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I don't know exactly how anti-forgery works in the back-end, but I would assume the webapp retains some knowledge of the tokens it sends out.
if you're posting the cookie and form token to a different webapp it probably won't be able to authenticate it
well what it does (as far as I've found out) is that it generates 2 encrypted strings, both diferent, but when descrypted they have the same value. So when to load the form, you get the form value and the cookie.

When you post the form, it receives them back and compares them after decrypting
do you need anti forgery for login?
yeah, security requirement
what version of asp.net are you using?
@Squiggle it's a hidden value passed with the form. generated when displaying the form, and returned with the form, to ensure that one is not crossposting the form from another page/site.
AHHH Crap!
sorry for my language
what version of asp.net are you using?

2 diffrent versions indeed :)
and that might cause the problem
I thought I checked that
ok, let me fix that
yeah they might use different crypto algorithms or something
it's even in the error message!
> ensure that all machines are running the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages
@BlackHawkDesign This isn't a professional forum you can curse if you want to
yeah and I just checked iis, not the project settings. And now I deed I do see a difference there
@Failsafe: hehe :) good to know
ah. OK. Problem.
Cookies are domain-specific, right?
you can't post cookies across different domains
...can you?
talking to me ?
well, if only the subdomain differs, you can actually, but requires some config changes
make those config changes, otherwise the cookie portion of the antiforgery token generated by domain1 won't be sent to domain2
so: if you do it by default, and you have 2 sites: www.mydomain.com and my.mydomain.com

the cookies are created under those specific domain
Already did :)
mm the version mismatch fix didnt fix it :(
Im using now 4.5 btw
but I just set a httpcookie setting to use mydomain.com
and now the anti foregery cookie is actually send to the my.mydomain.com website
@Squiggle You can read/write cookies on subdomains
i.e. help.foo.com can read/write from foo.com
yep, but not normally by default.
the subdomain needs to know the path to the cookie
thats about it
still, logging in across two different subdomains is a bit of a shonky set-up.
You'd be better redirecting
@Squiggle It's almost as if there was some sort of authentication service that asp comes with
that lets you avoid things like this
I'm writing a training session on cross-domain authentication right now
what if you could login via some api
hey it'd be neat if you could use your AD account to log in
woah there cowboy
well, that's now the discussion, stuff like is possible. But the point is, I just want to keep it as simple as possible. Just a simple form post to the existing controller and you 're done.
@BlackHawkDesign you've already discovered that your approach is not "simple" ;)
@BlackHawkDesign You are pretty much reinventing the wheel in a small aspect
the simplest approach would just be to redirect the user to my.mydomain.com/login and have them enter their details there
well that is the point, it's a business requirement to not do that ;)
already mentioned it
because their customers are lazy and don't want that extra click as it seems
@BlackHawkDesign Tell the BA's that they don't get to make technical decisions
I will slap the guy :P
^ I agree with Failsafe
the ability to log in is a BR
the design of the login system is not a BR
if a redirect takes more than one click and more than half a second, something is going wrong
anyway, if this is not gonna work, we could enup in making a more genirc authentication mechanism, which sets the authentication cooky on the main domain
don't roll your own auth mechanism
nope, not planning to
if you're authenticating across domains you need to reconsider what you're doing
what the problem by setting the auth cookie from my.mydomain.com to just mydomain.com
why have two different webapps in the first place?
no need for custom code for doing that, and it authenticated me through the complete site (so both web apps)
and what's the problem with just logging into my.mydomain.com directly?
ah you need to authenticate for all subdomains with one login?
yeah. Bleh.
I've got my head stuck in bearer token authentication and ADAL right now
couldn't areas solve this problem?
might, but 2 different web applications isn't that bad
what is the issue with setting a cookie on the main domain?
@Failsafe It could.
Actually I am pretty sure Areas are there for problems like this
We use areas for these situations.
I am pretty positive you can map a subdomain to an area
That might also be possible. Never done that.
Hey can someone take a look at this and possibly answer it?codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/144057/…
Question: Does anyone have a recommendation for a modern rich text editor (HTML), compatible with React?
dunno i worked a bit with it and was using atom
(it looks nice)
Atom is for code, right? I'm talking about a wysiwyg blog content editor for web pages
oh no idea then
@scheien ooooh - but no, I just need rich text - headers, bullet points, bold/italic, links.
to use in a web page
ah, I see. You want an editor like tinymce?
yes, but not shit
and React-friendly
i.e. doesn't depend on jQuery
tried prosemirror, but that just keeps getting more and more complex
someone suggested Quill
I'm just googling random shit.
tbh @Squiggle your name sounds just like one such solution.
You should make one and name it SquigglesJS
I once had someone try to buy my twitter ID because they created a startup with my name
Did you sell it?
@Squiggle I have a friend who managed to snag @Q on twitter by sheer luck. I wonder if he gets any offers.
probably loads
Why not :O
He was offering, like, 100 quid.
But isn't that 100 more quid than you had at the time?
Which was about 200 USD at the time. But now worth only about 120 USD :P
Or are you just holding out for the long haul :O
Waiting for them to get desperate.
lol I value my online identity higher than that!
@Squiggle +1
Authentication is hard :(
ADAL is to authentication what WCF is to web services.
it abstracts so much that sometimes you don't actually know why you're doing what you're doing
you ever tackled this sort of shit, @TomW?
you're the Azure architect around here
err...maintained a bunch of WCF services with a custom token provider once
SAML2 token encapsulating an app-issued login
not ADAL though
I feel your pain. They do have a habit of trying to hide what is really happening to make it 'easier'
Which means if you want something slightly different, you have no chance, because nowhere does it tell you how it actually works
thanks for reaffirming my paranoia :)
Sometimes you feel stupid, when in reality you're just trying to do something complicated with almost no guidance
when all the online resources are telling you "It really is this simple!"
Hey there
what they don't say is "It really is this simple, because I understand it - and I wrote the library you're trying to use!"
I'm wondering if there are any comprehensive tutorial-like books on C#
I have experience with Python and Javascript so C# is in many ways a new world to me
@TimurSharapov dotnetcademy.net/CSharp
it's as good as any guide you'll get. Nice and interactive.
@Squiggle what type of thing are you trying to get working; bearer token type thing?
but if you know Python you'll do fine with C#. The language isn't difficult to comprehend - the real benefits are the tooling (Visual Studio) and really great libraries (.Net Framework, nuget)
@TomW nah I've got it all working a few times through trial and error. Now I'm putting together a training session for the rest of the company to share the knowledge.
@Squiggle coming from two dynamically typed languages to a strongly typed one might be a bit jarring
@mikeTheLiar nah, just use var, innit ;)
var is love. var is life.
We had a python guy in here once who wasn't comfortable with the notion of compiling code to assemblies
@Squiggle,I actually use MonoDevelop on Linux)
well, the notion of an assembly itself, I guess
I guess it can seem quite convoluted to someone who's used to just writing text files
@TomW trying to anticipate the annoying questions the rest of the team will ask, like "but how does your API know how to trust the token?"
something something shared secret
on Azure you have a service called a Gateway I think, that's already wired into your AD domain
our flow is Angular app -> WebAPI -> SharePoint Online
if you want token authentication, you set up an API gateway and that validates the token
I've got a question on method return types. Let's say my method is supposed to return an array of integers so I have something like: static int[] ReturnArray {}
What exactly is int[]? Would it be correct to say that this is a return type? As far as I know, an array is not technically a type in C#.
so Angular app grabs a token for the web API, and WebAPI uses that token to grab a further resource token to the SharePoint API
@TimurSharapov yes, int[] is a return type
Any interface or concrete type can be a return type
@TomW I've not encountered this "gateway" of which you speak
Thanks Azure
9999 ways to do the same thing
Pick and approach and stick with it kthx
@mikeTheLiar, but int[] is not one of the built-in types in C#. Sorry if that sounds stupid, I just can't figure it out.
How is it not? Do you mean it's not a primitive type?
I have read the MSDN page on Methods. When we specify the return type by writing void/int/double and so on we're referring to one of the primitive types, right?
You're referring to what the method returns
It can be a primitive type but it doesn't have to
And a method can return anything?
Anything you can declare
Plus void I guess
Actually wait disregard that
I'm an idiot. That's the whole point of polymorphism
Thank you for clarification
What is the best resource for language syntax details?
MSDN Language Specification?
It would be highly hypocritical of me to suggest reading the language spec but yes, that would be a good source
Hypocritical as I never do
After Javascript's MDN MSDN programming guide seems unstructured and not friendly
The article on methods left most of my questions unanswered
yeah, MSDN isn't a great programming guide. It's fantastic as a reference for the .net framework, but the language guide is a bit fragmented
was the dotnetacademy.net link not helpful?
Thank you very much for the link but it doesn't seem to be very detailed. For instance, its section on types doesn't even bother to explain the differences between them. I'd rather have something that is a tutorial with deep coverage of details and best practices as well
I'm not trying to be snarky or anything but did you try just Googling "C# tutorials"?
Not only that. I have also googled reddit, stackoverflow and quora. Most tutorials are shallow. Headfirst C# is awful in that I can't take this style of writing seriously. Probably I should have a try with "Essential C#" by Eric Lippert.
yeah that's fair
Yeah that's a good place to start
Considering he helped design the language and all
There's also always "C# In Depth"
I have to do crypto work but I don't want to. Eugghhghghghg
Hi guys anyone have any experience with using Identity, OAuth and Unity? If so could they take a look at this? stackoverflow.com/questions/39756489/…
@MatthewFlynn you've commented out the line where you register UserStore<ApplicationUser> to IUserStore<ApplicationUser>
Can you explain why you think that's not needed?
Hey @TomW I was messing around with the code, i think it threw an error with this. I'll run it again
I'm looking through some of our asp.net mvc project and see some weirdish code in the global asax... seems kind of wrong. Does this make sense to anyone else:

^ Particularly the FirstRequestInitialization.Initialize()
Is there an equivalent to Fiddler that has nothing to do with Telerik?
@Michael LMAO
@War plus there is thread locking...?
wait what
@Michael wow that's reinventing the wheel!
hey what
@Squiggle does can it even work?
@Squiggle exactly what I was thinking
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DataContext, Configuration>());
that's basically what he's doing
@Michael ...possibly? It probably works, but why doesn't it just use Application_Start?
and setting the conn string ... that should be done by build process
the rest of that crap is well ... crap
why is it "on first request" rather than just when the application is loaded?
Okay... well let me make sure I understand this to clean this up.
@War what do you mean setting the connection string by build process?
connection strings should be loaded from the config using ConfigurationManager or equivalent
or if you're using EF, just specify them in the web.config and let the framework pick it up for you
actually I excluded some of the code, the ConnectionString is set based off of the HttpContext.Request.ServerVairables["ServerName"].

So basically is we are on devapp.mysite.com it points to dev database.
if We are on testapp.mysite.com it points to test database.
if we are on on app.mysite.com it points to production database
@Michael config transforms
but once deployed simply "correctly constructing an EF context will have EF load the conn str from the config file"
yeah, web.config is far preferable to server variables
that one line I posted above is exactly how I do that whole block of code
and what's that shit about testing it?
WTF ... does code not tested as part of the build process or smoke tested once deployed?
Im not sure
So Web.Config does have all the connectionstrings.. but how do you make EF choose the right one?
@TomW sorry tom basically i have the same effect when uncommenting that line. It basically runs and injects a fresh instance of the user service, so it will insert etc just fine. But for example if I try to send a token for registering the account it says there is no tokenservice attached.

i assume it something to do with the static assign in the startup?
        app.CreatePerOwinContext(() => new GPFocusDataContext());
Well I wouldn't try to solve that problem by commenting out random lines tbh
not familiar with this version of Identity I'm afraid
@War so what does your "Configuration" look like to set database between dev, test, and prod?
@MatthewFlynn where do you get your IdentityFactoryOptions from?
@Michael yeh ... i'm not going to show you my configuration files
var dataProtectionProvider = options.DataProtectionProvider;
        if (dataProtectionProvider != null)
            manager.UserTokenProvider = things
so if options has no DataProtectionProvider then manager.UserTokenProvider is not set?
is that the missing thing it's talking about?
it's a pretty common thing that's been around for years
@War thanks!
@War Any news on when you'll be finished coding in the Apocalypse?
@Tomwa finish ... what's that?
I don't get why people think app startups need to be so complex in webapi / mvc
because we have no idea what we are doing
I wish I had a more straight forward way of learning all this stuff. there is never ending amount.
@Michael try something like that
that's how I setup a WebAPI app
@TomW yep i agree. this is where i'm coming stuck as its currently injecting it itself with a static method.
so i assume i'll have to build that up the constructor?
so that when Unity injects it builds all these bit for me?
    public static class Auth
        public static void Configure(IAppBuilder app, IKernel kernel)
            // ensure that owin creates the required UserManager & sign in manager per owin instance
            app.CreatePerOwinContext<ApplicationUserManager>((options, owinContext) => ApplicationUserManager.Create(options, owinContext, kernel));
            app.CreatePerOwinContext<ApplicationSignInManager>((options, owinContext) => ApplicationSignInManager.Create(options, owinContext, kernel));
that's how I setup auth
my auth is all single sign on ... so that's in a shared class that all my apps refer to
Soooo much code ppl write
I wrote hundreds of startup lines and had bug after bug so after each bug I ripped out another line
then I ended up with only the good shit
@MatthewFlynn where did you get this approach from, did you copy something?
How do they do it?
I don't know how you're supposed to get an IdentityFactoryOptions
so I can't say
@TomW it's the templates identity code which is using the static create in the identity config his does work fine without unity. But I've been using the di for all my other services and its just the application user where it's falling over.
I think your right. All I need to do is inject the IdentityFactoryOptions and it up like it does in the static method. I'm just sure how to do it. I would assume it's possible.
this guy seems to have the same problem stackoverflow.com/questions/32915999/…
and there's an answer here that has some DI wireup stackoverflow.com/questions/24391885/…
@TomW that autofac ones looks good. Thank you I'll give it a whirl.
@TomW that's why they have the create method
you set the options in there using whatever custom code you want
you could go back to the IoC object and ask that if you want
or just new up an object with stuff from say ... a resource server or a config file
all you do is create a class ...
public class ApplicationUserManager : UserManager<TUser, TKey> { }
then create yourself a static method in that class
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context, IKernel kernel)

in my case I use ninject so I pass in my IKernel
from there you can ask ninject for whatever you want
in my case i do something like ...
var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(kernel.Get<IUserStore<User, int>>());
then i do manager.<whatever> = Somevalue;
so if i want to override user validation I do ...
manager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<User, int>(manager)
    AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false,
    RequireUniqueEmail = true
then all that's left is to return the manager object
@MatthewFlynn does that help at all?
the docs on identity are really bad imo
@war yeah it does thanks!
they just say "do this" they don't say "if you do this it will setup this thing for you because you are doing X"
what's not clear is that the static method is just one way of doing it ... you could for example create a UserManagerFactory or simply just bind the construction to a method anywhere in your IoC
they also aren't very clear on explaining that you're not overriding anything in this case and the create method is just there to keep that code in a typically nice place
you can construct the UserManager and SignInManager classes however you want
took me like a month to get my head round that
all the samples were basically identical so I thought there was some special rule about how it had to be done
or like the framework expected you to stuff a particular way (which didn't involve Ninject)
I was pulling my hair out thinking ... WTF ... this modern framework can't handle my IoC container ... WHY!!!
when the fact was ... all it gives a shit about is that owin can get a UserManager when it wants one
how you provide that is entirely up to you
soo.. it seems to me that msdn documentation is a mess. does anyone have tips on actually navigating it in a organized way?
Do people still use MSDN documentation? asside from Google: C# Linq IComparer
Idk.. i thought that was best practice
or the preferred documentation
@Michael F1 in VS works for me. what do you mean mess
@doug65536 oh shit. nice tip!
preferred documentation for .NET exists on www.stackoverflow.com
I wish there was a catch all place where everything was consistently laid out in an organized manner
when I need to lookup something (method, type name, property, etc) I just put my cursor on it and F1. At the bottom of a topic you'll often find overview page links
F2 is also a great help
It will go to the definition of the class/object/property/method
great tips
just in case: the actual key can vary depending on settings. right click an identifier and see what your bindings are on the right side of the menu
Ryan mentioned Go To Definition, it is extremely useful
If I had 100 Wordpress sites, is there a CMS to manage them. Say I wanted to change some dynamic email on one site, I could do it in the CMS instead of having to go to the site and update it.
I thought Wordpress was a CMS?
@MichaelEdenfield well kinda, for it's own Content
so I had previously done this toString with a normal DateTime. But trying the same conversion on a DateTime? doesn't work as there is no explicit conversion
Implementation_End_String = dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"] == DBNull.Value ? (DateTime?)null : Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"]).ToString("d-MMMM-yyyy"), //show full month name,
so you could have a tuperware store, or a sensey store as 2 or 5 different sites.
Is there a trick for doing that with a nullable date time?
with the reader yes
has to be the Ordinal value
column name does not work
well in my version of reader

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