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@BenjaminGruenbaum I am surprisingly close at the moment. The current threshold is 4912.
@Doorknob: what's this in relation to?
@Qantas94Heavy See the message that was a reply to.
Oh, stupid me.
1 hour later…
A: 2015 Moderator Nominee Activity Profiles

Jason CBy popular request†, for comparison, here is the same data for all current SO moderators, excluding employees. The graphs are the same scale and format as above. The approximate date each user was made a moderator is marked by a vertical red bar. As with the nominee graphs, this data does not in...

@JasonC Very nice! Maybe we should vote you in as moderator so you can add deleted/private events to those graphs. :P
I'd only need like 30 minutes.
BoltClock's got the record at 502.77 m🖖, by the way.
4 hours later…
@JasonC yay, Chrome on iPhone renders the character. :-P
3 hours later…
Q: Details about the moderator election

strpeterI read about the election of new moderators: In the nomination phase, any community member in good standing with more than 4,912 reputation may nominate themselves to be a community moderator. Nominees are required to construct a small, freely editable introduction to describe why ...

@JasonC hey, the office laptop has a font that handles the character too I now notice.
@MartijnPieters You are too nice!! Stop it! I was a little gobsmacked by that meta post even though I shouldn't be - every election someone posts something similar, they somehow miss all that information on the page and of course they never search...
I guess in a way it's welcome to the new generation - if there's something they don't know they just voice it or type it and the info turns up.
@slugster had there been a canonical post on Meta.SO I'd have grumped about searching and duped it. :-P But since the FAQ post is on Meta.SE instead, I just hacked out the info we have and a link.
Besides, I needed to do something to confuse my arch-nemesis Peterh :-P
@MartijnPieters good that you pointed out that question it is quiet helpful to remember some details
Wow! I can't believe it! I might actually make it into the Primary phase.
Let's get serious now. xD
@Unihedro Lets hope there isn't a flood of inb4-closure last-second nominations. :-P
So be it. :p
On an serious note, a few people have asked me why I haven't nominated myself.
Star this message if I shouldn't run for moderator.
Let's hope there is just enough to kick out BJB
Star this message if you want me to put my nomination in.
1 star on this message = 1 closevote I cast on the main site
@Unihedro no stars, so that's why the quality is dropping on the site :p
2 hours later…
Everyone excited and ready for the voting phase? :)
@Unihedro so we can watch Martijn break the system again? :p
Maybe it'll overflow and he'll end up with a negative score ;)
Please tell me the SE devs were smart enough to use shorts for increased performance.
Nobody has recently commented on my nomination... is that good or bad?
it's almost primary time. maybe everybody has made all the comments they want to make already
The last legit comment was a full week ago.
@bjb568 has more comments than I do...
you could try to stir up controversy... "please vote for bjb"
Current mods' votes in the primary and election should have 10x weight. cm's get 100x weight.
CMs don't need to vote to control how the site runs, so I don't see much point in CMs having extra votes. Giving more voting power to current moderators might be good, but haven't really thought over it yet.
what's a CM?
community moderator
Think of them like the managers of the Stack Exchange network.
There are more specific titles like "Community Growth Operations Specialist", but just call them CM for simplicity.
sounds like Web 4.0 Innovation Strategist
Great title
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 17 hours ago, by Unihedro
2015 Moderator Election primary voting begins soon! Remember to vote for @bjb568.
three hours and six minutes left
@rekire not that you're counting or anything? :p
@JonClements not really
I just told my coworkers about the election
One of them immediately made me a campaign logo
@meagar awesome :)
user image
With the tag line "Meagar to please"
... Hooray for working with creative people :)
I can identify an "M" and an arrow, the rest are fragments.
I'm getting a Hillary Clinton vibe from somewhere...
That tag line's a winner - that's for sure :)
It's a logo whipped up in 30 seconds :p
Somebody else suggested the slightly more cringe-worthy "M'eagar to please" :|
Welp, now there are already two winners pre-decided.
@meagar I like how that spells out, actually. xD
@Unihedro Yes, but it's our arrow(s). The color! :D
Martijn, Meagar, and bjb. that's my ticket
Because my coworkers are also jerks, somebody whipped this up:
@yellowantphil inb4 bjb becomes elected
user image
@meagar "Meagar to please". Nice. Flagged offensive.
Funny guys, my coworkers :|
@meagar ^~^ this one made me laugh xD
Yeah. Our office chat is going kind of nuts about it.
It looks like you can actually add images to your nominations. Sorely tempted :p
and productivity soares
@meagar Nah
@meagar It's fine as long as it's in spoiler tags!
@Unihedro I'm not, if only because I'd have to edit out ~75 characters of real content
use txt spk
I'll have to produce an ascii-art version
Just post a link to the picture like I did.
You won't have enough characters for an entire art block anyway.
... I know :p
@Unihedro no not really this is not fair
@rekire You need to double-check your timezones there.. there are still 3 and a half hours to go until 20:00 UTC.
ah that timezones are always confusing me
@yellowantphil That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Mooseman Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Caprica Six needs to pass commands along to Smokey
!!nudge SmokeDetector
@Mooseman "SyntaxError: missing ; before statement"
@Mooseman Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
Optimus Prime for moderator, 2015!
@rekire well you try it for yourself then
I wonder if I can answer the questionnaire with a video tho
I talk better than typing.
Whoever unstarred that is clearly a Megatron supporter.
!!> Math.PI
@Mooseman 3.141592653589793
!!> pow(Math.PI, Math.PI)
@Mooseman "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal"
@Mooseman "ReferenceError: pow is not defined"
@Everyone, "SyntaxError: moderator already determined : Martijin Pieters"
@Unihedro Time for ASCII art! :p
!!> Math.pow(Math.PI, Math.PI)
@yellowantphil 36.4621596072079
!!> function pow(n){ return pow(Math.pow(Math.PI, n)); } pow(Math.PI);
@Mooseman "InternalError: too much recursion"
Generally, this type of use is done in the sandbox.
@JasonC - Just saw your powerpoint presentation. Nice graphs :)
@Qantas94Heavy ahhh.... you decided to throw your hat in the ring... the more the merrier ;)
It's just not the same without Megatron.
Does stackoverflow.com/election display a history summary similar to serverfault.com/election when no election is running? (Right now it just redirects to the current election.)
@JasonC I think it looks like this when not in an election: stackoverflow.com/election/7
Is it just me or did bjb withdraw his nomination?
@JasonC: are you adding @Qantas94Heavy to your post?
@JasonC yes, it does.
@durron597 bjb was pushed out by Qantas' nomination.
Yeah... @JasonC - don't let @Qantas94Heavy miss out on the having your cardiogram posted :p
@MartijnPieters It's only showing the top 30 now?
@durron597 see stackoverflow.com/election/6?all=true; their nomination is still there if you ask for all nominees.
@MartijnPieters Yes, Qantas will be automatically included in my next update.
@durron597 it only shows the top 30 by reputation by default, there is a link at the bottom of the page.
@MartijnPieters ah.
Has SEDE been updated yet? I haven't checked. I've been waiting.
@JasonC it updates sunday mornings.
The help text on the site is wrong.
See the text top right on the homepage.
> Data updated yesterday
Q: SEDE FAQ - small discrepancy - update day

Roombatron5000According to this http://data.stackexchange.com/help, SEDE is updated every Monday morning around 3:00 UTC. However, it is showing that it was last updated around Sunday morning around 3:00 UTC. And I confirmed this by running a query and it's showing updated results already. So shouldn't this be...

@MartijnPieters I saw that but didn't believe it because I've been monitoring it through the results of this query I made for a different post, which showed 419 last week, and still showed 419 last night (it now shows a decreased number, meaning an update happened; but last night it was still 419).
@JasonC last night in what timezone? :-P
Last night in UTC-5; late at night but I'm not precisely sure what time. I could have been right on the edge.
Why did you draw a dinosaur unicorn thing in the top-most right of your illustration? — Mooseman 23 secs ago
In any case running updates now. It'll take a while (adding new users takes a long time).
AstroCB really made a dash for it; 100 points over hichris now. If bjb can find another 100 in the next 2 hours they'd be back in...
and if someone else nominates, hichris is out
@Martijn errr... next hour isn't it?
@yellowantphil That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@JonClements No, UTC, not BST.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 13 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
@yellowantphil Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 1 hour, 59 minutes and 52 seconds.
It is 18:00 UTC now so still 2 hours to go!
Anybody else notice that the queues have been shorted since the nominations started?
@Martijn errr.... I see:
primary voting begins

in 1 hour
Shorted? Is someone betting against them?! :)
@Qantas has 591 pages of reviews, which will take around 20 minutes to pull so I don't get IP banned. I also want to grab last week's events from SEDE and all the plots will have to reupload. Expect an update in about 30-40 minutes.
@TravisJ *shorter
@JasonC 30-40 mins? Completely unacceptable - We need it in 10 else we'll never escape the event horizon!
@JasonC you could use proxies and pull each page all at once. Won't look suspicious at all...
@JonClements All I need to do is hold my laptop and run up and down the street near the speed of light, and I should be able to save 20-30 minutes no problem.
Or is it the other way around? I don't know, I failed physics twice.
I think if you're going near the speed of light, you travel into the future
@JasonC ummm.... yay... might not work unless you run down and up the street instead...
In physics, the twin paradox is a thought experiment in special relativity involving identical twins, one of whom makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find that the twin who remained on Earth has aged more.
@JonClements now look at the tooltip. Relative times round down and it is less than 2 hours to the primaries.
Umm... "in 1 hour" is just odd though... :)
If you hover over most time estimates on the exchange, the title will show the UTC time of the time estimate.
1 hour and a bit. :-P
So primaries start at 20 UTC, and it is now at time of writing this 18:19
subtle invitation to join the CV Reviewers with an event starting in 10 minutes
@JonClements it is just reusing the general relative time library used everywhere else on Stack Exchange sites.
And those are designed for time in the past, not future..
It may even say just now a few minutes before 20:00 UTC :-P
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Apr 8 at 2:54, by Andy
Question to ponder: Does the election help keep the review queues less full while the candidates "put in time" to show they are involved?
I'll have to make over 100rep today to not be pushed out.
@bjb568 you're cutting it close :)
Sure am.
@bjb568 Not just today...in the next hour or so
I wonder if this is some secret plot to get all the nominees re-addicted to rep…
@Andy Wait, I have till UTC midnight, right?
the universe is messing with you
a hour and 10 minutes
@bjb568 Primaries begin in an hour
the sky is falling!
am on bus home, eta 13m
You should avoid it. I've heard falling sky can hurt
I guess pestering SE to unbork the system won't work now…
I recommend one answer per minute for the next hour
When I get home, yap
will start a room for y'all to post questions that are answerable, if anyone'll help
… since most are crap
I have asked one question here in 3 years, and that question stunk
I got enough sleep last night, on adrenalin can probably make it
I am no help for such things
I mean post the URLs to questions
no repfarming here :p
I mean, just kosher rep farming
organic, free range rep farming?
Yup! No artificial socks!
You should try to snipe python questions against Martijn. Let's see how that works out.
doesnt know python
find your inner Martijn, and all will fall into place
Had you tried earlier today you'd have had a chance, as I was in meetings almost all day.
But I am home now... :-)
59 minutes...
@yellowantphil So far I've only managed to find my outer Martijn, but that's actually been really helpful

Help the poor little kitteh!

Post questions for bjb to answer.
@bjb568 how can I parse html with regex?
@bjb568 What is branch prediction?
@bjb568: what are metaclasses and how can I do awesome stuff with them?
@bjb568 How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
@bjb568 find something with a 500 bounty quickly where the asker is refreshing the page for anything that works every few seconds...
@ItachiUchiha you here?
@JonClements meh, you find
40 minutes
I think the onus is on you to find the questions @bjb568. You are the one that wants/needs to answer them
but im a poor kitteh kat… :(
and I'm just a 3 legged yellow puppy :(
My neighbor had a 3 legged dog. Named him "Tripod". One of the happiest animals I ever met. He was a very long lived dog.
Dogs actually get along surprisingly well with one front leg
(... and two back legs)
A one legged dog would definitely not do as well :|
How do you know it was missing a front leg?
And not a back one?
I don't
It was simply a statement
well, this conversation took a dark turn
@meagar Fear not...it was one leg in front, two in back.
@meagar that assumes traditional positioning of the legs around the corners of the dog.
Is animuson hired ?
Yes @Codester
If we view the dog as a partially-filled sphere and center the leg against that, it's far more practical.
WOW ~ BTW, when did this happen ?
@Codester March 30th, IIRC
> I'm also an employee with Stack Exchange.
That's great ! Ah I see he is community growth specialist
> primary voting begins in 30 minutes
ladies and gentlemen, start your refreshing...
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
@AstroCB Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Primaries begin in 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 45 seconds.
Vote for MartijinPeters
@Codester has @Martijn changed his name just now or something? :p
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, yesterday, by AstroCB
Wait – animuson was actually hired?
Too lazy to see the spelling :P
@JonClements he's a ninja, he changed his name and back again when you weren't looking
@gunr2171 He doesn't have that power... yet.
@meagar well - not something I'd put past him :)
@gunr2171 rejected.
@meagar I know all the secret ways, including how to change my name more than once in 30 days..
@gunr2171 sure :D
By 30-40 minutes I meant 6-8 weeks.
@JasonC well - they're nearly the same ;)
I loose.
It's over.
I'm complaining on meta.
somebody had to lose the deathmatch
you were a long shot anyway
My complaint:
A: Can we use something other than reputation as the bottleneck for election primaries?

bjb568I totally agree. There shouldn't be a bottleneck like that, it just encourage gaming the system and bad behavior. When I figure out that rep would be a huge disqualifying factor in the 2015 Stack Overflow election, I, like many other candidates went to repwhore as much as possible, generating cr...

dev's have 10 minutes to fix it
> Nominations close in 10 minutes.
@bjb568 Solution, participate more, get more rep, don't be the 31st wheel next election.
When you nominate with such low rep, You have that risk.
@bjb568 all those downvotes today do seem like gaming... that's certainly not fair on you... that's somewhat disappointing...
I agree.
yeah that's way more downvotes than is plausible
@JonClements But my opinion is that it's important to first change yourself than to try changing everyone else
and Astro got a strangely high number of upvotes
Hence: Participate more, get more rep, get out of the danger zone :)
@yellowantphil It's actually a pretty well planned-out strategy.
The offenders know that the serial reversal script runs at 3AM, which is far too late.
I hate such habits of those revenge downvotes or just to be better.
@rekire I don't think they're revenge downvote, it's purely a strategy to kick @bjb568 off of the elections.
@SecondRikudo Astro has been gaining for days. he didn't get a spike that would be reversed
@SecondRikudo Only because of a flawed system.
@SecondRikudo yeah it's in this case the second part only
serial upvoting would still save bjb at this point
@bjb568 A system in which you strive to gain higher privileges in
Moderation has nothing to do with rep or posting.
@bjb568 But they do correlate.
@bjb568 Moderation has everything to do with how you respond to abuse (especially against you)
Saying "Next time my only option is to repwhore answers" is not a very good argument in your favor.
@AlexisKing Inversely?
@SecondRikudo Almost all answering is repwhoring. I don't see a problem.
2 minutes
@bjb568 No. A user with more rep tends to moderate more and better, as a general trend.
@AlexisKing No, a user with more rep tends to focus on getting rep and is thus good at getting rep and not at moderating.
This is exciting. :)
@bjb568 I will not be voting for you in the moderator elections.
@bjb568 I'm sorry. That's just plain false.
> Nominations close in 59 seconds.
any last minute candidates? you have 50 seconds to nominate
@AlexisKing Thanks.
10 seconds!
That's real helpful of you.
@Qantas94Heavy Got you a plot at meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/289995/…

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