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anybody here use Selenium?
chat ded. rip.
Alright, I am working with multiple forms. Now under certain conditions, my secondary form will open before my main form. Under those same conditions (and only those conditions) I need the Close button on the secondary form to be hidden or disabled.
@CharlieBrown Whats the best way to integrate EF and the data repository design pattern?
Im implementing my first repository pattern and its kind of intimidating
@Pinky in general, EF is a repository, so there is nothing more to do
Q: Sql Query Convert to Lambda expression

ozzieei am freshman in EF Lambda Expression. I used this query in ADO.NET. But i am working on a new project on EF. So i need to convert this query to EF Lambda Expression or Linq. How to convert the following sql query? Can u help me about this issue? SELECT MenuGrupAdi ,Baslik ...

You will appreciate this
@Pinky adding a repo on top of EF is like adding a repo on top of another repo
@CharlieBrown so its pointless to have a data repository and use EF in an architecture?
@Pinky however, what you probably want is a service layer, not another repo
@Pinky i built an example of this for Greg, ill shoot the link
@CharlieBrown greatly appreciated!
so what if you want to manage the instantiations of the context manually
@Sippy yikes. "Please do this for me"
@CharlieBrown I liked uhhh
> i am freshman in EF Lambda Expression.
Best use of English language ever.
that is a good line
I am freshman of women
@CharlieBrown @pinky looks like the architecture I put together for my contract. Pretty standard stuff, though expanding the services example a little farther might be good if you're going to use it as a lightweight "reference" architecture example...
in other words. "Its not that cool, I've done this before. It could be better"? @TetsujinnoOni
I vote for the simplest approach. Context abstraction of the UoW and done.
@CharlieBrown no, it's cool to have a reference implementation to point people to. I think it'd be a LITTLE clearer with more than one service operation. Clean is good.
@RoelvanUden I second this motion!
@CharlieBrown I noticed u said service layer, which type of service is it?
WCF, etc
also didnt see any services in the link?
It can be whatever you want it to be
(∩ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。 ᵀᴴᴱ ᴳᴬᴹᴱ
@Pinky "service" is such a damned overloaded term in practice. Business Service, which is a logical layer, not necessarily even out of process.
Ive seen folks implement a repo layer with EF code first approach
@CharlieBrown if anything, I wanted to convey that I was glad to see that I wasn't out in left field on what I was pushing as architecture either ;)
@Pinky Repo over EF Code First seems to be a kind of side-step toward a Business Service layer. Business Service layer seems like what happens when you want to pass around POCOs or other "dumb record proxies": Your domain behavior gets embodied in mostly-logic-without-state classes, which are the services.

And I hope like hell I get shredded over this if there's a better way to describe that... ;)
Anyone seen this guys video on pluralsight
he sounds really smart n like he knows what he's talkin about
I need the Close() button of a form to be hidden under certain conditions. How do I go about doing this?
@Ethan I find it hard to believe Google can't answer that.
I've tried
none of the answers helped me
@Pinky The key to sounding smart is using a lot of terminology, some kind of enterprise subject, and over-confidence in the blatant lies you are selling. It doesn't actually ensure you're smart; it just sounds like it. Yes! Like a salesman!
@RoelvanUden herp
@RoelvanUden i hate guys like that...
wait, I may have found something
I was on a train yesterday sat amongst a bunch of insurance brokers and I don't think even they knew what they did as a job
@Pinky A service layer has nothing to do with http or wcf
@Sippy lmao isn't that the case for at least half the world?
@Sippy :D i know exactly what you mean
Hahah probably.
Does anyone know where when I do this:


Then end my stream, it saves the file but wraps it in a -something/something.zip-?
I listened to them talking about their work for 2 hours
And at the end of it I still had no idea what they did.
They seemed to think they were important though so .. good on em.
@Greg is this a webresponse?
@Sippy Then again, a regular person can listen to two programmers talking and, after 2 hours, be convinced they are terrorists trying to take over the world.
@Sippy - yeah never mind I finally found an answer. Sorry
@Sippy i tried to explain my father about what's my job about for years, and he still doesn't understand it either
@SebastianL Yes.
@TetsujinnoOni agreed, i have a longer version with more ops
@Ethan No worries .. I'm guessing you're a student, one thing you should understand is that perfecting your Google-fu will make you a superstar programmer.
Well, it won't, but it helps.
Basically the server calls a .ashx, then it executes some stuff.
@tweray mate I tried explaining it to my mother and she got a headache and had to go lie down.
Understanding and logic is key to being a superstar of programming :P
@Sippy - you're correct, and I just didn't think hard enough on one of the answers
I found
Then again she can't use an ipad so ..
@Ethan Mhm, the other thing you need to realise is that quite often your problem will consist of a subset of smaller problems, most of which will have specific answers.
yeah, thanks
@Greg so the stream is just a byte[]?
or a base64 string?
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                zip.AddEntry("Bid Item.xls", stream.ToArray());

                // Build File & Context:
                var file = String.Format("Platt Bid {0} Cutsheets.zip", bid);
                context.Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
                context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", String.Format(@"filename=\{0}\", file));
@Greg why not stream.CopyTo(ZipFileStream) ?
But I only have one stream, what do you mean?
@CharlieBrown what is yur definition of a service layer
the same as the definition
"Defines an application's boundary with a layer of services that establishes a set of available operations and coordinates the application's response in each operation."
wcf and web service are actually "Remote Facades" in pattern terms
@Greg Expected behaviour, actual behaviour. What's the question?
@CharlieBrown im slow, what are Remote Facades?
@CharlieBrown RPC technologies is the term I'd kicked around in the past for them.
@Pinky A Facade with built in Remoting....
WCF hosts are the agents that facilitate service operations
!!wiki Facade (Pattern)
wcf is a remote facade
@TetsujinnoOni The Gods of Wikipedia did not bless us
patterns have been around for quite a while, long before wcf
(Quibble: If Caprica is talking about God, shouldn't it only be ONE god?)
"Provides a coarse-grained facade on fine-grained objects to improve efficiency over a network."
@KendallFrey I don't have two streams, so why would I use CopyTo?
no, about your code
A: How can I check if a string is a number?

LeeC2202I'm not a programmer of particularly high skills, but when I needed to solve this, I chose what is probably a very non-elegant solution, but it suits my needs. private bool IsValidNumber(string _checkString, string _checkType) { float _checkF; int _checkI; bool _r...

Poor guy
@KendallFrey I'm not sure why the - is being introduced at all.
@Greg I'm not sure what you're talking about
haha, told you, downvoting to game the system, to give his answers better positions
okay i'm done
i just really f'n hate that guy
When I save the zip, then end the response, I get a - at the start and end of the file name.
which guy, servy?
he's smart as hell, but is shady / slimey
@Greg what file name? Isn't this a web request?
@SteveG underneath your mom is shady
slimy too obv
looks like you pissed off greg yesterday, huh
I can't tell if Greg was pissed or just being theatrical lol
I am back at work now
i didn't go to work today
i'm sick as shit
I didn't want to.
well, i'm feeling better
Me too, got sinus infection :(
but don't want to pass it along
@KendallFrey A Web Request that creates a zip file and downloads.
@Greg yeah, so where does the filename come in?
web requests don't return filenames
Note to self: 30.000 <tr> elements tends to blow up firefox
@KendallFrey besides the FileDownloadName property of a FileContentResult, to provide a default file name?
@RoelvanUden ......................
ur in big trouble mister
need an android adapter :p
@TetsujinnoOni ah
@Greg so the question is about Content-Disposition? What is the complete value of the Content-Disposition header, and what were you expecting?
@SebastianL I'll take a look, I might have to refactor a bit.
@KendallFrey Instead of -Something/Something.zip- it should just be Something/Something.zip
is that the complete value?
That's not valid for Content-Disposition afaict
For a filename?
What is the complete value of the Content-Disposition header?
            var file = String.Format(@"filename=\Bid {0} Cutsheets.zip\", bid);
            context.Response.ContentType = "application/zip";
            context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", file);
no, no, no
the actual value
Looking through Fiddler now.
@greg WebAPI or MVC?
@KendallFrey Your right though, remove the Content-Disposition it doesn't have the -
Web Forms, Legacy project I'm dealing with at the moment.
@Greg I'm right about what, I don't know what you're talking about
@KendallFrey I commented the context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", file); and it came across as a zip correctly.
Productive meetings in offices with nice views++
I found the issue.
@SebastianL @KendallFrey Thank you for the help.
What was the issue?
The legacy code had a random area where the value was changed to the: =\ which bugged it out, when I purged that it fixed the filename.
ah, legacy code
@KendallFrey Yeah, how is your job?
pretty good
I'm writing new code
@Greg Pretty sure 20 other services, 5 customers, 11 services, and 31 native dlls now freak out because of this change. Because, legacy.
@RoelvanUden Legacy, the anti-Christ of programmers.
Hi Everyone!
I have View to edit ApplicationUser:IdentityUser. I want it to show a List of Roles or Checkboxes. What should I do for that? IdentityUser.Roles is an ICollection.
Hi Everyone!
@ton.yeung Yep.
There are ViewModels in tutorials and in AccountViewModel in my project has view models for all user account related tasks.
@LifeH2O sounds like you know what to do, then? Bind to view models.
hi, I've a problem relating to a private field not being updated outside of it's method. I set up a property to get around this, but when access _currentPitch always holds zero outside the orientation method:

any ideas?
@Squiggle No the Models with ViewModels are confusing. At the moment I am thinking of listing all Roles as checkboxes and handle the checked Roles in Controller. Is that the right way?
@BrianJ Are you sure CallibratePitchMinimumReading isn't being called before the value is set?
Why and how the ViewModels do not persist in DataBase??
@LifeH2O The Model persists, but the ViewModel just exposes the Model in a friendly way
yesI'm sure, CallibratePitchMinimumReading is called from a button click, the orientation method is called during init. @KendallFrey
it doesn't contain any data that's not already in the Model
Thread.Sleep not working on following code
Thread[] threads = new Thread[processorCount];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
int i1 = j % processorCount;
int j1 = j;
threads[i1] = new Thread(() =>
// doing some work

Console.WriteLine("Processing user: " + j1 + " ManagedThreadId: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
How does the system know not to persist the data in ViewModels?
@LifeH2O Which system?
what is wrong with that?
@Teomanshipahi lots, but what is your question?
@KendallFrey EntityFramework I guess
Why Thread.Sleep not working on following code? @KendallFrey
@LifeH2O I'd recommend a little background reading. blog.codinghorror.com/understanding-model-view-controller
@Teomanshipahi If it's not "working", what is it doing then?
it just prints out all output
faster than expected :)
Never, ever, ever say something is "not working" as a problem statement.
@Teomanshipahi well, the threads are all running at the same time, not sequentially
if you want sequential execution, you don't want threads
I am tring to simulate latency
not trying being sequential
and if you want parallel or async execution, you want tasks
I am practicing on threads :)
could it be that I need to reference the property some where outside the orientation method? @KendallFrey
@Teomanshipahi Protip: you shouldn't be creating threads
You should use Tasks
@BrianJ I don't know, the code you posted looks fine, the problem must be elsewhere
okay thanks
@KendallFrey "you shouldn't be creating threads" never ever?
Almost never
@brianj what calls myo_orientationdataacquired?
the only time you would want to create your own is when you have one long-running background process, and you don't want to disturb the threadpool
but even then it's not much better
@TetsujinnoOni its an event fired from the init method, I can post the complete class if needed
ok, I am already convinced to use TPL long time ago, but I wanna practice on real threads to understand what is going on behind the scenes
not trying to implement on real life
so I just cannot sleep a created thread like my way?
@Teomanshipahi Then you should probably use the threadpool, no?
that's how tasks work behind the scenes
@Teomanshipahi what do you think your code is doing, step by step?
it is processing 10 customers
@Teomanshipahi sure you can sleep on the thread, but other threads won't wait on it, that's the whole point of a thread
(sending email etc..)
@Teomanshipahi "step by step"
@Teomanshipahi ... you're missing my point. I don't care what your "doworkhere" method does, the logic you're concerned with is "why do these threads behave this way", and I'm trying to get you to communicate what you think your code does.
then we can explain which piece(s) aren't really the way you thought they were....
ok here is full code

private static void MultiThreadCount(int i)
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
int processorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount;
Thread[] threads = new Thread[processorCount];
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
int i1 = j % processorCount;
int j1 = j;
threads[i1] = new Thread(() =>
// doing some work

Console.WriteLine("Processing user: " + j1 + " ManagedThreadId: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
foreach (Thread thread in threads)
@BrianJ My strong suspicion is that you're attaching that handler to an event which is firing based on an input device.... and that the event is firing and pushing 0 into your property.
I am expecting some delay also on first function but should be faster than second one
@Teomanshipahi I don't need to see your code, I need to see your thoughts....
I trying to compare sequential vs multithread
and simulate latency on multithreaded app
that is what i am trying to do
is it clear?
i dont advise creating threads and using that way though, its likely to be slower than the single
certainly more cpu intensive
.net offers built in apis for that
@Teomanshipahi it is pushing zero to _currentPitch outside the method so that could be it, withing the orientation method, _currentPitch is being updated accordingly. I drafted up a gist of the class for clarity
lol, one of our devs just deleted an entire table from the db. the main table of test data
Want a trout?
Arghhhh. I'm so close to getting RetroPie working in my car but my game controller dongle draws too much power and using a powered hub in the car would be a pain.
doesnt affect my work, so i can just laugh
so you create a bunch of threads....
then start them all in a loop....
then join them one at a time... in a loop....
So the first join will make the control thread wait on the first thread.sleep, while the other threads merrily run through their thread.sleep....
then join the main thread continues, joins the second thread, already terminated, joins the third thread, already terminated, joins the fourth thread, already terminated.
Perhaps you need to put more feedback points into your samples to see what's happening.
morning guys
also, threads are not analogous to cpus. you can have many more threads than you have virtual cpus, and you are not guaranteed which thread will run where
any good reads/personal recommendations on threading in C#
@ton.yeung @CharlieBrown @SpencerRuport I figured out my token problem btw
definitely also an issue. I feel old when I consider the fact that i still have single-core-CPU modeling embedded firmly in my head.
I don't know how to fix it, but idk if I need to
@Pheonixblade9 - Oh?
yep. when manually going to a page, the routing reroutes the page and $onPageChangeSuccess is fired, hitting the token call. The page is then immediately redirected, making another request. It doesn't like two concurrent requests from the same user for some reason, so it gets an error
@Teomanshipahi it has good content on threading?
@Pheonixblade9 - It doesn't like any two concurrent requests or two concurrent authentication requests?
(I wasn't really following the conversation yesterday)
@Pinky you can download pdf here for threading section albahari.com/threading
it is free
@Teomanshipahi Sweet thanks dude!
@SpencerRuport authentication from the same user, I believe
@Pheonixblade9 - You might have already eliminated this as a possibility but I'd look into moving that logic into a service and then adding a resolver for it in your routing logic. That way the controller will wait until authentication completes and the redirect will occur once the controller executes.
yeah. I don't think it's a huge priority to fix right now
but I'm glad I know nothing is "broken"
Hello..Is there any way to change the title color of an GrouBox (Windows Forms). Shouldn't this normally do it? GroupBox_Name.ForeColor = chosenColor; ? Somehow it's just changing the text color, not the title color.
@Proton - Windows forms is rife with those kinds of issues. If googling hasn't helped there's probably no (easy) answer.
@Proton - If you want more control over styling WPF is your best bet.
@TetsujinnoOni ok.. when I extend sleep I can see latency now.. I think 500ms was not enough to see real affect :)
@Pheonixblade9 are you using any "static" fields or props anywhere? "singletons"?
next question; How can I get which processor executes current thread for 4 core machine?
is it possible to get?
Q: Change group box text color?

user20493How do you change the text color of a group box in C#? The "documentation" doesn't even mention this, and Googling hasn't turned up an answer. Thanks! Alan

@CharlieBrown nope, each context is created on the request
I've already read that. It doesn't work. It's just changing the text color and not the title color.
@Teomanshipahi if you're doing an experiment, and you can't see the results you expect, try adding more instrumentation....
@Teomanshipahi Why does it matter? I don't think you easily can.
im not sure you can either, the HAL will abstract most of that
possibly some WMI call for it, maybe based on PID
@SpencerRuport thanks but i won't do it for this "project". After this i will work with WPF.
@TetsujinnoOni yes.. mostly experiments on threads.. not trying to proof something.. mostly try and false currently :) thanks all for your help
@Proton - When did you start this project?
3 months ago.
"Hardware Abstraction Layer"
@Proton - You decided to start a new windows forms project 3 months ago?
its how windows runs on different hardware, the just swap in a diff HAL for each machine
@Proton - I'm just curious why you didn't decide to use WPF in the first place.
i have a LookupModule class and need a LookupModule enum... need a new name
its really just a holder of PK's from the database (yep, its horrid, I know)
Dunno. It's just for private purposes. Didn't thought i would do somehting like this actually.
@Teomanshipahi point being that for problem domain (experimental code) and issue (not seeing what I expected), approach (add more instrumentation) is frequently an appropriate answer.
@Proton - Ah. Fair enough. I would at least evaluate how hard it would be to switch over to WPF. You don't have to code it using the built in MVVM stuff so a lot of the code will port over without any changes.
... it'll either tell you what you were expecting isn't right, or that it's happening faster than you thought.
@CharlieBrown - eesh.
seems like a missing reqt
@ton.yeung - That's what I keep reading too. Basically anything besides a chest strap has terrible reviews
@CharlieBrown git reqt m8
@ton.yeung - Not that I've found. Hence why I was considering that indiegogo sticker monitor.
wtf is this web references proxy bullshit
@sippy a reason to use hand-rolled clients?
Apparently we use ArcGIS
I'm still totally lost.
Speaking of which
From a usability standpoint, should the text next to a checkbox/radio button be clickable?
that is, a label and control are usually tied together, should that be the default
@KalaJ depends what tied together means
@KalaJ - Yep. Html has built in support for that. See: w3schools.com/tags/tag_label.asp
the problem I was having is the consistency of what to display for a cursor
the <label> should wrap the checkbox
hand cursor or arrow cursor
hand cursor would be displayed if an option is clickable
cursor: pointer is the correct one
arrow cursor if the field is not clickable
@KalaJ - I don't think you need to mess with that. The defaults are fine.
and yeah, what @ton.yeung said is correct
I need consistency in the application, for some reason, I had problems where the disabled fields still showed a hand cursor
@ton.yeung - I know it's like 1999
and one user complained about "accidentally" selecting another field next to one because they clicked on the label instead of the button
@KalaJ - Ah yeah disabled fields are weird across browsers. I usually opt to hide disabled fields to avoid those kinds of issues.
html already has the consistency built in, but you may need to do label:disabled and change that cursor
yeah I did change it
now it looks like I have to change it back
One user wants the labels to be non clickable
and another user wants the labels to be clickable
so I was wondering what is best practice for this?
I'm assuming clickable labels next to the control
just some people accidentally click on the wrong option because of the label
@KalaJ - Clickable is the standard. You can tell them you are obligated to setup the labels a certain way for 508 compliance and browsers make those labels clickable.
clickable is recommended, for accessiblity
lol they are big as is with the small resolution we have to deal with
okay thank you, I'll bring that up to my PM
@KalaJ - Is this customer 90 years old? :P
just had a guy do a code review, he said I was doing a good job for now
lol no idea of age
but our application is targeted for older people
for now lol
he didn't say for now, haha
that's my editorial
@KalaJ then S508 compliance is important for US markets.
@KalaJ - How many fields are on the form? For mobile / older users it might make sense to have one field per "page".
It's a web app and we have to restrict our resolution to aprox 1270x760 to accomodate the larger market
I'm trying out AngularUI bootstrap :)
Right now, we have 10 controls on this page
font size is 14px lol
We have a header and tabs to navigate through the page, so that already cuts down or vertical resolution
@KalaJ - It might make sense to explore a "one control per page" approach for your older clients. They don't mind page switches as much as younger crowds.
one field a page is crazy talk
Maybe but right now, the controls are grouped based on topic, so not sure if that's a good diea
/shrugs I've watched my grandma use a touch device.
Their needs are different.
Just an idea.
and the thing is even the spacing around the label counts as clickable
and that interferes with it :/
the padding will, the margin will not
@KalaJ - I think you can fix that by using margin instead of padding* in the CSS.
make sure you use the right one
ohhh that might fix the previous problem. I just completely removed the clickability of the label
going to check
hmm I am only using margin
What browser are you using?

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