@NETscape I'm using a service myself. its not native, its a 3rd party that runs on azure. if you do "create new" and search for mongo you should find it
@RoelvanUden Do you have any idea why pastebin.com/AAymRiiV won't show the actual value of the current ProductCategory in the DropDownBox? When I click the little black arrow at the side and I click a value, it will show that value. When I close and open it again, it shows a blank entry again.
No problem. As far as I know, it just gets the product categories and the DataGridView changes them automatically. That works, because the "State" class is being serialized when something is being changed. So I can verify it when I open the program, edit something, then close and reopen it again.
asp:repeater wants something that implements an IList as its data source, I assume I can create a new list and set my object to it, but is there a better control I can use for simply displaying an object?