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One said "I was out to lunch and didn't realize how bad it was"
so it does happen
I would have crushed it as well :)
When I first started here, I asked a few... well ... lets just be nice and call them idealistic meta posts.
They didn't do well
as a sidenote, woohoo I got my project up and running in under 2 weeks when they specced 3 weeks for development
lol nice
I actually tend to do pretty good asking questions, I have the gold badge for it
actually more like a single week with all the delays...
@TravisJ I ask very few questions because my questions are usually already answered
"No. And don't ask us again"
see, these days I feel like this would be closed as "primarily opinion based":
Q: Is there any benefit to implementing IDisposable on classes which do not have resources?

Travis JIn C#, if a class, such as a manager class, does not have resources, is there any benefit to having it : IDisposable? Simple example: public interface IBoxManager { int addBox(Box b); } public class BoxManager : IBoxManager { public int addBox(Box b) { using(dataContext db = new dataConte...

I think it would without the code example. But I gave a pretty narrow demo
is there a way to check if you have a positive question record?
no clue
probably a data query
I haven't learned that language yet
Luckily I almost never press the space bar button except every time that I type out a word.
man, don't you guys hate it when fonts have bad keming?
yes, it makes certain product lines look vaguely explicit in nature
@Pheonixblade9 SQL?
pom has too much cranberry juice
@TravisJ get your clicks with us!
@Pheonixblade9 - 100% pomegranate?
Maybe you are thinking of oceanspray
did I mention that we're using jquery 1.5.1 and I'm not allowed to upgrade it yet?
I forgot how cool the Pomegranate phone was :D
@Pheonixblade9 - wtf
@KendallFrey - tldl
2s load or gtfo imo
@TravisJ no, check it out
loads soooo slow
@KendallFrey shitty flash animation built for 640x480 screen, I'm out
Has anyone seen VS crash on entity framework wizard dialog.
@KendallFrey - ok the phone is interesting
but the loading sucks
It's an ooooold site
the guy talking on his shaver always gets me
wow some people are crazy
I gchat a friend of mine asking her how things are... response is
not now
go away
because that's TOTALLY not something that would worry the shit out of me as her friend
...anyways. back to Pomegranate phone
@KendallFrey have you noticed how /r/bitcoin gets more and more annoying every month?
What's wrong with /r/bitcoin?
@SpencerRuport it's just so circle jerky lately
"this random person is accepting bitcoin!"
like, it won't stop being extraordinary until you treat it as such
@Pheonixblade9 don't worry, shes busy talking to her other friendzoned friends
@NETscape I'm not friendzoned, we dated for several months and it didn't work out. I just still like being her friend, so we hang out. We have a garden together and such
it's not your fault
@TravisJ god damnit Brian, don't you do this to me!
it's not your fault man
what are you doin' man?
it's not your fault
No pb, pb. it's not your fault man
I wish I could find a good example to abstract reading data out of a database without an ORM that separates concerns for MVC.
@TravisJ @Pheonixblade9 What is or isn't your fault?
@Pheonixblade9 - lol :) <3 family guy
@Greg - Good Will Hunting scene
@SpencerRuport - Is that where they stole it from?
@SpencerRuport Oh, yeah between Williams and Damon.
@Greg - Why without an ORM?
@TravisJ Requirements :(
@Pheonixblade9 clearly she doesn't like being yours haha
@Pheonixblade9 Never have visited it, so no
no ORM = manually composing sql either hardcoded or with your own class that has a subset of harcoded sql that is composed
@Greg - Not even a home grown ORM?
@SpencerRuport Define home grown?
Usually a bright light, some aluminum foil
@Greg - Well with a little reflection you can avoid writing most basic queries and mapping results to objects.
ORM saves so much time
@Pheonixblade9 That's what she said
I'm not sure.
Took you that long to come up with that? :P
@TravisJ Who, me? I was afk
I was originally looking at Repository pattern, but that wasn't technically best approach I was told.
@Greg - No he said it wasn't best to place a Repository over EF because EF already technically is a repository pattern.
@KendallFrey I straight hate you.. but goddamn do I respect you
@TravisJ No, I can't use EF or an ORM but I want to attempt to gather the same abstraction.
How about a micro-ORM...
Okay... I think I've been working with it long enough to say this: Kendo is shit. I hate it.
No maximize or minimize event.
What noob was in charge of that design?
Maybe I can download dapper at least for building the model.
I think the primary concern is the project becoming orphaned or outdated.
@Greg dare I ask why you can't use an ORM?
@SpencerRuport -
definition Fail: "telerik"
@Pheonixblade9 Other developers aren't familiar, also to avoid it becoming orphaned, or doesn't play nicely with another library.
@TravisJ - huh?
@SpencerRuport - telerik sucks.
Yeah. There's really no excuse for limitations like that.
It's 5 extra lines of code tops.
@Greg so... you want to be able to have a defined class that can be used to create column and table names for sql. But none of this ORM nonsense, it has to be done with a custom library.
if a study guide has 25 problems, and 9 of them will be on the test, and you only have to answer 3, how many of the 25 should you study?
Give me an event for a common behavior of the control. Duh.
@NETscape - All of them
Start with the one you think is hardest
Then do the one you think is the most cleverly worded. Move down from there
@NETscape - 19 at minimum if you want guaranteed coverage.
i would say 19
@Greg that's a really dumb reason
"other developers aren't familiar" well get fucking familiar or go work at McDonalds
EntityFramework is not some half baked bullshit by some guy, it's Microsoft's ORM
@Pheonixblade9 Can you be my boss?
using a custom library rather than an ORM is like forging your own hammer because you're worried Home Depot's tools aren't the same color as your current tools
the fact of the matter is, EF will work better than anything you build. There's no question, it just will. There are tens if not hundreds of thousands of eyes on that code compared to one on yours
It is slower than any other I've seen though :(
At least without a bunch of optimizations
EF can be made to go fast
@Pheonixblade9 would you say that for open source libraries that have been around for awhile and used by many?
EF is fast enough. If it's not, tell me why it's not fast enough and go make it faster
@NETscape "jQuery might not play well with our existing tools, you should use this library our architect that quit 4 years ago wrote"
the reason i ask is because my manager got all psycho when I said i found an open source library that i'm going to use for communications
dapper is only 1ms slower than native sqldatareader
@Greg - What library?
sqldatareader is 100x slower loading an object graph than EF
@NETscape if I can find something that solves my problem I'll use it
@NETscape I think that's because he doesn't trust you to know/understand licensing restrictions
Well, that or he doesn't understand himself
but anything that's LGPL/Apache/MIT licensed is perfectly fine to use
Some guy on my team bought icons with his own money
Writing something that is already written is the best way to waste company time and money
Put them into QA and didn't ask
bad times
@Pheonixblade9 I'm aware it can go fast, I'm just not aware of all the tricks to make it go fast :)
no tricks needed, just rtfm
@BradleyDotNET it mostly has to do with knowing how to handle lazy loading stuff
@CharlieBrown - some of my ef queries have 3 levels of nested relations
I consult on EF all the time, almost always people dont rtfm
bottom line is, an ORM saves you money because it saves you time
@TravisJ nothing wrong with that, an average developer cannot write better performing sql->c# mapping code for that kind of query

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