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@Change the space between the word "this" and the question mark.
@JakobMillah Birthday today?
@Squiggle That's what facebook and all the spammers are telling me at least
But TBH, birthday for me == regular day
@JakobMillah Congratulations! Have a $birthday_discount in our $online_store!
@Squiggle Haha pretty much!
First to gratulate me was "PennyPop" forums followed by "CDON.COM"
Would have been more interesting to see who actually remembered your birthday if the facebook popup was removed.. "YOU BASTARD YOUR FRIEND IS HAVING BIRTHDAY.. DON'T FORGET TO CONGRATULATE HER/HIM"
This is why I don't publish my birthdate
ye. Good idea
And I just received a message from my dad... This is why I dislike my birthday -.-
Afternoon lads
15 hours ago, by Ryan Ternier
Best one yet: http://imgur.com/gallery/Ljysm
Fucking love gordon ramsey
He is nice
youtube.com/watch?v=lCc8IEvh70w This interview is nice :D
"I am really sorry to piss on your bonfire, but it's a really stupid question.. Thank you"
"OMG, I thought it was an intelligent interview"
!!youtube indian skype interview
hi. How cant i lock file in git?
binary file
@GLeBaTi ...what?
i want change image, buy other programmer can also change this file
how can i make this file as "read-only" for other users
What's wrong with merging?
binary files? :)
how to be?
You don't have to actually merge the file
just the branches/commits
i don't want lose someone big job
thought that was the thing with revision, to not erase someone elses work?
now, I tell others that I am editing the file. Nobody can't edit while i not finished with him
Such english. Much grammar. Wow.
Oi go a bit easy. Not everyone is fluent in English.
Too bad we don't have VOIP in here.. Else I would sing russian anthem
I would hope to fucking god there'd be a mute button then.
I mean that's all I ever hear russians say
haha :))
I love the Italian anthem
It's basically "we're ready to die for Italy" on repeat
I don't think anyone in Italy has ever been that roused by anything.
Tbf the french anthem is really nice
Swedish; "I want to live and die in Scandinavia"
If there's one anthem I would sing loudly and obscenely, it's God Save The Queen
England: Our queen is so great and we beat up everyone
USA: Suck it, England
Belgian anthem: We don't know wich fucking language we're going to use
turning on russian anthem
belgium anthem
no dem lyrics for belgium anthem?
Agreed, france anthem is nice
everyone in belgium knows the three languages?
@JúlioMurta lol
I only know one
!!youtube privjet russia
@StevenLiekens dutch?
she's broke :(
Who destroyed her!? Who is guilty!?
@JakobMillah Isis killed her
We are doomed
I discovered today that ISO charges money for their list of country codes
I also discovered that the ISO list of currencies is grouped by country instead of by... currency
umm, how would you group currencies by currency
one currency per group of currencies
so basically no grouping
OMG look at all the bandwidth saved by omitting vowels
what I'm trying to say is
where is the russian guy? im planning to learn russian nextyear and id like some advices.
they should have grouped countries by currency instead of the other way around
If only there was a less verbose language than XML
@JúlioMurta Just play CSGO
also their data model sucks
@CodeMaster hmmm interesting, might take a look at this some time
<CcyNm>No universal currency</CcyNm>
"No universal currency" is not the name of a currency
they wouldn't have that problem if the list was grouped by currency
or had no grouping
@TomW nuuu, not left joins
ISO are fucking idiots :(
dreams were shattered
see how it doesn't even differentiate between currencies and precious metals?
@StevenLiekens Can you?
+ Bolivia has two o.0
I'm moving to ZZ08_Gold
What is the difference?
@KendallFrey most currencies are fiat and have no physical presence
possibly all
Scary shizzle
Wonder if there are people in the world able to just add a couple of digits to their bank account
@JakobMillah haha, ninjad
He mention that in the video? :P
<CcyNm>El Salvador Colon</CcyNm>
Oh no, that was far too embarrassing. We renamed our currency the Sphinctero
@KendallFrey His accent...
what about it?
A bit too..British :P
Jakob, meet David Mitchell
I would like to, he seems funny
Where is he from in UK? We had a discussion about birmingham a few weeks ago.. Sounds lik eit
I'll save this video.. I have to decorate the office
Generic southern. It's difficult to discern in the south east, it's all become quite generic
@JakobMillah Born in Salisbury
Aight! I need to travel to UK soon... Jeeez
That sounds about right. That far west are normally a bit more yokelly, but Salisbury isn't bad for it
And posh people have their own accent anyway
Like me and Queen Elisabeth
I swear Brits have more regional accents than the US, which is like 100 times their size
You're right lol
there was a bloke in Bristol who claimed to be able to tell what street in Bristol you grew up on from your accent
I wish I knew all this stuff, so I understood all the jokes about regions and languages
I think it was Bristol
@KendallFrey I usually can't tell the difference between Americans and Canadians by accent, so I know how you feel
I usually don't catch on right away either
@Wardy you mean the videos?
Just when they say out or about
She is an actress for CollegeHumour.
insensitive prick
@CodeMaster no i mean this angular theme: themeforest.net/item/…
looks pretty powerful
@Wardy yes, it's really awesome but I can't use it anymore :(
I have a pretty good app back end that uses OData, it looks like this has a decent set of pages that I could wire up to it
means that between the two I have an implementation of about 5 common apps
from CMS to file manager to forum
pretty neat
@CodeMaster what you stuck with?
@Wardy it's based on AngularJS, my application is based on ASP.NET MVC 5 + Telerik ASP.NET MVC
when I was buying that theme I was hoping that I can use the theme and layout without any AngularJS
I was totally wrong. Then he convinced me to use AngularJS with my current project. Yesterday I found out that Telerik MVC and AngularJS should not be used at the same time.
Preaching git to my team :)
@Wardy since I have no experience in AngularJS, it's really risky to use it on my current project.
I'm the only person on the team that sort of understands git basics
we use git for everything
thank you jesus
Well, isn't git pretty much like any subversion? Sorry for saying "like any"... I know you like it more.. But basically? :P
SVN is centralized
Is it wise to use ASP.NET 5 RC1?
For production? I would avoid using an RC build for production
I'm still at development but eventually there will be no RTM until March 2016.
So the answer is NO
If you're going to be switching to the RTM before your release, that should be fine
I'm afraid they will change things again so it won't be compatible.
I mean not fully but partially.
Are RCs really that open to change?
Not sure, but I think an RC should be feature frozen
from microsoft yes they are
We are talking about Microsoft :D
So here's an interesting thing. I asked my manager why we're only supposed to check in once per ticket, and he said it was for history reasons.
> Are spurious wakeups a possibility in C#? This is a surprisingly hard question. Let me list some facts.
The fact that the answer is not an emphatic "No" is concerning.
Hi Guys, I know NOTHING about C programming and was wondering if the following snippet has any security vulnerabilities
%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{3080F90D-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257}
@KendallFrey uhhhhh
@Stuart Welcome to C# chat!
Thank You @Squiggle
Welcome to C*#* chat...
I have no idea what "C*#*" is tho
and I have no idea what shell:::{[guid]} means :(
I think what @Squiggle is trying to say is that this is the C# chatroom, not C
tiny difference
I was just hoping to present a quick question and receive a friendly, non riddled response
@Stuart sorry about that :(
@Stuart it's nothing to do with the topic of the room so...you're probably out of luck.
I didn't include the # b/c I didn't know if there was a difference
between c and c#
could be two different things
in short; yes
as far as I knew
there is a differnece
So where did you get that snippet from? and what makes you ask this question?
so I tried to take the middle ;)
as a guess that guid is a registry key and that command invokes some action that's specified in the registry
Supposedly that's how to create a desktop shortcut
just a sec I'll get the tutorial link
I was just making sure what they were asking me to do is legit
Im fairly knowledgeable in PHP etc but not this
Please see
explorer.exe opens 'windows explorer. Not sure what that guid does though
right. you are definitly in the wrong chatroom then.....
Hmm... Could you suggest a more appropriate room?
Thing is, a random guid could be anything. If you're concerned about security I guess it would be prudent to check that the guid actually refers to the command you want and not [insert random and possibly malicious windows command here]
I dunno how you'd do that
me either...
I'd assume it's a registry key so...search the entire registry for it and see what it's associated with?
I don't know how it could be a security risk, nor do I know how it couldn't be
Great Idea @TomW
last week we had someone claim that they got a result from Guid.NewGuid() that already existed in our database with a few thousand records
Not sure how I'd make sense of what I found in search
nor do I even know where you came up with Guid.NewGuid()
@StevenLiekens wow
Maybe I'll just stick with Win + D
What OS are you using?
Win 10
Attn All: Recently learned tidbit: Win+D brings desktop to front
@StevenLiekens well, it's not impossible...
@TomW actually quite achievable with Fakes/Shims
I know him and I'm pretty sure he did not actually get a collision
Using Guid.NewGuid() to get a duplicate, you might get one in every 2^128 GUIDs apparently
my point exactly
SQL server has a habit of generating them sequentially. That looks a bit weird when you're not expecting it
one char difference, usually
Introduced my manager to semver :)
did they lose their shit?
He kicked your arse, didnt he?
@StevenLiekens lol what
Dependency hell.. The Dependency Hole..
@JakobMillah you could Work with your Dad
@juanvan I'd rather not!
Just left a meeting with Mine, Bla - Off to the other Job
I havn't spoken to mine in almost 9 years. Unless he doesn't get his shit together, it will continue that way
dude, just go talk with him right now already
Please, boro
even every conversation end with "dude, you need to get married yesterday", i still talk with him once a week something
@tweray Dad says get a wife?
@tweray I guess we have a different relationship with our dads ;)
yes, i feel like he's in the tomb and trying to bring me in there too lol
fuck this
why is Environment.CurrentDirectory
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS Express"
>no wife
@StevenLiekens Wooooosaah, you love WPF, wooooooooooosaaaah
when I debug a web app
use server.mappath instead
I'm not working with virtual paths
just do Server.MapPath("/") to get the root folder of your web app
and then do whatever you want
make that software sing
@tweray bad idea
Some of it would sounds like the Seagull from Nemo @Amy
Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men
@juanvan that's fine, i won't judge.
I would use a configuration setting to specify the full path, that way its a constant not some dynamic thing that could change based on system configuration or the hosting server environment
I solved it with this
if (!Path.IsPathRooted(fileName))
    fileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, fileName);
this does fix a lot
happy tuesday
i miss monday
@SteveG What is with your monday fetish
@SteveG Did you leave something on a Monday? Want to go back and get it?
All this node.js stuff is confusing..
what's confusing about it?
@KendallFrey well, i found out, that every time i came in here and said happy friday, i'd look forward to friday too much and it'd make the week go slow and would be a motivation killer
so now, i say happy monday, to give myself a false sense of love for a day that i despise
@Squiggle I don't know... Everything pretty much? I have no idea what I am doing :p
I feel like the documentation is not really.... noob-friendly
Youtubing thenewbostons tutorial
I guess getting an IDE helps huh?
@SteveG you can't force yourself to love something you don't love, be honest to yourself

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