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I worked with Process.StandardOutput today
Yeh but that needs a file @ Frey
A file? It has nothing to do with files
my problem is that : it locally creates a file but doesnt create on server
ok.. let me see again @ frey
so there are some values which need to send to client app.
and StandardOutput; returns streamReader
that means my process should return those values ? ISn't it? @ Frey
Stop calling me @ Frey
And I don't know what you're asking
ok let me explain
i have a utility that has some values and i need to send them to client
server sde actually executes that utlity
What do you mean, has some values?
Everything has values
that utility has some records to process and want to return how many records were successful
and unsuceesfull .. in short status
I suppose you can return that through stdout, yes
@Sadiq so, you need to read the console output of your utiliy from an asp.net page?
Previously i was making the status write in a text file ... but due to permissions the file is not being created..
i had to do the same thing, this is my vb.net code for that problem:
Dim info As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("C:\yourpath\utility.exe", parameterStringVariable)
Dim output As string = ""
info.UseShellExecute = False
info.RedirectStandardInput = True
info.RedirectStandardError = True
info.RedirectStandardOutput = True

Using install As Process = Process.Start(info)
output = install.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
End Using
hope this helps
@Sadiq You can read directly from StandardOutput
Ok thanks guys ..
im looking into t
I have a asp.net mvc profject to which I just started to use ajax.beginforms and have added the jquery-unobtrusive script bundles. It's working just fine now with the localhost but when I deploy it, the jquery-unobtrusive js file is not found... What step have I missed?
@ Kendall , @ HypeZ : StandardOutput is going to return streamReader... In my utility should i write: Console.writeLine(status);?
@Sadiq What is status?
StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() returns a string..
number of successful and unsuccessful records @ Kendall
@Sadiq Then yes, definitely write it
Thanks .. @ Kendall , HypeZ
let me try
You keep failing at pinging. Which is fine, because I don't want to be pinged.
read the faq, maybe
Im gvetting this now: StandardOut has not been redirected or the process hasn't started yet.
@Sadiq You haven't read the documentation, have you?
It would tell you how to do it properly.
Me and rlemon respectively
No, I always have it on my laptop
Runs in FF
@NinjaEcho Should I bike to work or take the bus?
ok it was just a test
Must have fallen asleep again
If I got access to a server, I'd probably run the bot on there. Maybe port it to C# too.
posted on January 20, 2014 by skeet

I see a lot of problems which look somewhat different at first glance, but all have the same cause: Text is losing "special characters" when I transfer it from one computer to another Decryption ends up with garbage Compressed data can't be decompressed I can transfer text but not binary data These are all cases of transforming and (usually) transferring data,

@KendallFrey that fight was wicked
love that bieksa took the faceoff
went to the munich hockey game last night
the fans sing the entire game
behind the goals its standing only
that sucks
and the home team fans all go to one side. and theres like 10 people with drums
drums wtf lol
anyone have any experience with FakeItEasy? Looking for opinions.
cracks orgasm joke
No experience, sorry.
its like that while theyre playing. in the NHL its freakin silent during play
crazy shit
I havae been through the document on MSDN but still .. I can't get whats the problem in my code
@ Kendall
string fileName = xmlConfigReader.RootSection.GetTextValue("path");
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName, args);
string str = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
@Sadiq Read the info on InvalidOperationException. It tells you why it will fail.
Try passing the start info to the process ctor
But error says that it has not been REDIRECTED...
in my utility there are countable console.writeline statements at various places... IS this fne or mght be the cause of problem
ohh derp
You're reassigning your process variable
Process.Start returns a new process
yes it does return a new process .. so?
I mean i cant get you!
That process isn't redirected
waht should i do?
Your first process variable is never used
You should RTFM about Process
Learn how to use it
OOOoooooohhh.... I saw that
@ Kendall:even on MSDN they have Process.Start() after initializing first object for Process
static or instance?
HOw is it working there?
There's big difference
Have anyone experienced slowness with WebBrowser in WPF after the second Navigate ?
on MSDN: First it is instance and process.Start( ) is static
No, it's not
Learn how variables work?
will you please assist me.. new System.Diagnostics.Process(); just creates an instance.. Right?
and Process.Start(fileName, args); is a static function
@ Kendall : I know its basic but please tell me
Start is static, it doesn't create an instance.
It doesn't need to create an instance
yes static has nothing to do with nstances
Static is when you don't need to create an instance of the object
public static Process Start(string fileName, string arguments);
@Sadiq Yes, you need to start your instance
@AndréSilva It does create an instance
yes .. i know that but how could Start return Process (as above)
@KendallFrey You just can't pass the instance of the class to any object though..
static funcs cant have instances in it... Am i right?
@Sadiq It starts a new process and returns it
@Sadiq No
Better learn the basics of OOP
ok can you show me an example of static func using instance objects in it... Any URL showin gthat
Process.Start is an example
It's a static method that returns an instance
A factory method
public static Process Start(...)
     return new Process(...);
no i mean function implementation that could help me better understand that
What Steve said
if for example i have a class abc and if i create an instance of it in some static method .. would it be possible?
thats kind of how the singleton pattern works
Read about the factory pattern
@Steve screw singletons
too busy screwing your mother
My mother is a single ton.
You like fat chicks?
at the point in my life where it really doesn't matter, to be honest
Why be honest, this is an internet chat room
oh sorry...... nah all i'm chasing is super model tail, but hey, when you're 6'2 and 220 lbs of pure muscle, can you blame me?
lol <- ASCII art of your mother when she sees me
\o/ <- makes a better idea imho
Your mom is like _o_
Sometimes ^o^
epic face is epic
dead conversation is dead
!!doge mom,joke,awkward,insult
so mom
              very joke
                          such awkward
many insult
wut wut
I'm gonna pop some tags
Oh I get it
Ugh I hate framework upgrades
@ton Because then I have to spend like an hour or two trying to figure out how they rewrote the entire thing, and I have to fix my code accordingly
can i set: process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
after : process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(fileName, args);?
Not yes.
man you're being dickish today
i have to send the arguments with Process.Start(fileName, args);
You don't have to
You can use startinfo too
lol @steve
@Steve Monday morning manperiod.
guys i know you have been very helpful to me
but i have to do this
Howdy @OutlawLemur
@Sadiq It's not that hard, just read the example on MSDN
@ton.yeung Especially when this framework went from beta to full release... They removed some methods, replaced them, renamed all the classes, and how to initialize and do everything
@CCInc whats up man
Someone teach me DTD
Yes i am doing that .. And will come to you if help is needed :)
@ton.yeung Yep, 66 errors :P
@ton Kinect SDK
And what if i need to set multiple Arguments @ Kendall
Separate them with spaces
just like on the commandline
@ton.yeung Yeah lemme find my description from my website... But check out these changes
@Sadiq you need to struggle a bit if you want to remember what you're doing, if you just expect everybody to write perfect code for you, then how much are they really helping you?
there are any azure masochist developer here?
right!! @ Steve
@ton No I've been working on this project for 3 years
@ton Oh... Is it?
No they added web server support... The new Kinect is not available for "hacking" yet (I don't think)
Kinected is a program designed to help catch intruders in your home! Using Microsoft's Kinect, Kinected saves images, uploads them to social networking sites, and saves information about the intruder to help you find them and prosecute them.
  Design Criteria
Physical Characteristics
•	1-2 Kinects®
•	Under $200
•	Under a weight of 3 pounds
•	To not overheat
•	View of 10ftx10ft and up
User Requirements
•	Easy to use
•	Easy to learn
Performance Characteristics
•	30-100 FPS (Frames Per Second)
•	Be able to upload photos to a remote server
•	Be able to tell Humans from Animals
•	Have a High-Resolution picture
•	Send email
•	Play a sound
•	Save depth images
What do you mean "killer app"?
dude the kids 13 or 14, don't crush his dreams lol
@ton ;)
@Steve Ouch
Also there was a point where I wasn't even gonna release it and I doubt I still will
Thats what the Kinect is for
@OutlawLemur that wasn't meant to be an insult :/
Also thats just from my science fair project's criteria, this is actually a much bigger project than just those
@Steve Nah I don't even care
@OutlawLemur are you from the US?
@Steve yeah
theres this 'new in munich for women' thing on meetup.com. location is supposed to be hidden but they put it in the desc by accident
gonna crash that shit
the usual. world domination
its pinky and the brain....
@ton Right now Im adding facial recognition
how are you doing that?
just curious
i think the perfect name for a facial recognition library is 'whodat'
@Steve They have a toolkit
I mean I could use EmguCV or something of the sort, but its just easier to use the toolkit because it has a lot of actual points on the face plotted out, so I can compare the lengths of those segments to get a good idea of if they are the same person, but I might add in some other algorithms later
@ton Perfect solution
Maybe Ill add in some blob detection and Skin texture analysis later
@OutlawLemur at this place i'm starting at soon, they do a lot of video stuff, and they just bought an XBO to play around w/ the kinect, so i was just curious how... in depth that tool kit actually is
@Steve The sdk itself is amazing.... And the toolkit is just an addon, however it has many of the most advanced features of the SDK themselves, for example, Kinect Fusion. Fusion creates a point cloud and eventually a model of a scene. Something I always dreamed of but had no clue how to implement. Another is the face tracking, and they also have some user controls for WPF. The developer toolkit also has a lot of sample projects covering avateering (?), point clouds, face detection, skeleton
detection, image saving, using kinect as a mouse, and audio (so basically everything you could think of)
oh wow
I personally don't use the toolkit much except for when I am using face tracking or whatever, but I would assume when you are first learning that the toolkit would be very helpful to get an idea of how to do most of the things you'll need to
Also its pretty fun to make scenes of crap in my house with Kinect Fusion and then look at in Blender;)
Morning all you happy people.
haha that does sound like fun
gmorning spencer
@SpencerRuport Y U NO GREET ME?
Because you're not happy.
are you tudist?
In fact I see you're being "dickish" today. ;)
What makes you think that's referring to me?
41 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@Steve Monday morning manperiod.
Can't help it, nature is against me
How was everyones weekend?
great, my weekend is still continuing
Good, but im sick
how was yours?
mostly tired
I stayed up way too late friday
Mine was good. Bummed the 49ers lost but I doubt they would have won the superbowl anyway.
Got more practice with my quad copter. Went suit shopping and got a nice one I'm happy with.
Meant to set up a bitcoin node but got too tired.
Someone had a productive weekend.
@SpencerRuport So your "suited up"
I wasn't even productive ingame.
@OutlawLemur - I suppose so!
I've never had a suit before. Usually just mix-n-match stuff from goodwill.
And usually black. I hate black suits. So I got a light grey. :)
I love black suits
I'm really light skinned with really blond hair so I just don't think it's a good look for me.
I put them on my online GTA character all the time
And still haven't recovered
Didn't sleep that well since then either
Because I couldn't sleep?
In other news, my bed collapsed this morning.
in soviet russia, bed falls out of you!
while(Kendall.OutOfShape) {
@KendallFrey - No wonder you're crabby.
went from dead code to infinite loop with that edit
Its impossible, it has to be an infinite loop
class Kendall { public bool GivesAFuck { get { return false; } set { if (value) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot give a fuck."); } } }
Alright... Im gonna go watch supernatural... bye guys
@ton.yeung Haha
something with calories
celery, in a way.
What I want to see on a box of donuts:
@ton.yeung Crepes
@KendallFrey - Lol fantastic.
I want coffee
But we have no coffee maker
It's got electrolytes!
get a french press
@ton.yeung Always a red gatorade for me

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