I can do everything you can do in Ultimate ... a lot of that stuff, profiling and the collaboration and the MSDN subscription... I've never found a hot burning need.
@kumar if your using this codeplex project as an addition to your project, I'm wondering why you have the sourcecode at all. Are you editing the source files?
@JohanLarsson, @Billdr how to comment out the javascript file declaration like , <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script> on a partial view?? any ideas? But i declare javascript declartion at the layout page..
S i tried.Suppose if i have two rows in table 1 and if the second row in table2 has has some changes it returns four rows totally
its not working as expected..
May be am wrong but i couldnt figure it out
@ginkner Basically am in need of finding a quick way to compare two datatables which has same schema..since both of my tables are very huge the way should be smart enough..Tats wer am struck
I have following javascript function:
function editWebsite(IP)
document.getElementById('ctl04_txtIP').value = IP;
ctl04_txtIP is textbox representing IP adress comming through parameter IP of editWebsite function.
Proble is that , when i see that textbox, value of IP variable is differ...
@Newto.net You could be using a dynamic mapper, such as Massive, to map the columns to an expando that can be used for equality comparison purposes. I don't know about the technologies you're using, so that's the in-depth limit at this point.
I am creating an authentication project. If the user is not authenticated I redirect the user to another project for authenticate (different ports) Usually the url will be "https://localhost:1111/Login?ReturnUrl=home" can I custom the ReturnUrl for add a port to the Url?
basically am comparing two tables with same schema but the id columns in both the tables is not required.since am doing select * its giving along with the id column(first column) so my except is not working coz the ids will always be diff in both the tables...Do yo knw any select statement in SQL which excludes a particular column and selects the rest ?
@Chets a workaround is to make a scheduled task that runs it as administrator, and create the task during setup... then you can run the task from your non-administrator program and it will run the excel killer through task scheduler. the task would be set to run it as administrator
make sense?
pull that kill-excel code out into its own exe, and run THAT from the scheduled task
So I have this form that I need to change to use ajaxForm... The update-method handles the request and returns a JsonResult object but instead of calling the callbacks set in the ajaxoptions, the browser displays the jsonresult as a string.
@chets yes, killing a process of a different user is a way bigger privilege
killing your "own" process is usually fine
if you make your code "know" the admin password, you could launch the killer yourself. "knowing" the admin password and making it impossible to get the admin password is the tricky bit.
I have seen on MSDN process.StandardOutput returns a streamreader but that again needs a file to be written some where.. And the problem is still with the permission...
how could i give permissions to directory or folder on server