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Well, good morning to myself too! It's monday again!
@BenjaminDiele Good morning! You're up early.
Good morning, gentlemen
@Jeremy The early worm catches the bird!
And I just got in at work, and now I remember I had to edit some settings on friday, so that our log files wouldn't be thrown away :(
morning guys
Morning martin
morning Justcode
Day 1 at my new job.Got in way early :)
woohoo, no work. Enjoy
I will
so what you up to?
@Gotalove congrats on the new job man :)
@Gotalove not much. you know I suck at vb :D
thanks Benjy
More .net for me goodbye legavcy vb6 code
Cool man
Imagine you have two classes with the same identifier and a static method i. Suppose that the classes do not implement any interface and both inherit from the System.Object class. Method i's parameter is a variable of type Company.Types.Example. Suppose the users of a library that contains i but not Example decide to write up their own class Company.Types.Example independently and add their respective custom Company.Types as a reference to their projects.

Person A's Company.Types.Example has the same number and signatures of methods, properties and field members. as the intended type of th
Good morning all
@Loetn sup
Hello all, any idea why I cant access a path on my Desktop while I checked the map and every single user can acces it:

Access to the path 'C:\Users\me\Desktop\trunk-r664\own-made-map-everyone-can-access' is denied.
@wouter Are you running VS elevated?
@LoetnI am not sure but I do think im running it elevated
How do you guys deal with procrastination and lack of focus? Sometimes I fear it's going to get me fired.
@Loetn I just published the code, I am running it again and will see if I get the error again.
didnt help.. access still denied :/
It is not a website
its just a folder on my desktop
@wouter No, the code you are publishing
I link 'publish' to website :)
I think I do got the problem
I had to do this: "\"\\trunk-r664\\USB-map\""
instead of this "\\trunk-r664\\USB-map"
illigal character in path..
why isnt this working:  + "\"\\trunk-r664\\USB-map\"")
nevermind access is still denied...
@BenjaminDiele I have to refrain from certain things. I can't have music on when I'm trying to work for example
and I only use chat because it's on a different machine to the one I program on. If they were side by side I'd do no work
I cant acces this: "\\trunk-r664\\USB-map" because its used by another process
maybe because i am not closing this correctly: var dir = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\trunk-r664\\trunk\\client\\md");
                Directory.Delete(dir, true);
nevermind i got the solution
@TomW About the music, I work in a huge open space (former factory building). There's just too much noise :(
ello peeps
back from holidays. What did I miss?
Does anyone know how to write this sentence in a .txt file?

call .\CopyToTarget.cmd w60 glb "C:\Users\oma\me\trunk-r664\USB-map"
apparently this isnt working:

sw.WriteLine("call .\\CopyToTarget.cmd " + installeerlijst64[i][j] + " glb" + "\""+File.CreateText(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + @"\trunk-r664\USB-map" + "\""));
"Apparently". So what's not working about it?
it tells me im using some sort of an illegal char
"\""+File.CreateText(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + @"\trunk-r664\USB-map" + "\""));

this part isnt working
to write into a text
This is what I want into my text file:

@wouter Split that part up more. Is it the @?
I will try to delete the @ and see if it was the problem
If you stick an @ before the entire thing, the only character you should escape is the " AFAIK. Also I'd use string.Format().
@Squiggle You're baaaaaaack :D
string.Format(@"call .\CopyToTarget.cmd w60 glb \"{0}\"", somePath);
'lo @Sippy :)
@Squiggle thanks for your explanation, will try it :
10-day trip. Landed 4 hours ago. Been in work for an hour already.
Still feel like I'm sitting on an aircraft with turbulence :X
(13-hr flight)
Bit bumpy in Switzerland today? :P
Wiggle wiggle
@BenjaminDiele the @ wanst the problem im gonna use Squiggles idea now
nah. Bumpy over Siberia.
@wouter let me know if it works, or post the compile error you get if it doesn't
isnt it like this:

string.Format(@"call .\CopyToTarget.cmd w60 glb \""{0}\", somePath);
No, that wouldn't compile.
" will terminate the string unless you escape it with \
@Squiggle thats weird, because ur idea wont compile and gives a few errors
I'm wrong. You use "" to escape in a verbatim string literal
not \"
no problem
string.Format(@"call .\CopyToTarget.cmd w60 glb ""{0}""", somePath);
that'll do it.
no compile errors so far
the """ looks weird, but it just means there's an escaped " at the end of the string.
And how do I make somePath to File.CreateText(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\trunk-r664\\USB-map"
I think I do it like the code above, right?
I'd assign that to a variable first, and pass that in to the string.Format - like I did iwht 'somePath'
just to make it more readable
yes indeed
im running it now
what does File.CreateText do?
ooooh you're creating a text file there?
you sure you want to do that?
i dont
OK rewind. What are you trying to actually accomplish here?
I am trying to create this string into a text file call .\CopyToTarget.cmd w60 glb "C:\Users\oma\Desktop\trunk-r664\USB-map"
and the text file where that strings needs to come is in a whole other direct
don't try to do it all in one line.
I deleted the file.createtext
1. Get the content of the path file.
2. Build the command as a string
3. Write that string to the new file
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
im rewriting the code a bit
@Squiggle works now :D thanks for helping me out
Guys need help to edit the question title of this post. stackoverflow.com/q/12986486/1577396
^ it seems as a common problem but wasn't searchable because of poor question title
I am saying so, because I got 10 upvotes in 2 days. (because of bounty)
@Mr_Green Summarise your problem in one sentence.
Spike in the Bitcoin price, thanks Greece. I may yet get my money back
@TomW Lol
What's happening with Greece atm then?
@Sippy Don't you follow the news? Greece vs Europe
@Mr_Green Your description of the question itself is really vague.
You need to make sure your question is clear and concise.
I don't know what it is you're trying to achieve by skimming, which is probably why not many people have given it attention.
@Loetn No I don't cos world news bores me
Like I'm interested to know what's going on sometimes but in general I tend to just get annoyed that people are pig headed :)
ok fine leave it
@Mr_Green Not having a dig, just saying your question needs improvement. It'll help you find your answer.
I am not looking for answer. I left working on .net. (sorry guys)
I thought if we improve the question title, it might help other c# guys
Can I do something like string = string - string.last4chars ?
@wouter easiest to use .Replace("blah", "") if you know the text, or .Substring(...) if you only go by length of string
I do know the text
then replace that text with "" (nothing)
@Squiggle nice way to do it, thank you
Can anyone help me regarding posting a question?
That link has better advice than I could provide
@WaqasShabbir Assuming you have already read the question guidelines, what do you need help with?
anyone know what events are called when a Tab Control Tab is Changed in WPF ?
i got a Browser CEF Sharp , in a Tab , when i use it ! then go to another tab ! then come back , it will Crush if i open the program w'o Visual Studio !
but if will do Nothing ! and no error ! if i open it from within Visual Studio .....
Q: Is there Selected Tab Changed Event in the standard WPF Tab Control

Jon KraghIn WPF, is there an event that can be used to determine when a TabControl's selected tab changes? I have tried using TabControl.SelectionChanged but it is getting fired many times when a child's selection within a tab is changed.

Have you Googled it?
@Sippy Tnx , but i don't want the event that will show me when it is being changed !
i don't want to run that event lol , i was to see if any other event is currently at work ...
@Pedram Can you elaborate?
Also the google comment not related to you, your question just reminded me that we didn't have a pin set for new guys :P
Also your punctuation is fantastically confusing, @Pedram xD
Never seen anyone use exclamation mark as a comma before.
@Sippy :D lol u mean ! ? i use it at end of most of sentence xD
well about my problem , i think my Browser , FrameLoadStart event , load again
when i move between tabs
but that shouldn't be a problem
Are you initialising the browser inside the tab?
That might be affecting it
i want to see exactly , what happen when i move between Tabs , does it Reinitialize the component in that tab or something ?
i did
i changed that
i made the browser in my main namespace
public ChromeiumWebBrowser WB = new ChromiumWebBrowser;
and i made a Grid inside of my Tab
Okey doke
with a button to start the brwoser
@Pedram I can believe that it would, yeah
Q: How to preserve control state within tab items in a TabControl

Tim CoulterI am a newcomer to WPF, attempting to build a project that follows the recommendations of Josh Smith's excellent article describing The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern. Using Josh's sample code as a base, I have created a simple application that contains a number of "workspaces", each repres...

Maybe that'll help
I think it's basically that your tab is losing state when it loses focus, which is probably really unhelpful.
my tab actually have the browser open and the page is still working ! but when i use it with debugger
otherwise crash !
i So Hate it when i have a problem like this , and Debugger wont find the error and work ....
there is no error after crash either just close program
Q: How to detect crashing tabed webbrowser and handle it?

David EatonI have a desktop application (forms) with a tab control, I assign a tab and a new custom webrowser control. I open up about 10 of these tabs. Each one visits about 100 - 500 different pages. The trouble is that if 1 webbrowser control has a problem it shuts down the entire program. I want to b...

@BenjaminDiele What was that city building game that came out recently called?
The one you and Roel have been bashing
Tnx :D the question not help me but , the answer was good , a way to find all unhandled error or such
@Pedram yep :)
@Sippy Bashing? No clue
I did like Cities: Skylines though
@BenjaminDiele Ah when I say bashing I mean playing a lot
Not in a negative way
It was Skylines that I was thinking of.
Probably Cities: Skylines, but I don't know if Roel's been playing that. Path of Exile? Europa Universalis? Starcraft?
ah ok
if u Guys Want to buy a Game from Steam , Give me a notice , i might be able to get u one for cheaper :D Got cheaper Store prices :D
@Pedram I usually use g2play. Pretty decent prices.
gmg is cheap too
@BenjaminDiele yes G2Play and Kinguin ( they are Same just 2 dif site lol ) and G2A , sell games cheaper :D but ppl like me , sell games in these sites :D
i myself Sell game in Kinguin and G2A :D make a little profit :D
GMG is not Reseller tho , GMG get games code from Main Publishers
when i Ask Kinguin to Payout me ! he Give me Money with G2Play Paypal Email XDDDDDD
Nice, glad you can earn some money on the side :)
@Loetn Steam Store have Different prices for different places , sometimes the game version is different , but most time its same , some games , for example , a 25$ game in US , is 19$ in for me ! i buy it and sell for 23$ in G2A for example , it take 3 $ Fee ! i make 1$ profit ! now if i sell 10 game its 10$ profit :P
@BenjaminDiele ye :D i don't do it much anymore , but used to do it a LOT , made me some money before i could earn anything by coding :D
@Pedram Yeah, but some games are region locked. So it is possible I bought some games from you via Kinguin :)
@Loetn yeh it might be :D and yes some games are region locked but u can check if they are or not :D so u don't buy something wrong :D
Add me on Steam if u want : steamcommunity.com/id/LuckyPed
@Sippy aaah i figure my problem bro , it was not the FrameLoadStart Event ! it never hit when i was moving between tab , but another event i made before this ! i forgot to delete it , so it was trying to load a .js file which no longer exist in App Directory , so it failed lol
At Least now i know why Loaded Event was not working ! seems like Loaded Event only happen when i move between tabs !
@Pedram Lol
Did you figure that out from the link I gave you?
no , but it was effected by it ! :P i read the MSDN and got Frustrated and i tho maybe i test it inside my main PC before all these works :P
and inside my own PC after Crash , it give me a button , for Debugging the Crash ! and that give me the error line
i was testing the app in other Computer , didn't had Visuall ,guess that's why it only had 1 button , and no debug button :D
@Pedram your commas frustrate me.
Place a space after the comma, not before.
I like when he uses exclamation marks as commas
That's a new one to me
Hi, anyone here able to help me with a problem I am having? I'm currently working on a game and it keeps crashing with error "An unhandled exception of type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' occurred in System.Drawing.dll" I have looked around and it seems to occur because of my graphics, how can I resolve this?
Please "do not" use quotation marks for emphasis << that's one that's always baffled me
@TomW Lol
As an Englishman who commonly employs the tactful use of sarcasm, that makes me laugh, actually.
@Squiggle lol why is it that ppl, care so much about comma or case sensitivity :D
i was so much worse :P i use to write Everything with Big first letter ! i still do , but only when i am trying to express my feeling on that word :P coz some ppl told me several time :P
ah ! i again did a space before comma :D
@Pedram Imagine if someone were to
talk to you!
like this
@Pedram That's because these things aren't arbitrary. They have meaning for people. And when you use them for meanings that are different than what people expect, they have to constantly translate your usage to the standard ones.
^ yep. What @AvnerShahar-Kashtan said.
It's like living in the Monty Python mattress skit:
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yeh I'm Convinced !
my bad habit of speaking is because, I never went to a Grammar class or something for these, like 14 year ago, I could Hardly speak English ... joined an MMORPG and played 10-12 hours a day, for 7 year ! I learn how to use English from that game :P
ppl in the game normally were like me, they themselves were not using grammar good, so i never got any complain in that 7 year only get them after i use them in other places :D
@Pedram Do you use punctuation like that in your language?
@Loetn In my language both is Acceptable :D either comma then space or space comma space, but i always use more space to make it more seperated
but to be honest, using this way ( the right way ) is better and more cool :D it's just habit for me now :|
@SteveG Too much happiness!
dont say you aren't glad the weekend is over, thats blasphemy!
@Pedram We only use a space after the comma, etc. :)
@SteveG No, I'm not :( The only thing that makes me a little bit happier is, is that in 4 days I've vacation :)
@Loetn yeh Will remember now :D my language got دیفرنت (different ) alphabet so that's it i guess
@Pedram Probably :)
solving a problem after the 30 minutes in the office on a monday morning
@JoanLeaven solve my problem too please
haha ! @KendallFrey what are you working on ?
ohai guyz
@KendallFrey you use Resharper, right?
Just mash the keyboard for a few seconds then repeatedly hit Alt+Enter until it works.
@Squiggle no way, not that mentally challenged stump
Hello everyone
can anyone help me with WCF probelm
i have posted this question but no response uptill now stackoverflow.com/questions/31244220/…
I need to solve this asap
Anyone of you know how to speed up cleaning and rebuilding of a project? For me it takes foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr
More ram?
I have 16gb but still
Ooh, a smaller solution
Can't you split it?
@AliUmair top marks for enabling tracing! :D
yea but it isn't helping :(
this is a stupid error i guess
@AliUmair it looks like the PHP SOAP service is erroring, right?
@Squiggle Yea seems to be like that
something generated form axis
anyone worked in Travelport API ?
I am facing this problem with travleport live credentials, pre production is working fine
it's a '500' error - so one would assume something is just a bit broken on their end, or they can't process your request (bad data?)
some parameters are bad , or something is not upto their expectations
even if that were the case, they shouldn't return a 500 error
the initial problem was that your SOAP client is having trouble deserializing the error message
but looking at the payload, it doesn't give you any more info.
@AliUmair How are you consuming this service? did you just Add Service Reference?
who the hell gave stars to that damn happy monday bullshit?
Its generated from WSDL and then i used the URLs provided
@Squiggle I added Service reference
@AliUmair the fault you're getting is a soap 1.1 fault by the looks of it; but the service has (incorrectly?) added a namespace prefix
That's the reason. What you're meant to do about it is a different question. The service has a bug, assuming it really is giving you the content you got out of your IClientMessageInspector
And that still doesn't explain why it's faulting
so the least thing i can do is contact support and wait for the fix ?
Well no, ideally you'd get a successful call that doesn't fault. Then you bypass this problem
Although if it's telling you there was an error, when you think the request you sent was correct, then yes I'd contact support
Im getting this problem only on live URL, on pre production it's working fine
I've contacted support
let's see what i get
its not that I don't want to go back to front end design...seriously
I just don't want to work for these guys
@Skullomania if you got options then no need to work for them ;)
@AliUmair I just find it funny that they misspelled college.
i guess they could have spelled it colledge
@Skullomania Hello, I've just emerged from an art piece. I can has job?
@sk yea i got that, probably someone got this task at then end of day and just tried to get rid of it :D
@KendallFrey I get the feeling they meant 'probably' and not 'properly' as well ://////////////////////////////////////
@KendallFrey so did my son, however there are laws against child labor
@Sippy i just caught that..lol!
> Need four resources
Would you like fries with that?
Wait, they refer to potential staff as "resources"?
that's all kinds of horrible
they might just write something in some language and google translated that
@tweray It's in Kentucky .. I'd hope it was supposed to be English
maybe @JLott wrote it
!!wiki collage
Collage (from the French: coller, "to glue"; French pronunciation: ​[kɔ.laːʒ]) is a technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole. A collage may sometimes include magazine and newspaper clippings, ribbons, paint, bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas. The origins of collage can be traced back hundreds of years, but this technique made a dramatic reappearance in the early 20th century...
see, maybe we just understanding it wrong
@Squiggle How was your holiday sir?
@Sippy chuffing ace. One of the best I've ever had.
@Squiggle orly
how come? :D
It was basically 10 days spent eating and drinking in interesting places with interesting people :)
Am very glad we had friends to show us where to go and what to do. Also we stayed in a hotel that had a rooftop pool that overhanged the side of the building, with a glass bottom overlooking the road 29 floors below. That was pretty neat.
@Squiggle o.o;; where was this
ummm..game screenshot
not photograph
no, that's a photo
I don't believe you.
from the other angle
@Squiggle Hah, fuck that.
Half of the city looks like something straight out of Mirror's Edge TBH
Maybe once.
@Squiggle What city even is that
Hong Kong
@Sippy How English do you even?
@KendallFrey How even you dare me what
@Squiggle I wanna go now.
At a guess, is your SO chinese?
You mentioned friends in China
@Sippy nope, she's a Yorkshire lass. We're just blessed with many friends all over the planet :)
@Squiggle That is a blessing :D
Fucking THE THE
I thought the worst feeling in the world was a back spasm. It's actually getting 3/4 through a WinForms application and realizing how much easier it would've been in WPF.
OK have a star
I'm surprised people are still using WinForms
@Squiggle or web forms
@Squiggle The WPF learning curve is pretty steep. I guess if your project is pretty small, WinForms is still the better quickstart.
I think that's why they invented Lightswitch
(which is mostly awful, BTW)
thought Blend was to help too
Blend is awful
@Squiggle : Here at work is 100% WinForms (I'm the only one able to do WPF / MVVM and the other developers don't have time to learn it)
They don't have time to save themselves some time, huh?
"No time" is a classic and perfect excuse
Feb 12 at 23:51, by Pheonixblade9
"other developers aren't familiar" well get fucking familiar or go work at McDonalds
are these commercial or internal apps?
@Squiggle all internal
@Squiggle We're not a software dev firm
@JoanLeaven oh, well, that's more acceptable
@Squiggle Internal dev department
but still
I'm trying to alter the mindset but I'm the latest hired dev, I have to fight against 15 years-old devs here
I wish they had a Head First on WPF/MVVM. Looks like it's included in the C# book, though. I need to get that. Those books get me.
The mindset here is "we don't care about the code, we dont care about the technology, as long as "it works""
@JoanLeaven That's not a bad mindset, when it's moderate.
I know a lot of developers who obsess over the latest new tech, and debate hours about how you should write the code. Which makes for lots of time at work, but not much to show for.
It's not that bad, but users have been a little bit brainwashed by the poor apps that have been written here. Like users here won't complain the app takes 2 minutes opening for data to be loaded ...
@BenjaminDiele Yeah I know what you mean. I'm a little bit of a perfectionnist and I tend to waste time like that sometimes
@BenjaminDiele That mindset has a terrible snowball effect, though. It's the reason I consistently waste time digging through stored proc hell.
Again, that's not bad. Sometimes it is worth debating an hour or 2 about how to do something. Sometimes it isn't.
Morning all
What I personally like to do on my own projects is do it fast and shitty, but get it working. When I have a PoC, I'll return and clean stuff up. That way I know it's a) possible, b) approved
@BenjaminDiele I agree
@BenjaminDiele Problem here is dev do that too, except for the refactoring part.
It comes down to companies not understanding the long game
Hah, because that's the hard part
@BenjaminDiele They just get it shitty at first and let it work taht way
Keeping your code up to date will save millions in the long run.
@CharlieBrown Indeed. Most people look for the "fast wins"
Letting your code become obsolete is sure to end with a huge rewrite wasting millions of dollars years later. As a consultant, I see this all the time. We only get called in when the shit hits the fan.
@BenjaminDiele @CharlieBrown I have to deal with a 12-years-old C++ / MFC app because they never took time to revamp it
Can anyone help me with this error:

+ You cannot start application ConsoleApplication from location file:///C:/Users/oma/Desktop/trunk-r664/ConsoleApplication.application it is already installed from location file:///C:/Users/oma/Documents/Visual%20Studio%202010/Projects/ConsoleApplication5/ConsoleApplication5/publish/ConsoleApplication.application. You can start it from location file:///C:/Users/oma/Documents/Visual%20Studio%202010/Projects/ConsoleApplication5/ConsoleApplication5/publish/ConsoleApplication.application
it tells me the app is already installed on blabla../Publish..blabla
but even after deleting the Publish folder, it gives me the error
Is it installed via ClickOnce?
yes it is
uninstall it
or install it from the same location
I deleted the publish folder
Windows installed programs
thank you
works now

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