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@scheien ^
@Squiggle xkcd is missing
@tweray Well, it's not often there are more than 3 links that are either necessary or relevant!
surely google is bigger than bing
@Squiggle Not enough panini.
@StevenLiekens It looks smaller because it's far away.
Hey guys whats up. Should I mix my stubs/mocks/fakes/testing interfaces with my real code?
Depends what you are searching for...? porn
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan The Panini are all up in the asshole, which is behind the diagram.
3D charts?
@Vlad stubs, mocks, fakes? no. Testing interfaces? What do you mean?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Interfaces that I use to Unit Test i.e my stubs/mocks implement these interfaces
@JakobMillah what are you talking about! all first 15 pages are useful for my favorite porn keyword!
@Vlad those are in the normal project
@Vlad Those are part of your code. They define your contract.
What's that keyword @tweray? Just interested, might be something I've been missing :)
I love logging in and seeing 4 kick notifications
yep, Tweray is mad
@JakobMillah siemanko! :D
@Vlad Basically, writing unit tests forces you to explicitly define the contracts that your classes expose, but these interfaces, these explicit contracts, are still part of your code.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan aha so, stubs/mocks/fakes go into the UnitTests folder. ok
@AdrianK. Siemanko szalona ruda! :D
@JakobMillah you are not happened to be my gf's friend are you?
ahahahah, I both cringed and laughed
@tweray You'll never know.. You'll never know! Kappa
@JakobMillah Misiu-Pysiu :D
@AdrianK. That's what ladies usually do :'(
Never seen that show :P
@JakobMillah in that case you just grab them gently on the cheeks saying: "coochie-coochie-coochie" :P
I feel like that is not how it should be handled!? :O
I'd go noski-noski-eskimoski
hey guys has anyone here ever used nopCommmerce before? i.e. is it any good?
I think we broke a record for class name length here. EntityExplorerInvolvedEventsOverTimeWidgetViewModel
int bool = 1;
Memo to me: go over the whole EntityExplorer module, remove the EntityExplorer prefix from all class names, and remove the Widget suffix from ViewModels.
@SteffenWinkler And I was even still polite.
@RoelvanUden <3
We appreciate u bro
I'm sad I didn't get to kick mathematics lol
Group hug
I want that at least
it would look like better > F#ullhomo
u guys r weird.
hey slippy
I was thinking.. How do you do "#" in hex?
Troll level: 5.
I posted a "you lost the game" on Facebook 2 years ago. Found the post again this afternoon and added another comment.
@Sippy does that mean, You don't join the hug?
@Sippy Said the guy spending time in an online programmer chat room
@Squiggle Damn, thread-bumper
@RoelvanUden can i fire sippy?
@RoelvanUden I'm vamping
@Sippy don't make me get the UV lamp
@Squiggle hiss
@Sippy how friendly...
I was talking to Steven about not able to build a project, then 2 guys came in middle and started telling me to google without looking at chat history

then a 3rd person came and without looking at history again, kept kicking me out for being unfriendly
at end I found the solution myself, and it wasn't even on google
ok guys stop
@Mathematics get over it
this ends nao
can we get back to the C# topics?
@AdrianK. it's hard, I was constantly kicked out unfairly
@Mathematics stop. Let it go, chap.
@Mathematics you're back in the room, drop it
just drop it
now people are wishing to kick me out
FFS, @Mathematics can you move to another subject?
btw., all of you I have a puzzle for you
Vladimir is NULL vampire!
I created a SQL view with some aggregates
Counts and CountsDistincts
It maps with EntityFramework properly
but the count columns are nullable
how I can make them int instead of Nullable<int> ?
I don't think you can. If they can be null, they can be null.
@AdrianK. dbfirst or code first?
.Where(x => x.HasValue).Select(x => x.Value)?
@AdrianK. if it's view, you can always make that field to something like ISNULL(yourfield, 0)
@AdrianK. make the result non-nullable? null coalesce to zero in the view?
@RoelvanUden but how come count(*) can be null?
@AdrianK. give example SQL plz
@tweray hmmm... that might do the trick! I'll give it a try right away
`SELECT url, COALESCE (COUNT(DISTINCT username), 0) AS UniqueUsers, COALESCE (COUNT(username), 0) AS Views
FROM dbo.tbla_ActivityMain AS tam
I never knew Count was nullable by default? is it?
tried with coalesce, but didn't work, I'll try with ISNULL now
yeah ISNULL is the right approach. Sorry.
@Michael exactly, the same struck me. I don't think it is. How can a count be NULL, right?
Coalesce can still return null if all arguments are null.
@Michael I think nullability propagates.
I think it has to do purely with the Coalesce function
@Michael yeah it does
good morning
@Squiggle sure, but if you go COALESCE(abc,0) then you get 0, right?
> If all arguments are NULL, COALESCE returns NULL. At least one of the null values must be a typed NULL.
@SteveG good morning to you too
COUNT(MyNullableColumn) will return null if all row values are null.
@AdrianK. evidently not according to you ;)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I see.
@AdrianK. Not sure, though. Just tested it.
@Squiggle My logic after night spent on watching my sick son trying to fall asleep differs from regular person. Had a tough night. ;)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE NullableField is null returns the proper number.
why is @JonClements blue?
@SteffenWinkler he's sad
@Mathematics Shrug it off - move on as suggested - enjoy your time here
@SteffenWinkler Moderator.
cheer him up
@RoelvanUden oh, I see
@rlemon Lol
@SteffenWinkler It's a really depressing day? :)
@JonClements you've scared the crap out of me LOL
@JonClements but it's not Monday?
SELECT COUNT(NullableField) FROM MyTable WHERE NullableField is null returns 0.
@AdrianK. Sorry - I @d incorrectly... my bad :p
No probs, man
@JonClements revoke mod rights now!
Btw., the answer was to use ISNULL(xxx,0). Then EF maps it properly as int, not Nullable<int>.
public string HelloWorld() {
    return "Hello World";
Production code boys
Thanks @tweray
@SteffenWinkler LOL - I think if SE operated on that principle - there wouldn't be any mods left :p
@rlemon YOU'RE ALIVE
I can vape again it's glorious
Can't see anything in my new apartment man
too much cloud
omg stop
@JonClements nah, it'd just be a very high turnover rate
what's with the bot today?
@SteffenWinkler nothing?
@SteffenWinkler being high as usual
vapes trigger me
@Failsafe fedora tip
@RoelvanUden it's writing hammertime all the time without being spoken to
this asshole that sits right behind me fucking vapes all day very loudly
@SteffenWinkler high turnover is good when it comes to company finances - never found it good when it comes to staff :p
@SteffenWinkler It's an automatic response to a sentence ending with stop
@RoelvanUden neat. stop.
it also reacts to stahp
just stop
i told him if he doesnt stop im going to shove the vape up his asshole and see if he can still act like a fucking douchebag with smoke coming out of his ass
stop stop
You're allowed to vape in an office?
Yes yes guys let's not abuse the cute bot
but he does anyway
because nobody cares
Right. Stab him.
stabby stab
yep. Legitimate use of lethal force.
Kick him in the nuts!
shiv the wanker
alrite mate
@Failsafe spat my coffee out
I only vape in my house
Wouldn't bother taking it anywhere
Not a dick :D
you're talking vaping a e-cig or weed?
@AdrianK. Dude an ecig
you can vape weed?
@Squiggle shivs? I make those
I've heard that someone extracted liquid from weed and put into ecigs
> extracted liquid from weed
Wasn't the best quality, but allegedly it kicked int
It's called THC
no, they separate the THC crystal
^ this
but vaping weed is all about heating it to the point where THC vapourizes, but the organic matter doesn't combust
the point of vaping anything is there is no smoke
I get smoke
what about the organic matter after vaping it? it it still "usable" ?
but i guess
@AdrianK. You could compost it?
well not "smoke"
@AdrianK. apparently you can refine it further
@Failsafe vapour !== smoke
I see
they may look the same
So it seems that vaporizing weed is more economic (?)
very much so (for ecigs) *here
pack of cigs was costing me $13/day
I think I might try moving to vaping ecigs for that reason
ecig costs me like $2/day
are there any traits/features of the vaporizers that you need to focus on while getting one?
I guess the battery is one
temp control is pretty much pointless, it's the same idea as VV/VW but with a new number to look at
so don't get a mod just because of temp control
otherwise you want a reputable brand name and make sure you're getting a decent tank for it
Kanger is a good brand name, so is Aspire
@rlemon any idea why !!urban stopped working btw?
if you're doing weed the only thing that should concern you is smell and convection vs conduction
!!urban yo mama
@rlemon I awoke on Mon, 07 Mar 2016 15:23:44 GMT (that's about 22 hours ago), got invoked 46 times, learned 1 commands
"I've acclimatised my nervous system to a chemical my body doesn't synthesise so that it only works normally when I ingest it continuously"
@rlemon noted, I will check the prizes here in Poland for those
"Why?" "Y'know, no reason"
@Codeman colleague impressed with VSTS team responsiveness. Tweeted about a bug yesterday, has been emailing back and forth today to get it fixed
Kanger EVOD 1600 mAh - $79
Something to do with stats I think
Might purchase it after getting the next paycheck
@AdrianK. 1600 mah is not terribly great
you can get cheap kits on fasttech fasttech.com/products/0/10013577/…
^ that there isn't crazy good, but it is a decent enough starter
"Styled" means "Chinese knockoff" btw
@rlemon nice, but probably the customs will make the price just twice or even tripple
@CharlieBrown why would you even need that?
better now?
!!urban ymmw
come on @CapricaSix :<
@AdrianK. "Your Mileage May Vary"
That's like a cheap excuse used in commercials lmao
i.e. "possibly interesting to some people, probably useless to most"
always good to learn something new
!!urban test

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