i had to do the same thing, this is my vb.net code for that problem: Dim info As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("C:\yourpath\utility.exe", parameterStringVariable) Dim output As string = "" info.UseShellExecute = False info.RedirectStandardInput = True info.RedirectStandardError = True info.RedirectStandardOutput = True
Using install As Process = Process.Start(info) output = install.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() install.WaitForExit() End Using
I have a asp.net mvc profject to which I just started to use ajax.beginforms and have added the jquery-unobtrusive script bundles. It's working just fine now with the localhost but when I deploy it, the jquery-unobtrusive js file is not found... What step have I missed?
I see a lot of problems which look somewhat different at first glance, but all have the same cause: Text is losing "special characters" when I transfer it from one computer to another Decryption ends up with garbage Compressed data can't be decompressed I can transfer text but not binary data These are all cases of transforming and (usually) transferring data, …
@ton.yeung Especially when this framework went from beta to full release... They removed some methods, replaced them, renamed all the classes, and how to initialize and do everything
@Sadiq you need to struggle a bit if you want to remember what you're doing, if you just expect everybody to write perfect code for you, then how much are they really helping you?
Kinected is a program designed to help catch intruders in your home! Using Microsoft's Kinect, Kinected saves images, uploads them to social networking sites, and saves information about the intruder to help you find them and prosecute them.
Design Criteria
Physical Characteristics
• 1-2 Kinects®
• Under $200
• Under a weight of 3 pounds
• To not overheat
• View of 10ftx10ft and up
User Requirements
• Easy to use
• Easy to learn
Performance Characteristics
• 30-100 FPS (Frames Per Second)
• Be able to upload photos to a remote server
• Be able to tell Humans from Animals
• Have a High-Resolution picture
• Send email
• Play a sound
• Save depth images
I mean I could use EmguCV or something of the sort, but its just easier to use the toolkit because it has a lot of actual points on the face plotted out, so I can compare the lengths of those segments to get a good idea of if they are the same person, but I might add in some other algorithms later
@OutlawLemur at this place i'm starting at soon, they do a lot of video stuff, and they just bought an XBO to play around w/ the kinect, so i was just curious how... in depth that tool kit actually is
@Steve The sdk itself is amazing.... And the toolkit is just an addon, however it has many of the most advanced features of the SDK themselves, for example, Kinect Fusion. Fusion creates a point cloud and eventually a model of a scene. Something I always dreamed of but had no clue how to implement. Another is the face tracking, and they also have some user controls for WPF. The developer toolkit also has a lot of sample projects covering avateering (?), point clouds, face detection, skeleton
detection, image saving, using kinect as a mouse, and audio (so basically everything you could think of)
I personally don't use the toolkit much except for when I am using face tracking or whatever, but I would assume when you are first learning that the toolkit would be very helpful to get an idea of how to do most of the things you'll need to
Also its pretty fun to make scenes of crap in my house with Kinect Fusion and then look at in Blender;)