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@Unihedro I have still no idea why that happend
Arbitrary matrices :p
Numbers goes against me.
I hate math.
well that is possible
I also saw the pattern that my votes are almost everytime about 1/3 of place 10
While at it, Martijn is nearing 10k score
@rekire true
however I'm still amazed how many votes I already got... (I did not remember the counts of the last election) I don't know so much people in real life so that is cool
Me too :D
I think they should not show the counters until the user has voted
I also got supported by some of the users I met on the main site (They came to the SO Tavern), which was lots of fun
Nah, no point in that, the purpose of primary is to sift through the not so popular ones to actually vote for
I was impressed by the other users in the chat where I am daily... all of them want to support me
@meagar I think it is fine to know after voting, so if you don't inform yourself you won't follow the counters
I do tend to agree
there where also two users which joined the chat just to chat with me
I'd like to think that I'm in second because everybody read my nomination and my answers to the moderator questions, but....
Thats why I voted for you if it makes you feel better :)
heh :p
Thanks :)
Despite answering the meta Q&A post in ~5 minutes, I actually spent many hours thinking about the questions and composing my answers.
I'm hoping people are reading them
@meagar maybe it's your campaign slogan. who can forget "meager to please"?
I really only voted for you because of your performance answering comments in the nomination phase. I didn't do too much research for all the candidates.
I appreciated that your answers weren't all "consult with other moderators"
"meagar to please 2015"
Well I mean
@meagar you've already got my vote in the final stage (although I probably shouldn't say that)
I definitely would bother other moderators
But I'm not so afraid of making a mistake that I'd be paralyzed by indecision
Right. The first step can't be "ask someone else"
I think the community understands that being a new moderator gives you a little bit of a grace period
As long as you're open and honest
@JonClements Thanks
As long as you sound confident, people will want to work in your favor.
Unless they are trolls.
@meagar like I said in my nomination Q&A... I'm not gonna to be perfect to start with
I am highly troll-resistant at this point
In some sense the questionnaire exists like an interview where you give the voters a clear sense of who you are.
Well I upvoted 3 users which I already reconized on SO...
And, more importantly, whether to vote for you based on that :P
I actually read each nomination. If the user sounded like a good moderator, and wasn't just "I like SO!" then I upvoted, the few that were just "I like SO" I downvoted, and left the rest alone
@BradleyDotNET Rate mine? I'm curious :p
I'm hoping most people engaged in at least a similar strategy
@BradleyDotNET you didn't vote down anybody who sounded like a bad mod?
@BradleyDotNET you're entitled to thought how you want... that's the whole point of the voting system. Both for moderation elections and posts.
Sure, I was referring to the concern that people will vote without reading
of course, their criteria are their own
@yellowantphil Yes.... but my determination of "bad mod" was effectively based on if they seemed engaged, knew the community, and such. Those that didn't display those usually just wrote "I love SO" (over simplification of course) and so that was my downvotes.
I looked at participation and whether they are an effective commuter, basically.
Looks like the whole SO is here
SO union ;)
@Unihedro Your "balance" statement worried me, not sure you would have time to be a mod. Otherwise your nomination post was alright, but didn't say all that much about why you would make a good SO mod.
Cany an body give me link of the Live Stats ?
Yeah, I agree.
To a certain extent, I don't care you've only been here a year (you can learn a lot in that timeframe, I know I have!)
how did that link fall off the sidebar already?
I would focus on your awesome mod capablities/qualifications next year
See you all again next year. :D
@Unihedro I'm in next year too
so is bjb
WO man think Martijin will make it
I'm going to sleep for an entire year and wake up in time hopefully.
good luck with that
Oh? Downvoting
I had the strong impresson on the comments of my nomination that this might be a problem
@rekire roomba some posts. you can get in 80+ downvotes per day that way
1988 up vs 17 down
stilling i am searching for the page to vote :(
is the voting over
@rekire Yeah, you have to drop the whole idea that downvotes are rude, and also not let them bother you when you receive them yourself. They're actually a really important part in maintaining the overall quality of the site.
IIRC I'm about 50/50 up/down. 17 downvotes total is definitely a red flag
Downvoting is an essential part to how quality control works. It's also what makes this not Yahoo answers.
@rekire The concern in the nomination comments was more than that, too. The general concern, that I saw at least, was more along the lines of "Well, if you avoid downvotes (etc.) because you believe people are sensitive to that type of thing, are you going to be able to confidently handle other situations where you have to just lay down the law and risk offending people?" That's the really important part of the discussion that was happening.
I already tried to make clear that I mean that different then the most commenters got it. Ah it starts again^^
Actually I'm at 2:1 up/down. apparently I'm not as critical as I think :)
some candidates are 1:10 up/down, which I think is fine
@yellowantphil well that is a red flag for me
@rekire uh oh, you wouldn't vote for me then
50/50 is probably acceptable to everybody
it does not matter, but I didn't vote for you basically I never read your name on SO
I am not eligible to run, but you wouldn't like my vote ratio
I don't think I care about vote ratio too much, unless its crazy one way or the other
it is possible that I make no friends now, but that is my opinion
Depending on how long you've been around < 1K either direction would be a concern for me
@BradleyDotNET like my one^^
yeah, like that :)
@BradleyDotNET I see that the most users think so too. that is why I already noted that I have to downvote more often
@rekire Haha, don't worry about that. It self-selects for friends that can deal with you having an opinion. Those are the best kinds of friends.
if you can edit a post to make it reasonable and answerable - do so
I was at 1:6 ratio until I found MSE Tavern. Now it's 6:1
@JonClements well I see if you cannot improve it downvote it
if it's in your sphere of knowledge and experience and you "just know" it's not going to going anyway
keep a tab open to keep an eye on it for a bit
look for it in the re-open queue... see what happens
yeah I also need to do more in that area
I haven't done the RQ's in a while - I'll be straight up saying that
I also tried to improve my helpful flags just for the missing moderator badge^^ I made already 50 helpful flags the last two days
I actually bother spending a few moments looking at the context (unless - it's blatantly obviously shite/spam)
so guys I have to go now, see you soon
@rekire take care
If you want to improve your flags, just go through the late answers list in the 10K tools
finally found it voted @JasonC
so... much... crap....
hope he might be in top 10
@BradleyDotNET agreed! There's a lot of flagworthy content in there
There's so many "Me too"s in there
@SecondRikudo "Y U NO WEBSOCKET" is the other one I'm getting. facepalm
@JasonC The answer to that is "Java"
Hence the real question is: Y U NO IOJS?
@JasonC you're in the 10!
@Undo you're in the 10!
Well, I can apparently convince Tomcat to provide websockets no problem, and JSR-356 exists, so ... blah, I need to move on to other things. This is what I get for being involved in a community of programmers.
Tied now.
by the time I reopen the link positions have changed again
@Undo NOOOOOOO the unstable sort tie is back.
what happens in the situation of a tie?
@JasonC VS @Undo atlast!!
@rlemon I imagine there'd be 11 to advance. Can't think of another fair way to do it.
@durron597 give em both their choice of spiked weapon and hunger games it?
@Mixcels this is not the first time..
@MartijnPieters Oh. Then I missed it :(
@Mixcels Yeah this went on for like 8 hours straight yesterday, haha.
@JasonC haha.. ha... ha.
sorry to see it being this close and not a clean break.
But, right now, you are 3 votes inside the top 10!
@JasonC I think I had commented on Undo VS Jeremy yesterday. You were 11th then right?
@Mixcels Yeah, that was at some point in the last 36 hours, just after Jeremy shot up into the top 10 and bumped me out. Undo was originally ahead of Raghav and Paresh too, and dropped down, then got passed by Jeremy. Then for a really long time at some point within the last 18 hours, Undo and I stayed tied.
I remember you closing up on Undo some 8-10 hours back and right now is the first time I saw you cross him.
I think Ed is going to pull out an upset. You heard it here first
I'm still betting on Shree
Seems like there should be a percentage threshold, so that you can't get nixed from the election itself by 1 vote
@BradleyDotNET I think the primary should be "minimum 10 people, then anyone within 1% of the 10th person also advances"
Yeah, something like that would make sense
Ouch at the break being sooo close
@JasonC how many people are watching your vote monitor now?
What does (deleted) mean below closure in the close votes list under my profile activity?
@TravisJ Is this a joke?
The same question was just asked in the Tavern, a few minutes ago. :P
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 18 mins ago, by Bart
Q: What causes close votes to be annotated with "(deleted)"?

Jeremy BanksIn the "Votes Cast" section of my profile, my vote to close this question is annotated with "(deleted)": However, the close vote does not appear to have been deleted: it successfully closed the question: Why was this vote marked as "(deleted)"? If the vote was deleted my some internal pr...

@JeremyBanks - Nope, no joke I only just got back to my computer even.
Thanks for the link though
Funny coincidence, then. :)
page not found?
Hm, bug in a linked link
Funky. Bug report!
It prefixed the page with chat.meta.stackexchange.com
Looks like there's inconsistent handling of protocol-independent links.
They definitely have certain edge case issues going between exchanges
The thing is, it seems that all of my close votes are annotated with (deleted) even if the question was closed and I am listed in the close voters.
Q: Oneboxing a onebox from a different chat server generates a weird URL

hichris123So if you try to onebox a onebox from a different chat server, this weirdness happens. Basically, it generates this URL: http://chat.stackexchange.com//stackoverflow.com/questions/25609915/php-sql-match-against Now, obviously that isn't right. I've also tested this here, and I'm assuming it...

Yeah I wasn't going to post, chat is used pretty often it made sense that it would already have been reported
The annoying thing is it hasn't been fixed yet. :/
It's been ~6 months.
balpha can only do so much
let scrape = Promise.coroutine(function*() {
    let [response, body] = yield request.getAsync(url);
    return Cheerio.load(body);
    .then(($) => {
    let $trList = $('tr[id^="post-"]');
    let scores = $trList.map((index, element) => {
        return {
            score: $(element).find('.vote-count-post').text(),
            userId: $(element).attr('id').replace(/^post-/, '')
    }).get().reduce((obj, current) => obj[current.userId] = current.score, {});
@TravisJ Yeah... no one is working on chat though. :/
This is all it took to scrape the page and ws a response like yours :D
@hichris123 - balpha handles chat I thought
@SecondRikudo - Is that node?
@TravisJ iojs
@SecondRikudo - A node fork?
@TravisJ Yeah, basically node with a newer V8 engine and open governance.
import {Server} from 'ws';

let wss = new Server({port: 8081});

wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
    ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
        console.log('received: %s', message);

All it took to open websocket connection ^
@TravisJ He does, but he works on the main site too... and chat's so low priority...
@hichris123 - Yeah chat is very low priority.
It is worse than comments.
Pretty much right at the same level as maintaining the blog
@JasonC - Wooo ! :)
You are in #10 atm
@yellowantphil Looks like about 45 or so.
@GraceNote If there were a tie for #10, what criteria determines who advances? I want to add proper handling of ties to the monitor app, but I want to make sure the red cutoff line stays accurate. The tie between me and Undo has been relentless.
@JasonC Uh... good question.
Lemmeh find out
@GraceNote - Follow up question. If the primary ends, but someone still has the page loaded, will their vote count after the cutoff?
Please say Mario Kart. Please say Mario Kart.
cage match
They could totally broadcast a cage match live on Stack Overflow TV.
in other words, is something like this hard coded server side?
if( DateTime.UtcNow > cutoff ) return invalid state;
Yo momma is hard-coded server side.
@JasonC I would have thought that was April Fool's, except it was posted in September
@TravisJ That I'm pretty sure is a nope - once the time hits exactly, primary instantly ends and the top 10 immediately move into the election.
hooray, gold badge on my Q&A answers :)
A: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

meagarmeagar's answers A question is asked and receives some very good answers. The asker then flags this question and asks for it to be deleted because having it up will cause them trouble at work or school. Do you delete the question? I would begin by advising the user that, once they hav...

@meagar Solid! That should be a badge on its own.
@meagar Oh hey I just got a gold badge too
@GraceNote Congratz :)
More congrats to you ♪
loop_until_bit_is_set ( UCSRA, UDRE );
@meagar you already have an upvote forfor bothering to prepare before hand, produce a result etc... etc...
@MehdiRostami Could try adding a paragraph or two of text to your question to explain the problem in more detail, and what you think the code you posted does :)
do only employees show up in blue, or all SO moderators?
while we're happy to witness you dipping your head in paint and decorating the walls with your hair, more context is needed :)
All SO mods
Would be funny if Martijn score would hit a stack overflow of the vote counter, wouldn't it ? :p
@b.enoit.be only 2 billion votes to go
I'd like to sign up to be a mod...how to?
I saw a mod with less than me
3 hours ago, by Jason C
@kurenn The nomination phase ended a couple days ago, but keep an eye out for the next election (they're roughly yearly but it varies). Stay active and participate in the mean time.
@TimPost That's no way to treat a desk.
@Omar some employees also get diamonds and have mod powers
give me some =)
I think you have a ways to go ;)
@Omar The current frontrunner to be mod has about 300 times more rep than you do. I recommend doing 300x as much as you did since you joined in the next year to have a strong chance at being mod.
@durron597 I was kind-of hoping my reputation wasn't the biggest factor...
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 7 mins ago, by Undo
Okay. I'm pretty sure that a dev/CM is manipulating the votes just to make @JasonC and I sweat >_>
@MartijnPieters The ambient awesomeness helps too
Rep, meh. Just show that you know enough about the topic to be able to judge the quality of a post, and a strong desire to do janitorial things.
@MartijnPieters I was speaking fAcEtIOUslY (little known fact, one of the only words in english that has all vowels exactly once in alphabetic order)
@durron597 it doesn't have w!
Like I said, someone closed one of my questions. This guy had about 500 rep at the time O.o
I agree... once you hit a level that demonstrates you are active and understand this community. Even if the system didn't require at least 3K, I can't imagine voting for someone under that.
"crwth" and "cwm"
@MartijnPieters In reality, your front runner status is likely due to your ninja-hood.
@durron597 I thought bAlOnY was such a word too?
@yellowantphil I sincerely hope you are joking
@MartijnPieters No I
or e for that matter
he said all vowels. AEIOUWY
W is not a vowel in the english language
nor has it ever been
@MartijnPieters do you mean bAElIOnUY?
crwth, I say! crwth crwth crwth
@durron597 ah, for some reason my brain was registering that you were talking about uppercasing vowels :-P
@JasonC pulls ahead!
poor old crwth. nobody believes in it
Stack ... Evirflowu?
@yellowantphil And those aren't words either, at least not in standard english
@BradleyDotNET I guess it depends on what you consider standard. Merriam-Webster likes them well enough
"Zzz" counts in Scrabble!
yeah, just saw that
I'll give you that its a word, at least in archaic english. That doesn't make W a vowel though
It is in those two words. You can deny its vowelness everywhere else, and I won't object
@SecondRikudo That's super cool. One more thing to add to the to-learn list.
@JasonC I'm almost done with an iojs implementation of your monitor
You can see how it's written in a few minutes/hours :P
How does that work? Do you need to run an iojs server, too?
Apparently its complicated:
Q: Is the 'w' in 'cow' a vowel or a consonant?

WilliamKFIs the w in cow a vowel or a consonant? Assuming it is considered a vowel, would it likewise be so in how? I learned that the vowels are "a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y." If w can be a vowel, what other letters can be vowels? What is the definition of a vowel? By the way, I know w can be a vow...

Q: Are W and Y vowels?

iamcreasy Possible Duplicates: When is “Y” a vowel? Is the 'w' in 'cow' a vowel or a consonant? Are W and Y vowels? I learned it depends on the conditions. But I don't know what conditions.

I'm sticking with not a vowel, no matter how hard they try!!!!
pesky old semivowels
There are 4 lights!
@BradleyDotNET I like to see a dolphin who has convictions
We dolphins are very stubborn types ;)
@JasonC Yeah
Your run it like iojs run.js and it starts everything up
That's so cool. Is the iojs server appropriate for larger scale applications, e.g. performance-wise under a heavy load?
Another thing that was tossed around in the tavern was writing a userscript similar to stackapps.com/questions/4548/… that ran on the elections page, and periodically queried the election page in the background to keep vote counts live in the table. Yet another thing on my want-to-do list is modify that userscript to do that.
Although I do like just being able to say to people "go to this URL" instead of requiring installation of *monkey, userscripts, etc. I'm a big fan of one-easy-step.
@JasonC can I shutdown the tomcat server now then ?
@JonClements Yep! Thanks again!!
@JasonC Internal word is "No idea. Maybe we'll find out!"
Okay, room: y'all know what we've got to do.
Well, that always ends well :)
@JasonC alright, looks like I won't be able to set it up today
But here are the two main files in play herer
// Created by madara all rights reserved.

import Promise from 'bluebird';
import {getScores, getUsers} from './scraper';
import {Server} from 'ws';

let wss = new Server({port: 8081});
let currentScores;

setInterval(Promise.coroutine(function*() {
    if (wss.clients.length === 0) {
        console.log('No clients connected. Ending.');
    console.log(`${wss.clients.length} clients connected. Scraping.`);
    var scores = yield getScores();
    currentScores = scores;
    wss.clients.forEach(ws => ws.send(JSON.stringify({s:scores})));
// Created by madara all rights reserved.

import request from 'request';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import Cheerio from 'cheerio';


let url = 'http://stackoverflow.com/election/6';
let scrape = Promise.coroutine(function*() {
    let [response, body] = yield request.getAsync(url);
    return Cheerio.load(body);

let getUsers = Promise.coroutine(function*() {
    let $ = yield scrape();
    let $userList = $('.user-details');
    return $userList.map((index, element) => {
@GraceNote Still just 3 votes separating them, looks like you have a decent shot.
We need multiple users all running the same voting bot. The bots can talk to each other and choose how many of them vote at the last second to force a tie.
can anybody tell me plz-Do we see vote counts at final phase too?
no, not during the voting at least
at primary phase we can see vote count so at election phase we cannot see?
thats correct
oh great
@ShaifulIslam They aren't displayed on the election page, but you can still click back to the primary page and see them there if you want to
I mean will we able to see at election phase too?
Yes, but not in the "election" tab, which will be displayed by default.
You will need to manually click on the "primary" tab, they will still be visible there.
@JeremyBanks I think you will be one of the top 10. I have a question: do you think downvote needed for election system?
Howdy all
@ShaifulIslam Hmm. I'm not sure. It does seem to promote some weird behaviour: some users will downvote all candidates except for their favourite, effectively doubling the strength of their vote.
But I haven't really given it enough thought to say.
I also think so.People downvote others even without knowing them.Basically They are voting twice for their favourite
I also think vote count also should not be visible until the end
Hi @EdCottrell
downvotes serve the same purpose as on the main site
you really don't think they should be a moderator
and people use it strategically, just like there as well
Hear, hear!
@BradleyDotNET I understand. But is there any way to detect people doing it on purpose like main site?
People are less invested in specific answers than they are in specific candidates.
Not really
unless you just limited to something like 10 downvotes
That's actually a pretty good idea.
I could see that system working all right
can I give all 10 to the same person?
but you can't do that now anyways
Yay again! :D
The site can't make up its mind :)
It keeps flipping you both over the line
@GraceNote I vote we play chess or checkers or something for the spot
question is anyone fan of star games siries?
star gates
Star Trek *
Yes for the last one
never heard of the first one
or watched the second
cool beans
@GraceNote You could go with whichever candidate was in 10th place according to the site when the primary ended ;)
Or halo. That would be epic
@BradleyDotNET does moderator get paid for being moderator?
@ShaifulIslam Nope, we're volunteers.
Well, we get a hat. And maybe a t-shirt.
But otherwise no.
you should get paid
king of hills?
A: Why aren't Stack Exchange moderators paid for their service?

UndoFor what it's worth, the user you linked to is paid. She's a developer at Stack Exchange, and used to be a community manager. Assuming you're talking about elected/appointed moderators, though: Speaking for myself, I don't want to be paid. This is a fun, somewhat relaxing (sometimes terrifying...

@Undo I don't think they do T-shirts anymore.
never heard of it
My thoughts on the matter
But the hat is awesome :D
@Doorknob oh :(
@Undo I believe this was caused by a certain user whose name begins with E.
undo your answer was good
@Doorknob no, IIRC they stopped doing t-shirts for everyone that nominates because E***, but they still do it for people that pass the primaries.
@ShaifulIslam Thank you!
a vote for u haha
I thought that, at least on Stack Overflow, they had only been giving t-shirts to people who make it through the primaries for at least the last several elections.
Could be wrong, though.
You guys can see who voted whom?
or a moderator can see?
In the election? I'm pretty sure only Stack Exchange staff would be able to see who voted for whom.
Yep, moderators have no ability to see votes.
Actually, we can't see who casts votes on posts, either, but I digress.
@ShaifulIslam No. Votes are strictly private (unless an employee goes manually digging into the database, which would be... extremely rare).
@Doorknob they only do that upon request (ie tracking down a voting ring) and they still don't release that info to the mods. They may confirm that Suspect A voted for Suspect B, but nothing more. The voting data is sacred.

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