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also it might be because I previous did remove padding to add more controls to this page xD
the thing is, we also have validation warnings to display underneath the control
if the input was above or below a limit
and the text was shifted down ... yes this particular page is a mess
@KalaJ - Yeah I think you're dealing with some styling issues. See: jsfiddle.net/cjb5eLyp
The middle checkbox whitespace is clickable. The last one is not.
the last one is clickable?
@KalaJ - ... dang you're right. FF is acting weird.
@KalaJ - So basically you have a set of labels and checkboxes next to them right?
This design is very common on the web, and also terrible UX. Make the labels the checkboxes. Change their style on selection to indicate checked or not.
I am using Ninject as a ioc container, I am appliying auto-wiring and getting assemblies so:
_kernel.Bind(x => x.FromAssemblyContaining<ControlFromSocket>()

It is not an effective method and it can't bind some interfaces. How can I get all assemblies in Project?
yes that is what I have
but you're right, it might be the padding
I'm going to make the labels clickable again and see if it still occurs or not
Refactor for UX. It will solve all of your user complaints and make the feature easier to use.
It's interesting how the first checkbox behavior is diff on chrome and firefox though
@KalaJ - Did you see my comments?
actually checkboxes/radiobuttons I'm using html helpers razor syntax
why does VS freeze whenever I type a namespace -_-
That can be vastly improved in my opinion.
@KendallFrey - I have noticed VS acts strange sometimes after a windows update. Perhaps you need to restart it.
brb guys dev meeting
@KalaJ - Tell them to stop constructing all their html server side.
@TravisJ it's very strange for some people to move away from that. the whole "but it's right there, we should use it" trap....
91% on my js hiring exam. i got the dumbest stuff wrong
especially in shops that're just transitioning off of ASPX (or have a legacy ASPX app in parallel)
@CharlieBrown "wrong" wrong or "opinionated approach to JS" wrong?
@TetsujinnoOni - I think that is accurate. I also think some people just don't understand that constructing large amounts of html negatively affects bandwidth use and page load times.
Under Armour
@CharlieBrown - So you kept answering Nike? :P
intra, b2b
mean.js stack
its like b2b between sporting goods stores and under armour
From an email thread, from a 30-year-experience dev who typed " I am also not awesome at java." in his introductory email, in a followup message: "FYI. I do know the difference. Often times when talking in general terms and everyone knows that it is javascript I will shorten to just java so I don't have to type so much."

funny, the competent devs I know, especially the ones who aren't coding on JVMs, refer to it as JS if they're abbreviating....

is that completely inaccurate shorthand really common usage?
@CharlieBrown so, supply chain B2B
I've literally never heard someone to refer to Javascript as java.
heck no, js
@SpencerRuport have you seen that picture of... you know the one
...no? haha
I've never seen that haha
Make no mistake, those who call JS "java" for short are probably incompetent :P
@KyleEmmerich that was my first blush reaction.
is that a real ad?!
@KalaJ - This is how checkboxes should look: jsfiddle.net/rj8b79tp
That's hilarious !!!
@TravisJ - Ohhhh pretty
@SpencerRuport - :)
@TravisJ Question, can you get the length of a e I'm trying to prevent someone from pasting anything more than 25 characters.
@TravisJ i like it
$('.txtNote').bind('paste', function (e) {
    if(e.val().length >= 26) {
@Greg - e, as in event?
@KendallFrey much wrong with that, so wow
@Greg - set a max char limit on the input maxlength
@KendallFrey lmao
@TravisJ For some odd reason maxlength isn't firing.
@Greg what browser are you testing on that maxlength doesn't work?
@tweray Chrome, Opera
@TravisJ But this is an asp.net control that is ignoring the maxLength
@Greg so it's something like <asp:TextBox> in code?
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtNote" TextMode="MultiLine" CssClass="txtNote" MaxLength="25" ToolTip="Maximum allowed characters, twenty five."></asp:TextBox>
@KendallFrey holy crap where did you find that
@SteveG ages ago
@Greg - What does the rendered version look like
<textarea name="ctl00$ctl00$MainContent$uxCart$uxCart$uxCart$ctl02$txtNote" rows="2" cols="20" id="ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_uxCart_uxCart_uxCart_ctl02_txtNote" title="Maximum allowed characters, twenty five." class="txtNote">ghhgshs</textarea>
@Greg on your code behind, try add
txtNote.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "25");
Yeah it isn't rendering the attribute
Ah, good ol' <asp:
that's why i love webform :p
My code behind doesn't even see it.
try a rebuild
im so bored
i need a life
@SteveG - What have you tried?
uh what do you mean
Hi guys, I'm creating a struct that I want to contain an enum property, among a few others. I know I can't create an explicit parameterless constructor, but I really want the value of the enum field not to be the enum's zero for the default of my struct. Is there a way around this?
@SteveG learn haskell
@SteveG - I don't know, it was a generic response to a rhetorical statement.
ah well
@Brandon not without modifying the enum to have the expected zero element
i tried playing games
@KendallFrey you sure that won't push him more onto the zombie side?
but they're not fun sober
@SteveG - Why not?
i should go outside
It's not a giant problem because I could change the order of the values in my enum but that's a pain in the ass... Also, what if the enum type I was using was DayOfWeek -- A .NET type?
but theres nothing to do outside, i need more friends that aren't busy
@tweray Guaranteed to make panties hit floors, anywhere
@TravisJ idk, just don't hold my attention
@KendallFrey Haskell is a nice language but I always wonder if there is a job where you can use Haskell. My imagination seems to be poor..
@SteveG - Maybe you need more involved games with higher levels of competition.
@KendallFrey Yeah I was really hoping that wasn't the answer.
I haven't found a decent application for it yet
mmm, free pizza is best pizza
@Pheonixblade9 - Trash cans behind Italian restaurants are full of pizza.
papa johns? sad face
@Greg you sure you are on the right code behind file?
i like papa johns, except the owner is a crazy conservative
Everything comes from frozen materials. Who knows where they get their ingredients from.
@tweray Yeah
I am just spoiled by the quality of pizza in CA though I guess.
@Greg just curious, do you see a .desginer.cs file under your .aspx file in VS?
now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of york
@tweray No, we have it abstracted differently.
and all the clouds that lour'd upon our house
in the deep bosom of the ocean buried
@Greg, well, then that make things more complicated... so your aspx file doesn't have a .designer.cs file at all? And are you planning to have one or no?
Haiku (俳句, listen ,, haikai verse) (plural: same or haikus) is a very short form of Japanese poetry. It is typically characterised by three qualities: The essence of haiku is "cutting" (kiru). This is often represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them, a kind of verbal punctuation mark which signals the moment of separation and colors the manner in which the juxtaposed elements are related. Traditional haiku consist of 17 on (also known as morae), in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respectively. A kigo (seasonal reference), usually drawn from...
@TravisJ, yes those checkboxes do send a very clear message lol
@tweray I'm in the proper directory.
i didn't come up with it, but i counted close to 17 each
well, you'll get over it
"Modern Japanese haiku (現代俳句 gendai-haiku?) are increasingly unlikely to follow the tradition of 17 on or to take nature as their subject"
@Greg if your code behind cannot see your frontend elements... then i am running out of ideas, unless there's some way to add attributes in fontend code...
the copy paste was used
hopeful random text posted
hopes dashed at twenty
what now
even the master himself used 18 sometimes
i'm a master tv watcher
a master procrastinator
and now kendalls response....
wait for it...
it won't match 575 after you translate it into japanese anyways, so why bother
must submit code review for every checkin. this is fun. i check in about 30 times a day
yeah why bother
haikus suck
peanut butter
Hi team
var CusID = $('#CustomerId').val();
$('#displayme').load('@Url.Action("getFolderStructureByCustomerAccount","Folder", new { CustomerID = CusID })');
The name 'CusID' does not exist in the current context
driving me crazy
why would it? @ is server side, $ is client side.
@ton.yeung var CusID = $('#CustomerId').val(); is not enough?
url action is server side
lol yeah what travis said
I looked at many examples and still no luck
Although I would probably wrap the razor
wrap it before you tap it - gunny
@CharlieBrown knows whats up
Iraqi forces gain in Tikrit, face ISIS push in Ramadi
standard operating procedure
we can't delete messages any longer as owners?
@SteveG you never could
unless you are referring to the bot
i thought i could
only if you spoof your fkey
ISIS pushing ramadi, my old city, as long as the IA doesn't completely suck they'll be fine, city is fortified like a castle, hundreds of thousands of sandbags
@SteveG - Still surprised they are razing ancient artifacts.
yeah what a bunch of dicks, well, i say that like i didn't think they were dicks before
but they were
@ton.yeung - So there hasn't been a war in Iraq for 3000 years?
What I don't understand is how 1 million people are occupied by only 5,000 people.
Talking about Mosul
cough when the white man came to the America's there were 15 million natives.
@rlemon - Yes, and how many natives were there when it was occupied?
@ton.yeung - For the most part, yes. Isn't that the case?
ancient ones
@TravisJ while(natives.length > 1000000) natives.pop()
not modern or even AD.
this was ongoing
@rlemon - function smallpox(){}
we were never occupied, we were slaughtered
@rlemon - So it is a different point to make then, right? My point is that you cannot occupy 1 million people with 5000 without them being at some level involved.
so, theres def. a technological difference in weapons between the white man and native americans
@TravisJ I was just making a comment.
no point to be had
you got half an hour into it without quitting?
@TravisJ yeah, look at the militia thats going to go after mosul, they hate the mosul people too, poor people stuck between assholes and more assholes
(one is sunni one is shia, don't remember which is which, mosul sounds sunni i think)
yeah the kurds are doing awesome
@ton.yeung - Well can you point to any instances of ancient ruins being destroyed? I cannot think of any recently or in the past century.
bagdad 2003 during the riots / looting, not ruins, but artifacts and shit probably
yeah, we almost lost the stargate forever
@SteveG - most of the expensive stuff was stolen though, not destroyed
bag dad?
ah true
dad bag
theres no correct translation, since it's a translation, fallujah == falluja, iraki = iraqi , etc
Iraq somehow became a self fulfilling prophecy. It was purported to be the center of terrorism in 2001, but was really just an oppressed country by a Dictator. Now Iraq is the center of terrorism in the world, oppressed by a warlord and a collection of thugs.
@TravisJ lol aint that the truth
lol, I just realized that it is PC Richard & Son, not Richardson when i google map it... I've been reading it wrong since i first know the store....
and we liberated iraq for them to get cosey with iran
@TravisJ Thanks
@Alundrathedreamwalker - No problem :)
@SteveG - Yeah apparently there is Iran RG on the ground in Iraq at the moment.
yeah crazy
Hard to tell how involved Putin is in ISIS.
well, just asked for a Macbook Pro so I can do Xamarin dev... here's crossing my fingers
Clearly he kept Assad in power in Syria, but how much he and Assad are associated with ISIS is impossible to determine.
i would guess not much, he has had trouble with extremist muslims in like chechnia right? but then again, he's an ahole
apparently I'm one of only 3 people who actually know how to do mobile development here...
what are the things that reduce entropy in a codebase?
thats a homework assignment question
I came up with it
interview question
ah makes u think huh
@Pinky - The best way to reduce entropy in a codebase is to make sure that all your dependencies are hard coded and all reusable methods are copy pasted in their used namespaces.
@Pheonixblade9 Wouldn't you need one if you were just doing iOS dev anyway? What's to ask for? If they need iOS they need a Mac.
@ton.yeung yea I played it for a bit
I got bored after a few hours
grinding the same 4 mission types over and over
@JohnD I don't know iOS dev, only Android and Xamarin. I wanna be put into the list of "people who know all mobile dev", likely just through Xamarin, so I need a Mac
@TravisJ sometimes too many dependencies increase entropy ;)
@Pinky - It was a joke really, that would be the exact opposite of what you should do. while(cross cutting concerns){ refactor() }.
why we are about to reduce entropy in codebase, it will cause at least several hundred thousands of people losing their job
@tweray - Nah, it would mean that they would just be more efficient.
Researchers have discovered that in urban environments there is a triggering factor that escalates the speed of entropy. In one experiment, a car in good condition was left on the street for a week and remained untouched and in good repair until a window was broken. Within mere hours of the broken window, the entire car was stripped. Research has pointed in similar directions when it pertains to broken windows and dilapidated structures. Damage that remains unchecked for any period of time rapidly exacerbates the rate of decay which quickly goes beyond the point at which the investment for
@Pinky I love how you completely blew over the copy pasted code bit, you're truly ready as an interviewer.
If that were true, then the creation of next generation programming languages would have put developers out of work.
@Pinky makes me think you're a dipwad who's making up terms that don't exist
@TravisJ more efficient -> less code needed -> less people needed to write code -> people lost their job :p
@KendallFrey if you've never heard of entropy your science teachers should be crucified
@tweray - more efficient -> less code needed -> people produce more product -> bigger software industry
@Pinky I would avoid using Math.Random and instead replace it with 42
i mean, we are already the most efficient industry in the world, let's be a little easy on ourselves
@Pinky Oh, I know what entropy is, outside of the context of computer science
but that's outside this context
Nah, that is how you get knocked off the most efficient pedestal.
you should be able to comprehend how the concept applies to comp sci
!!xkcd random
Because obviously the demand for developers would be much greater if everything had to be written in assembly /s
I'm so bad at sarcasm
haha :)
@Jeremy your actually really good /s
@Pinky my actually really good what?
@Pinky I can make a vague approximation, but those don't apply in computer science, so you still need to define your terms
@Jeremy Probably because you don't use the sarcastic font
@KendallFrey - The approximate state of disorder :)
@KendallFrey its not that difficult dude...entropy in a codebase = increasingly less maintainable
That question is boring though.. It might as well be "recite the OOP principles"
@Pinky maintainable is not well-defined
@Pinky is this question for a PM or junior developer btw?
@KendallFrey your mom is more defined
@Pinky You really are an excellent interviewer
@tweray mid dev
@Pinky Is your company a lemonade stand at the side of the road?
I'm surprised at your age that you even know what entropy is!
@JohnD yeh we sell software that turns lemons into lemonade
really it makes beer into wheat and hops
@TravisJ A simple question like "what techniques can we use in C# to maintain loose coupling between components" would be really effective
well, that's a question only PM's cares, personal suggestion, for mid dev, just ask them to write a small console app something in 15 minutes, better than 100 interview questions
need questions for someone thats goin to implement a repo layer

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