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So your saying you had the page generate; then called a separate service from another utility which made the call to retrieve the data once the page had already loaded?
What about the DataContext for a UserControl?
@ton.yeung What does that mean?
It was a reference to this:
56 mins ago, by Kian
Vote: Where do you put your DataContexts? Code-behind or XAML?
Woah that was a long time ago
@Kian Again, I typically use data templates for correlating the types
@ReedCopsey Why?
That makes valid sense.
I'll have to use better services; avoid WCF at all cost.
@Kian Because it is incredibly flexible, and I'm not worried about having a great xaml design-time experience mostly
Should I use straigt json?
@Greg Why avoid WCF?
@ReedCopsey I find the ABC's kind of annoying; especially when the project begins to grow.
@ton.yeung Well, you mentioned use a client side call to a service from a component to gather information after the page has loaded.
@ton.yeung I actually find it the opposite
I always setup my services in code not in app config
or something in the middle, asmx
which is probably part of it ;)
well, that's asp classic
@ReedCopsey trying to use the new encrypt/decrypt methods I'm getting this on decrypt: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
in some of my cases, I just did a bunch of PageMethods... not really a web service, but my page was so simple that I didn't want to bother
@ReedCopsey Yeah, that could be beneficial actually if you avoid the configuration file. But aren't the Address, Binding, and Contract still a pain to configure?
@ton.yeung some of my projects were so tiny that there's not much chance of a code-reuse, so ya
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());
I went for this in the XAML: DataContext="{Binding Path=SilksViewModel,RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}}" on the root panel
@ReedCopsey FYI had to add cs.FlushFinalBlock(); to encrypt/decrypt methods for some reason
@Greg Not really - they're fairly simple
@ton.yeung An example, lets say I want the user to be able to modify the logo. I could build a partial view; then that view will contain a component or code to make a call to pull data from a database to return an image. So, once the view loads it would call a service to return the data?
@dirt Oh, yeah - unless the stream's closed, you have to do that
That is a simple example.
always forgot that the encryption streams act a bit differently
The using is supposed to close it but since Im returning before using ends I guess
Well, the component / code would be a call to a service.
@ton.yeung Javascript.
@Kian Why bother? If you're already creating it in your UserControl, why not just set the data context directly when created?
Isn't that what you tried to explain to increase optimization and fluidity?
You mean just add vbxRoot.DataContext = SilksViewModel?
@Kian Where do you set the SilksViewModel property?
I don't - it's a DP and I leave it with the default
you have the VM as a DP?
@ReedCopsey I couldn't figure out how else to expose it to be set in XAML and be bound to (Yes)
why do you need to expose it to the xaml?
(this is part of why I like using data templates :p )
(this sounds like a mess of coupling between your VMs)
I use the control in two places
One is just viewing
and that's a data template for a DataGridTemplateColumn
<DataTemplate x:Key="SilksTemplate">
    <Controls:SilksControl SilksViewModel="{Binding Path=Owner.Silks}" />
(which can be done without any of this hoops if you just let the datatemplate hadnle things)
    <Controls:SilksControl x:Name="Silks" SilksViewModel="{Binding Path=Silks}" Margin="5,0,0,0" DockPanel.Dock="Right"/>
@ReedCopsey Bb-bbut-but how?
so - if you make a single DataTemplate reachable by these, that's like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:SilksViewModel}">
    <Controls:SilksControl />
you can remove the first template entirely
and the second just can be:
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Path=Silks}" Margin="5,0,0,0" DockPanel.Dock="Right"/>
and WPF will automatically fill in your control, and set the DataContext for you
so you don't need the DP, and you don't need to worry about the data context
and, later, if you wnat to change the control to use, just put in a new DataTemplate, and the second will automatically update
(you can still use the control in the second scenario if you really want to - but it's not really necessary)
So how would you write the binding within the control?
you don't need to - the data context will already get setup
Oh right
so you can just bind stuff to the properties, and it just works
If I wanted (DataContext - Silks).BodyColour1, it would just be {Binding BodyColour1}?
That's awesome, thanks for this
Do you have any recommended reading material?
@ton.yeung How efficient is it to code like that; if it is a huge project won't it get massive quickly?
because I find it hard to find (written) stuff that's actually detailed enough and explains things
or any of Josh Smith's older posts
they use this approach, too (VM first)
Cool - you do programming for science! Do you get to write cool mathematical stuff?
So I've finally got the core of that nightmare, @ton.yeung.
@ton.yeung That CMS
@ton.yeung What he is trying to accomplish.
He is trying to have me build an application that will modify the layout; dynamically. A user can select different layouts; which will then modify to structure that layout. Then have really simple ways to edit and modify data like a traditional CMS.
But this is where the complexity really comes in, a Control Panel for an office to use that will add / administrate these pages. Then, migrate the entire business management software into it.
The Administrator page will provide different elevated controls for particular users; if someone is assigned to view error logs, manually deploy, automatically deploy. Regulate the application and the deployment status.
So essentially three distinct responsibilities.
Yeah, otherwise our traditional users will only have an interface that appears on the page for edit.
Once they hit edit additional flexibility appears on the side of a screen like an onscreen button selector to tailor / customize the web-site.
@ton.yeung Not really.
Just because your information is modeled in tables rows and columns does not mean that is how the user needs to interact with it...
I really dislike seeing corporate applications which are glorified excel programs.
@TravisJ there's only one kind of application that I prefer to see in Excel layout - timesheets
well to me, for logging
@ton.yeung So far I'm with you.
there was talk to jam a timesheet entry into the CRM (don't ask why), and it will be like select project from drop down, click add item (postback), select time, select duration, next. I was like, no thank you.
Yeah, I agree.
That means I'll have to utilize a very powerful data layer, also utilize service architecture to use javascript to more then likely call to the database to load data; or modify the surrounding layout.
l8rs all
Well, if they selected a layout and decide to change it; then they'll select a new layout and it will have to update the page / rewrite the database for next time.
@dirt Later.
He mentioned he wants this editing to stay on the same page which would require a refresh so it modifies the client in real time.
@Greg - I hope your client understands the cost of these large requests.
for doing RIA with dotnet you guys would use silverlight?
@TravisJ What do you mean? Client as in users or my boss?
@Greg - Oh your employer is asking this of you?
there are quite many RIAs solutions nowadays.. java, flash, html5, this is scary to make a choice
Then I meant your boss I guess.
@cx - I prefer asp.net mvc
@TravisJ Yep.
@TravisJ ok, it allows similar things than java's jnlp I guess (networking etc..)
directly in TCP
@cx - Stack Exchange was implemented with asp.net mvc
flash is dying
silverlight is dying too
@ton.yeung So have it call different div layouts and css.
WPF lives on!
@drch YAY!
@ton.yeung But I have to build these modules.
ugh i have to get a full time job soon and im already dreading it
did you not get one last week?
thats a full time contract
@JohanLarsson are the fish biting?
not much but still nice
It would take someone knowing ef well to write something slower than what I have here!
@ton.yeung noted thanks, remains asp.net mvc vs java solutions (swing,javaFX,..) vs pure html5 javascript, the lastest I know the best, its loading is fast, but can be quickly limited, it's not flexible (1 window), and probably longer to develop
develop with*
@ton.yeung That is what I thought; essentially I'll be using something like this for efficiency right:
            int begin = line.IndexOf("charset=");
            begin += Charset.Length;
            int end = line.IndexOf(@"\""", begin);
@ton.yeung Something like that, right?
why would begin not be the correct position and end not find anything, for a line of
<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">
@CCInc hmmm whats that for?
oh I see
 int begin = line.IndexOf("charset=");
        begin += Charset.Length;
        int end = line.IndexOf(@"\""", begin);
where is your line variavvle?
string line = @"<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">";
hmmm is Chaset
your variable?
asp.net mvc generate some javascript under the hood right?
I mean it doesn't use any plugin
@CCInc YO!
string Charset = "charset=";
where is it pointing to?
whats not right about what it says?
@ton.yeung It'd be like a primary mvc view to control the layout. Then within that layout it would call a partial view which will have a client-side javascript call to a service to return the given module data from the database; then it will reload the partial view component.
I cant debug bricks without knowing the clay used
and whats wrong with them
@JABFreeware Like I said, begin is not the right length and end doesn't find anything
what does begin return?
@ton.yeung I'm assuming I'll have to build a method to index the layout; so the site will know where to place the partial view.
To return the proper data.
@JABFreeware 60, after the +=. By my calculation it should be 70.
@ton.yeung Okay, may need to go over the primary view a bit with you.
@CCInc lemme open up vs
you owe me
linqpad ftw
I wish I had it installed
it's double escaped
I want to use the characters \" in a string literal, how do I escape them?
not to mention
your code doesnt compile
like this:
Hm.. actually I think I escaped it right
you want a Double quotation mark
No, it should be good.
Still don't knwo why it doesn't work though.
@CCInc doesnt compile in vs
  string line = @"<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">";
            string Charset = "charset=";
            int begin = line.IndexOf("charset=");
            begin += Charset.Length;
            int end = line.IndexOf(@"\""", begin);
Yes, because I'm reading it from a file and it's not properly escaped in that context (line)
I see
could have told me that
trying converting it to a byte array
and searching that
/me shrugs
AUGH my ebay item hasnt shipped yet
Greg? Johan? any ideas? :(
supposed to be next-day shipping...
@JAB - fleabay? Probably wont ship either :P
I guess it depends on what day you are basing it on...
that day could be a year from now
I will expect it then I guess...
goes back to his C++
Ah, I found the first issue...
@CCInc and that would be...?
The debugger escapes quotes automatically.
@CCInc oh yeah. WHy didnt I remmeber that
/me facepalms
its not really gone @TravisJ
the NSA already logged it
@CCInc nvm
heard that
@CCInc What was the question?
@Greg Somethin' stupid, as usual
@CCInc but a smart person can ask stupid questions
so you figured it out CC?
the problem is when dumb people ask smart questions. Thats when it gets scary
bye all
bye jab
laters - You can perform this action again in 1 seconds - retry / cancel
@CCInc Show me what you are trying to solve; I'll try and help.
@JABFreeware You can also use var charset = Regex.Match(line, @"charset=([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)[""]*").Groups[1].Value;
Will output UTF-8
(which is, I think, what you were trying to do)
Hmm, okay
@Greg I figured it out, but thanks :)
@CCInc Oh.
@CCInc Sorry, trying to wrap my head around this behemoth project.
So I used this: javascript:$('#sidebar').hide(); and my chat experience doubled.
There is a lot of noise on the right.
I've been having fights with linq to entities for two days now
How? Why? Where?
every time I try to join the result sets of two queries, it blows up saying "cannot create constant value of type..." I've researched the heck out of the problem, but everyone seems to know something I don't
for example
wipe OS from HDD, call it good.
that is not linq 2 entities then, that is linq2sql
no, I'm using an edmx
are they of type Queryable ?
or IQueryable
that's how you define the difference? is there somewhere that's written?
The difference is that when it is a queryable it gets transformed into sql. When it is not a queryable then it does not have to get transformed into sql.
linq to sql was before EF is how I always interpreted it
when you used....much uglier methods to get data
EF takes advantage of linq to sql.
I suspect I may have figured out the problem thanks to this blog post blogs.msdn.com/b/alexj/archive/2009/03/26/…
For example I have one of these:
 public bool inDb<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter) where T : class
            return context.Set<T>().Any(filter);
basically, and this really should be announced more often, I think you can't "join" a 'linq to sql' query against in-memory data without blowing up
that is true
use .ToList<T>() first
yeah, I think that's been my problem
yes, but generally the join is to reduce row count
List<T> list
IQueryable<T> table
.tolist 40k rows just to cut out 30 of them means that I need to build out a list of values to contains against
yup, that's the problem
just fixed another query
Sorry I did not take into consideration the business logic of the merge. Just pointing out the syntax
that error message is cryptic and always points to a line way too far down the code
obviously I'll have to remember to build a list of data to "where contains" against in the future
all good?
yeah, works fine
nice :D
rubber ducking it
found out yesterday why every db server has linked servers to almost every other db server at my company
because of redundant array of interconnected databases?
the "report developers" use sharepoint builder gui thingy and just plop in db queries, so they can't do any logic, only a single query and tie it to a table
it's a way to get it done if you don't know how to code I suppose
Sorry I was testing. Note the difference in the two message heights, and also that they are the same.
I have a pretty freaking sweet idea.
And I am pretty sure you will love it.
Ok so I converted the text input that you use to chat into a javascript console
that could be fun
eval(1 + 12)
oops lol
yeah it is rad
it works :)
let me minify it.
you can't paste javascript: into the url so you have to type javascript: into the url and then paste this code after it
var sb = $('#sayit-button'), btn = sb.clone(false).attr('id','con').html('console').css('margin-left','5px');btn.insertAfter(sb);
btn.click(function(){var t = $('#input').val();$('#input')[0].value = "";window.location = 'javascript:'+t;});
That will present you with a button on the right of send. If you click the button instead of send it will run any javascript you write inside of the text area
where do I put "javascript:"
where you would write google.com
and then you can do simple things like alert(5); and click on console, and it will alert
or more complex things like $('#sidebar').hide(); and click on console and it will hide the sidebar
got the console button
but nothing happened
ok so type inside of your textarea
alert('hello world');
and then press the console button
oops lol
so how did you output the results and send them?
Or for something a little more engaging, paste this
and then hit console
you know - it's fun actually asking questions on StackOverflow instead of just answering them all of the time :S
Yeah :) It is hard to compose a good question
I try to keep them nice and short
I have never even done hello world in python
print("Hello world")
that's it ;)
I do actually really like python's string formatting
trying to expose that for my end users
I made my textarea into a javascript console :)
so they can use it instead of the crazy syntax I'm currently pushing on them :S
Yeah I have seen a lot of questions along the lines of "python has this string method, but what is it in X language?"
I am going to go home I think
See you guys later
be safe

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