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Hey wietlol did your screen just do something funky?
this one would be better
ofc not
chat accepts my regex skills
Try sending this as message: <\sa[^>]*>(.?)<\s*/\s*a>
try searching on that
I can parse html
regex is useless tho because it doesnt support recursive capturing
probably a library issue more than a regex issue
It only shows the weiurd shit for the person who sends it
but still
@CaptainObvious and it only shows if that user.name != "Wietlol"
Your regex doesnt find anything. So either it doesnt work, or it works and we have indeed no select element without that class
Wietlol you have to write the messsage yourself
The regex I sent you
@Squirrelkiller can you write a select without that class?
but with a class attribute
I guess I can make it look for selects with missing class attributes too
of course: <select></select>will be an empty select
oh they might have the class attribute
And Hans is off to wonderland
too bad its over already ;(
it stops when you interact
similar to a dream
@Squirrelkiller this one will look for selects without class
perhaps you are having one of those
uhh regex parse error
pls dont tell me it doesnt support frigging negative lookbehind
No idea dude it's VSCode
me neither, I only use good tools :D
"You will never make me crack"
ok enough
ah good
well that was fun
A: Regex in Visual Studio Code: Invalidate match fails with "Unrecognized flag" error

Wiktor StribiżewNote that to make your patterns with lookaheads work you need to edit your settings.json file to set "search.usePCRE2": true See the v1.29 release notes: It is also now possible to use backreferences and lookahead assertions in regex searches, by setting "search.usePCRE2": true. This co...

Real talk
Dethklok is great
@Squirrelkiller VSCode doesnt allow negative capturing groups
this uses a negative lookahead, which should be more commonly supported
(you still need to enable that pcre2 option tho)
Ha yes this one works :)
Although it doesnt find any selects with a class that is not form-control
(or we dont have anything like that)
<\sa[^>]*>(.?)<\s*/\s*a> lets see what kind of wizardry is this
that is my earlier regex
Do you have a library of regex expressions or osmething?
<select class="hello form-group adt">
<select class="hello form-group">
<select class="form-group adt">
<select id id=def id="dqwdqw"  id="dqwdqw"  id="dqwdqw" class="adt">
<select class="hello adt">
<select id="dqwdqw" class="hello form-group adt" other="stuff">
this was the test set
it made me think of tom riddle
of which, it selected the but one last two
@Squirrelkiller it is called "brain"
but yes, I do have a cheat sheet of regex patterns that do certain things
never heard of it
If you want a good time, open the sandbox and post the HTML regex message and then switch to another tab and leave it for a few minutes
@Wietlol is it ediable?
for example, a negative contains
When you go back to it you'll get all the shit at once
I mena or just read
match anything that is not "form" = ([^f]|f[^o]|fo[^r]|for[^m])*
its a tedious thing, but it works
The source of all evil, the original sin, the̶ ͠wi̧ĺl ̶of̢ ̛Z͘A̴L̨GO͟
surround it with something you do want to match, for example class="" and it works
just make sure you dont match further than the end quote
It said russian hackers have pwnd our webapp
which is even more tedious to achieve
I Need to inform my boss
be right back
he said im fired
I wonder what happened to this Hector guy
has he found a new Job yet ?
!!Has he found a new Job yet ?
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!Did he find a new Job ?
@Hans1984 Not a chance
@Squirrelkiller did you find anything?
Nope, I don't think we have anything without form-control
Maybe I will do the scream-test
why do you suspect you have a select without form-control?
form-control ?
can you try this one real quick?
(I dont think it will match anything tho)
but still, why do you suspect you have a select without form-control?
is there some web page that doesnt work?
can you see the selects without that class in the final html?
thank god half of them is leaving now
Oh everything works. But if I put form-control on my newly created select element, it destroys the formatting. So I might copy everything from .form-control except the one display: block attribute to select {}
for every select that has form-group it wouldnt make any difference, but my select would have the nice design but without being a block
or I jsut use form-group and change the design...
might have to talk to QM/PO again...
I was having a nice day
Well then why did you come in here?
can I read the cookie content on my local browser?
or is that a weird thing to do?
Why sully it with HTML regex?
we are having an issue which looks like a corrupted cookie on some website
Do you want tony the pony to come?
......tony the pony?
On firefox settings => privacy&security => cookies & site data => manage data
Wait is wiet legitimately trying to parse html with regex?
oh boi
someone else who is trying to do what i was doing a few weeks ago!
parse all the html with regex!
Wait hold on
@MadaraUchiha that sounds..kinda suspect
@MadaraUchiha Me and tony are best mates
 X  Y  X   X  Y   Y
 Y  X   X X    Y Y
 X  Y    X      Y
        X X     Y
 Y  X  X   X    Y
Also, @MadaraUchiha parsing html with regex works if you use it very specifically
@BlackSquirrel wrote that when i was loosing my mind
@CaptainSquirrel That's what they all say to themselves.
Hey, it worked for the specific thing i needed it for
IIRC i was just trying to get the beginning part of the div that had a specific class
@CaptainObvious no
And it works
The only sorta legit usecase is when you need to do it once to gather info to look at something, and immediately discard it.
just searching for some parts in code
@CaptainSquirrel Then one day, it will break vOv
It's only a matter of time.
now im determined to find it to show its beauty
I wonder if you can use regex to parse regex
Screw actual work
I'm running two vms side by side
fite me
Are you somehow saying "Regex == beauty" or, even worse "HTML_related_Regex == beauty"?????
U crazy?
HTML_Parsing_Regex == beauty
So "beauty == crazy", got it
I have to find the bleedin' thing first anyway
running two vms on a laptop is not a good idea
Why would you run vms on your lil laptop
......*not soo lurking*
omg so many captains
good lord
C invasion
I can't find my beautiful masterpiece :(
tfw wrong project
@MadaraUchiha this screenshot is for you ^^^
Doctor Victor Frankestein also called his work a masterpiece, but the same as HTML parsing Regex it did have collateral damages
afaik that tries to find a div and then adds a tracking id to it
Had to be done that way, because the content is dynamic and can literally be anything, so its not like i could have made a switch to just turn it on :(
And i told a lie, that's not in prod yet
What if the html originally does have already the "id" attribute?
Then that's a content issue
OMG, scrolling up sometimes arrises fun stuff, like lack of basic networking knowledge "You cant have my ip address... well i guess it wouldnt matter, I could just flush my dns"
DNS != Your_assigned_IP :-D
@bradbury9 Screw how technological actually works.
That Taylor dude, confused DNS with internal/external IP
But getting your ISP to force change your IP could do the trick though :D
Atleast here in Norway, normal ppl have dynamic IP's unless they pay a fee for a static IP :P
But what the interval for IP renewal is i have no idea.... Just noticed recently when my remote access to work suddenly got blocked due to new IP <.<
That is a good practice, not everyone needs static IP addresses
Pretty much everyone has static in the Netherlands.
dynamic IP addresses is a good argument against RIA and similar things
Look at mister money over here with all static IPs
You have a IP logged, but must get to the ISP to know if it was really me
Yeah i agree, but now i pay for a static one. "a new IP is free of charge if needed every 3months" or hey, ISP says "Give me money"
You don't have to pay for static here, tho, it's just... is.
Since RIA and company usually forget to log the time of the IP data, defeating the claim you owe them anything is easy.
The con is if you have public facing servers
@CaptainSquirrel I sure hope that . matches \n too
pretty sure in the UK some ISP' just give you static ip's
RIA? May i ask what that is?
@MadaraUchiha there's no reason \n should ever be in the field this will get its content from
USA copyright company
its a wysiwyg editor iirc
music related, maybe I misspelled it
which imo would be a content issue and an email saying "don't do this again pls fanx"
<a href="/foo">
@CaptainSquirrel that's valid ^
And you just trust the universe that this will never occur
IIRC i tested a bunch of use cases to make sure
@bradbury9 ahaaa
I claim that this trust is misplaced :D
@MadaraUchiha just for you, i'll test this later
sod it
i'll check it now
I can already tell you, it wouldn't work @CaptainSquirrel
You need the SingleLine regex option, or something like that
To treat the entire input string as a single line (or more concretely, to make . also match \n)
madara how is kaguya
IF i could log into the VM, i'd try it
AD is giving me shit atm
@CaptainSquirrel Maybe you should check your network
1) add class to element 2) reload website
3) class is not on element 4) class is not on element
Just imagine the fitting meme template on that
@MikeTheLiar Bad move for cloudflare, cuz theyr reliability is wrecked by this kind of action. Next step will be cuttting off energy or water for posters on anonymous forum and finally for everyone who have no agree with "right" way if ppl will not boycot actions like above
@Squirrelkiller r/4panelcringe :)
The dispicable me template
Where the fun at guys?
North of here
hey guys, its's me again
any epplus users here?
I got a bug where parts of my worksheet turn green
and the default format style gets greened as well
oh no its you again
just kidding
your worksheet wanted to be hulk just once
a striped hulk
that is not a bug
that is a feature
im a fucking idiot
I used EPPlus for a while, but it has quite some bugs in it :(
i deleted the wrong folder
haha, Harry deleted C:/Windows
typical Roach mistakes
@Wietlol got any alternatives for it?
I wrote my own shit to replace EPPlus
why, it Looks good with this mint green
why Change it
obviously, it was made with only the bare minimum I required for that specific task I needed to do
Bet you used shift+delete too
[shift]+[delete] ?
is that "delete and also delete in trash can"?
@Squirrelkiller giff map pls
you mean the Folder the rum was in ?
again ?
rum or riot !
Sep 13 '17 at 15:07, by Wietlol
i will most probably write my own
write my own rum folder?
@Hans1984 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: rnum, dum
so this was intended ?
is this the joke ?
what a lame joke
what was?
worst joke ever
!!info dum
@Hans1984 Command dum, created by yash on Fri, 15 Aug 2014 08:17:05 GMT
that theres no Picture showing
the dum picture isnt actually "missing" hahaha
good morning humans
Unsure how I feel about that message... Good morning, when I'm off work in 45minutes
day starts when work ends
9:16am here hehe
@CaptainSquirrel wat
somewhere in this crazy world. Some people wake up while others go to bed.
I guess that's just how it is :) (15:16) here
@MikeTheLiar Your account joined when i sent that message
which is why I was confused as to why you were up
although the timestamp is wrong
Transcript timestamps are UTC, for what that's worth
But I was definitely in bed at 8:00 UTC
I probably left chat open and my cat woke up my computer or something
that would explain it
A wild pony appeared!
i'm not wild, i'm just a free spirit.
Ash uses pokeball!
my only weakness!
Why does Swagger have to be such a piece of shit
Because its called swagger
and it clearly has none
But its useful
this is funny
Except making it work is a huge pain in the arse
However, i believe we will be using that soon so
pls don't shit on it too much, because i've never used it before
I delete user FullControlUser from my mysql database server, and I can still make a connection and run queries with it
before eva? Who's Eva?
select current_user() will still return "FullControlUser@%"
@MikeTheLiar idk why i typed eva
I've listened to Dethalbum I, II & III and now it won't stop showing up in my recommended. hep
Do you have explicit Route attributes on all your public API methods
And HttpGet/HttpPost/etc?
Because if you don't and you're relying on the built in routing, you're gonna have a bad time
I dont
but I dont use asp.net
Ok so I need some creativity
Have a DI question, I'm creating a cart object, but I need it to have it create an IOrderService.
How can do I that in a method?

Or am Just doing this wrong for core?
@Squirrelkiller and you came in here???
Get me a reason why someone would call Convert.ToDateTime on a datetime object
@CaptainSquirrel youre creative with your spelling sometimes
@CaptainSquirrel Yeah I hope for rum
@Squirrelkiller if its a DateTime? object you'd need to Convert.ToDateTime in order to use .ToString()
but idk why you'd ever need to datetime convert a datetime object
Nope, a real struct DateTime
F12'ing the method literally just returns the passed parameter
@juanvan well it seems you are using some sort of library, better to try and search the docs for the library because IOrderService sounds very much like its part of some online store lib you are using
Method summary also says it jsut reutrns the parameter
@Squirrelkiller do you need a reason as to why you'd need to convert it?
or are you trying to figure out why its been done
the latter
Remove the convert
re-run your stuff
As always, I'm afraid to just remove stuff that's been build long ago
see if it breaks
i mean maybe its for some crazy edge case
@taracus ? this is all my code, not a lib
You'd hope there would be a comment to say so
@juanvan is ShoppingCartCookieAction() really a class though, it seems to just be a method on on your mvc-controller?
And if it is all your code you should know what an IOrderService is and where to get one to send into the constructor
or maybe all the code you posted is from a class?
Its hard to guess what you want to achieve when all youve posted is a snippet of code and then asking how to get a hold of an instance of the IOrderService, an interface you are claiming to have written yourself
So I'm currently working on 13 files simultaneously, that are basically 90% the same. So I'm trying to pull stuff into the base class.
8 of these classes had the Convert.ToDateTime(param.dateTimeParam).ToString(), the other 5 had param.dateTimeParam.ToString() without the Convert. FFS whoever built these.
Someone who didn't use lisp
So literally everyone on my team. I assume.
@Squirrelkiller dont extract it to the base class
extract it to other classes
too late
It's static and they can't stop me
And why, we have enough classes. We're trying to consolidate and streamline some stuff. We integrated a labriry into our project recently that was once built so "everyone could use it" so of course it has SO MUCH SPAM
and there's some classes that have actually exactly the same name, but our inherits from the library one for basically no reason at all.
you can never have enough classes
I'l consolidate these double classes as soon as possible
but for now, I gotta change these 13 classes that are 90% the same

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