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But what does this have to do with reading bytes? I just don't want the long to be cached by the thread.
lock it and pop it
or only modify/access it with Interlocked methods
Oh yeah, I forgot about* them
invent your own long with two volatile ints
Pita Kendall
@drch Sounds like a dance move
@ShotgunNinja yeah, i settle arguments with breakdance competitions
My AV needs to restart my computer. Too bad! My computer does not simply restart.
@drch aw shit
@KendallFrey One does not simply use an AV
I don't use it either, kills performance
Woo! I love when I finish things early.
@JLott I love you when you don't finish things early.
@JLott me too, but the missus gets upset
i swear baby this never happens
I occasionally download sketchy stuff, so an AV isn't too bad.
@drch :D
@KendallFrey Lay off the pr0n mate.
@drch Lol. I love that almost all guys say that too. "I don't understand!"
I wonder how hard it is to uninstall an AV
more like "get used to it. it happens ALL the time"
@JLott Actually just had a thought. Will ask when I get home.
@JLott Not too important. You can remind me laterz lol
Well... that escalated quickly...
Because you already have a jillion times
Who in here knows PowerShell? I have no idea what the flip I am doing.
And she said no a jillion times.
Jeez, I'm forgetting my words today.
@LewsTherin At least I am polite about it :)
@JLott Makes sense. Ugly language.
@JLott Makes it less painful I admit.
@LewsTherin I had a scripting class where I had to mess with it a bit, but I have already forgotten everything...
Powershell is one of those languages that refuses to have a proper documentation.
Powershell is great when it isn't being a shitty pile of shit.
Great idea, horrible impl
Like most of |V|$
Ladies and Germs
@KendallFrey Most of what?
G'morning, afternoon and evening
@Darek Morning!
@Darek You calling me a germ? Fu.
I don't even know where to start...
why am I getting CA2202 on this piece of code?
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))
                    serializer.Serialize(writer, serializableObject);
closing bracket
Says what
CA2202 Do not dispose objects multiple times Object 'writer' can be disposed more than once in method 'Program.SerializedToXmlFile<T>(T, string)'. To avoid generating a System.ObjectDisposedException you should not call Dispose more than one time on an object.: Lines: 39 ConsoleApplication1 Program.cs 39
@drch stuck again, when fetching actual from db actual.List is null, you know why?
@Darek writer.Close() ?
You are closing twice..
Yea Close is implicit from Dispose, no?
it did look funny to me too
you guys are sooooo goooood
But the funny thing is, StreamWriter won't work if you don't close explicitly.
serioiously? @LewsTherin
@LewsTherin whaaaa
@LewsTherin I don't know about that myself
Yeh for some reason it doesn't write to the file. I must have done something wrong.
@LewsTherin Have to call Flush?
It worked for me
@JohanLarsson is your list virtual?
@Darek Wooo!
@Darek Oh wait, I think I didn't use using then. :D
@drch the property needs to be virtual? Changing and trying
Does anyone know where the WCF folk hang that might take a quick consult?
@Darek I can't remember tbh
BTW I just discovered an awesome feature of ReSharper 8.0 ... If you write DateTime.Now.ToString than hit Alt+Enter, it will show you all the formats available ... Sweeeeet!
@djbyter Here biatch
@Darek ctrl space
@JohanLarsson sort of. virtual allows for lazy loading
[x] Worked with virtual
if you go stocks.All() it's not going to do any joins
@Darek In fact, you don't need to do anything.
so the relationships dont get included
I wish I knew what the flip I was doing...
unless you loose focus typing an answer to @LewsTherin ... :)
without virtual?
@Darek Ha ha :P
but you are right Ctrl+Space
my bad
I should probably mix in some reading, just coding and drching now
you have to watch out for N+1 with virtual though
no idea what it means
if you reference the relationship before the query takes place, it will try to get all the data in one fell swoop
but if you do something like:
var stocks = context.Stocks.ToList();
foreach (var stock in stocks) {
it will do a new select in each iteration of that loop
:S How is that virtual related?
@LewsTherin if its not virtual, it will be null at that point
if its virtual, it will pull it from the db if its needed
You mean deferred?
lazy vs eager loading
ok good to know
but why was it null without virtual? Not very eager
@JLott So was there a specific PowerShell question in there, or is it more just a "floundering in the dark" phase? :) Not that I can promise any answers.
@JohanLarsson You guys are confusing me. Where is the virtual?
@JohanLarsson sometimes you have to do stupid shit like var stocks = context.Stocks.Select(stock =>new { stock, stock.Country}).Select(x=>x.stock); to force EF to eager load
@LewsTherin in the model
@shambulator Well I just figured out how to open Windows PowerShell ISE so it is going.
@drch Oh ryt
@LewsTherin I can push it for you :)
@JLott Off to a flying start then!
public class StockList {
   public virtual ICollection<Stock> Stocks { get;set; }
@shambulator You know it! haha. Here is exactly what I am doing. ict.myjewe.nl/ict/?p=192
@drch I see
ef clearly needs tests or skill
@JohanLarsson At work :P
I have a SOAP service which authenticates with a client cert, username/password and custom headers but I can't seem to run the wcf tools and get a working client out of it. Trying to run svcutil gives me "Warning: The policy expression was not fully imported because its normalized form was too large. XPath:"XPath Unavailable"
@drch So what was point again? If you used .ToList()?
@LewsTherin the query would be executed at that point
And if it is not, it returns null?
@drch 1) open vs 2)new wpf project 3) get stuck 4) ask questions 5) repeat 4
> if its not virtual, it will be null at that point
I don't get that ^^
virtual allows for lazy loading.
The WSDL was generated from jax, so it doesn't seem to be playing nicely with the usual .NET tools :/
we should perhaps treat it as an axiom
@drch I thought that was for unit tests.
so that the actual EF model can override the collection with a lazy-loaded version
Ok.. I have to get around to that book... sometime.
public class StockList {
   public virtual ICollection<Stock> Stocks { get;set; }

public EfGeneratesStockList : StockList{
   private ICollection<Stock> _stocks;
   public override ICollection<Stock> Stocks { get { return _stocks ?? (_stocks = GetStocksFromDatabase()); } } }
it might actually use interceptors, but thats the gist
Note to self: don't make EF cross.
Interceptors... lol
if you ALWAYS want a related table to be joined, you can specify that in your dbcontext with .Include()
or on a per-query basis
dbcontext.StockLists.All().Include(x=>x.Stocks) i think
Sigh, I'm getting depressed now. So I will just get back to fixing my problem. Meanwhile:
i usually just virtual all the shit and worry about it if i need to ;)
@drch After using Expression.Call, can i use Expression.Call again on the result? I succeeded at creating x.Gifts.Orderby(...) but now I want to add FirstOrDefault() at the end, and I tried calling Expression.Call the same way but it keeps whining about parameters
define 'whining'
What does it say?
No generic method FirstOrDefault on Queryable can take my typearguments/arguments pretty much a similar error to the one I had above
I'm pretty sure you'll need to call the static Enumerable.FirstOrDefault.
Expression<Func<Individu,IQueryable<Gift>>> orderByCallExpression = ind =>ind.Gifts.AsQueryable().OrderBy(x=>x.Date);
//Expression<Func<IQueryable<Gift>,Gift>> frstordefault = query=>query.FirstOrDefault();

new Type[] { typeof(Gift)},
the Enumerable version throws the same error, just as before
Show me the code
the above code is all the code there is actually
Show me the Enumerable version of the code
Expression<Func<Individu,IQueryable<Gift>>> orderByCallExpression = ind =>ind.Gifts.AsQueryable().OrderBy(x=>x.Date);
//Expression<Func<IQueryable<Gift>,Gift>> frstordefault = query=>query.FirstOrDefault();

new Type[] { typeof(Gift)},
one word changed:P
bah {"Unable to create database because mapped class 'Models.Settings' has zero members."}
And what's the error message again? Is it an exception or a compiler error?
it's a runtime Invalidoperationexception (getting it in linqpad results pane as: No generic method FirstOrDefault in type System.Linq.Enumerable is compatible with provided Typearguments and arguments ,...)
Monthly development meeting here shortly... Someone should learn PowerShell while I am gone...
someone say powershell?
@Mvision Perhaps you need to cast the IQueryable to IEnumerable
whats your problem @JLott?
I have no idea what I am doing...
all of the '-'s and '$'s
what you stuck on?
$variable -parameter
@KendallFrey nah that doesn't do the trick (same error when cast to IEnumerable) , and it will probably break the rest of code that is building this expression
@Mvision I think there is a visualizer for expression trees, I have never used it but perhaps it is useful for you.
@dirt I think it is just I am stuck on it as a whole lol. It will take me a bit to figure out where I need to put certain info.
Hello, can someone help me please! I really appreciate it! stackoverflow.com/questions/17936874/…
@JohanLarsson when typing Expression.Dump() in linqpad I'm getting e very nice explanation of the types etc...
0x800a139e - Runtime-fout Microsoft JScript: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.
@Mvision you sill have to pass in the IQueryable as an argument to Queryable.FirstOrDefault()
wasnt it .Body in the previous problem?
drch you're a god
it's the .Body
remember, you are calling Queryable.FirstOrDefault(someQueryable) not someQueryable.FirstOrDefault()
come te belgium, i'll buy you abeer
fuckin deal
how much does beer cost at the pub in belgium?
Ever tried our belgian beers?
The good ones go for €3.80
@Mvision Stupid Expression<Func<>> s
regular ones €2
@Mvision probably not the good ones, just the mass marketed ones
ive never met a lager i didn't like though
Ive never tried US beers
Bells <-- US brewery -- love it --
Micro breweries everywhere
i think i drank two brazillian beers on sunday
how many is a brazillian again?
You guys probably have Stella(BE) and Heiniken (NL) in the US , no? What do you like the best? (obvious choice for me)
@Mvision i like stella better
My friend is brewing beer, I was there to taste it once, he kept filling the glass constantly. Gf said she put an alarm so she could check my pulse every hour that night.
smart girlfriend
Hi everyone
Anyone know any tool I can use to generate xsd files


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="firsttag....
@ton.yeung you should avoid going to work on saturday because its saturday
Stella is great, I like Bells Oberon (Michigan), otherwise I try something new every chance I get
@MuhammadRaja Notepad++
Don't want to hand code, which is why asking for a tool :) @KendallFrey
I don't have a xml document, just know the structure myself, otherwise there are hundred of online tools
visual studio
file -> new file -> xml schema
@ton.yeung if you ever used CAMLGenerator ?
you just give the tags and it generates the structure for you
Any powershell users in the house tonight?
I used it a bit
Any idea why this wouldn't work? (buildSolution is a function):
$solutionsToBuild = $solutionsToBuild | where { -not (buildSolution($_)) }
@ton.yeung this is what I wanted

@JeffBridgman I <3 POSH whaddup
@dirt I'm trying to do LINQ-ish things... I want to filter a list of .sln files that didn't build successfully (see the line of code above), but it seems like my function buildSolution isn't being called at all.
So I went from Expression<Func<>> to a MethodCallExpression with the Expression.Call for the orderby ... And I can do the same for FirstOrDefault now ...
But I cant pass the result from on thing into the other ofcourse ... hmmmm
What do you mean?
Did you remember the ind parameter?
good point, brb:)
hrmm @JeffBridgman have you tried something like $solutionsToBuild = $solutionsToBuild | Where {$_ -not (buildSolution($_)) }
@ton.yeung get xml document and then convert it to xsd using


seriously you need to do some googling mate !
@dirt Hrmmm, compile error on that one. buildSolution takes a path (in this case, $_) and returns either $true or $false depending upon whether the solution builds successfully or not.
I initialized the list this way: $solutionsToBuild = ls -r -fil *.sln | select FullName
Quick help, do you guys know any website that have themes for asp.net webpages ?
Betcha google does
@KendallFrey Try googling it.. All I see up to page 5 are tutorials
@KendallFrey I guess that my point was that i cant pass the MethodCallExpression to my Expression<Func<TSource, IQueryable<TNav>>> because it just won't compile, and I can't cast it :P ... i'm starting to think that I need more general info on these expressions ... not very trivial this stuff
@ton.yeung Because my coworker wants something professional, idk, just a website with themes :(
Second result:
A: Free ASP.Net and/or CSS Themes

Ryan FarleyI wouldn't bother looking for ASP.NET stuff specifically (probably won't find any anyways). Finding a good CSS theme easily can be used in ASP.NET. Here's some sites that I love for CSS goodness: http://www.freecsstemplates.org/ http://www.oswd.org/ http://www.openwebdesign.org/ http://www.s...

@KendallFrey This is my second result : msdn.microsoft.com/library/ykzx33wh.aspx
What did you search for?
"asp.net themes"
@André silva You might wanna look at orchard, (use a proper cms with one of their themes as a start)
@KendallFrey Wonder what is not constructive about that one
@JohanLarsson It's not a programming problem. Offtopic IMO
yeah, lets get back to porn
@KendallFrey Exactly :D
@Steve talking about porn, i recently tested an oculus rift devkit, holy crap
My bosses devkit really had a shitty resolution .... but still, wonderful... tried couple of demo apps, RiftCoaster -> INSANE experience , HL2 was great aswell
Yeah they are upping everything for consumer version
reducing lcd ghosting aswell
@JeffBridgman $solutionsToBuild = $solutionsToBuild | where { -not buildSolution($_.FullName) }
@JeffBridgman Do you have to pass the path directly e.g. $_.FullName ?
So I just realized that if I go to reddit and delete the sidebar with the console, a comment thread looks a lot like HTML/cod to unsuspecting sales employees. Productivity is going dooooooooooowwwwwwwn from here
@akowalz hoo boy
hahaha man
that really works :D
Btw, Thanks @KendallFrey and @ton.yeung :)
you're welcome
@Steve ^ ha!
oculus rift is nausea hell btw
i spent 10 minutes in that thing before my stomach went a little crazy
no idea
what ou
talk bout
@dirt Yea, I think so.... msbuild seems to only take the full path, although I guess I can abstract that out into the function.
@Mvision shit really? maybe just takes a little getting used to. I really wanted to try it out
Yeah it gets better after a while
this is the worst one to try :D youtube.com/watch?v=sQYhCIKrZT4
rollercoaster on unreal engine
works just like a real rollercoaster for your tummy
@Steve :)
somebody talk!
that i know
about something that i know
@dirt My first two lines in my `buildSolution` function are:

& $msbuild /nologo /noconlog $file.FullName
echo $lastExitCode
do you have constructor parameters to define $file ?
Yea, function buildSolution ($file) {
could I get a look at the whole code so I can run it locally for debugging?
It doesn't print out anything when I do echo $lastExitCode
@Steve Do you know hockey?
@KendallFrey yeah, to an extent, i dont know EVERYTHING
@JeffBridgman $LastExitCode may be case-sensitive -- maybe not but worth a shot
@KendallFrey why do you ask?
What about special relativity?
@Steve You said you wanted to talk about something you know
@Mvision I really want to play a horror game in it (Amnesia?). I bet you wouldn't be able to sleep for a week
i have a jist of it
@JeffBridgman or $global:LASTEXITCODE
Screw it, let's just talk about sex.
@KendallFrey favorite hockey player?
he is pretty sick
Least favourite: Chara
no idea who that is
whats so funny chuckles
Tallest guy in the NHL, captain of a team, has a Stanley cup ring...
i dont memorize every player in the nhl
@dirt Tried case-sensitive and $global and neither seem to work... gonna go for a quick walk, brb, and thanks!
or their heights
Or pay attention to records, I guess
People who've dealt with tons of unit/integration tests: Do you find it's a good idea to make data factory and data validator classes for tests?
I keep seeing people create things like that because they think they're be reusable in all tests ever
But then tests created later on need something set up or validated a little bit differently
@JeffBridgman change your echo $LastExitCode to Write-Host $LastExitCode and its working fine
@Mike It might be nice to have a modifiable data factory class that you can use, but having too much design in your unit test code base is generally frowned upon.
On the other hand, I've seen people add new properties to model object that end up not getting tested adequately. "whoops, forgot to actually insert columnX's values into the database"
It's a fine balance, and the answer is there's no single answer.
@drch I am fairly knowledgeable :P
Yeah, overengineering is a fine line
@Mike I made a data validator class for a few of my tests. It is useful to reduce the number of Asserts I did previously
Back from the meeting
@KendallFrey nah, apparently not
so I just realized I'm one of the guys with chairs constantly next to their cubes so people can ask them things. Good thing or bad thing?
good for them bad for you
@KendallFrey who are the russian 5 ;)
lol yeah hurry and google
Datsyuk, Ovechkin, Malkin, Jagr, and... Giroux?
Who did I get right?
Do they play in the NHL?
Datsyuk is da man
@KendallFrey not anymore
@dirt lol yeah he is
I don't follow Russian hockey at all
The second unit, also known as the Red Army and "The Wizards of Ov", was a lineup for the Detroit Red Wings during the 1990s. The Russian Five—all hockey legends in their own right in their native Russia—emulated the style of the Soviet Red Army teams that dominated world and Olympic competition during the 1970s, '80s and early '90s with a combination of speed and puck control.
such a man crush on Pavel
it ended when their limo crashed and two or 3 got hurt real bad during the last playoff series in like 97 or so
Shanahan is still my favorite
@dirt There are lots of Pavels lol
i liked shanahan a lot
@Pheonixblade9 The suspension hander outer?
so bad ass
man i wish the Wings of the 90s

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