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but I didn't get that
like I said, I got a jump table of some sort
possibly language-bound initializers or platform-bound memory management
It was still neat to see
but it didn't help with what I was trying to do
do you know that Windows is started from a function call entry point?
I did not
called directly by the boot loader.
makes sense
it has to call SOMETHING
KiSystemStartup goes straight into the idle thread on processor 0
it's neat down there. So simple, so quiet. Every now and again someone requests a thread, but mostly, you're left alone.
time to organzie your stamp collection
watch the Weather Channel.
asm is something I've always wanted to get into
Tried a couple times
Hello everyone
Hello kumar!
that article explains in detail the Windows startup process.
Hey Kumar!
@NathanM I will read later, seems interesting
I wonder how hard it is to write a driver for something
you ever done that?
like a windows driver
I added this project
by using Existing project to my project
Well ... They don't want you to mess it up. so they provide boilerplates.
download the Windows Driver Kit, install it, Visual Studio will have an entire new set of project types under C++ for drivers.
& added reference from Solution
you pick the type, it creates the boilerplate, and you go and do your I/O thingy.
@kumar listening
@NathanM I think I have that installed, hold on
this is Visual Studio 2013, mind you.
Yes Kumar, go ahead.
then I want to debug by setting breakpoints by debuging in debug mode
but breakpoints not fired..
have you checked that both projects are configured for the same platform and that they're both being compiled on run?
VS 2012 phone
@NathanM of course. I don't have that yet
Yes. Same platform @NathanM
if breakpoints not being fired then it's possible the code is not being hit?
@kumar is your breakpoint filled in or not? I've had issues with vs not rebuilding projects with breakpoints
@NathanM Do you have 2013? What do you think? worth the 2k pricepoint?
I bought Visual Studio 2013 as an upgrade for $99
I do not need Ultimate.
As a single developer for a small company Visual Studio 2013 Professional is just fine with me.
makes sense
I can do everything you can do in Ultimate ... a lot of that stuff, profiling and the collaboration and the MSDN subscription... I've never found a hot burning need.
@ginkner @NathanM
yes. It is filled.
Before that I have doubt on adding reference
besides, I have Team Explorer anyway, that's how I get my stuff up to codeplex.
Pro comes with that.
and yes, I have grown fond of 2013. I'm sorry @Kumar I've never worked with Windows Phone I'm not sure I could help.
@kumar same here
No.. @NathanM
This all about adding reference & using existing project
Sheesh...a grand for it
I have 2012 at the office, but I use a....less than up-and-up copy for home
so upgrading probably isn't gonna work for me
try clean solution, rebuild all?
why pay a grand for VS for your home use?
@kumar if your using this codeplex project as an addition to your project, I'm wondering why you have the sourcecode at all. Are you editing the source files?
Yes I want to edit source files. @ginkner
@kumar well, as I said, I've had issues with vs not rebuilding sources with break statements
@NathanM oh, there it is without MSDN. Still 500
that's doable
@JohanLarsson, @Billdr how to comment out the javascript file declaration like , <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script> on a partial view??
any ideas? But i declare javascript declartion at the layout page..
The pro discount is $99 for current users of VS through 31 January 2013.
@NathanM but I don't have a strictly...legal copy of 2012
what about 2010?
I bought mine with a 2010 ...
oh, dern.
I haven't used a strictly legal copy of VS since...forever
well, I was in school
I have been legal ... forever.
so they gave me one
I have never owned an illegitimate copy of Visual Studio.
I just kinda used that for a long time
@NathanM I'd rather NOT own an illigetimate copy
It's quite annoying
Just got a random ping at 1 am. My fault for leaving my speakers on. You've been ignored.
I think this version I'll finally scrape together enough money
since I actually have a job now
makes paying for things a LOT easier, what with the money and all that
I like the upgrade path.
@NathanM yup.
inexpensive and you don't have to jump through hoops.
Now, Windows, I'll never buy an upgrade copy, only full versions for me.
@NathanM I will try.. BRB
@NathanM agreed
Upgrading has given me issues
So many issues
I plopped down 200 bucks for 8.1 Pro w/ Media Center.
and my sister in law got me 8.1 Pro for Christmas for my other pc
I'm still using 7 at home
I prefer it over 8, to be honest
I use that at work
I'm used to 8 now... gotta move right along.
lol I'm used to 8, i just prefer 7. 8 feels like it's trying to bully me into buying a touch screen
I have been having non stop déjà vu all day.
That sounds unpleasant
I don't feel that way. I stay mostly in the desktop mode. I only go to the WinRT side for a few things... I love Bing Weather.
i assure you, today hasn't happend before
don't assure me.
yes, I go to the start screen for the weather app. that's about it.
it's the little things for me
music being completely full screen, same with the default pictures app
oh, that's one of the first things I change ...
certain little quirks and issues
they're all FIXABLE
I have a wall of media icons on the bottom of my desktop, WinFF, HandBrake, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player ...
lol, I only use winamp and VLC. WMP is a pain to use.
but I also have a Wacom tablet, an Ableton controller board and a music keyboard with Ableton Live 9 and Ignite and Adobe Photoshop (all legit)
do a lot of music?
I do when I have time.
well..not a lot
I have a soundclick
I slowly teach myself the piaon
okay this is the last deja vu I want to have.
well, not forever, but tonight.
you...might want to get that checked out
I've heard that can happen with certain neural issues
I have a few neurological issues, actually, dealing with some acute ones, recently.
okay, I need to split from this board.
thanks for the help
if you want to friend me on fb ...
sure dude
and I'll finally have a C# developer as a friend on FB! YAY!
my only other friends on FB who's a developer is a Python guy that lives in Finland, and one retired dude.
seems to be a follow only page
oh, whoops.
and yeah
what's your FB?
it seems to be pretty hard to find people
and done
see you soon man, have a nice night
you too!
still evening for me, and I'm probably taking off in 15
stackoverflow.com/questions/21204801/… Hi all.Can anyone help me for this ?
What's the actual output of table2.asEnumerable()
@Newto.net check Have you tried merge?
the rows that ll hav N no of columns.
S i tried.Suppose if i have two rows in table 1 and if the second row in table2 has has some changes it returns four rows totally
its not working as expected..
May be am wrong but i couldnt figure it out
@ginkner Basically am in need of finding a quick way to compare two datatables which has same schema..since both of my tables are very huge the way should be smart enough..Tats wer am struck
I'm wondering if your table2.AsEnumerable actually has the data you're expecting it to have
I haven't worked much with data tables
i ll chk once.
i have a doubt.Do yo have any idea of selecting a single row from SQL excluding a particular column
I just noticed that DataTable.AsEnumerable returns a sequence of data rows
which are NOT comperable by a simple ==
nor by .Equals
which would mean they're probably not going to get picked up by the Except linq extension
which is why IEnumerable<DataRow> added = table1.AsEnumerable().Except(table2.AsEnumerable()); isn't working
oh fine..any ways yo got to compare ?
Q: Javascript function not assigning proper value

Sagar S. DhanorkarI have following javascript function: function editWebsite(IP) { document.getElementById('ctl04_txtIP').value = IP; } ctl04_txtIP is textbox representing IP adress comming through parameter IP of editWebsite function. Proble is that , when i see that textbox, value of IP variable is differ...

@Newto.net working on it
@Newto.net you could do it manually
Manually in the sense ?
@Newto.net You could be using a dynamic mapper, such as Massive, to map the columns to an expando that can be used for equality comparison purposes. I don't know about the technologies you're using, so that's the in-depth limit at this point.
Replace Intersect with Except
works like a charm
I also answered your question on your initial SO thread
Morning @JohanLarsson
@Newto.net Hope that helps
Hi all
whats up?
I am creating an authentication project.
If the user is not authenticated I redirect the user to another project for authenticate (different ports)
Usually the url will be "https://localhost:1111/Login?ReturnUrl=home"
can I custom the ReturnUrl for add a port to the Url?
Like "https://localhost:1111/Login?localhost:2222/?ReturnUrl=home";
@Sieryuu Sure.. but remember that corporate firewalls will probably not allow a port that isn't 80
as my research, should use "public class SSOAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute"
where to put the code?
@ginkner its working fine.Thank yo :)
Hey guys
Is anyone here familiar with windows phone dev?
@Ahmed.C Jup
Do you have any idea how I can implement a Masked Textbox with Numeric keyboard?
Or isn't it possible?
well I'm sure it's possible its just that its quite a tedious task
@Ahmed.C I've never done that, though it can't be too hard. Just wire up a bunch of buttons
Hahah It's not really a MUST but I can get along with it.
I can accomplish this, I do have a way but I'll just leave it
What about Tiles?
Have you worked with tiles? creating, updating deleting?
What kind of tiles?
Not the App tile but secondary tiles. That.
like adding a "pin to start" inside the app
so that user have easier accessibility
I believe Pin To Start is an OS function, not one you have to deal with
Yes. But note apps support secondary tiles which the user can pin the saved note from the app and access it outside the app
@ginkner i faced someother prb now
@Newto.net ok?
basically am comparing two tables with same schema but the id columns in both the tables is not required.since am doing select * its giving along with the id column(first column) so my except is not working coz the ids will always be diff in both the tables...Do yo knw any select statement in SQL which excludes a particular column and selects the rest ?
you'd have to define your own equality operator
it's 2:30 for me
I need sleep
later peeps
Hello All
I want to kill the process which is created by other user using C# code
Currently i am using following code to kill the process but it throwing exception as "Access id denied"
foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process myProc in System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses())
if (myProc.ProcessName.ToLower().Contains("excel"))
1 message moved from Lounge<C++>
@Chets the process running that code would need to have administrative privilege
@Chets if you run your program as administrator does it work?
in any case, I would make the process name comparison more strict. you will kill excellent.exe too
@doug65536 give mi a min
@doug65536 Yes its working fine when i run my program as a administrator
but in live environment im setting my code in IIS.
How can i manage this through code?
@Chets a workaround is to make a scheduled task that runs it as administrator, and create the task during setup... then you can run the task from your non-administrator program and it will run the excel killer through task scheduler. the task would be set to run it as administrator
make sense?
pull that kill-excel code out into its own exe, and run THAT from the scheduled task
you can make a task that runs only when asked to
that's the easy way anyway
Make sense, but is there any other way that can do the same like by setting IIS user permission?
I wouldn't. you would be giving an awful lot of privilege to the iis process. I think you need "debug programs" permission
if you wrote excel, you could make it modify its process token to allow cross-user kill. but you didn't
you could write a service, then use a named pipe or something to connect to it and ask it to kill excel - or send a service control code....
So I have this form that I need to change to use ajaxForm... The update-method handles the request and returns a JsonResult object but instead of calling the callbacks set in the ajaxoptions, the browser displays the jsonresult as a string.
WAY more work than a scheduled task though
When i tried manually to kill process through Task manager then it works by current user
the ajaxoptions I'm using: AjaxOptions ajaxOpts = new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod = "Post",
UpdateTargetId = "status",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.InsertAfter,
OnFailure = "onUpdateFailure",
OnSuccess = "onUpdateSuccess"

@chets yes, killing a process of a different user is a way bigger privilege
killing your "own" process is usually fine
if you make your code "know" the admin password, you could launch the killer yourself. "knowing" the admin password and making it impossible to get the admin password is the tricky bit.
@doug65536 No no the process created by another user
it's reasonable to use a SecureString to store the admin password, but I wouldn't even go there
Is it not possible that if i assign administrator permission to my IIS User?
it may be possible but it's crazy
if anyone exploits any vulnerability they would have complete control over the machine
can you explain why you need to kill excel from IIS to begin with?
there might be a way more straightforward solution
you are asking an XY question. "if I can do X then I can do Y." ask Y please
As i need to create a new excel process
by removing all other
it's a webserver?
why would excel be running as another user on a webserver and why would website code need to kill excel
I suspect it's a hack where you figured out "if I blow excel's head off, all my problems go away"
anyway, I'm asking to try to help. if you don't want to say why you are killing excel, I wish you good luck
you're using COM automation or something?
Yes im using that
@Chets Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel ?
Yes you are right
somewhere you do Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application(); ?
excel.Quit() will politely ask it to exit
I am doing ApplicationClass excel = new ApplicationClass();
You are right
were you already calling .Quit or is your problem solved?
Yes but some one have mistakenly created a Excel process and forget to kill which im trying kill
your code modifies worksheets?
It read & create new also
you can set DisplayAlerts to false, and it will just close without saving. by default it will try to ask the user to save if you quit without saving
if you know you want to save all changes, you can loop through the workbooks in Application.Workbooks and .Save each one
before you .Quit
Make sense
I suspect the real problem is excel is waiting for the user to answer yes or no to "do you want to save"
if you know you want to throw away changes on a workbook without saving, you need to set .Saved = true on it
omg I just spent the last 2 hours debugging a problem with std::pair that was a gcc 4.8.1 defect :(
works perfectly with 4.7.2
@Steve you working these days or just chillin on the couch
@drch actually just got a job, starting on the third
nice one
thanks! :)
bed.Comfort == double.PositiveInfinity && this.Alertness == 0
good morning mr. Frey
mediocre monday morning to you too
oh today is monday, isn't it
lol thats exactly what i was thinking
the week is split into "days that the pub is busy" and "days that the pub is slow" for me
so you are in germany now, did you already start your job?
job starts march 1
doing a full-time german course in feb
for now, just looking for a place to live
wow, sounds exciting
its insanely difficult here. supply and demand are all out of whack
things too expensive?
ie, on this shared flat room rental site, each day theres like 3 ads posted and maybe 60 posts by people requesting a room
yeah munich is kinda expensive, but nothing compared to london
20 people to one room.
could get kinky
im going for the shared because i dont really know any body here, and plus its bonus german practice
but once the job starts and i figure everything out, i might buy a place just to rent out
thats not a bad idea
yeah the price is kinda all over the place
jus like me an ur mom
well you gotta stop changing your price
Hi guys!!
@drch Your mom has always been free
I have a utility that runs successfully. n that utility i have used streamwriter class which creates text fle on my local PC
but when i deployed that on server it doesn't create that txt file
what could be the possible reason?
and paths
no ssues withn path .. i have already assured that
what could be the restricitng permissions... any hnts
what user is it running as?
actually my utility runs through web service
@Steve its normal here to have beer with breakfast
i have given administrative rights to ASPNET user as well, when utlity was not executing on server
exactly. whatever user it is probably has severely restricted permission
but now i have a problem with .txt file
how is the utility being executed? from a Process.Start() in asp.net?
so tbhs means i have to think of some other way round!!
yup .. process.start
what folder is it?
you could go into those folders and grant filesystem permission to that user, assuming they aren't sensitive folders
its C folder .. I guess changing the path might create the text file.. what do you think?
don't write to root
thats your problem, some operating systems won't let you write to C:/ because of permissions, it has to be in a sub folder
alright .. let me try withn D Drive
If this is how I feel the morning after going to bed before midnight, I never want a hangover. #fml
@drch your favourite Canucks ^
What exception should I throw when a utility I call (Process.Start) exits with an error?
@KendallFrey throw new SomeExternalShitWentWrongException()
Pretty sure that doesn't exist.
@KendallFrey class SomeExternalShitWentWrongException : Exception {}
too much work
I changed the diredtory ...
did other tweeks but non of them bear fruit for me
I have seen on MSDN process.StandardOutput returns a streamreader but that again needs a file to be written some where.. And the problem is still with the permission...
how could i give permissions to directory or folder on server

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