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2:02 PM
Can anyone explain me the significance of value="Create" in this code?
@Wietlol really? A property declared in an interface is implicitly/automatically implemented in the class that implements the interface?
you need to declare it in the class as well
@Wietlol but C# can doh
C# cant
2:09 PM
[kesarling] It shouldn't do that anyway. That's wrong
Why couldn't they make an example with methods that have descriptive names on it.
because they are silly from time to time
they are also lazy af
awana learn identity tonight!
@Wietlol I just recently purchased an item from Amazon Store with new payment method. It didn't ask me for the 3 character codebut Amazon was able to deduct my account already.
btw, how is AWS?
So it seems that 3 character code is not important at all.
Haven't configured it yet. I will probably host my web app + web services there since its cheaper than Azure.
2:17 PM
you mean in a virtual machine?
I forgot my bot
VM it is!
my bot + web app + web services
still ew
you should try out serverless soon
my website is still hosted with Heroku doh since itz free
2:19 PM
it cant be cheaper than free... so why change?
because Heroku doesn't support .net
but it is just a virtual machine, right?
or not?
I'm not really sure if Heroku have VM
they have something like dynos which is close to VM but not really VM
still, you should try out serverless
> Dynos are isolated, virtualized Linux containers that are designed to execute code based on a user-specified command.
2:22 PM
if I find the option to use it over a vm, there is almost no reason to not use it
aside from that, I also want to learn AWS
since I want to become a backend dev some day when I grow up
@Wietlol let me guess, serverless is like a shared resources from idle service paid by other users?
serverless is just non-managed servers
AWS handles the servers for you
> We’ve developed services services for all three layers of your stack: compute, integration, and data stores.
you just describe the functionality of your applications
what is services services?
2:25 PM
sounds like a typo
come on. you're an AWS staff
sounds like it should be "serverless services"
AWS favicon looks like Google's Dialogflow
but you should look into Lambda, SNS, SQS, RDS, CloudFormation, Cloudwatch and S3
and when you want a public facing service, Api Gateway, Route53 and Cloudfront
tf are those acronyms
oh man
I need another decade to learn this AWS stuffs
I'm way way too behind.
I think I can just start with API Gateway
but before that, I need to implement oauth for my shopapp
2:30 PM
it would take quite some time to learn all of them...
but just the ones I mentioned should be sufficient to get starting
oh, and Cognito for public facing services
@mr5 for now, because you want to migrate, just EC2
Cognito is !Incognito?
@Alex so i made a controller with 3 endpoints. one for each LocalReport that serves an excel that downloads on the client. It's very strange because if i run this locally (same behavior on server i believe too) and hit report 3 first.... then report 1 and 2 throw 500 error (obj reference not set to instance of instance of an object). if i run report 1 first, it works OK but then report 3 won't. i think report 2 might, can't remember. basically i must restart app to run diff reports. idk why?
but after that, Lambda first, then Api Gateway
@Wietlol why do I need that EC2?
@mr5 yep, Cognito is basically authentication in your own apps
EC2 is VM
2:32 PM
@default_noob_network Wonder if you're pinging me
man... i always start drinking my coffee and then get ready to start working..... reading to settle in... NOPE! BATHROOM TIME DUE TO COFFEE!! BRB
@Alex yes i am, see my Q ?
@Wietlol ic and why do I need lambda?
because that is key to everything else
basically Lambda is the core product of AWS
Api Gateway operates primarily on Lambda
SNS and SQS operate primarily for Lambda
Step Functions operate primarily on Lambda
Lambda is integrated into almost every other service (S3, RDS, DynamoDb, Cognito, EC2, CloudWatch, ...)
so is it like the smallest unit of all the services?
Lambda is just "a hosted function"
2:35 PM
how is the startup time?
basically, you create a function and you can use it inside your entire environment
@default_noob_network Yes, never seen that behavior before
dang ok. the err occures on the .Execute()
startup time could be quite annoying, but depending on what you use, it should be fine
@Wietlol is it an instance-based or a singleton?
2:36 PM
remember when Wietbot was slow as fu Jack?
and I have a separate LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport(path); in each endpoint/report
well, I suppose an interconnected lambdas would be bad.
is that fine? @Alex (msg two up ^^)
Wietbot being slow was due to a chain of startups
Can you step through the code and see what it's doing and what object is throwing the exception?
2:37 PM
but generally speaking, it should be sub-second
ive been trying that... but its so ambiguous with the obj ref not set to instance of obj
hate that error so much LOL
exactly! then chained lambdas is bad. those services you mentioned would probably be bad (but they aren't because they are popular)
maybe you're missing something?
chained lambdas wasn't particularly bad
I just needed to solve the startup for most of them
```DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
string mimtype = "";
int extension = 1;
var path = $"{this._webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath}\\Reports\\Seasonal Allocations Portal Report fixed.rdl";
LocalReport localReport = new LocalReport(path);
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("Customer", custId);
var result = localReport.Execute(RenderType.Excel, extension, parameters, mimtype);
return File(result.MainStream, "application/excel", "SeasonalAllocations " + t + ".xls");```
You need to put logging throughout your code and see where it's blowing up, then you can trace it
2:39 PM
remember when Wietbot was super fast?
what logging do you like to use ?
EventLog.CreateEventSource ? to event viewer?
oh that p3k vs wietbot lol
so, a lambda per request == sleep + wake up + serve + sleep
that was still
Wietbot receiving messages from websocket
-> Wietbot sending those messages to an event topic (SNS)
-> Lambda listening to the event and processing the command and sending it to another event topic
-> Lambda listening to that event and figuring out which command you invoked
-> Lambda authenticating the invoker to make sure they have permissions to invoke the command
-> Lambda sending the invocation to another event topic (specific for each command)
-> Lambda listening to that event and actually invoking the command that you specified and posting the response to... yet another
which was like... a minute if they were all sleeping
I like serilog with its various sinks
but sub-second if they were not
2:44 PM
You can also use NLog but it's an older option
Here's the code I use for the report
using (var report = new LocalReport())
	report.EnableExternalImages = true;
	report.ReportEmbeddedResource = "MyReport.rdlc";



	// Render the report as a PDF
	var result = report.Render("PDF", null, out _, out _, out _, out _, out var warnings);

	// Stop rendering if any warnings encountered.
	if (warnings.Any())
		var reportWarnings = string.Join(", *", warnings.Select(x => new
		{ x.Message, x.Code, x.ObjectName, x.ObjectType, x.Severity }));
also, I was a bit careless with stuff and my settings were mostly just silly so even the cold starts were way slower than they should be
now a full cold start should be around 10-15 seconds in total
still, assuming full cold start
which was never the case
eh it's pretty bad
I wouldn't try the lambda
@mr5 basically, AWS receives your function invoke, looks if there is an available container for your function, and invokes it
if there is no container, it creates a new container for you and then invokes it
Wow, the Ja*a post on right is going strong :D
it's gone now :D
oh it's just hidden
because I hv smol monitor
2:47 PM
@mr5 why so?
startup time
still, should be marginable normally
100-200ms startup for JVM
how often that lambda sleeps?
but you said startup takes 10-15s
containers turn off after a few (10?) minutes of idle time
@mr5 for the entire chain
JS has an even lower startup time
SSRS is free but it's a beast to set up
2:49 PM
C# has similar to Java
What do you guys use for reporting?
[Squirrel in Training] Stackoverflow
[Squirrel in Training] The report featrue is quite nice
I suppose you have first hand experience with that one :D
@Alex thanks for that code. interesting about that "refresh" method call
Can't remember why I had to add it
3:03 PM
im also thinking of just creating a separate project for each report
and separate sites in IIS
i only have three
and i really just need to get this done so i can work on other stuff lol
maybe later ill figure this out (cuz i see many more applications for localreport going forward!!!!)
var result = localReport.Execute(RenderType.Excel, extension, null, mimtype);
return File(result.MainStream, "application/excel", "ItemSpecifications " + t + ".xls");
dammit whats the thing to show code here. i cant remember
@mr5 Why not Google Cloud Compute?
anyway.... those two lines. i i always throws the error on .Execute... but not on the first attempt. so i wonder if im need to "close" / end something after ...
3:25 PM
I've done Render for the LocalReport, not Execute
If it's not able to produce a result, then it'll blow up on result.MainStream
And Ctrl-K does the code formatting after you paste in here
ya i noticed that. you use Render
i also tried putting in .Refresh but i dont have that method from my New LocalReport
i think it did tell me something about "are you doing a Using ?"
idk if that matters either...
and im using RDL not RDLC
i think im just gunna make 3 separate websites in IIS. hope that works and call it good (for now)
lol "for now"
I think you're using a diff LocalReport. Mine is using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms;
3:42 PM
ah yes
Yeah, I'm on Framework
This is funny
Q: Purpose of WebView2

Philip VaughnMaybe I don't know what I'm doing but I have a really serious question on this pathetic WebView2 control for wpf. WHAT THE HECK GOOD IS THIS THING????????????????????? I can't even use the latest Microsoft Edge and WebView2 application together?! How am I suppose to release this to customers? So ...

Ryan Donovan on January 26, 2021
We’ve made some improvements to one of our most popular integrations.
1 hour later…
5:02 PM
@Wietlol Wait, so it's the child type that hides the original default implementation, not the parent type?
Fuck default implementations yo
@Wietlol Does this also apply to a supertype that is a class (), and a subtype that is a class. That is, does C# allows you to implement an abstract or virtual method from a class and hide it from the API or class? Note: I may be thinking of abstract and virtual method wrongly.
@Wietlol is this true for all these combinations, childtype=class and parenttype=class, childtype=interface and parenttype=class, childtype=class and parenttype=interface?
> childtype=interface and parenttype=class
does not compute
although I have no context here
@Wietlol Do you mean that in AbbreviationsDotCom and GoogleAbbreviationResolver in the following code both AbbreviationsDotCom and GoogleAbbreviationResolver can't find the Test method?
@Squirrelkiller Is this not possible? I am not that familiar with interfaces yet so I don't know what is allowed and not allowed when using them.
5:22 PM
an interface cannot inherit from a class
5:34 PM
@Wietlol Or are you saying that when using the syntax IAbbreviationResolver implementation1 = new AbbreviationsDotCom() the compiler can't find the Test method in the instance of AbbreviationsDotCom because the child type AbbreviationsDotCom hides the default implementation of Test defined in IAbbreviationResolver?
Can you confirm whether your comments:
5 hours ago, by Wietlol
C# devs decided that default implementations must be hidden by child types for absolutely no good reason whatsoever
5 hours ago, by Wietlol
so that is why it cant find the Test method
Mean this:
u need sum dotnet fiddle
21 mins ago, by Black Panther
@Wietlol Do you mean that in AbbreviationsDotCom and GoogleAbbreviationResolver in the following code both AbbreviationsDotCom and GoogleAbbreviationResolver can't find the Test method?
This is the (link) to the following code I forgot to message paste.ofcode.org/JcGWdbC54aDzXVrhPmDgwq
Or this:
3 mins ago, by Black Panther
@Wietlol Or are you saying that when using the syntax IAbbreviationResolver implementation1 = new AbbreviationsDotCom() the compiler can't find the Test method in the instance of AbbreviationsDotCom because the child type AbbreviationsDotCom hides the default implementation of Test defined in IAbbreviationResolver?
Just don't use default implementations please :/
@Squirrelkiller That's good to know. Can a struct inherit from another struct or class?
@Squirrelkiller Why?
I don't think structs can be polymorphic at all, no.
@BlackPanther It's confusing as hell. The point of an interface is that it doesn't have a concrete implementaion.
5:58 PM
@Squirrelkiller I see, I'll keep in mind to define interfaces that don't have a concrete implementation.
6:18 PM
@Wietlol consider the first case IAbbreviationResolver implementation1 = new AbbreviationsDotCom();. If there was no default implementation in IAbbreviationResolver paste.ofcode.org/PBeJkP7W5wfCEJa84TMxfa, and when you use implementation1 the compiler looks for methods available in IAbbreviationResolver, the compiler will not find any callable methods in IAbbreviationResolver, right?
8 hours ago, by Wietlol
it is used to describe the communication with the certain type
@Wietlol For this example is "the certain type" you mention the type that calls the instance of the class that implements the interface, or is "the certain type" the class that implements the interface?
6:42 PM
just to be clear, do you understand this example?
Yeah, you defined an IAbbreviationResolver that has a method named Resolve that takes one string argument and returns a Task<string> value. Then you created two classes AbbreviationsDotCom and GoogleAbbreviationResolver that implement the IAbbreviationResolver interface, thereby making the concrete classes AbbreviationsDotCom and GoogleAbbreviationResolver implementations of the IAbbreviationResolver interface.
Did I miss anything?
@Wietlol btw about what I wrote earlier:
32 mins ago, by Black Panther
@Wietlol consider the first case IAbbreviationResolver implementation1 = new AbbreviationsDotCom();. If there was no default implementation in IAbbreviationResolver https://paste.ofcode.org/PBeJkP7W5wfCEJa84TMxfa, and when you use implementation1 the compiler looks for methods available in IAbbreviationResolver, the compiler will not find any callable methods in IAbbreviationResolver, right?
@BlackPanther looks correct
This is the definition of IEnumerable:
public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable
        // Returns an IEnumerator for this enumerable Object.  The enumerator provides
        // a simple way to access all the contents of a collection.
        /// <include file='doc\IEnumerable.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="IEnumerable.GetEnumerator"]/*' />
        new IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();
so, you dont have any more questions
you dont need to learn all the edge cases
and all the additional features
just the basics
I just did the following test in visual studio:
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> list = new List<string>();

            IEnumerable<string> seq = list;

And only Equals, GetEnumerator, GetHashCode, GetType, and ToString methods are listed by vs code's intellisense, of them only GetEnumerator is defined in IEnumerable, so the compiler does look for available methods in IEnumerable<string> seq only.
so the compiler does look for methods available in IEnumerable<string> seq only.
@Wietlol That's it?
7:05 PM
@BlackPanther well... yes
@Wietlol Sure, but it would be good to understand in a bit more depth. Imagine if I have to work on code that uses interfaces passed the basics.
sure, but not today
you are not going to be a master of C# interfaces in just one day
first learn the basics
then use the basics
then keep learning the basics
and keep using the basics
Okay, got it. Do you know any exercises I can practise that force you to use an interface to solve it?
and eventually, by only learning the basics, you will understand everything
only schools force you to use any language concept
@Wietlol seriously?
7:11 PM
a complex thing is made out of many simple things
if you only learn the simple things, you will find that you understand the complex thing
7:25 PM
Hey all, here are the details about our development environment:

-DevExpress 20.2.3 ( we are using DevExtreme )

-Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 (Version 16.4.6)

-ASP.NET Core 3.1.0


Also, our IIS launch settings are:

"iisSettings": {
"windowsAuthentication": true,
"anonymousAuthentication": false,

Does ASP.NET Core 3.1.0 and AspNetCore.Mvc have a unique id associated with every “session” associated with the user of the appliationc? If yes, what is the API for it, and could someone please provide some sample code showing how to use it?
7:45 PM
@Wietlol Interesting.
4 hours later…
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