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Good morning.
Morning all
Anyone has any idea to how it is possible to implement CKEDITOR latest version in asp.net?
Obviously using the latest framework 4.5.1 as I'm having serious issues :D
Good morning
Morning :)
@BendanS There is 4.5.2 and 4.6..
@BendanS Furthermore, CKEDITOR is a JS editor and the server-side environment is completely irrelevant to it.
Meurning :)
Can anyone can help me?
Is there*
Just ask :)
How can I select data from database with foreign key and execute them in datagrid view.
Please help sir.
bind the result of your odata service query to a kendo grid @mark
I do love a vague question
I'm using C# Window Form sir
How quaint
@mark are you using any sort of ORM? Entity Framework?
and what do you mean "with foreign key"? Do you want to return a tree structure or something?
error: question_too_vague
Q: C# - Viewing Datas From Different Table With Foreign Key And Show in Datagrid View

markI'm having a trouble how can I select the datas and execute them in the datagridview with the foreign key from different table? This is the scenario The name of my datagrid is dgv_results And my foreign key is customer_id Here's my select query on one particular table Data dt = new Data...

Really, querying SQL, and displaying a collection of things, are 2 questions.
@Squiggle: Most likely because it's easy to just make shit work in a second, not thinking about the maintenance hell that lies ahead.
Because they A) won't use a pattern / think about architecture B) will mosh code all over the place C) repeat A and B.
/me grabs his pickaxe and marches off into the data mines
Windows phone menus are disgusting
Who designs this shit
@scheien == business
@Sippy How are they disgusting? I find them convenient.
I like the WP menus a lot more than android / ios menus
@RoelvanUden For me personally, I can't see anything
It's unscannable
Windows phone has a good thing going for it. It's design is well thought out and I personally couldn't think of a better design for a phone os.
Have to focus on every individual setting to decide what I want, not well laid out
Plus, it's written with performance in mind, unlike Android and iOS
iOS gets less stable with every release xD
Getting annoying now
I ditched Android because of how unstable it was
Now iOS is failing me.
True that lol
No shit. Here I am trying to figure out why iOS9 decides to block all push messages I try to send it.
Hook up iOS8 devices: everything works!
Not to mention the bloody enforcement of "All apps must use HTTPS and not HTTP for communication" bullshit they just shoved through your throat with iOS9.
^ a little pick-me-up for @RoelvanUden
I'm gonna listen to that.
it's a classiiiiic
I just hear "Ahh, this is bullshit"
The cheek.
I cannot stand the fact that every youtube video for this is one track audio lol
It's hurting my soul
1986, dawg
Oh no it isn't.
My left headphone is duffed
haha that's my curse, man. I'm deaf in my right ear - and the left channel in virtually every set of headphones/earphones I've ever worn craps out within 5 months.
Hi guys can anyone help, sure its a simple issue here but for some reason its not returning what i need

I want to include device details in a link return. Now the appointment I am returning has a device (i have checked the db). BUT the link results returned have it as null??

.Include(x => x.Installations.Select(z => z.Device))
the right way to include it?
@MatthewFlynn should work just fine, I think. Is your data good?
@Squiggle thanks for looking. yeah the DeviceID column in the installation is nullable so having a device associated is optional
but one of them has got an id
could the fact its nullable cause any issueS?
i've just looked at the tbale too and the FK is there
i.e. for installation to device?
@Squiggle That's like
The epitome of sod's law
@SteveG What has Microsoft done to you now? xD
@RoelvanUden: the performance is superb. Even though the lower range devices doesnt lag like the android phones do (that might be due to bloatware, but wth).
seems to be in the generated sql
@scheien Yeah, my own phone is a Lumia 535. 105 euro. Super cheap, super performance, it's a great device for almost no money :P
@MatthewFlynn can you run that generated SQL and retrieve datas?
@squiggle yeah i will do
I don't think the headphones are broken
All the left channel is coming out of right headphone
are they pushed fully into the socket?
@Squiggle any idea why Intellisense is not holding the whole query?
clicking the link opens the sqlquery
but it cuts off ??
Command text may be incomplete and it may cause syntax errors. This is likely because the text was too large.
any idea on how to get the whole query??
Do you have SQL Server Profiler installed? That should allow you to view the actual query that hits the database
no is it a vs pluigin?
it's part of the SQL Server Management Studio package
@squiggle sorry just read "SQL Server" lol i have i have sql server mnagement 2014 express
is it included in that or do I need the full blown version?
perhaps that's the professional version only
no it thinks its there actually
@MatthewFlynn stackoverflow.com/a/1412902/1034004 does this approach work?
sticking a line of code in there for debug purposes
they havent made me sys admin so i cant access?
thank @Squiggle i'll give it a go
basically it looks like your query is right but your data )or your EF configuration) might not be entirely correct.
@Squiggle used this lib before? I'm getting that System.Data.Objects doesnt exist? from googling looks like it should be included in System.Data.Entity which is included

nearest i can find is

which it doesnt lik eparsing the resulta object to?
I'm not sure, chap. Sorry I'm not sure I can assist further right now.
about to go afk for a couple hours
@Squiggle thank you anyway dude :)
ah its becuase its returning an individual entity in this case
so result is effectively a single appointment.
looking at the class its after a list
hi guys what the best way of replacing multiple instances of the same char in astring for a single entity e.g. && to & &&& to & etc
basically I was building query string and using TrimEnd('&') when I hit one i didnt need. But it seems unstable as its not always removing it for some reason?
Probably write the string properly in the first place
@MatthewFlynn Loop through the word and replace every appearance?
replace('&', ''); ?
@scheien Would remove them all.
@Loetn heres the basic method
can you see why the trim is not always working?
its on the date type
so if its datetime.min i ignore, which it firing
trimend returns a string
ah ok
how dumb am i lol
QueryString= QueryString.TrimEnd('&');
need more coffe :)
@scheien thanks dude
You're welcome
Concatenating strings is wasteful, btw. Every time you do that, the result is copied to new memory and if the inputs go out of scope they have to be GCed
You might even consider using a StringBuilder rather than concatenating strings.
@TomW @scheien thanks for the advice
hey what if (DateTime.TryParse(value.ToString(), out dateValue))
if value is a DateTime then its string representation will parse as a DateTime
if it isn't a DateTime, you might coincidentally have another type that just happens to be a datetime string, but how likely is that?
Isn't that culture related also?
@scheien I suppose so, but both of those operations will be carried out under the same culture
Do you have a sample?
@scheien who are you talking to?
Is there an easy way to create a new solution platform (e.g. x86) and automatically set that to all projects?
Just creating a new solution platform leaves the project platforms at Any CPU
@RoelvanUden hi there!
@Slashy Hellow.
@KendallFrey: Build -> Configuration Manager? Not sure if you can change it there though, as with debug/release.
how's going with the wrong pixels problem? found any solution? :P
@Slashy Not yet. I started working on a receiver in C# to see if the problem also occurs there. If it does, then it's the server, if not, I need to go back to investigate the duplication API (probably). I did check in some massive performance improvements, though. A regular frame processes in ~15ms when naive and 1~3ms with the dirty checks enabled.
@RoelvanUden would you like to have a look about my short code?
to see the c# receiver
i'll send you the project
If you could place it on Git that'd be best. Or e-mail, that's fine, too.
Will look tonight :-)
Currently at work
@RoelvanUden alright. :)
@MatthewFlynn I just got a glimpse of that before you removed it. I was trying to point out that the logic could use some rework because you're using a roundabout way of checking for a condition that should be known. Although if the datagrid has untyped data that changes things
@TomW as you can see the querystring is built using reflection over the GridFilter class. If any of these items are not null or 0 or -1 then they are to be sent through to the api to get the data, i suppose they could enter a date in a string field that could get parsed
@TomW sorry just realised I was talking bobbins there
why i removed it
but i think you are right I need to rewrite it
could I find out the datatype based on the property
This is what I was saying ..
You shouldn't end up with a broken string that needs reformatting :P
@Sippy @TomW thanks
Actually, I'm sure there's a library for generating query strings
@RoelvanUden just created a new rep.. why i cant clone it on desktop.. ?
@Slashy You should be able to.
@Slashy I use the desktop GUI
clicking on the clone button does nothing
restarted my browser but nothing
14 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
Just creating a new solution platform leaves the project platforms at Any CPU
@RoelvanUden stupid chrome. it works on edge :)
@MatthewFlynn this might help stackoverflow.com/questions/3865975/…
Oh my god I hate java
Hey everyone.
@RoelvanUden holy shit i've never thought it's so complicated to upload a simple project to git.. i'll just send you a mail :)
it's not
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Use the GUI and it's just a few clicks
although if you want to send someone a project, that's not really any better than sending just the files
ive download the desktop version... @RoelvanUden is that what you mean?
The desktop version of what?
git works on a desktop by default
You don't mean GitHub, do you?
@KendallFrey github to desktop..
@TomW sorry just seen that thank yeah that is helpful
cmon their windows app
That's not git, that's GitHub Desktop
i choose a directory, now everyfile i'll drag their it would appear on my github page?
on a related note is I JsonConvert.Deserialize<DataTable>(json)
will it automatically flatten the json out?
You misunderstand how source control works
Every time you update your code, you need to check it in before other people can see your changes.
If you're using a centralized repository like GitHub, you need to push as well
lol no it doesnt
@RoelvanUden the client project is quite big(350mb) because i've downloaded the nuget packeges...
to my project
downloaded them?
You don't need to check in nuget packages
but it's a bit complicated to manage those
hi guys is there a 'nice' way to flattern some json so i can serialise to a databtable?
I rarely go over a few hundred KBs
@MatthewFlynn define flatten
i.e. so each is a single row
so I can generically bind to a datatable
@KendallFrey dont like that code lol?
Just seems a weird thing to do
It can't be too hard, but you'll likely have to do it yourself
its just for displaying data generically
in a grid
so I can use the same view each time
when the json is returned fom an api
dude has dark theme IDE with light theme editor
1. Didn't know you could do that. 2. Don't know why you would do that.
haha. only few kb now
Your client code contains the capture code? That seems odd at best.
oh you mean the server should stream it's screen?
Yeah.. that's what servers do. Provide data.
yeah.. it doesnt really matter.. just the idea haha
@RoelvanUden it has many memory leaks.. and works slow! i'll need to work more in order to make it better.
i just dont understand why i have to create a new instance of bitmap everytime i process the frame
You don't have to, nor should you.
But thanks for the share. I'll take a peek later.
user image
it just can't
ugh, it cant even
@RoelvanUden thank you very much! im sure you'll have many many suggestions to me haha. im sure we could improve this x10
I totally know how it feels
Aren't you completely misaligning the memory here?
Oh, no, you aren't. My bad.
I spent about 4 hours today trying to figure out why the fuck one of our paid applications had stopped working, specifically the one which lets us define content types and rules for the CMS. The reason was because upon installation of that software, the launcher files were hardcoded with the path to the Java version installed at that point in time.

tl;dr updating Java means the application won't launch anymore.
Who uses %path% anyway
Usually part of every java setup?
Why did the paid app work without path defined?
hi i am new to .net now i am studying basics of c#,asp.net mvc5 ,wcf please suggest what i want to study next
@juanvan ?
It should use the environment variable. It doesn't.
@Vinoth Did you master all of those yet? If not, continue on those.
So I had Java installed, then I installed the application. The application made reference to Java.exe by hardcoding the launcher to look in the program files folder for that specific version of Java when I installed it. I updated Java yesterday and broke the application but had no idea why it was broken.
@Sippy wonder why they designed it like that
Because they were morons.
The software is shit.
Explains Lots
symlinks fix everything!
ya sure thank u @Role van
... Why is my name so hard to spell for every newbie that tries to @ me?
Roel-based security: Ask Roel. If he tells you to go fuck yourself; you ain't coming in
@RaoulVanUnden it rly isn't. I don't know why anoyne has porblems.
@RoelvanUden l000000l
@Squiggle am having trouble accessing the newtork
Environment ministry has declared newtorks protected species and the police arrest me every time I cross the fence
Role van
Made by Chevrolet
@RoelvanUden it stops working after 30 second of running. lol. too high memory usage
do i have always to create a new memorystream here?
is there any way to reuse the same one over and over?
@TomW Hah! :D
@Slashy you don't have to use same memory stream over and over, you just need to make sure you dipose it after finished using it so it doesn't allocate those ram forever
@Slashy Make a large enough byte array to contain the entire response. Then do your network receive directly into that byte array, and continue to reuse it for each subsequent delta. The memory stream just needs to be rewinded.
@Sippy just small things that piss me off constantly
@SteveG Like not being able to rent a cat? :/
Sorry to hear that bro
like, when i'm debugging and i start typing in the window
it says 'can't type, i'm debugging'
I hate that, you can actually disable that
well, then how about you fucking stop debugging, bitch
I bet you can rent cats in Japan, or perhaps purchase them from vending machines.
Although there are certain places where you're not allowed iirc
@CuddleBunny better start that - be the next big thing!
@Slashy See github.com/Deathspike/Hansha/blob/master/Hansha/Protocols/…. It uses a byte array and a memory stream that is continuously reused for each subsequent delta. You can, of course, do the exact same thing on the receiving side.
@TravisJ Yeah, that partially worked. Looks like the chosen multi-select addon for the select is causing some tweaks.
there you go
@RoelvanUden yeah but i'll have everytime to create a new memorystream to use read with binaryreader on it no?
i mean after i've done receving the whole data, i would need to store it in a new memorystream.. isnt it?
No. That's not necessary. BinaryReader just reads bytes from a stream and returns it in a certain format. If that stream happens to be a MemoryStream, you can freely rewind it whenever you want, and the BinaryReader will happily read from it as before.
Of course that's not necessary.
See the code I linked you to. It gets allocated ONCE and filled each time.
The receiving end can do that too :)
@RoelvanUden alright. my main problem is assigning it into a picturebox. without that point- it can run and work absolutly fine.
but when i assign it, it make troubles. lot of troubles
is there a way to put a custom project template under a sub tab
like Visual C# -> Web
Visual C# -> Web -> My Template
Possibly, but how often will you use it?
every single time i create a project
So I've got 3 weeks to build a new $thing. The specification consists entirely of screenshots of the old system, half of which is no longer relevant, and half of which was implemented poorly in the first place.
Pfheh. deflates
@ton.yeung that's the plan
TFW you have something in your throat and keep clearing it but you sit in a cubicle and now your neighbors probably hate you cuz all you do is "achem" all fucking day
it wont go away
@Failsafe happens to me for a week after I eat fondue.
try gin. It might not help, but at least you won't care quite as much.
i just drank a french vanilla cappuccino
a thick one
its probably why
what makes a vanilla cappuccino french?
what makes fries french
what makes toast french
@Squiggle correction: sprint 1 was timeboxed to 3 weeks.
You tell them what can be done in that three weeks.
@TomW indeed. However, budget was allocated for 3 weeks and the "specification" was what was agreed to be supplied.
By whom?
@Failsafe workshyness.
by manager-in-a-rush
Have you ever seen french toast do an honest day's work? Me neither.
@TomW sometimes it blockades the kitchen and Ican't get to work
Lazy toast
@Squiggle what someone who doesn't know what they're talking about agrees to is not your problem
What are you lot on about
@RoelvanUden could you add your little improvment techniques when you'll have a look at my project? just somthing you think can help :)
@Slashy To be rather blunt, you need a full rewrite. I probably won't start hacking at your code. It's a bit too much of a mess to salvage. It's like you don't even use an IDE :-D
I'm using it as refernce-only.
@RoelvanUden haha alright.. and what do you mean i dont use the ide?
because i dont use many classes and structures.. etc?
@TomW I know it's not my problem, and I don't feel under pressure at all - it's just frustrating to be put in this position
@Slashy Your code indentation is all over the place, for example.
@Slashy You obviously don't use ReSharper, there are so many fixes to be done.
@RoelvanUden yea.. i dont :(
should i try it? :P
Yes! It will vastly improve your programming style.
For example, the use of var.
anyone read the Jetbrains Lic. Terms update?
@Squiggle I'd use that opportunity to reset the client's expectations. At the end of the three weeks I'd say a reasonable goal is to have a clear set of actual requirements from the crap you've been given
Requirements for sprint n+1, that is.

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