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though some work in graph form
yeah - there are a few options out there
some just work on objects directly, too
@ton what do you use for your event bus?
did you shotgun it?
Coca Cola is most comfortably drunk over a period of several minutes.
@ton - It is a phrase for drinking the can all at once.
@Reed - A giant dictionary? With some sort of hash or guid as identifiers?
@TravisJ Depends on the DB system
but many of the large nosql DBs are effectively a giant key/value storage solution
azure tables uses a guid internally, but also has a user supplied key
@Reed - Are they very prevalent in large scale applications?
A day to drink a coke...
@TravisJ Sometimes - the advantage is that they're conceptually simple, which means it's far easier to develop them in a way that they can be split across multiple servers
so one "database" can reside on many servers, and add a whole new level of scalability
A database shard is a horizontal partition in a database or search engine. Each individual partition is referred to as a shard or database shard. Database architecture Horizontal partitioning is a database design principle whereby rows of a database table are held separately, rather than being split into columns (which is what normalization and vertical partitioning do, to differing extents). Each partition forms part of a shard, which may in turn be located on a separate database server or physical location. There are numerous advantages to this partitioning approach. Since the tab...
Most NoSQL databases do indeed function as a giant dictionary. Besides that, they build an index for each indexed 'column' (or rather, a field) for searching and query-like selecting.
shard reminds me of shart
Halo multiplayer uses Azure storage... its kind of big :)
lol @ Shard
@drch Same here
uh oh - my database just sharted
and our mongo cluster totally sharted when we didn't have an arbiter
those are teh words you never want to hear :p
@Reed - I can see how that would be easy to partition. I would rather partition based on a temporal database though.
Brain shart - A brain fart so strong you can't think anymore until you hit the shower.
It was funny until the shower part, which confused me.
Hanselminutes w/Catie from 343 discussing Halo on Azure... hanselminutes.com/358/…
Have you ever done a normal shart?
If so, you should realize the importance of a shower.
shes also hot, which makes me wish it was videominutes
@ton - A common approach is to have a temporal db and then partition it by quarter by using views. This way you aren't querying a multi year table.
@ReedCopsey I tested out this
21 hours ago, by Reed Copsey
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:SilksViewModel}">
    <Controls:SilksControl />
But where the old one was able to bind to Owner.Silks, the DataContext for the DataTemplate is just a Horse (the item type of the DataGrid)
Allow me to rant for a bit.
@Kian mmm - not following - but you should be able to bind directly to the VM still
The SilksControl expects a DataContext of type JockeySilks
And that would be stored in (Horse).Owner.Silks
I thought it expected a SilksViewModel
This API lets you set a window's size (and more) from calling code instead of within the class itself. Therefore, code is duplicated shamelessly everywhere the window is shown.
it would need to accept, SilksViewModel
but you can make this happen in other ways
@KendallFrey What api?
@ReedCopsey That was never a type - it was an instance of JockeySilks
@ReedCopsey Le mighty internal script API.
@ton - That shouldn't pose an issue.
@Kian why have the property called SilksViewModel? What does that property look like?
So instead, couldn't I write
Now to make my textboxes look like someone didn't jizz on the screen.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DataModel:JockeySilks}">
    <Controls:SilksControl  DataContext={Binding Owner.Silks} />
Yeah - then the data template should be like that
@ton - Yes. Hitting multiple tables at once is not a significant hit to performance.
@CharlieBrown I don't any more
you shouldn't need to set the binding, since SilksControl would be bound directly to the JockeySilks in that case
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type DataModel:JockeySilks}">
    <Controls:SilksControl  />
that template will only get used when you're binding directly to a JockeySilks
so you shouldn't need to go Owner.Silks
Not if you were using the DataTemplate as the DataTemplate for a DataGridTemplateColumn
@ton - I am talking about partitioning, not about hosting unique shards on different servers.
@Kian Then the datatype wouldn't be set in that case
@ton - Also, not all shards are on separate servers.
that would be a separate template
So should I have 2 separate Templates?
sharting on different servers...
(° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
he looks like he just sharted
in public
@ton - Well the point I was making was in reference to partitioning with views. I really had nothing to say about sharding.
( ‾ʖ̫‾)
poor guy is trying so hard not to shart
haha its degdeg man
@Kian The template above just says" any time you're binding content to something that, at runtime, is a JockeySilks, use a SilksControl to display it"
if you're making header templates, that'll be different
though it can still use this template, too
@ReedCopsey That probably explains why in the other place I use it, it was just text
@ton - It is true, not 100% of them are. A majority are though. You could have groups of shards on a single server.
shards are more useful when they are also partitions
i suppose, in some way it always is, in that you need a way to know which shard to access
but when you shard based on lets say customer_id, it also matches your business partition
Ah this still isn't working
right, in the customer case you shard regardless of data size
The ContentPresenter has the right content - an instance of JockeySilks
It's just text though
either, although you would need to have good reasons, like knowing ahead of time that each customer "silo" will be large enough to justify such a scheme
I know that everytime I add a new robotic welder to the system for tracking, its going to upload a data packet every second 24hrs/day. So I automatically create a new shard for every robot that is registered.
@Kian where is your template defined?
In the Page's resources
I can see it in Snoop with DataTemplateKey(Bookie_Buddy.DataModel.JockeySilks)
what's the text you see?
Meh gotta go out to eat
@ton.yeung not sure... sorry, I should have clarified, I'm actually using Azure sql for sharding (relational)
tables doesnt need sharding, it supposedly does this behind the scenes. you partition with a partition key
I would prefer a little less magic with Azure, but i doubt they would publish that kind of information like mongodb does
But we are doing 50k r/w's a second without any issues
@ton.yeung das racis?
I think Ford/Gm can afford it
Heres a nifty .linq that better explains what I'm trying to do... https://gist.github.com/dirte/1d57ae2bbfb1da241d65
I have a flag enum with bit shifting for CRUD Permissions which works great like Permission.Create | Permission.Read.

I'm trying to add permission Groups now like Users, Reports, ThingA so that I can check for User.Create and ThingA.Read permissions.

When I check for the users permissions I see that only the CRUD ones are listed and not the Groups that were also assigned, so if user has been assigned Permission.Create | PermissionGroups.User but not PermissionGroups.ThingA
oh noz a real c# question <_>
@ton.yeung um not sure
@dirt I always think of groups and permissions as independant of each other
its more like 'this set of CRUD' and 'that set of CRUD'.... not user groups, ignore groups. Trying to do Permission-based authorization w/o roles
and right now i just have 'master CRUD'
...master CRUD.... awesome nickname
that's my mom's name!
public enum Permissions : ulong
	Create = 1 << 0,
	Read = 1 << 1,
	Update = 1 << 2,
	Delete = 1 << 3

	// each group here or in permissions group class?
	//User = 1 << 4,
	//Group = 1 << 5
Easy fix is to put it all in same Enum , the user/group part thats commented out
@ton.yeung Cute!
she looks .. legal..
That is OK
I will not hold it against you
Easy to be confused
@dirt that looks odd to me, Im looking for how I last did that
@ton.yeung we don't have that because we have above-average height for asians :/
ya, sometimes i get people guessing me 2-3 years younger than I am
i am 5'11", my gf is 5'10"
it's a good thing, gives people the shock
don't do it, blonde is too 90s
@dirt yeah, i pretty much have the same thing as you
@CharlieBrown 	var fullAccess = Permissions.Create | Permissions.Read | Permissions.Update | Permissions.Delete;
	var testA = fullAccess | Permissions.User;
	var testB = fullAccess | PermissionGroups.User;
Results: TestA
Create, Read, Update, Delete, User

Create, Read, Update, Delete
but my permissions are like CanDeleteUnicorns, CanCreateUnicorns
Its like I want User.Create User.Delete.... ThingA.Read
hmmm maybe I should try unicorns
like the way you moved the pic to trash
@CharlieBrown something like this, combining enums social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/…
@dirt actually that works for me
what what
are you forgetting to set PermissionGroups.User to something?
got linqpad? ^^ gist above... PermissionGroups is definitly the issue
yeah thats what im using
in your Main(), you never set PermissionGroups.User to anything, its empty|default
unless im totatlly missing it
I think I see
public static class PermissionGroups
	static PermissionGroups(){
		User = Permissions.Read | Permissions.Create | Permissions.Update | Permissions.Delete;
	public static Permissions User { get; set; }
	public static Permissions Group { get; set; }
	public static Permissions ThingA { get; set; }
	public static Permissions ThingB { get; set; }
Why do we have Math.Abs(int x) if we can just stick a plus infront of it?
@Alizter That won't work if you have int foo = -42;
you'd have to do foo = foo < 0 ? foo *-1 : foo;
vs. foo = Math.Abs(foo);
(which is much nicer ;) )
wow, the reflection on that is interesting...
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries")]
private static int AbsHelper(int value)
    if (value == -2147483648)
        throw new OverflowException(Environment.GetResourceString("Overflow_NegateTwosCompNum"));
    return -value;
@ton.yeung What do you think would be the best way to allow modules to move throughout a page but be parsed within the spot? Otherwise, I would rely on CSS to place in the proper position which if another developer is an idiot and doesn't follow those naming conventions the site could get messed up.
Charlie, looks like there´s a valid negative value as int that's not valid when positive hence the overflowException :D
@ton.yeung Do you think that would be the best approach, or would it be worth building a indexing for the site. Force the content to reside within the module, but the module would be allowed within special identifiers. That way the content would always be tracked?
@Bart yes, thats what that code does
2s compliment all up in your Math.Abs
@ton.yeung Need?
As a feature?
No, I don't think so. He said I need to create the variations of layouts; then they select the content that would display within the page.
Based on that, it would be static which isn't a problem until someone attempts to move a module.
don't sure where to notify this but, the chevron arrow to expand items on the reputation tab on stackoverflow it's returning 404 from some time now.
I didn't even know that tab existed
@ton.yeung How hard will it be to refactor such a change though; I'd hate to have that be a requirement at some point. Which seems likely.
That would be a huge, huge modification into the architecture.
That is true.
@ton.yeung How would it not?
Okay, it isn't too bad. Severe hurdles; but not a requirement.
So, it looks like I need to start my database.
@CharlieBrown thats not workin either, that just gives PermissionGroups.User full access
I more or less just want to extend the enum list so I dont have to worry about hitting 64 entry limit
@dirt i see, hmm
What about something like:
	static PermissionGroups(){
		UserCreate = Permissions.Create;
		UserRead = Permissions.Read;
		UserUpdate = Permissions.Update;
		UserDelete = Permissions.Delete;
		UserFull = UserCreate | UserRead | UserUpdate | UserDelete;

		ThingACreate = Permissions.Create;
		ThingARead = Permissions.Read;
		ThingAUpdate = Permissions.Update;
		ThingADelete = Permissions.Delete;
		ThingAFull = UserCreate | UserRead | UserUpdate | UserDelete;
bah that wouldnt work as it'd be the same damn results
@ton.yeung I did a little bit; what up?
dont know how else to separate my CRUD/SetA/SetB entries
@dirt typing one now
thats an option in NetBeans
believe so, just not owned by oracle
I must stop reading comics now
I started xamarin 2 weeks ago, and its awesome. Their IDE is really really solid
@CharlieBrown interesting..... trying
son of a
i really wish google would take up the xobot project. :(
^^ what the
<div class="content"></div>
@CharlieBrown No creating carrots for me! I can read carrots!
love it
I had to make something like that for a recipe sharing site
even better
@ton.yeung You think I should use Razor to dynamically build the layout? Build a model; then simply have Razor build the model? Then read the database to know which variation of the layout and style elements should be used?
Not entirely following.
How the stylesheet will determine which layout to load; with what modules?
True, but why make an empty call to a stylesheet that won't load anything?
Without the structure in place?
I was going to build a class then implement it within a controller.
Hey guys
But due to the variation, it will need to be able to identify which one to load. I'm assuming a data structure or database will be needed to recall such a thing.
omg, your building sharepoint
@CharlieBrown Don't sound excited, I'd love to not do this project...
<hides behind jukebox>
@ton.yeung Yeah.
<turns on jukebox>
mmm the sweet sounds of Everlast
@CharlieBrown Don't they do that horrible song "White Trash Beautiful"
@ton.yeung This might be the part where I'm loosing you.
Pandora is playing "What its like - Everclear" right now
Or with an ajax call
But it would need to be placed within the proper div element otherwise it may parse incorrectly from the stylesheet.
Okay, the puzzle is becoming semi clear.
I wish we could just see more code. It makes more sense to me for offering advice than all these words :P
Ah, so the partial view will contain an id to identify it.
@ton - Reproducing an example will often lend itself to solving the problem or understanding a solution.
That makes sense, but won't I need to create a way to generate multiple names possibly if the same module is used multiple times on a page?
@Greg this is a decent way to dynamic sections stackoverflow.com/questions/6347596/…
@ton.yeung makes a good argument, design for what you need now, leaving flexibility so you can add more later
YES!! wpf you are my bitch
messing with this same piece of xaml all day
@ton.yeung Yeah, a module to allow the user to input general images.
or html.
I would think caching is going to suck with a dynamic approach, your views might have recompile each time
@ton.yeung A module where the user can modify a logo basically. Change it to their image, rather then our default one.
Have the controller take a parameter; then return the value from a database?
@ton.yeung So maybe use layout folder; then just constantly pipe data out of that folder to display?
@ton.yeung I'm trying to understand as much as I can before I really get started.
Well, if the user submits it as a parameter- Where does it go, it has to be reloaded again so that it appears?
@ton.yeung I don't know, that is what you said.
@CharlieBrown how would you go about storing the List<Auth> Authorizations in the database for a user? specify the ulong type ?
@ton.yeung So you think they should be calling properties; then later once the state changes the site content will persist according.
@ton.yeung That is what you meant, okay. I got confused; when you mentioned the parameter. So you mean call the layout object to parse the correct state of those items used throughout the page.
private List<Auth> authorizations;
[Column(Storage = "authorizations", DbType = "bigint")]
@ton.yeung That actually makes sense, I didn't quite pickup what you meant earlier.
@dirt yeah, thats tougher
lets see
a couple approaches but they all seem yucky
do you need to run sql queries against it?
@CharlieBrown not really, just need to be able to save users permission thats theyve been granted
you could serialize the list to byte and store that, or make a flat auth table and recreate permissions on user load
@ton.yeung It's refreshing to have chess players admit being into lolis in a serious match without even noticing. Respect, my friend.
which would be better @CharlieBrown ? same?
at least with the table, you could query if you need to. in your call to get<User> or whatever, you just read that table and recreate the auth list
@dirt updated with a version that allows you to specify primary keys as well gist.github.com/carbonrobot/6311813
fuck cancer.
That seems physically impossible.
fiance's mother was just diagnosed w stage3 lung
I have smartass things to say, but now doesn't seem quite appropriate.
Sorry to hear that CB
Look at this terrible site: (letsmoveit.org/breathe-free/h/…)
fucking url
y u no implement articleId url param
yeah its crazy
@KendallFrey im not offended, I think both our parents are in a race to off themselves
@CharlieBrown fingers crossed for the transplant list
no disrespect intended to the donors
When I was real young, my great-grandmother died of 'body cancer'.
good call
I suspect my parents just didn't want to say breast cancer.

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