The reason people don't know how to handle conflict is jthey spend most of their times on an electronic device and not interacting with people; thus, they don't know how to take it when someone says their wrong. They lash out, and then look for the reset button to load up yesterday before the conflict.
@RyanTernier - That is so wrong. If you were actually focused on being right your statement would have been different. The internet is full of people who handle conflict just fine!! MY CAPS LOCK IS NOT BROKEN.
There was a homeless guy in Victoria BC who just sat on the corner of the street near my office. Every day, 365 days a year. ONe day a 90 year old war vet saw him, and started kicking him and swearing at him "Get your lazy good for nothing ass up of this street and be useful to society. You have no job? Go donate your time. You have the time. You want money? Go to the navy base they'll hire you. " It was soooooo funny
@TravisJ I disagree with that, but I'm focusing on people > 30. I'm 33, and what I've seen with a lot of them is they don't know how to handle the day to day. They live on their devices and when asked to have an hour talk they get so uncomfortable.
It was funny seeing this war vet just kick this native guy and say things that made a lot of sense. "You just sit here doing nothing, go donate it to a charity. Go help sweep up some garbage, go to a seniors center and visit with people who fought to give you a life"
@ton.yeung This guy looked like he was an ex underwear model... with a lot of dirt and bad hair
@TravisJ lol, not a lot of beach volleyball in Seattle. Plus when I go to yoga, I get some health benefit for myself other than ahem increased heart rate
I think they were hiring 3 to start, which I obviously didnt make the cut for, then 9 more in a couple months, which it sounds like I'm on the list for (potentially)
@SpencerRuport companies in general, never consider things like that
@SpencerRuport My general routine: INtroduction, personal questions, why CGI, tell me about the best project you've done and 3 peices of technology you implemented that you were proud of. Tell me about X technology, then I start going into their work vs what I will need them to do on a specific project. I used to read from a sheet of 100 questions, now I just ask qeustions to see how their brain works and if they'd be a good fit for the team. If I need I'll put my teacher hat on and test them.
If It's an in-person interview, I'll throw some code to them with some questions about it: String manipulation, function pointers with byval/ref, tupples, yields, a dictionary of <Action,T> to see if they can understand it
@SpencerRuport I had a job offer where it was "Give us a call in 1month to see if the job is available. If it is I think you'll get it. but give us a call".
No way an interviewer understands when you talk about "A technology I implemented that I'm proud of" since it would take all day to explain the project in the first place
I get interview questions fit for college students and I want to throw a dry erase marker. "How would you implement a sort algorithm". I wouldn't, its in every library.
@CharlieBrown You'd be surprised on what you hear. If you hear "I haven't really implemented a lot of technologies" versus (one I was given) "I had to create a .NET application that interacted with a camera that was on the bottom of a drone to map out 3D images of buildings for GIS Purposes".
Speaking of innovative coding projects. The reason I mention it was that my other colleague was miffed that his project about using a Kinect to detect pedestrians was canned and the mind control project got the go-ahead
Often, interviewers questions dont line up with what the work is really going to be. If you ask me a question, it should be b/c I will have to know that to do the job
If I'm hiring someone for my application, (which has No UI, all SOA) I ask specific questions like :Tell me what a WSDL is, and why it's important.... do you know what a WSDL is? Ok... what's a web service? asmx?.. tell me about the internet. yes... hotmail. explain hotmail to me. Yes... smiley faces... fuck
I got 10 rockstars* on my team, I ask them to answer all the interview questions first as a base score. Then compare that to the response from the interviewee
@CharlieBrown It's not really "pass/fail" on interview questions. If someone doesn't know an answer I see how they come up with an answer. I have one developer who couldn't explain what a ConcurrentDictionary was as he's never used it, however he took the word concurrent and assumed it had to do with multi-threaded coding and explained that it is a dictionary that works with multi-threaded code, but that's about it. He then told me the facets of the dictionary that would be included.
but not how to implement the dictionary as he's never used it. I'm ok with that
teaching syntax is easy. Teaching someone to have a mindset of a programmer is well... hard. that's not my job. I just make sure my guys have that mindset.
@SpencerRuport the stuff that takes the time is when you ask "so how do you want your users authenticated?" - and they don't understand the question. When you explain it to them, they most definitely don't know the answer, because they haven't thought about it
@KendallFrey - You said they were expressions and you didn't want it to be verbose. I asked why you didn't want to just use plain if() statements and you told me that it was too redundant.
@TomW - Yeah. Which is fine, that's why I get paid. But when they don't have the money to afford what they want they get all offended when I'm like "Use wordpress."
@TravisJ my first job was at an IT shop fixing computers. My 2nd job (when there wasn't enough work in the first) was pushing carts at a shitty grocery store
my job at office depot was actually really nice. Managers were cool and didn't try to schedule me in my blocked-off times (I was in college). I was usually the 1st or 2nd highest in sales every month