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sigh such is the life of a programmer driven to write esoteric software.
I suppose a quiet chat room is better than one full of swastikas
I wish I could help you Kendall Frey
I wish you could too :P
I bet not even Reed Copsey can help with this one
In return helping me with something simple might help you feel better.
I have a label I want to display some information when an item in a listbox is selected, do I do it from xaml or do I have to write a method for it?
I think you can do it with a binding
Are you binding your listbox to a list of plain objects?
List box is binded to this
public ObservableCollection<IFood> ShopList { get; private set; }
I think you can bind to the SelectedItem of the listbox
posted on September 05, 2014 by Scott Hanselman

I've been working remotely now, from home, for over half a decade. I work in my home office, from cafes, from my tethered mobile, basically anywhere I can be productive and not feel like a phony. Here's the thing, though. I have to go to meetings, and I spend 15 minutes of those meetings waiting for YOU (yes, you, there) to unmute your mic, setup your cam, mess around with your internet, and

I tried doing this.
<Label x:Name ="cosstLabel" Content="{Binding ShopList.SelectedItem.Cost}"
but I'm not even sure it's right.
or can be done like that.
{Binding ElementName=listbox, Path=SelectedItem}
Something like that
You ca probably do SelectedItem.Cost
@Feeds hahahaha
How would it know which selected item I wanted?
If I did SelectedItem.Cost
It's the one that the user selects
Oh ok.
It didn't work.
This seems like it should be easier than it is.
any details?
is there an error?
(You might have to look in the output window)
No errors.
I checked the break point to make sure that the items in the listbox -have- a cost and they do.
is it just not updating?
maybe something doesn't implement INPC
Yeah, not updating.
It's possible. I'm pretty knew to this binding stuff.
new to grammar too :(
sorry, gotta step out for a few
@KendallFrey Well if you feel like helping me isolate the problem when you get back lemme know.
1 hour later…
Hello guys, if any of you have some experience with spatial classes on EF5 would you mind sharing with me a recommended way to model a "Route"? By route I mean literally a route, a bunch of lat/lon points. Can it be a collection of dbgeography objects?
SignalR query: does the hub class automatically fallback for those primitive browsers?
I mean is it designed that way?
Or do we have to re-work on our server-side logic to support browsers that don't support websockets?
3 hours later…
@deostroll Yes, it has a bunch of fallbacks that "just work".
@RoelvanUden NECROPOST
Hi does anyone know how to save browser's scroll position in asp.net mvc ?
@Yoda Not.
tl;dr if you need to do postbacks you're doing mvc wrong
@Sippy seen that one already. the accepted answer is re web forms. the other options that I know is client-side localstorage/cookies. I prefer localstorage for this task as I don't need to send it to the server. its client-side stuff.
Why do you need to store it?
so that when a user drill downs to a low level detail and come back, the window scrolls to the same position.
What of answer 3?
Using JS + hidden field
nope I prefer localstorage option over that
Use JS rather than post to set the scroll var
You could always just use JS to scroll to parent element when they close the element they're using
Would be more elegant.
yeah but with combination of localstorage
Why the fascination with localstorage? What is it you're needing to store in that context?
If you're just getting the scroll location of a parent element whenever a child is 'closed' then you needn't store anything.
@Yoda If you tell a browser to go back in history, it uses its old scroll position.
@RoelvanUden omg is it friday I thought it was thursday
@Sippy YES!
That explains a lot ..
My app is not using anchors so it is not reflected in url. so the history option doesn't work.
I need some kind of client storage as they can navigate to other low level pages and come back to previous page which happens with reloads.
Hello everyone.
@Yoda You don't need anchors. Browsers "just remember" if you let the browser navigate back. That means that a Redirect from MVC is a no-go, because that's a HTTP header, but you can tell the site to do it in JS ;-)
@RoelvanUden Doing any high octane programming today sir? Maybe releasing a production version of the software which sends rude messages to clients?
@Sippy I have no such intention at this point in time. It's almost weekend, after all, sending rude messages is planned for Monday.
@RoelvanUden Ahh, good idea.
You know, the problem with using software that isn't rated by anyone is that the software rarely works.
On this old web forms app, the DAL layer is generated by a piece of software called LLBLGen Pro
And it's a complete pile of dogshit.
Goes well with webforms!
Trying to make edits to one of the records in the database causes the entire thing to crap out.
Just one of the records.
It crashes the whole SQL server.
@Sippy Amazing. And then it's the fault of the programmer of course, but no kudos or high praise for those guys that MADE IT WORK IN THE FIRST PLACE WITH SUCH CRAP. :P
@RoelvanUden I don't fucking get it. If I remove every piece of information and try to save the record empty, it still crashes. Like .... what?
You may need to tell it to delete? :P
I don't wanna delete the damn thing
It's an edit function xD
Might just leave it
It's one record in like
That I can find anyway
If they find it I'll just say YOU'RE USING IT WRONG, DUH, you know, like a good programmer.
@Sippy Exactly.
@Sippy :D
Yeh, what's going on here..
@DeeMac why you deleted you question?
just now only i solved it. See ideone.com/NhhtzT
Is it possible to only allow digits in a combobox from WPF XAML ?
Pretty much anything is possible in WPF...
im having trouble doing it...
Did you try search for an answer? It has been answered way too many times already, here on SO as well :)
            <Style TargetType="TextBox">
                <Setter Property="MaxLength" Value="9"></Setter>
                    <Trigger Property="Text" Value="{x:Static sys:String.}">

im trying to allow only digits
stackoverflow.com ask here, so that it helps more people
To anyone running Windows, I want to check something for compatibility. Open your console, type cd C:\Windows\Fonts, then vgaoem, then . Tell me if it does not autocomplete the file name. kthx
@KendallFrey It does autocomplete it on 7 enterprise.
@KendallFrey Telling you anyway; it does autocomplete on 8.1.
thanks for the feedback
whoa, startling discovery
.fon files are executables
virus time muahahahahaha jk
@KendallFrey lolwut? arent they imagefonts?
@RoelvanUden Lol fixed it.
it updates by transaction, and each transaction contains a metric fucktonne of information
it was updating a specific part twice, which meant it was trying to throw two of the same rows with the same primary keys into a ref table
which was shitting all over the database server for some reason.
okay, happy friday, for real this time, bitches
Hello boss
@Steve fuck yeah :D
i love my job
@Steve What's ya job?
C# stuffs
@Steve All stuffs? ^_^
So what you're saying is ..
You love Web Forms
we're moving our ecommerce stuff to the cloud, so i'm getting to play around with that a lot now
I'm still waiting for my boss to let me do something cool
Keep getting put on legacy crap >_>
:( hate that
ah well I'm 21 so I shouldn't complain. xD
At least I have a job.
could be doing heroin under a bridge
For some reason that gave me an image of a troll sat under a bridge shootin' up.
@SebastianL lol yeah, so? Do you know what format screensavers use?
My brain is on one today.
If I wanna hide/show textboxes based on the selected value of a ddl in web forms, is that gonna be easier with JS or postback?
no, what format do screensavers use?
they're merely exes
thats scarey
I've made one or two
i can't spell, so suck it
you misspelled f@@@
@KendallFrey you mean those suspicous *.scr files? ^^ are *.fon the same?
basically, yeah
:P i shouldn't think too much about opportunitys and get back to work ^^
hi guys !
hows everyone ?
@bhuvin It's friday!
Ahh ... Man working in start ups has its own costs :P
Now today i am facing an interesting problem , one of those is : I have 2 project , lets name them Service and Caller, now Caller obviously refers Service but now there is a particular event which service needs to call of the Caller so that it could be handled by the Caller ...
how do i go about this ?
Its sort of a Circular dependency
refactor it so you don't need the circular reference
@KendallFrey just tried it, but i get an error (not valid fontfile). is there a special header required?
@SebastianL Presumably it won't read font data that doesn't exist
But are you able to execute any code at all?
@KendallFrey not yet ^^
going to attempt to write a ff extension today that makes compares more like beyond compare ^^
that huh
@KendallFrey - Its UI which i need to call , lets say there is a Cron running on the Background and i need to call the UI for showing a Notification ...
how do i call the same ?
Data binding? :/
@bhuvin You should call the cron from the UI, and the con should just expose the notification as an event
@KendallFrey - In that case how will it work , i.e. the Event called by the CRON will be used by the UI also ?
the UI subscribes to the event
i mean when CRON calls the Event , the delegate hooked by the UI will also be called ?
presumably something like that
Let me try
@Steve write me a console emulator
hm, okay its done, its up on github
funneh funneh
i wrote a few of em
in the last 20 seconds, i'm fast.
haha its still there
@Steve You bastard, writing Java shamelessly
java > c#
0 > steve
1.1.31 > kendall
I need some bacon
This may be a dumb question, but shouldn't: !collection.Any(i => i.Equals(invoice)) Shouldn't if it exist it skip?
Well, I have it wrapped in if
bacon sounds good
i've been on a subway binge the last few months
@KendallFrey I had crispy bacon sandwich earlier
was good
@Greg excuse me?
i hate crispy bacon, well ahte is a strong word
but i much prever chewy
man i'm not drunk
or maybe i'm too drunk, you'll never know
@KendallFrey Well, I've got a duplicate key and if it attempts to go into the database I get an error unique constraint for invoice. So I wrote:
Bacon is best when it does not break, and it does not stretch, it just bends nicely
                if (!string.Equals(invoice, invoiceFound) && !collection.Any(i => i.Equals(invoice))) // If a duplicate is found, will skip the entry.
                    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(@"proc_ProofOfDelivery_Insert", connection))
                        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SubmissionID", Convert.ToInt32(submission.Id));
                        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ResponseID", submission.ResponseID);
@Greg Jeeez why don't you use query mappers or something?
@KendallFrey I shrank it.
same didn't read it, but you're opening the connection with each iteration of the loop, even with connection pooling that sounds like a bad idea
Well, the problem is invoice can't be a duplicate being entered into the database. So I'm trying to skip it should a duplicate invoice be entered.
So if an invoice exist in the database or in the collection of data I'm parsing, skip the SqlCommand.
are you sure Equals works as you expect it to?
what about casing, and culture
@KendallFrey I thought it did, I tried it with a simple console application that compared strings.
not strings, invoices
invoice is a string.
that greatly simplifies it
What do you see when you step through?
Well, I see the value F67007. Which as it is entering data from the collection.
oh its an invoice number?
should probably name it as so, as a side note :p
9 mins ago, by Roel van Uden
@Greg Jeeez why don't you use query mappers or something?
@Greg Where do you see that value?
dapper mofo
Then three iterations down, it sees another F67007 which can't be inserted because DB is unique constraint
Which is failing, the first part of the condition, or the second?
Well, this is the part that is odd. When it hits the duplicate; it does skip the SqlCommand.
But I still get the duplicate key value is
Well, where do you get it then?
And why are we doing your debugging for you?
@KendallFrey You aren't, I told you where it failed.
You should already have it narrowed down to a specific case. Instead you're just saying "I did this, no workee"
maybe he has the new VS installed
F8 Step Over
F9 Step Into
F10 Ask Chat
I'll fucking figure it out.
that's the spirit!
@KendallFrey : Works !
I thought someone may have some experience or insight, as to why code that got skipped. Still suddenly causes the proc to be called.
I don't know what your code does
Code doesn't get skipped in some magical sense. It's all extremely predictable.
@RoelvanUden I understand that. When I go through, it does skip.
Have you figured out where the problem is then?
However, it does some how try to insert it again though.
If it's throwing an exception, how hard can it be to find?
@KendallFrey It is a SQL Exception.
right, when is it being thrown?
@KendallFrey When it hits command.ExecuteNonQuery();
And what happens during the condition immediately beforehand?
@RoelvanUden omg I just found out what my next project is. >_>
Which side fails?
Well, this what is odd. After I hit continue to skip it. It tries to go to it.
> It tries to go to it.
What does that mean?
            foreach(var submission in model.Submissions)
                // Will use Ternary Operation, if Response.Response has a null will call secondary descendant.
                var responses = submission.Sections.SelectMany(obj =>
                    obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response == null ? obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })
                    : obj.Screens.Screen.Responses.Response.Select(response => new { response.Label, response.Value, response.Type })).ToList();
Okay, so the code for each submission grabs the data out of the element and assigns to a property.
@Sippy Web forms?!
But in that XML Document the same value exist twice, when the logic executes I physically see it skip the SqlCommand and execute the continue.
lol I noticed your redundant else
@RoelvanUden No, some piece of shit questionnaire for checkout tills
If it's not running the SqlCommand, you're looking at the wrong data
@Sippy That sounds... a fun.
At least I can do it in MVC.
I will finish it in 2 days
If that
It's 1 page lol
What is happening before it actually executes the command?
I finally determined what it is.
f672007 vs F672007
I didn't notice the case variance
Ugh, fuck my life
.ToUpper() on the inputs?
34 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
are you sure Equals works as you expect it to?
@drch Yeah, it works as intended unless I receive a case variance :(
"It works as intended unless" means "It does not work as intended"

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