Someone said it is duplicated, but in other question, their encrypt function's out put aren't the same to mine, so their decrypt function won't do anything
I must have it match with something else that use objective-c, and I did it, so I don't want to change my encrypt function
I'm really appreciate it if someone here can help me, thank you
You may append HTML <br /> in between your lines. Something like:
MyLabel.Text = "SomeText asdfa asd fas df asdf" + "<br />" + "Some more text";
With StringBuilder you can try:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("Some text with line one");
sb.AppendLine("Some mpre text with...
guys i have an internal class with internal properties. Everything is running A-OK but... I am getting CA1811 warning from analyzer. Any ideas how to avoid making class public and fix it without supressing?
If I change both (class and properties) accessors to public, the warning is gone.
I guess yesterday I tried all the combinations. If class is internal, whether the properties are public, private, protected or internal.. CA1811 is thrown. If class accessor and properties are changed to public, the warning is lifted.
Here My Code,
Custom Class of mine:ministView
public class MiniListView : ListView
public static DependencyProperty HeadersProperty;
public Dictionary<string, string> Headers
get { return (Dictionary<string, string>)base.GetValue(HeadersProperty); }
set { base.SetValue(...
well i'm trying to build generic class that could filter datada directly in database based on given parameters that would be property name and property value
so it should get two strings and build "query" based only on reflection
moreover there shoould be a possibility to add terms to that query
concatenating strings should be an easy task, but doing this same with linq , or Expression.lambda is ...well hard as hell.
maybe there is something ready for that that id dont know?
the problem is that i will have probably many "terms " to apply in "query"
so i need to mix "AND" , "or" and so on, and offcourse still i need to implement data covertion on sql site . I havve allready found SqlFunctions and now i'm trying to make it work for string, dates, integers, floats and so on.
basicaly i need to get jquery datatables to work on server side. datatables is sending something like ?ssearch1=foo&ssearch2=bar&sorder1=asc&sorder2=desc and so on. My idea is to build Generic solution for that
dt is sending query - now i need to create a mechanism that will change this into linq expression . The problem is that i want to build it in generic way so i don't know a type of entity, but still i could build a query based on that input. I need to use reflection and expressions tree for that
ok. i have another question (probably the stupid one ) : type.GetMethod("Contains"); is returning an obcject on String. right? How can I extend other types so GetFunction could see that /