amy okay thanks, I will try to read up on that a bit
that time i had to hit F5 three times before it would load part of the page. it still wanted me to authenticate though
@Codeman WTF are you trying to run, Visual Studio or something?
@KendallFrey hahahaha
I need to run the entirety of Visual Studio Online on my box, basically :P
also, I already said something dumb, ahahaha
@TravisJ so, basically whenever I have an <input type="file"> and I POST I need to handle it like this in the controller?
@Codeman isn't the limit baked into .net no matter the platform?
@Michael - More than that. Any time you POST to a controller you need to handle it like this.
Unless you are using ajax.
we were telling silly jokes, one of the leads said he was thinking of a monkey story and I said "is it the one where they say corporations are like trees full of monkeys, the ones below look up and see nothing but assholes, the ones above look down and see nothing but shitheads"
Well i wouldnt always want to be redirecting ?
@Codeman haha
he said "that is a funny thing to tell in a work environment when a manager is standing right here"
@Michael - Yes, you do.
hopefully he saw it as a joke ;P
@Michael - It will protect you from having posts sent twice.
@Codeman - It is certainly a cynical view
@Codeman: haha :D
@TravisJ true, but I don't really believe it, I have just heard the joke :P
so I don't really belong to a team yet
so I should never just return View("action", model)?
Only from a [HttpGet]
I'm spending my first week talking to a bunch of team leads and deciding which team I want to join. Apparently I'm the first person that has done this, haha
although in a meeting immediately prior, this same lead said "this explanation usually takes at least 15 minutes and you understood it in 3", so that's cool
do you have any good references in your magical pockets for me to read up on that?
!!google webapi httpget
Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) is a web development design pattern that prevents some duplicate form submissions, creating a more intuitive interface for user agents (users). PRG supports bookmarks and the refresh button in a predictable way that does not create duplicate form submissions. == Duplicate form submissions == When a web form is submitted to a server through an HTTP POST request, a web user that attempts to refresh the server response in certain user agents can cause the contents of the original HTTP POST request to be resubmitted, possibly causing undesired results, such as a duplicate web...
so my first week here is being spent talking to all the team leads and them trying to convince me to join their team
I'll decide soon
kind of interesting ☺
@Codeman - Me personally, I would probably try to go with the team deving the new asp.net stuff
@TravisJ well, teams within my org - visual studio team services
Join the VS or TFS team so we can bitch at you.
I'm on the VSTS team :P
@TravisJ @Amy @Codeman @ awesome! thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for all the help today :)
another satisfied customer.
but yeah... I think I know where I want to go
Disney Land?
the engagement team is the one charge of the pages between clicking "try visual studio online" and crapping you out onto the main page
How do I set my host headers (particularly for error pages) in IIS?
i may have just stumbled upon the solution to my problem
the lead has a project that could be patentable which is cool
will find out in a minute
basically a big machine learning system for customer grouping and engagement :)
ussddanville.com/blog-post.html this page doesn't exist on my server, and does throw a 404, but unfortunately google sees it as a 'good' page
lol, I can install the dogfood version of VS, apparently it's constantly broken :P
but if .html isn't in the made up link, it returns a bad page
@BriOnH no it's a page that happens to have 404 in its text
i did NOT fix my issue. i made it worse.
The http response code was 200 last I checked
abandons ship
@Codeman The best kind of dogfood
@MikeAsdf have an idea on how I can fix it?
maybe get rid of this code: pastebin.com/dtrq6vnh
@BriOnH have the 404 handler method add response code
I need to encrypt my device which is annoying
I guess I should do that anyways... but still
is that response.?
where would I put that in my error controller code? <shakes head for being such a bad coder>
ty mike!!
trying now!
now i can't request the site at all. wtf is going on
when in doubt, reboot. brb
weird, I have two consultants marked as on my team...
feel free to add all of us as consultants.
fine but I'm not paying you
payment is overrated.
So I am using a recursive method to look through a graph and I want to remove edges as I visit nodes. I sent a list of all edges to the recursive method. However, as the recursion paths its list of edges will become out of sync. If I make the list of edges by reference then they will all modify the same base list that is passed in. Does this seem excessive? Any suggestions?
guys if I want to deploy a build on a web server for .net what do I need to know/do?
like to run on a specific port
@KalaJ - Deploy .dlls to the bin folder, don't deploy any .cs files, deploy everything else in its respective place including .config files. Make sure you encrypt your config files.
interesting. my problem only happens in Chrome. IE is unfazed
@TravisJ, any good resources on this? I've never done this before but PM wants me to deploy web forms app
@Amy - Hm, I wonder if you are issuing too many requests.
on an internal server machine
not sure.
@KalaJ - just look up "bin deploy"
@Amy - Do you have this?
@TravisJ recursion+graphs rarely ends well imho, unless the graph is a strict tree
@MikeAsdf - I have a lot of experience recursing though this type of stuff :) It has worked really well so far.
@MikeAsdf ty mike! got it returning a true 404!
Once I bin deploy, I can type in a url with a specific port and it would run the app right?
hopefully it will drop off google soon
@TravisJ nope
@MikeAsdf - And the tree isn't strict, it is a terrible wreck of real worldedness lol
@Amy - Try adding that. Sometimes chrome will make too many favicon requests and it results in the creation of excessive sessions server side
it shall be done!
@KalaJ - Assuming you have IIS setup correctly and the ports are forwarded from your router and the firewall allows those ports to be accessed
like currently if I type in blahword:80 it runs a web app
so can I assume IIS is already configured
@TravisJ terrible wreck of real worldedness? I hear ya
@TravisJ, the problem seems to be Fiddler itself. Closing Fiddler, the problem goes away.
@MikeAsdf - Dude lol that owned my connection to SO
Also there is a small problem where I don't have visual studio on said machine, can I do the deployment on my local machine and then that should work?
@MikeAsdf - Crashed every page on SO I had open
lol sorry
All good, just amusing
I need to save that url :P
better than rick rolling haha
@KalaJ - yup
it's data on corporate relationships. each dot itself represents a tree of possibly hundreds of sub-companies.
These are only the "looser" relationships
@KalaJ - Well yup to the first question. Not sure what you meant by the second one.
@Amy #solved
@MikeAsdf - Heh "loser" relationships
ah I solved my recursive idea
Is there a way to do this:

var model = new TOutput(TInput);

Basically, I have a MVVM and I need the data model, but rather than regurgitate the same code to build it, was trying to build a Helper.
I inlined it in a Func
@Greg - Yeah you just accept TInput in the constructor for TOutput
Wait, what?
@Greg - Another option would be to make an implicit cast to TOutput from TInput
public TOutput(TInput input)
this.Value = input.Value;
Pass in an IOutputFactory passing into that an IAbstractInput and oh dear java
public implicit operator TOutput(this TInput input){} is the operator syntax I think? I just wrote that out offhandedly
Well, I have the MVVM correctly structured like that, but not sure about how to automate.
you can also write these in one place and then do them with "AutoMapper"
github project commonly used in mvc
Hm, I'd like to do this myself.
You could make something which accepted two objects and then used reflection to bind one to the other implicitly if they shared field names
I have:

        public AccountPaymentViewModel(AccountPayment accountPayment)
            this.accountPayment = accountPayment;

So if I do generics, how do I pass Constructor?
that is basically what I was suggesting, you can't use generic arguments in a constructor
So, the method would never correctly instantiate that?
As written there is nothing wrong with that code
Well, I just have to do:

            var pod = ProofOfDeliveryService.GetProofOfDelivery("21", date);
            if (pod.Count >= 1)
                // Return: 'IList then itterate'
                var collection = new List<ProofOfDeliveryViewModel>();
                foreach (var proofOfDelivery in pod)
                    // Create: 'Our Model-View-View Model'
                    var model = new ProofOfDeliveryViewModel(proofOfDelivery);
Was hoping to get my IList and simply build a List out of it, with the reflected data for that page.
@TravisJ huh I've never used implicit before, now to find some things that look like nails for this hammer...
Am I trying to do something out of the ordinary?
my response was @ mike
@Greg - So what doesn't work with what you wrote?
Nothing, but I'm trying to basically do that collection and loop in a generic, rather than write that code frequently.
return View("PodIndex", ProofOfDeliveryService.GetProofOfDelivery("21", date).Select(p => new ProofOfDeliveryViewModel(p)).ToList());
@Greg - How often do you have to write that code? Or is it just something similar to that code?
@TravisJ Well, write it anywhere I implement a MVVM.
with different types of view models versus domain models?
So often enough that I wanted to write a generic implementator.
Well, the IList is the domain model, I'm converting it into a page View Model.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Codeman, since you now work at MSFT, can you please notify one of the devs on the VS team how I can uninstall VS Professional on my windows 10 machine without having to clear out my whole OS?
@Amy I know exactly how you feel lol
this fucking app is bullshit
I've been using VS on my work machine for personal stuff but now I am thinking of just doing a recovery
@KalaJ you can't do that? Seems weird
instead of having things on separate pages, I have to figure out a shitload of logic embedded into a single page
It won't let me properly uninstall it
People have the same problem online
I want to switch over to community
but it says VS professional is still installed even though I uninstalled it
@TravisJ Am I doing something out of the ordinary?
@Greg - nope
@Amy :(
@TravisJ: this fixes my issue, finally: parago.net/2013/01/27/…
@TravisJ I'm just not familiar enough with Generic's to apparently do this correctly.
i can use fiddler with ntlm and be happy
I even tried revo uninstaller to manually remove it
but didn't work
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
seems like they just use TypeScript here. Makes sense, I guess
@Amy - Ah. Of course. Why didn't you just say Fiddler and the 401 (Unauthorized) error with ASP.NET Web API using Integrated Windows Authentication (WIA) from the start?
I didn't realize Fiddler was part of the issue :(
At least you solved it :)
i eat entire chickens for dinner. because i'm a man.
thanks @travis
do all men eat entire chickens for dinner?
they should
I recently made a whole Cornish Game Hen?
@Amy ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )
you all crack me up
This is hilarious though because I'm about to make chicken soup tonight with a cornish hen!
I have to wait a little for it to thaw some more :/
Cornish hens are delicious
what is your chicken thawing? another chicken?
It was frozen before. I have it to thaw it
Real Wisconsin men (and women) have these for breakfast
also the gizzards are stuck inside and I can't remove it until the ice is gone
@TravisJ What should I lookup to figure out adding a parameter to a passed constructor class?
@Greg - Not sure what you mean?
what do you mean by "passed constructor class"
        public static List<TOutput> BuildModelViewViewModel<TInput, TOutput>(IList<TInput> iCollection) where TOutput : class, new()
            var collection = new List<TOutput>();
            foreach(var type in iCollection)
                var model = new TOutput(); // <-- Constructor expects type, to create MVVM


            return collection;
you can't do that with generics.
Because I'm in essence trying to do:
            var pod = ProofOfDeliveryService.GetProofOfDelivery("21", date);
            if (pod.Count >= 1)
                // Return: 'IList then itterate'
                var collection = new List<ProofOfDeliveryViewModel>();
                foreach (var proofOfDelivery in pod)
                    // Create: 'Our Model-View-View Model'
                    var model = new ProofOfDeliveryViewModel(proofOfDelivery);
But, make it universal.
can't with generics. you'll have to provide a factory method, or use a factory class. generic type parameters can only have a () constructor.
you can shorten that code to two lines with some Linq
Would that potentially be overkill.
var pod = ProofOfDeliveryService.GetProofOfDelivery("21", date);
var collection = pod.Select(p=> new ProofOfDeliveryViewModel(p)).ToList();
Yeah, I know about the Linq part.
What would one of those factories be like?
ok. it doesn't solve your problem, but i thought i'd bring it up
let me make something real quick
goes to her sandbox
That'd be great help.
I appreciate, I'm at least trying to learn.
anybody here good at machine learning?
    public class Pod { /* ... */ }
    public class Foo { /* ... */ }
    public class PodViewModel { /* ... */ }
    public class FooViewModel { /* ... */ }

    public class MyFactory
        public PodViewModel GetModel(Pod pod) { return new PodViewModel( /* ... */ ); }
        public FooViewModel GetModel(Foo foo) { return new FooViewModel( /* ... */ ); }
something like that.
@Codeman Regarding the path length 248 issue from 2 hours ago, I just tried on xamarin's .net implementation for ios and created a path of length 1016 so I guess my assumption was wrong.
but at that point, @Greg, you might as well just new up a view model from each of your models.
if you want to follow SOLID principles, neither the ViewModel or nor model should have a reference to each other. instead a third class would map between the two.
direct references introduce coupling.
lol, I could be part of the nuget team :D
can you propose they rename nuget to creamy-nougat?
time go go home. later
@Codeman - I have a little experience with it
@Amy Hm, so maybe the extra code I did
May be fine.
Not worth the overhead.
@Codeman Become part of the team that allows long path lengths everywhere
Become part of the team that [whatever problem I've seen today]
@TravisJ I'm sure you could get a job here :)
@MikeAsdf that'd probably be Windows team... entirely different org from me, I'm in Cloud and Enterprise
@Codeman - Thanks, I appreciate that man :)
:P shit, I'll refer you
they had catered lunches and free massages today
was nice :)
@Codeman - Well I am kind of involved in this thing here. I am really happy that it is working for you though, you have been killing the career path thing lately
I know, haha
that stock thing makes more sense :P
I hope it was a good move, I'm sure a job at MSFT is generally viewed as a good thing :)
scary thing is I'm one of the more senior people on any of the teams I'd decide to join, lol
@Codeman - Yeah, I would say. Also MSFT has a lot of opportunity for upward momentum. I wouldn't suggest moving jobs any time soon.
speaking of stock, I pulled 3 tickers last week
I wonder how they did
I think I have to be okay with things moving kinda slowly, but at least there's a reason for things moving slowly here
Yeah MS has always been like that though, very thorough
The upside is the stuff they put out is usually the gold standard of quality
Dec 4 at 22:20, by Travis J
Okay, in order of suggested value for the next week (12/7 - 12/11):
AMWD: +3.66%
(only 2 days into the week)
Third one was flat
I think I might have to do a recovery and lose all my stuff just to get VS community :(
I deleted like every instance of VS professional on my machine but it still insists it's there
@Codeman - I've dabbled in it but only at a very rudimentary level. Basically getting things to find their way through a maze.
I should have taken your advice Travis J. Is it too late to get into the stocks?
How did you know though?
@TravisJ as you say "gold standard of quality", my MSFT water bottle's latch cracked. lolol
@Codeman - haha my bad, shouldn't test fate I suppose
@KalaJ just go buy Vanguard ETFs. VTSAX, that sort of thing
@KalaJ - Uhm, I think it probably could be too late to get into those stocks. I only did my evaluation for this week from last week and I would need to re-evaluate to determine if they were still going to be good for the second half of the week. Stocks take a lot of time, when I was trading I was spending 60 hours a week on it.

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