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and build an ASP.NET app
from the ground up
what are signs of bad data repository layer design?(good or no)
@Jeremy bad link
@Jeremy - Sure, or simply "what is the difference between cohesion and coupling in code?".
But that is why you require a CS degree. Because they already answered that question, and beat the topic to death.
All you really need to see is code as @tweray says. Theory? Check. Ability? Checking.
@TravisJ I'm not sure what your CS program is like, but I know I had to seek out stuff about SOLID, TDD, CI, et c. on my own on the side
You can't assume CS grads know that stuff
@TravisJ If I have this:
                    <h4><asp:Label ID="lblBranch" runat="server" Text="Branch Manager"></asp:Label></h4>
                    <b>Manager:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblBranchManager" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
                    <b>Email:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblBranchManagerEmail" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
                    <br />
Then I do a check, this should hide the parent li right?
    function ValidateMyContact(input) {
        if (input == '' || input.length == 0) {
@Jeremy - UCSB has a pretty solid program.
But if a cs grad doesn't know those principles, then shame on them :P
@TravisJ Plenty of CS departments are oriented more towards the theorical side of CS
@Jeremy - Yes, the entire subject is on the science of computation, not the implementation of coding solutions.
@Jeremy - But that doesn't mean the principles of implementation aren't included in the theory studied for computation.
@TravisJ I wish that was the case, but in my experience, it hasn't been
I've worked with plenty of smart CS grads that had never heard of SOLID, or understand what "loose coupling" means.
Thats very true
Software Engineers are more practical
Yay for software engineers :)
Software Engineering is not a major that most universities offer. It is a misnomer, basically an oxymoron.
Carnegie Mellon thinks otherwise
I don't think that has to be damning - a smart and motivated developer should be able to pick it up. But if you're hiring someone with a couple of years of experience, I think it's a fair (and good) question to ask
I mean, 50% of CS majors can't pass fizzbuzz, right?
Granted, my degree is "Software Engineering Technology"
but I think it does generally mean that you are more practical than a CS major
Its not an oxymoron though. Just because our building materials aren't super concrete doesn't mean we can't be engineers :)
@Pinky - Don't confuse software with computer.
I wish my uni added a Software Engineering major earlier. I loved CS except for all the pansy gen-ed course requirements.
@ton.yeung Financial loss...
@BradleyDotNET - Is your degree more of a certificate?
And I think software written for some industrial sectors and healthcare would disagree
@TravisJ No, I have a bachelors degree
@ton.yeung oh, right.
@BradleyDotNET - In computer engineering?
@BradleyDotNET - From a technical institute then?
"Software Engineering Technology"
Minor in applied math
@ton.yeung Well, the fact that they're still in use after 20 years is testament to something...
And yes, it was a "technical institute" but it was an accredited 4-year university
Finance pays the most
so it attracts above average programmers
SCADA pays a shitload. everyone get into SCADA
Finance pays the most, since you can implement backdoors for scraping fractions of pennies into shadow accounts
aw, mike beat me
if bitcoin takes off, it might be a challenge for companies to protect against rogue developers doing insider heists
@TravisJ I think because that distinction seems to exist, practical programs at universities use it
@ton.yeung is there a reason I'd have a bearer token AND a refresh token?
Granted, my title at work is "Software Engineer" as well, but we all know that doesn't mean much :)
Multiple-signature cold storage BTC wallets might help
I got to pick my own title :P
the joys of a small company
@ton.yeung I'm still having token issues...
when I start the app up the first time, it works fine. All token calls are good. If I stop and restart the app and the cookies are still there, the token call fails.
if I clear the cookies, i log back in and it works fine again
developers as a group are not engineers yet. we are more like a guy in an old west town that fixed shit for people by slapping things together
@ton.yeung I went with "software designer" because "makes all of the shit work" wasn't appropriate to hand out
if we mechanical engineers built cars like we build software, i would never drive
weird... I can't right click here
Carnegie Mellon seems to have an appropriate use of the term. Most of its use that I have seen is so widely abused I didn't realize there was a historical precedence for the term.
it sometimes marvels me how certain mechanical devices work, like they have to plan out how motion is transferred from place to place while fitting things in certain volume & weight
whereas we can always add infinite code pieces wherever whenever
i'm going to go rob a 7/11 just for some amusement
@SteveG - going 911 on the 711?
but no seriously, i hate competitive games online, because the lag always fucks me
i can't tell you how many times i get shot while clearly standing behind a wall
You are a developer, and you have lag?
i have fiber, and other people have lag
which fucks me
Yeah, balancing can suck at times.
install a latency-simulator proxy to become god
@CharlieBrown Did you ever get your GetHashCode method working correctly?
and then i just get pissy and want to put my controller through the tv
"ha I backstabbed you from across the map!"
right??? bullshit
@BradleyDotNET - So if you studied SE, does that mean that you are interested in the current study of patterns in large data sets?
@SteveG - That's why I'm a vehicle whore in BF.
@Jeremy no, i had to change the approach
makes me want to go hunt them down and stab them in the back with a sledge hammer
okay not really
but it gets me going for sure
Well... in the game.
@Alundrathedreamwalker why am i watching this
huh, got an email from azure "You’re invited to join us on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, at 11:00 Pacific Time (UTC+8), for a special virtual developer event. "
"Join the virtual event to watch as Scott Guthrie announces an exciting new Microsoft Azure service for application developers.
Learn what's new and how you can build cloud scale web and mobile apps faster than ever before and with less code. "
That's always fun when you stop caring about your score for a round and you just concentrate on ruining one players day.
"less code" means "program using rectangles and arrows"
no thanks
"5th stab. nbd"
@TravisJ I'm not personally, no
We studied patterns, and various data structures of course
but I'm not into big data at all
@MikeAsdf TF2 feels
Has anyone reinstalled VS Tools for Apache Cordova? I am currently getting "You must manually uninstall the older version of Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova (Multi Device Hybrid Apps) by using the command prompt before continuing with this installation." find out that I should delete the dependencies manually so I did, but nothing has changed.
Pest control company just called me: "We're trying to switch customers with a phone notification to either email or a card."
Me: "Is text message an option?"
Them: "No we're not there yet."
I would give them my text message email address but I can just imagine that ending up on a spam list.
give them a junker gmail address, and set up forwarding filter
@SpencerRuport - Pest control for what?
to forward to your SMS email address
@MikeAsdf - That's actually a good idea.
Hadn't thought of that.
@TravisJ Can I ask a question?
@TravisJ - They just spray around the house, check for termites, dry rot etc.
@Greg - Yes
I have the following structure:
                            <h4><asp:Label ID="lblResource" runat="server" Text="Resource Center"></asp:Label></h4>
                            <b>Phone:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblResourceCenterPhone" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
                            <b>Email:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblResourceCenterEmail" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
                            <br />

                            <h4><asp:Label ID="lblCredit" runat="server" Text="Credit Department"></asp:Label></h4>
@SpencerRuport - In what situation would you want them to contact you then? Just give them their own information for your contact information :)
What would be the best way to check if those labels are empty, if they're then hide that individual element and or the entire li if both are empty.
@TravisJ - Contact info for the service guys when they're on their way.
@SpencerRuport - Yeah, I guess the fine details break down. Sometimes there is no avoiding spam
hi guys
@Greg - the label element is empty?
@TravisJ - Yeah but @MikeAsdf 's suggestion is good. I can set my mail server up to forward from my spam email account and filter by a whitelist.
@SpencerRuport - I use a dummy email for that type of stuff too.
@TravisJ Yeah, the data is being passed from the database.
@Greg - What does <asp:label render as
@TravisJ - I already have a spam account but I hadn't thought of selectively forwarding from it.
Especially to my sms email
Im using DotNetBar I'm using itemPanel and adding itemButtons into it with LayoutOrientation HORIZONTAL, and AutoScroll property to TRUE, but it didn't add any Horizontal Scroller to it. However, it does add VScroll when set LayoutOrientation to VERTICAL
@Greg - No it must render as something, what is the html output for that?
Server side: <b>Manager:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblBranchManager" runat="server"></asp:Label><br />
Client side: ??
<span id="ctl00_ctl00_lblCreditRepEmail"></span>
@Greg - so look in the li elements for empty spans and if they are empty, remove them and the previous bold element. In general though, that design would benefit greatly from some div wrappers to make querying easier. If you count n-1/n empty spans in a li, remove the li.
What do you mean n - 1 could you do an example of that? Not following that part.
well the first span has default text, so that wouldn't count. for n spans in an li, n-1 must be empty for it to be removed, in other words of 4 spans, 3 should be empty for the li to be eligible, since that would mean only the title text was present.
@TravisJ So what just do var content = $(..).find(li)?
Get the array of li elements, then iterate?
ooooo did I see JS?
@rlemon Yeah, trying to figure out an optimal way that doesn't suck but my brain is fired.
what are you trying to do?
/me just started paying attention, and leaves work in 4 minutes
so make it snappy
                <li class="MyContact"><span aria-hidden="true"></span>
                            <h4>Resource Center</h4>
                            <div><b>Phone:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblResourceCenterPhone" runat="server"></asp:Label></div>
                            <div><b>Email:</b> <asp:Label ID="lblResourceCenterEmail" runat="server"></asp:Label></div>
                            <br />

I have that, I need to check all those internal asp label spans, if all are empty hide the whole li, if only one show that one and the title.
Basically need to see if the span is empty or not, if the span is empty hide the whole div.
if all are empty hide the whole li
what does the label render as
sorry I'm not hip on the asp
<span id="ctl00_ctl00_lblCreditRepEmail"></span>
$('ul > li span').filter(function() {
  return this.textContent.length > 0;
maybe something like this
well, hope I helped :P probably not.
5pm, i'm out.
Uh, what does that do.
It fails to fully solve the problem, but is along the lines of what you would do to make it work.
@KendallFrey - I was looking up pell grant stuff. Found this link, thought you might like it. ifap.ed.gov/ifap
@TravisJ That would only handle the hide full element right?
variable names like sexualOrientation get annoying to type a lot
@CharlieBrown - Depends on the value and context :)
@Greg - Yes, but it would also never be true.
@TravisJ for the masturbation reference or...?
@KendallFrey - For simple amusement
medical application
simple amusement for simple people
@TravisJ Yeah, struggling because my brain is dying.
simple strokes for simple folks?
@TravisJ Which filters all those items to an array?
@Greg - So first, you need to remove the entire li elements that are bad, and then the individual spans. Ugh, going to take longer to explain than to type.
$('.MyContact ul li').filter(function(){ var s = $('span',this), n=s.filter(function(){ return $(this).text().trim().length == 0; }).remove().length(); return s.length-1 == n; }).remove();
Oh you changed the structure to have divs
So, that does both?
If that does I'll need to analyze, as I was thinking way more dumb.
@CharlieBrown - Is there a way I can wipe out a scope?
  angular.element(document).injector().invoke(function($compile) {
    var scope = angular.element($modal).scope();
    scope.theTime = new Date();
@CharlieBrown - The scope is persisting between window creations. Is there anyway I can just reset it?
window creations?
Yeah my bad.
hm, well its a singleton by design
@TravisJ Thank you, your JavaScript knowledge is exceptional.
gonna have to fudge it somehow
Alright. I figured I just wondered if maybe there was a method like scope.clear();
@Greg :D
@TravisJ My brain is shot.
@TravisJ I did that via the client, but would the server be better?
@Greg - if you have more than 250 of them do it prepass (server side), otherwise there is no problem doing it on the client
@TravisJ I didn't think so, our front end guy is upset because I used the existing infrastructure for the layout, and then did it client side. He goes "why not do it server side."
But I'm thinking, to structure that type of check via C# would be a nightmare.
Most fun piece of code today: $(".k-window").map(function (index, item) { return $(item).css("z-index"); }).get().sort(function (a, b) { return b - a; })[0] + 1
@Greg - It would just require some if statements.
Most fun piece of code I have seen today
A: Project Euler #15

Eric LippertAs others have noted, there's a discrete math solution to this particular problem. But suppose you did want to solve it recursively. Your performance problem is that you're solving the same problems over and over again. Let me show you a little higher-order programming trick that will pay big di...

@TravisJ Wouldn't it be quite a bit of if?
@Greg - yes
@TravisJ A generic helper for caching results of arbitrary functions?
Everything's lookin like nails now
i know its not the Room for this Question , but anyone know how to View or Change the password of the User account i am currently logged in ?!? lol i got a Remote Desktop Connection , password is Saved in the shortcut but i cant remember what it was ....
@Pedram if it's in the RDP file, then try opening it up in a text editor?
I think it's unencrypted in there
lol u can do that ? :|
I have two projects in VS. I want both to start up automatically when I start either. Is there an easy way to do that?
@Pedram hmm, it might be encoded/encrypted somehow, but there are apparently tools to recover it:
Q: Restore a saved Remote-Desktop Password?

askmateySome fool in my company has scrapped the page with the root password for our hyper-v server. Fortunately I've saved the password in the Remote Desktop Connection, so I'm able to connect remotely. How can we restore the password without forcing a reboot?

it was not in the file itself , there was just some options 0 or 1 in that
i check 2nd link
yeah, looks like it's a binary hash thing: github.com/RC1140/ZaCon/blob/master/remoteServer.rdp
("password 51")
@MikeAsdf - I use funcs like that for recursion, the approach was interesting
funny how google indexes RDP files that people accidentally leave on public internet google.com/…;
@MikeAsdf - yeah, long story short, if placed online, forever online
I sorta want to experiment with leaving an RDP file on pastebin, targeting a VM, and observing how long it takes people to connect and what botnet tools they inevitably set up
...and see if they accidentally leave "share local drives with remote machine" turned on >:)
@TravisJ Yeah, sounds bad.
@MikeAsdf - Another fun one to google :) add name= connectionString=Data Source=;Integrated Security=False;User ID=; Password=
Anyone care to look briefly at my code?
    public class RoundRobinQueue<T>:ILoadBalancingQueue<T>
        private readonly ConcurrentQueue<T> _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<T>();
        private SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
        public RoundRobinQueue(IEnumerable<T> collection)
            foreach (T item in collection)
            _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(_queue.Count);
        public T PullNext()
            T ret;
SemaphoreSlim looks shady, it is hard to tell which one is the real one
@TravisJ Well, it looks like the front end developer decided, to just leave it. I'm assuming all the server if else would be annoying.
@TravisJ How do you mean, "shady"?
@Greg - Yes, the server if else solution is not really a viable one :)
shoudl it matter which one?
@Darek - Sorry, bad song reference
Is the code sound otherwise?
@Darek - Code looks like it would be hard for me to test, but at a glance I don't see any issues
"load test"
            ILoadBalancingQueue<Uri> rrq =
                new RoundRobinQueue<Uri>(new[]
                {new Uri("http://localcost/Url1"), new Uri("http://localcost/Url2"), new Uri("http://localcost/Url3")});
            Parallel.For(0, 10, i =>
                var u = rrq.PullNext();
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("[{0:000}] {1:00} {2}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, i, u.AbsoluteUri));
[010] 02 localcost/Url3
[004] 01 localcost/Url2
[005] 00 localcost/Url1
[011] 03 localcost/Url1
[014] 06 localcost/Url1
[015] 07 localcost/Url1
[004] 09 localcost/Url2
[012] 05 localcost/Url2
[010] 08 localcost/Url3
[013] 04 localcost/Url1
Not really round robin :D
but it actually makes sense, Url1 could be returning way faster than the others
Nice, I was able to reproduce your test scenario.
hmm, I have two projects with code first migrations... and for some reason my DB is pointing at the wrong thing
So you are trying to match these urls to each other? With 3 it should only be 6 pairs right?
if it was true round robin, than I'd just give another one before the firs returning
but since I must block to one client-one url, i think this is fine
some session might take longer, like 2 and 3, but 1 could be a bunch of fast action
I think this is good
just wanted to double-check with you good people
why use a parallel for if you're going to be blocking?
@TravisJ I have on old web service which falls apart when two threads hit it at exact same time
@Darek - Mine came back with
[012] 00 http://localcost/Url1
[012] 01 http://localcost/Url2
[012] 02 http://localcost/Url3
[012] 03 http://localcost/Url1
[012] 04 http://localcost/Url2
[012] 05 http://localcost/Url3
[012] 06 http://localcost/Url1
[012] 07 http://localcost/Url2
[012] 08 http://localcost/Url3
[012] 09 http://localcost/Url1
@NETscape so the idea is to copy the old legacy crappola a few times, then let clients conenct to any of them, one at a time
we should be really fixing the multithreading issues at source, but nobody wants to pay for the fixes
and testing impact is huge
so ...
How many cores @TravisJ ?
mine is 8
and your test executed on the same thread
@Darek - It may have cached, I waited and got this
[012] 00 http://localcost/Url1
[012] 02 http://localcost/Url3
[012] 03 http://localcost/Url1
[018] 01 http://localcost/Url2
[018] 06 http://localcost/Url2
[018] 07 http://localcost/Url2
[018] 08 http://localcost/Url2
[018] 09 http://localcost/Url2
[015] 05 http://localcost/Url3
[012] 04 http://localcost/Url1
so round robin works, based on your first test
The use of different threads makes it complicated it would seem
when you use .Wait you kinda defeat the purpose of parallel, don't you?
Or at least, convolutes the output
@TravisJ I know.
@Greg - Tell the back end developer that he can always serialize the set and send it to client side with the empty values excluded.
not necessarily , @NETscape, here is the thing, i have to process 20k policies every night, I have few legacy web services, where each call takes from 6-180s, right now the job runs sequnetial, or with two threads at best
you have 8 cores, 8 threads, when you call parallel for, it will get partitioned, and they will all be blocking when trying to pull next
above two, its cats and dogs living together
@TravisJ I'm the backend, I just eh.
It's legacy and that sounded like a lot of work for something that doesn't need to be that complicated.
in prod I have 64 cores, but am dependent on two core external hosting web sites with thread-unsafety issues
right... if you only allow one item to be pulled at a time, then it doesn't matter if its parallel
@Greg - Tell the front end guy you can serialize it and send it to him without the extra properties, but then he will have to handle it once the page loads anyway :)
and now I can have ten copies of single-threaded sites which can be access from 10 parallel threads on my machine, yes, my machine will get some threads blocked, but overall, the process will be able to run more than two threads safely, because each thread will have dedicated web service
it is a hack, nothing more
@Darek point being, there is no priority, and there is no order guarantee, so you can't really dictate round robin
but low hanign
so I should rename it to something like weighted
because roundness cannot be guarnateed
That was the part I was having issues with too.. there was no time slicing
it's not even weighted though
you're not accessing the sites on multiple threads at the same time
are you really wanting to Push at the end?
or is that just to simulate?
Yes, otherwise I run out of the URLs to use
yeah, BlockingQueue / BlockingCollection
i'd imagine
I'd that's what is messing you up though
your simulation
List<Uri> uris = new List<Uri>(Enumerable.Range(0,10000).Select(i => new Uri("http://localhost/Url" + i));
Ninject still scares ne
            using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())
                    .WithConstructorArgument(typeof (IEnumerable<Uri>),
                            new Uri("http://localcost/Url1"), new Uri("http://localcost/Url2"),
                            new Uri("http://localcost/Url3")

                ILoadBalancingQueue<Uri> rrq = kernel.Get<ILoadBalancingQueue<Uri>>();
test with a fixed set, since i'd guess that's what you'll be working with
It's awesome
The set would be database provided
centralized config
like magic
right, which isn't changing after you get the set the first time
so you don't need a queue.
can I use a WebAPI project that just does authentication with another WebAPI project that just does business logic?
I have a need to lock an item in a collection, is there a better way?
like an exclusive reader, but only on one item in a collection
ObjectPool<T> would simply generate a next one
uhh aren't you saying,
var listofuris = Db.GetListOfUris
foreach(var uri in listofuris)
BlockingCollection<T> could be used, but then I never complete adding to it

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