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mmm scope creep for lunch today
I'd rather have those
fun, fun, fun, fun you know what it is
@ton.yeung looks tasty :o
@ton.yeung mine are topped with frustration instead of chocolate
Fits to your name. ^^
had sushi yesterday
Rather uncommon meal here in germany :p
for freeee
I love crab sushi
@ton.yeung I mean it was obvious to see asian food because of your nickname.
I totally love pancakes ♥
are you german
Just living here.
In real Im not.
for some reason I remember eating burger king a lot in Berlin
Yeah burger king and mc donalds are very often visited here.
Mc donalds sucks.
Priceless, my co-worker just bought me a rubber duck. Since I ask for some help, then I say something and figure it out. So I tell the duck now.
Trying to figure out how to work around asp.net's failure to support dynamically generated radio buttons inside a listview. stackoverflow.com/questions/25768323/…
I've done what is suggested in the answer to that quetion.
Other people seem to get results with that solution, but not I. Anyone have experience with this?
Anyone still using webforms?
Not me
@Shoe I am, still have some legacy projects. But all our new projects are moved to MVC and some legacy ones are starting to be rebuilt.
@ton.yeung Yeah.
@Shoe Someone having web-form issue?
@ton.yeung This room needs a Duck warning, (Did you talk to the Duck first?) Chat?
@juanvan hahaha
just for @Gregg when he come ins
@Greg yes. me. lol.
I wish I was not using webforms for new projects :/
Okay, what is your problem.
I am generating some radio buttons in an ItemTemplate in a listview from a datasource
i dont just wnat to bind to a radiobuttonlist as I'd like more html to go along with each button
so - i've noticed that even when i set a groupname... asp.net mangles the groupname so they are all unique
so i solved that with some javascript.
but now the problem is getting the selected radio button in the group in the code behind. it seems that after the postback all the button's groupnames have been reset
now, i have found someone that posted a "solution" to this - however I cannot get that to work. it involves some src in a new class in the SiteControls namespace, then registering in markup. none of that works fo rme.
Yeah, they would be. Because JavaScript is Client Side. Is that your question you posted?
not my question, no
thats just a question i found that seems to contain a solution i wanted to try.
but i couldnt get that solution to work. if you see the first comment.. someone is saying they couldnt get the tag to register or something. im having that same issue in attempting that soltuion.
of course... that is assuming that solution would even work.
Well, the code in that question is absurdly huge for something quite simple.
So, what are you trying to do?
i have these radiobuttons getting generated in my listview just fine.
but i cant seem to figured out which one is checked in code behind.
Okay, are you trying to do a PostBack to update a database?
well i will eventually yes
i hit "submit" on my form.. and one of the parameters i am passing to a stored proc to update a db is the selected value of my radio button group within this listview
would you like a bit of code?
i can post, there's not too much so far
Sure, why did you settle on a ListView? I feel like a Repeater may be better.
perhaps. i am just more familiar with ListView - but honestly I've been reading people having this same exact issue with Repeater as well. It seems both controls suffer from this
<telerik:RadListView ID="RestaurantsRadListView" runat="server" DataSourceID="RestaurantsDataSource" DataKeyNames="RestaurantId" OnItemDataBound="RestaurantsRadListView_ItemDataBound">
                                                <label class="RestaurantItem">
                                                    <asp:Label ID="CapacityHiddenLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Capacity") %>' Visible="false"></asp:Label>
                                                    <div class="form-group">
Well, Telerik doesn't help.
And yes i am using telerik, but I don't believe that is relevant at the moment
i can try regular tho....
migth as well
lemmie try that first
Well, question...
So really, you want to repeat the same Html Structure correct? Separated into smaller spaces on the page?
and i would like to bind data of course
Why can't you use a LinkButton and pass a CommandName and CommandArgument since you only intend for the single radio button?
Since it is used for each record.
ive thought about something like that....
so - the CommandArgument would contain a "value" essentially. and I would just see when CommandArgument was the one that was clicked?
i see what youre saying. so still using the listview, use a commandname and commandarguments
Well, would contain your Id that I'm assuming is what you want.
i can still do that in repeater right?
because you still think i should use repeater instead of listview?
@Bubbas Yeah, can do it in either or.
@Bubbas I like the repeater, less styling to fight added from ListView.
Does that help?
What kind of repeater are you talking about O.o
I think so @Greg ..trying now
Sounds like an alternative control against listview here.
I'll try both @C4ud3x
I dont even know what you are talking about xD.
@C4ud3x <asp:Repeater>
Anyone use the JavaScript template, I forgot how to add a parameter to it.
No library.
Ah asp. Get away xD.
No knowledge here.
@C4ud3x You use JavaScript template?
I created the template, selected the template I need to pass a parameter to it.
@Greg so the OnItemCommand event is not firing
is this because my listview is in an updatepanel?
I've set the commandname on the radiobutton in the itemtemplate
and wired up the onitemcommand obviously..
but i set a breakpoint in it and it is not getting caught
You really set on this radio button, why can't you use a LinkButton?
oh shit lol
just forgot to change to linkbutton. WOW, one sec
yea, there we go.
So now do I want to use a Session variable to store that commandargument until I am ready to use it when i submit the form?
or just a property value in the class
yesterday I heard the phrase "shut it down, shut it all down" said unironically
bad day?
yea, what was that about? lol
Gus how to find the name space of an object?
Like if its not in the usages
@Failsafe not for me, lol.
there's some craziness going on
@Bubbas No, when you click the LinkButton you would do:
var button = ((LinkButton)sender).CommandArgument;
You would instantiate it, which would give you access to the Argument, ToolTip, Name and all of that.
even in another event later on?
like the submit click event?
Obviously, that would fire on the:

protected void btnLB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Well, when you click the button it will do a PostBack but since it is in an UpdatePanel it would know that was clicked.
not the listview onitemcommand?
Are you trying to do batch submit?
cuz there will be multiple linkbuttons
what do you mean batch?
Even though multiple button(s) will be created, when you click it will find the proper one when you instantiate.
The OnItemCommand you could do it there, but it would have to be instantiated which may be a bit different. As you would have to do ` FindControl`.
yesterday, by Steve G
fuck balls shit ass
how I feel right now
@KendallFrey Why, you okay?
Yeah, my computer is being a colossal anus though
Most ironic thing happened. Everything except Visual Studio froze and I had to reboot.
Ah, I sorry. That is a pain.
@Bubbas I say batch, because it sounds like you want one button click to do something for all selected restaurants.
basically there is a form with a bunch of fields. one field (as in one column in the database) will be "which restaurant did they select?"
so when they hit submit, it needs to know which one of the restaurants got picked.
also the think about linkbutton, is i want to display the little radio button as well
not just a link/text
Well, the LinkButton would do that when it is selected. Not loop through an entire page to see what was or wasn't selected.
would do what when selected?
When you click, an event will fire. Which would do what you want, if you do the radio button is you have to loop through all.
ah yes gotcha.
but stylistically the radio button is what the client wants. they want a list of these restaurants. the UI needs to have a "check mark" or something next to the one they select. the form will remain static and their data they've entered until they hit submit.
its not like clicking a restaurant will submit anything or move on to another portion of the form or anything.
this is now a UX/UI thing, but its what they want
@KendallFrey Hahahahahahahaha
That's incredible.
Can you reference 3.5 net DLLs from a windows 10 universal app ?
yes or no ?
it doesn't work
and I cant find info on it on searching.. seems like a fundamental thing
well then that is bad
but the code is about the same in the shared dll
soe maybe I need to do linked files or seomthing ?
@punkouter Why dont you try referencing it and find out?
fun world
I did.. and it didn't work
so I thought maybe I'm missing something
my boner resigned after being married 8 years
@ton.yeung GOP sucks
@ton.yeung Hey. That's still slightly better than "Something happened."
"Something Happened" would be a great band name
With such hits as, "Blue Screens", "You're the Exception", "'Love' Is Not Defined"
Looking at msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178613.aspx , it looks like T-SQL doesn't allow you to use parameterized variables when using "DROP DATABASE", am I reading this right?
Guys normally in your project, how do you guys access enum description
within C# code
@punkouter Tag as NSFW please ..
@punkouter one man band? ^^
With other rock classics as "Check In, Check Out", and "My Solution"
This 3 CD set YOURS for ONLY $19.99!
@Obviously wat
@punkouter Dont like the voice(s). But the sound of guitars and drums is cool.
Closing time for me. Nice weekend to you guys :).
no one likes the voice :(
I coudlnt find a bnad anymore
so I pay singer like $5 on fivver to sing my stupid songs :\
Vulgar song name :)
@ton.yeung what is that
A mod.
makes sense
The reason we have no mods is because all the C# mods have serious careers ;D
@ton.yeung You're not a mod.
im only here at work
Means you have too little time to be a mod and have a career and come in the chat room. It was a joke.
Chill out.
which laptop
Be nice surprise then

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