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@KendallFrey True, shouldn't invoice.ToUpper(); turn it to uppercase?
It had better would
I am Le Hungry. That is all.
Hey all
Was wondering, how granular to make some ui tests.
anybody have ui testing xp?
@KendallFrey Another careless error.
I am still stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Q: Implementing grouping in a custom WinRT ListCollectionView class

DemCodeLinesI am using the ListCollectionView class provided at the following link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/527686/A-WinRT-CollectionView-class-with-Filtering-and-So However, it doesn't seem to support grouping the items. I tried doing the following to group the items, but it would throw an err...

@KendallFrey @drch @RoelvanUden I do appreciate your help, what is a query mapper by the way?
Why the heck do I smell PB&J
@KendallFrey You can smell PB&J?
That's what it smells like to me
I can't smell such an item.
I dunno what's cooking, but that smell is strong
Hello guys
@KendallFrey This may be a stupid question, but when you download via a WebRequest if you don't receive an image or anything with bytes what is the best way to test if it actually downloaded an image.
public static void APIDownloadImage(int id, string path, string extension)
    string image = BuildImageQueryString(id, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"CanvasImageURL"]);
    var request = WebRequest.Create(image) as HttpWebRequest;
    if (request != null)
        using (var stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
        using (var writer = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, @"images" + extension)))
> if you don't receive an image or anything with bytes
Well, right now even if it doesn't actually have anything it seems to still be writing a file.
You can check whether a byte stream array is an image by trying to create an image from it
It just writes it as an empty file.
Can anyone give me a few links on how to upload a file to arduino board through C# ? I tried a lot, didn't get good working solutions.
well yes, you're creating it
@KendallFrey Should I do request.ContentLength > 25 or something?
What's your goal?
My goal, is if zero bytes downloaded don't write a file?
and I thought you were downloading an image to send to a client. Is this the same code?
Then why are you writing a file at all?
I told you to stream it directly to the response
It isn't the same code.
This is an automated service that tries to receive the data from the third party API.
@KendallFrey, can you help me with that ?
So you actually are downloading a file to store permanently?
@Partha No, I can't unfortunately
But because it is automatically "assuming" it had a file it is writing empty files which it says are corrupt on the file disk.
np, thanks
empty files aren't corrupt, where are you getting that?
You're using that deadly word "it" again
it can kill
"it" being an erection
!!wiki Brazilian Wandering Spider
Phoneutria, commonly known as Brazilian wandering spiders, armed spiders ("armadeiras", as they are known in Brazilian Portuguese), or banana spiders, are a genus of aggressive and venomous spiders of potential medical significance to humans. They are mainly found in tropical South America, with one species in Central America. These spiders are members of the Ctenidae family of wandering spiders. The Brazilian wandering spiders appear in Guinness World Records from 2010 as the world's most venomous spider. Guinness World Records states that although the Brazilian wandering spider is the most toxic...
@KendallFrey That is what windows says when you try to open it on the server, says "invalid type or file is corrupt."
@KendallFrey we had an interviewee walking through our building getting a tour right when you said that
@Greg Are you sure it's not the program that's trying to read the image?
@Greg if you get 0 bytes, don't write anything
If you have an empty file with a .png extension, you obviously won't be able to open it
but 0 bytes is kind of a weird case
usually you would get at least an error message or something
0 bytes would be just an http status code and thats it.
@Steve and?
@drch That is why I wanted to add a cushion, since they're images the ContentLength should be at least 15KB or higher.
and its funny, bitch
@drch headers too
@Steve and?
the response stream will not include the headers
you were an accident
@Greg 15KB? no way
and dont trust content-length. it's not always provided
@drch or the status code
@drch So I should build a byte[] with the data?
ew no, stop buffering everything :P
@KendallFrey Sorry...
Then what do you feel would be the best approach?
I don't quite understand the problem
using(var outStream = new FileStream(/*whatever goes here*)) {
If you want to avoid writing invalid image files to disk, check to make sure the bytes represent a valid image
@drch Isn't that basically this?
public static void APIDownloadImage(int id, string path, string extension)
    string image = BuildImageQueryString(id, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"CanvasImageURL"]);
    var request = WebRequest.Create(image) as HttpWebRequest;
    if (request != null)
        using (var stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
        using (var writer = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, @"images" + extension)))
or join the 21'st century and just use webclient.DownloadFile()
yes, except that youre missing flush
and about 5 {'s
@drch Eh, the curly brace and I have a love hate relationship.
also - if the file is created, but an exception is thrown, the file would stay at 0 bytes
That, but since you need to consume the stream twice, you might need to buffer, using a memorystream maybe
@drch It still says it is 169 bytes.
@drch And 4KB on disk.
@drch What will the flush do?
flushes anything in the internal buffer out to the file
@Greg Every small file is 4KB on disk, don't worry about it
yeah, inodes n shit mofo
@Greg toilet + flush == !poo
@drch Well, if it doesn't have anything? How can I avoid writing the file?
@drch You said don't trust Contentlength and @KendallFrey said stop buffering.
@Greg Are you trying to avoid invalid image files or empty files?
@KendallFrey Both.
@KendallFrey Windows isn't really distinguishing.
And since the former is a superset of the latter, the former
So you really need to check the contents of the stream if it can't be trusted
see the link I posted
So if I try to call, it simply falls in the try catch
So I would return a false or eat the exception.
@KendallFrey That is pretty simple, but is that the proper / ideal way to do it?
It's the most reliable way I can think of
You could take shortcuts like checking magic numbers or indeed checking the length, but...
It doesn't recgonize Bitmap in Visual Studio even when I'm using System.Drawing.
add a referenceeeeeeeeeeee nucka
@Steve I did.
which one did you
@Steve nucka?
@Skullomania nuckle
@KendallFrey So your thinking like this.
        public static bool APIDownloadImage(int id, string path, string extension)
            string image = BuildImageQueryString(id, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"CanvasImageURL"]);
            var request = WebRequest.Create(image) as HttpWebRequest;
            if (request != null)
                using (var stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
                        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream);
                        using (var writer = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, @"images" + extension)))
@Skullomania omg racism, all around, get it away
@Steve Hows your job by the way?
fricken great
well I was a bit offended by the comment
i am the luckiest person on the planet
i think stream.flush() might throw
@drch It did.
@Greg You can't read from the stream twice
Hey everyone
hell bae
@KendallFrey Well, that is depressing.
I'm sure there are much more suicide-inducing parts of the .NET API
Then I can't use stream.CopyTo(writer) as it'd be open twice?
But, why is this open twice:
those are two streams
that is the one time you are reading from it
private void InitializeStreamBitmap()
        System.Net.WebRequest request =
        System.Net.WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
        System.IO.Stream responseStream =
        Bitmap bitmap2 = new Bitmap(responseStream);
        PictureBox1.Image = bitmap2;

        MessageBox.Show("There was an error opening the image file."
you just cant from it again
that code should be ok
Yeah, I see no error
Let's say I have a custom drawn control and its maximum height is 30pixels. And then I want to draw a pop up menu and the height of that menu exceeds 30pixels... How would I draw the pop up menu over and "outside" the custom drawn control?
With the Popup class
So, instead of copying straight to stream just writer.Write(bitmap);
Pretty sure that won't work
you are posting one code and talking about another...
getting confused
aw our building had a water balloon fight w/ another building and i missed it :(
I don't think you want to read from the bitmap again
I'm getting confused...
f it - just do it all in memory
and use webclient
@Steve I prefer fights with people. They're more... exciting.
Oh... I was looking at that before... I somehow managed to forget about that. Thanks @Kendell
youre showing it in a window anyways so it sgoing to be in memory
showing what?
is he not displaying the image somewhere?
or was that second bit of code something else entirely...
not that I know of
        public static bool APIDownloadImage(int id, string path, string extension)
            string image = BuildImageQueryString(id, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[@"CanvasImageURL"]);
            var request = WebRequest.Create(image) as HttpWebRequest;
            if (request != null)
                using (var stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
                        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream);
                        using (var writer = File.Create(Path.Combine(path, @"images" + extension)))
I think the last code was copied from MSDN or something
That is my current code.
Try creating a MemoryStream, I think you can read from that twice
I'm following this example here benmccallum.wordpress.com/2011/08/27/…, but for some reason I get the exception 'The type argument passed to the generic ChannelFactory class must be an interface type.'
you can read from any stream twice if it suppors seeking
At the point ChannelFactory<T> oChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>("*");
youll have to seek it to the beginning first before you start the end
I've tried everything from passing the configuration name, endpoint address etc ut still the same
and the other class may call dispose on it
Any ideas anyone ?
So, if I change my stream to memory stream wouldn't I need to also cast it?
wait a tic
You can't cast a cat to a dog
you are using this new BitMap() to verify that its an image?
you need to copy the network stream to the memory stream
@drch I'm really hoping to prevent an empty file being written as an image file
read it all into a memory stream, check its length, and if non-zero, write it to disk
if you decide not to pull everything into memory first, you can have a loop that reads from the stream
but i imagine for your case it will probably be fine
@drch No, he should check to make sure it's a valid bitmap too
@KendallFrey Well, they always send it as a jpeg
From the third party API.
I'm not sure what to try next ppl
using (var stream = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()) {
	var ms = new MemoryStream();
	if (ms.Length > 0) {
		File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(path, @"images" + extension), ms.ToArray());
		return true;
	return false;
@drch So you think I should just check my stream length?
@Greg apparently not if they send empty responses :P
@Greg No, what if they return an error message
How do I format my code please in this chat
This is the code

public class Service<T>
        public static void Use(Action<T> oAction)
            ChannelFactory<T> oChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>("*");
            T oClient = oChannelFactory.CreateChannel();

            bool bStatus = false;

                bStatus = true;

            catch (TimeoutException TimeoutEx)
thank you
This is the line >> ChannelFactory<T> oChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<T>("*"); giving me the exception
and I'm not sure how to overcome it
@KendallFrey Valid points.
@Tommo1977 what is the exception
er nvm i read it
'The type argument passed to the generic ChannelFactory class must be an interface type.'
what is your <T> type?
probably not an interface
i see you over there, shakin' that ass
I'm twerkin
man, it's like old times in here now
> To: Daryl Harrison
> From: "Facebook" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Somebody requested a new password for your Facebook account
my bad
you are right
ahh shii. some haxor trying to get at my noods
you have nudes on FB?
Can anybody help me?
Q: Castle.Core Trust Level issue

Kerem ZamanMy MVC Project had been running properly in localhost when I had published it on web, I had this error. Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: 'Castle.MicroKernel.DefaultKernel.InitializeLifetimeService()'. Security accessibility of the overriding method must match the secu...

nobody can help you
@Nathvi why?
lol idk
cuz he's being a dick
^ yes
guys dont make joke, I have been struggling with it for 2 weeks
@KendallFrey How can I resize an image? With System.Drawing
If you can't laugh at yourself you might as well give up
if (new StackFrame(2).GetMethod().DeclaringType.Name == "Model")
shoot meh
@KendallFrey I see a whole lot of "get" for dimensions not a whole lot of sets
@Greg Best thing I can think of it drawing it stretched to another bitmap
bitmaps aren't made to resize
Why do you want to?
@KendallFrey Well, I have to the file as a jpg and I'm converting to a bmp.
But, I need the bmp to be a hell of a lot smaller.
Because the bmp should be 152 x 32, but the original file we get is 800 x 640
Because an older system uses bmp, but they use it at those dimensions and build an invoice report for the image. If it isn't that size it writes 25% of the invoice and makes it impossible to read?
@Greg Well, how to you want it resized? cropped, shrunk uniformly, or shrunk distorted?
@Greg @KendallFrey @Steve
@KeremZaman Scaled.
@Greg should it crop the bottom, or have blank sides?
i hate refactoring unit tests after i refactor code... code refactor - 30 minutes. unit test fixing - 2 hours
Well, I need to scale it down.
@Steve yup
@Greg You'll need to make a new bitmap and paint the old on onto it, using whatever method desired
@Steve Except 2 hours to fix unit tests here is pretty much unheard of
too low?
i am
i am
lets say i have a ton of repositories, and i want to wrap them all into one file, what would you call that file, and is there a pattern that would make that easier and more maintainable?
well, there is a pattern, i just can't remember the name
I would call that file a clusterfuck
or maybe a zip file?
oh clusterfuck, yeah thats what i should have googled, can't believe i forgot
man this sucks
Really, though, why would you put even one repository into a single file?
not put
wrap in what sense
a wrapper....
basically, we have some big repositories, so somebody broke them up into smaller chunks, one for each table, but its sooo ugly, passing them all into constructors
what do tables have to do with repositories?
i just described it to you
big repository -> break up into smaller chunks -> logically breaking it up based on what type of data it handles
data it handles?
now you're just fucking with me
Is this like... git?
repository pattern
not source control repos
how would you pass a git repo into a contructor?
presumably a directory
How do you pass any file into a constructor, regardless of whether it contains a repository or not?
lmao, how many files does x repo have?
i thought we were talking tables
i was talking about chairs
Guess what question I posed yesterday
> How do I print a bullet character to the console?
will you marry me?
i mean
Make it sound easy, so they wonder why I need to post a question, and BAM views
Whoa just discovered a new feature of Opera
what new feature?
hovering over the tab shows a preview
i stopped using opera, because every 2 minutes "would you like to update opera", sometimes i just let the update requests pile up
no i would not fucking like to update opera 3 times a day
(obvious exaggeration)
that sounds much like firefox
ooops, this is embarrasing everytime it launches
yeah :/
anybody has knowledge about IoC containers?
i use castle windsor
as well
i looked at your question, i have no idea what you're even asking
What is incomprehensible in the question?
why you're compiling castle windsor in the first place, doesn't it work by just hooking it up to the controllerfactory in mvc
i haven't used castle windsor with mvc, i only used ninject
wait no
i have used castle windsor with mvc
i find insane that for people who shorten every word possible to create variable names, programmers have the best vocabulary
@Steve I am currently learning MVC. what is castle winsor?
@Steve my problem is about configuring castle windsor to work in medium trust level
so, where does recompiling it come into play, do you have to recompile it to work in medium trust level? i have a feeling you're more knowledgeable than i am at this point
@Skullomania its an IoC / DI container
that you hook up
to learn what those are, google will provide a more detailed answer than i'm willing to type out
@Steve i am reading that now on google
@KendallFrey You think this is a nice approach.
Image image = ResizeImage(Path.Combine(path, @"images.jpg"), .50);
image.Save(Path.Combine(path, @"S" + invoice + extension), ImageFormat.Bmp);
Then the ResizeImage method:
private static Image ResizeImage(string file, double scale)
    using(var source = Image.FromFile(file))
        var width = (int)(source.Width * scale);
        var height = (int)(source.Height * scale);
        using(var image = new Bitmap(width, height))
            using(var graphic = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                graphic.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                graphic.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                graphic.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
@Steve The reason why I recompiled is the link I gave in the question. In this link that problem is same as the my problem but its solution didn't solve my problem.
@Greg That's the approach I was thinking of
It's by no means nice, but there isn't really a non-awkward way to do that
@KendallFrey Okay, I just don't like hacking a solution together.
I wouldn't call that a hack, in this situation
Someone recommend me some good inspiring coding music
@KendallFrey, go to the Programming and electronic broadcast on grooveshark

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