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06:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

8:02 PM
Thanks for confirming there is no inheritance in the machine example, that's very interesting. So there is no inheritance between interfaces? If the parent interface has a default implementation, does the child interface then inherit that default implementation?
So the point of using syntax such as WindowsMachine : Machine is that any class that implements the WindowsMachine interface must also implement the Machine interface?
I'm actually thinking that there is inheritance between interfaces only when the parent interface has a default implementation, but this might be wrong?
i can recommend just trying things
you are asking to understand things you absolutely do not have to know
and it will only confuse you
Sure, I will do some experiments :).
Btw @Wietlol, I remember you use Rider. I just started using C# interactive in Rider but the using directive using System.Xml.Serialization does not work. It seems that the System.Xml namespace does not exist in Rider's C# interactive session. Have you experienced this?
8:22 PM
i have not used the interactive yet, so no
Right, it may be due to the fact that it's using mono's REPL.
Will try using a different REPL for C# interactive to see if that works.
06:00 - 20:0020:00 - 21:00

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