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Hypothetically... what would happen if I did this:

for (int x = 1; x < 40; x = x+x)
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
how many loops will it do?
Does anyone know of a really, really good Responsive Web Design?
@Greg you mean buy one?
it really depends on what you like, there are a ton of websites out there that sell them, an have full examples
I really want a dictionary
With good professional examples, real world.
tons of those sites out there
What's up people!
I can't find them, I find all these dumb rough blogger sites.
not much
i dont have any recommendations @Greg, i bought a few before but it was a while ago
Oh, how've you been?
I have an issue on how can I make my codes much more simpler. Can you guys help me?
@mark i have no idea, you haven't asked your question yet
String trim = Regex.Replace(textBox1.Text, @"[\[\]\\\^\$\.\|\?\*\'\+\""\;\:\!\=\@\~\\_\(\)\{\}%,;><!@#&\-\+/]", "");

if (textBox1.Text != trim){
MessageBox.Show("Error Characters");
I'm creating a condition via textbox input
what are you regex-ing for?
The problem is, what is I have new textBox2.Text. I dont' what to type in and create new string trim2 to validate the textBox2.Text
Are you just checking for special characters, what are you trying to do with that Regex?
what if*
your variable name, trim, isn't very descriptive
Don't care about the trim.
What is your code supposed to do.
What I want is to use the string trim in every textbox without adding the textBox1.Text,
So you want to remove special characters?
Example I have new textBox2.Text
String trim1 = Regex.Replace(textBox1.Text, @"[[]\\\^\$\.\|\?*\'\+\""\;\:\!\=\@\~\_()\{\}%,;><!@#&\-\+/]", "");
String trim2 = Regex.Replace(textBox2.Text, @"[[]\\\^\$\.\|\?*\'\+\""\;\:\!\=\@\~\_()\{\}%,;><!@#&\-\+/]", "");
String trim3 = Regex.Replace(textBox3.Text, @"[[]\\\^\$\.\|\?*\'\+\""\;\:\!\=\@\~\_()\{\}%,;><!@#&\-\+/]", "");
you could do this
How can I make it simpler.
Is this a web application?
coz I have lots of textbox and I don't want to use that code over and over again.
well, first of all, when you show the message box, how do you want to show the error? one per textbox? just a generic?
Its window form sir
its winforms, messagebox
im basically wondering if you want different error messages for the text boxes or not
because if not
you could do this
Yeah... Every textbox I think to make it specific to the user
Sure sir,,, let me read it.
public string ApplySomeStuff(string text)
     return Regex.Replace(text, @"[[]\\\^\$\.\|\?*\'\+\""\;\:\!\=\@\~\_()\{\}%,;><!@#&\-\+/]", "");
then you can do something like
Go ahead... hhmmm...
if (textBox1.Text != ApplySomeStuff(textBox1.Text)){
MessageBox.Show("specific error message for textbox 1");
So every validation for textbox, I just simply use the ApplySomeStuff at the top of the if else.
I would change the name of that method to ValidateInput and change parameter to input.
or you can put that messagebox.show in the method if you're okay with a semi generic error message
it's returning a string, it's not validating anymore, i dont know what it's doing because i dont know what his regex does, remove special chars?
You could get a bit crazy, use some reflection to iterate through all the controls on the page and do validation.
@SteveG Yeah, I believe that is the intent.
If I'm reading it correct.
so, it should be RemoveSpecialCharacters(
@SteveG Interesting... up to 32, it seems.
Ahhhhh..... Okay, Let me try this @SteveG :D My RegEx validation stands for validating inputted characters or variables inside the textbox.
Anyways, THank you...
you're welcome, i probably did your homework
I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind it. 1+1 = 2, which is new x. 2+2 = 4, which is new x... and so on, correct?
it just double everytime @PhonicsTheHedgehog
@SteveG I see.
x = x + x is making x twice as big as itself
so if it's 100, it'll be 200, if it's 100000000, it'll be 200000000
Thank you. :P
Lemme work on this a bit more... brb.
so basically, you gotta figure out how many 'doubles' starting from 1, there are between 1 and 40
16 mins ago, by Steve G
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
ah, but my goal is a little different. I was just fiddling around, there.
...Holy flip. I think I wrote code for generating Mersenne Numbers while trying to generate Fibonacci Numbers. Lol.
@SteveG I wish JavaScript wasn't so verbose.
Especially with Ajax, so much code.
use a library yo
dont do it old school
Define old school.
Yeah, fuck that way.
whats so verbose about that? it's shorter than doing a rest call in C#
jQuery is still verbose, but that way is even more verbose.
Well, all that extra shit that you put into the Ajax.
Before you actually do it, ie: JSON.stringfy a whole function to build your object, etc.
you can inline that, can't you?
and it might not even be necessary, i remember either angular or jquery automatically applied stringify
jQuery doesn't, Angular does.
Unless the latest version does, but I don't think it does.
im not sure
Well you still have to do:

function SampleModel(Id, Example) {
     var model = null;
     model = {
           Id : Id,
           Example : Example
you could do that in line too couldn't you?
Could you?
{ Id : Id, Example : Example }
im not 100% sure, i'm not a js guru or anything
I suppose, not expressive though. Can you do that?
JSON.stringify( { Id : someId, Example : someExample } )
i think { }'s create objects if you do that
Might try it.
I'll be damned
2 hours later…
winform experts there?
only noobs
windows form?
@PhonicsTheHedgehog yes :)
@vishuminhas your best off just asking the question, someone will answer if they can
@vishuminhas I dunno if I count as an "expert" (I just fiddle around like a chemistry dog) but ask away. I might be able to help.
ok @Alex Then my question was related to video face detection. I need to get frames(of face) if face will detect from uploaded video.
@vishuminhas .... and that has something to do with winforms how?
I need to see that code pronto. Video face detection in winforms? Holy flip.
@Alex I am using directshow.dll for playing of videos and getting frames from video but how can I tell to video face has came ?
maybe this will help?
@PhonicsTheHedgehog Thanks for the link buddy :)
@vishuminhas it worked? Nice. Godspeed.
yeah it will helpfull @PhonicsTheHedgehog. I am starting working with that.
@vishuminhas Sounds good! :D
You can @ me if you need to. :)
ok @PhonicsTheHedgehog you really expert buddy :)
@vishuminhas Heh, we are all learning constantly. XD
Morning :)
@PhonicsTheHedgehog we all are learner till programming ends.
morning @Loetn
You might as well quit software development if you want to stop learning :p
or life.
Learning every day. And I love programming
Who's up there!?
@Up <- he is up
A colleague introduced a bug, which makes ipads reboot. Kinda awesome.
crashes safari or something
@scheien On a website? :D
some js magic
I want to know how! Please share :-3
I will, when he figures it out :p
might be something else, but still. it crashes ipads, thats just awesome
Indeed. I want to put that on websites when nobody notices that on my things I shouldn't ever do.
@RoelvanUden heyy :)
hey im just now trying the delta applying in the receiver haha. had a busy weekend @RoelvanUden
now if that's my pointer
   byte* p = (byte*)scan0.ToPointer();
i need to set it to a certain pixel
for example pixel number 11473
should i just use p+=4*11473
If you send pixel numbers, then yes.
If you send indices, then it's not *4
what do you mean send indicies?
If the sender sends a byte index rather than a pixel index
        public void DeltaAsync(ScreenFrame frame)
            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                    for (var i = 0; i < frame.NewPixels.Length; i += 4)
                        if (frame.NewPixels[i] == frame.PreviousPixels[i] &&
                            frame.NewPixels[i + 1] == frame.PreviousPixels[i + 1] &&
                            frame.NewPixels[i + 2] == frame.PreviousPixels[i + 2]) continue;
That's a byte index.
im still on the old version of hansha ha
So it's not *4
so simply p+=11473?
Pretty much, but I find 11473 hard to believe. Did you just come up with it?
that's was just an example
in this line you write the index of the changed pixel
for example pixe 172
It's not the index of the pixel. It's the index of the byte. I already said that.
so i'll have to set my pointer to it in the receiver side and read the next 3 bytes
If I want to document or annotate for an interface, that the backing implementation may throw ArgumentException, how can I state it?
@ntohl /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
same as you would any other function
Anyone know how to explain the difference between claims and roles?
my boss is saying role == claim
that's not right
Hi guys
@Alex ok. Thanks
@Wardy how about claim + evidence + reasoning = explanation, but role + evidence + reasoning != explanation
         private unsafe Bitmap DeltaProcessing(Bitmap bmp, BinaryReader br)

      BitmapData  bmData = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
      IntPtr scan0 = bmData.Scan0;

           byte* p = (byte*)scan0.ToPointer();

            for (int i = 0; i < br.BaseStream.Length / 4; i++)
                p += br.ReadByte();

                        p[0] = br.ReadByte();
am i reading right? the delta byte array?
#1: `br.BaseStream.Length` makes no sense whatsoever.
#2: `p += br.ReadByte();` it's NOT an addition.
#3: `p += br.ReadByte();` it's NOT a byte.
for the #1 - i need to loop throught the entire array to set each byte..
Where do you read the frame length? That's your length.
this is my call
        byte[] del = ReceiveVarData(s);
          MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(del);
          BinaryReader br2 = new BinaryReader(memory);
         pictureBox1.Image = DeltaProcessing(first, br2);
ReceiveVarData, show me the code.
i shuold use del.length instead..?
    private static byte[] ReceiveVarData(Socket s)
      int total = 0;
      int recv;
      byte[] datasize = new byte[4];

      recv = s.Receive(datasize, 0, 4, 0);
      int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(datasize, 0);
      int dataleft = size;
      byte[] data = new byte[size];

      while(total < size)
         recv = s.Receive(data, total, dataleft, 0);
         if (recv == 0)

         total += recv;
         dataleft -= recv;
simply read from a socket
... Why is it so complicated.
Ok so that size is what you should pass around as frame length
it's the same as br.stream.length...
because i use this
Also, using an actual stream in your image updater is way faster
what do you mean?
Why do you read the entire thing into memory, THEN copy it into the image? ;-)
Read it directly into the image == faster
in the ReceiveVarData method?
Do any of you know if this is a common behavior?

List<Book> myBooks = new List<Book>();
myBook.Add(new Book("book1"));
myBook.Add(new Book("book2"));

List<Book> myBooks1 = new List<Book>();
myBook1.Add(new Book("book5"));
myBook1.Add(new Book("book6"));

1) If I do : myBook.Union(myBook1) => I get only book1.
2) If I do: myBook1.Union(myBook) => I get only book5.

I'm pretty confused:(
In the entire flow of data.
but i'll have to make sure i've read all the bytes
@Slashy No you don't :-P
#1: Read the size of the frame.
#2. Process the bytes as you read them.
alright i understand what you say but leave it now, i just want to make sure i process it right
In the code I use, I use WebSockets, which REQUIRE you to read the entire thing first, THEN process it. But you're using a TCP socket, so you can do better. :)
@SJD How do you determine you only get book1? it looks correct to me
    rivate unsafe Bitmap DeltaProcessing(Bitmap bmp, BinaryReader br,int length)
          BitmapData  bmData = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
          IntPtr scan0 = bmData.Scan0;

           byte* p = (byte*)scan0.ToPointer();

            for (int i = 0; i < length/4; i++)
                p += (int) (br.ReadByte());

                        p[0] = br.ReadByte();
hit me. what's not correct with the readbyte?
@Slashy It's not a byte. It's also not an addition.
what do you mean not a byte?
that's a int type no?
Look at the writing code. What does it write?
the index
or uint
And the index is a ... type?
Right. So it's a uint. How large is a uint?
how large? :(
How much bytes is a uint?
That's in bits, but okay. And you're reading a byte as index. See the problem now?
8 bit is byte so 4
@RoelvanUden I was debugging and figure out that only that book I get..
not sureee again :( so i'll have to convert the byte to uint?
Reads the next byte from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by one byte.
Work that gray matter and determine why I'm telling you that the line of code is wrong when the sender writes an uint :)
@SJD You may just be misinterpreting the debugger
 p += br.ReadUInt32();
i can be so silly somtimes
Better! Now #3
Wel.. I guess no, I simply get a list with that stuff in it
what was #1
let me see
@RoelvanUden it's not a byte..
so also use br.readint?
@Slashy Uhm, then it's #2
it's NOT an addition.
@RoelvanUden so only assign it? without increasing the value +=?
like      p = br.ReadUInt32();
@RoelvanUden is there any difference between Count and Capacity? :( (That seems to be different)
@Slashy That would be weird. But it's closer. You still need to take the base
The capacity seems to be 4 but count is 1
the compiler prints cannot cast uint to byte pointer
shall i make the whole pointer uint type?
You'll run into a whole different problem if you do that. [0] accesses will suddenly be uints too
@SJD Of a List?
so what shall i dooo :(
@SJD Capacity is the internal buffer size. Each time you reach the capacity, it expands * 2 (and copies the current items to the new buffer).
I see..
Anyone has good info about Project Centennial? How it would be possible to migrate WPF app to UWP?
And yes, If I do (.Concat) then apply .Distinct(), result is the same
@SJD Make a fiddle?
Lemme try
Hey @RoelvanUden how are you?
Has anything changed in using Cordova tools with AngularJS for WP?
hi guys
can i ask a question?
@EuphoriaGrogi Yes, you can have a question, only if u star the second most popular post.
are you familiar with IIS"?"
if you want to help no condition please
hihih im also a active user here
are you familiar with server variables?
specifically for AUTH_PASSWORD
basic authentication?
i read angular js
in top thread
is it advisable to integrate angular with razor?
if im going to implement it as pure html
is it ok to lazy load the scripts
@Marek Changed? Not that I'm aware of. It's still working great here.
this is the closest i could get
p =(byte*)  br.ReadUInt32();
i must to use that cast because uint to byte* cannoy complictly be casted
You'll probably read into invalid memory with that
yep. your'e right.
Because you're now using the byte index as an absolute memory address.
But it's a relative memory address from the image memory address.
so what the hell im getting crazy here lol
how can i fix it
I can easily give you the answer but I'm hoping you'll learn :)
lets introduce the whole process
That's the hint you'll get. It's relative.
you write a byte array into a socket, which contains int variable every 4 times
and the others are byte type
the int type represents the index of the pointer.(where it should set it in the receiver side)
in the loop of the delta method
I dont understand the question.
it's like uint ,byte,byte,byte,uint,byte,byte,byte
where uint respresnt an index
and byte are the pixel values
am i right till now?
<frameLength:uint>: length of entire frame
<array>: frame consists entirely of these tuples
  <index:uint>: byte index from base of image
  <blue:byte>: red channel
  <green:byte>: green channel
  <red:byte>: red channel
hi guys is there an easy way of loading the attached entitys using link?
That's the protocol you have right now.
for example i have an entity which has been lazily loaded
so it has e.g.

        public int AppointmentStatusID { get; set; }
        public virtual AppointmentStatus AppointmentStatus { get; set; }
so my entity has AppointmentStatusID = 5
but the actualy AppointmentStatus is not loaded
(theres a few other like this).
do I need to physical do a reload with .Select each one I want? or canI say I want all sub entitys at the first level
@RoelvanUden alright. now what i have left is to set the pointer properly?
using ReadUint32?
Yes. The pointer is not correct yet (and really this is why you shouldn't use unsafe)
mashable.com/2015/09/21/coding-schools-australia/#2WNKFOmxiGq6 Great. All I need right now is more freaking competition while trying to find a job. Programming will soon be one of those things that kids do for fun at recess and lunch, not as work.
Because you don't fully understand pointers you get problems like this.
@RoelvanUden yep. it's realy somthing i didnt realy 100% understood
@popshuvit and every kid growing up becomes a mathematician too
Hi Guys, good morning!
@RoelvanUden I know, I know...
@linguini hi lol
Is there a way to save the list of installed printers to an xml file? foreach (string printer in System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters) {

@ntohl yeh ... but then i have to explain what each of things are
@Pheonixblade9 Ignorance? What's the problem? A browser must have JavaScript enabled for AngularJS to function. AngularJS is not a real markup language, in the sense that it requires the presence of a scripting language in order to function. I don't see any ignorance in my dismissal. I had a perfectly valid point.
got it!

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