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04:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

3 hours later…
Good morning everyone
Top of the morning to you all
Morn all
@ntohl NTohl! Thanks once again for your help during the last weeks. I've almost finished refactoring, due to your help I did correct a lot of obscure dependencies. my project now seems to be much cleaner.
And I've learned a lot
:) You are welcome
yesterday I was on an interview, where I would help juniors and do senior things. Hope I can work there.
From What I've seen, that's your position...
When wil lyou know if you got the job?
@ntohl best of luck!
that's more or less what I'm doing right now. It's fun :-]
hopefully they will call back today if I made to the 2nd interview
first was about general C#, MSSQL knowledge. And a question about how would I do a specific task, which .NET techs would I use and why
that was an interesting question. The 2nd interview would be about talking that
how would I do something like users can query their apply to a university, update their personal settings, etc
restriction is that at most 100 user queries in the same time, and response time must be less than 2 sec
sounds reasonable
does anyone know any good free ui mocking tool?
PowerPoint? ;)
there's loads of webapps that do that now. app.moqups.com looks good...
yeah i know i found pencil project xd
thanks squiggy
We use invision here. It's really effective for mobile design.
but it doesn't come with built-in widgets - it's more a design app than a fast mockup tool
personally I just do paper prototyping when I'm planning layouts
yeah i did that but now i need to do it on pc as well
hopefully no coloring is required :)
2 hours later…
so i got a question
i have a listview in wpf
and it updates values periodically
now i have turned on performance monitor and i see that after x time my app is using more memory
its not a big gain but it is increasing
i update my listview in the way that i clear it first and the assign a new itemsource to it
what is the better way to do this
I have a application in which the Admin creates Departments and user's having some email-Id, Phone No. etc. inside those Departments . Now i wanted to give user the ability to define a workflow to execute when a certain event occurs. For that i rehosted the Workflow Designer inside my application and created Custom Activities like SendEmail, SendSMS, NotifyUser, Now what i want to be able to do is show the list of Departments/Users when the user is Designing workflow and uses my custom activities so that he can choose the Department/User to send Email/SMS/Notify.
@Proxy Without any deep knowledge or understanding about the problem: Is it that the new Itemssources you create accumulate?
Couldn't yo ujsut ask the ListView to refresh it's itemsource?
i tried refresh as well but the memory footprint is increasing as well
Hm, then one would have to know what Refresh on a list view does
What type does you're underlying ListSource use?
"You need to bind to a collection which implements INotifyCollectionChanged" (from stackoverflow.com/questions/4488463/…)
its a simple class with 3 properties
the data is refreshing in my case just its using more and more memory
Yeah, possibly the refresh creates new binding objects all the time...
I wozuld suggest that you shift the refresh into the Underlying ListSource object. When this listsource implements INotifyCollectionChanged, then it should (be able to) periodically raise NotifyCollectionChanged, which triggers the update in the UI
@Bechi can u please have a look at my question.
@PawanYadav don't ping people randomly demanding assistance. It's a slow day in here and there's not many people around who have the time to assist :(
in response to your answer, yes it's possible - but I really don't like the idea of embedding a workflow designer inside your application. It sounds like complete overkill.
is there no simpler approach you can take?
i wasn't able to find one.
who is designing the workflows here? you? or the user?
the user would be designing the workflows
i would just be giving him custom activities
well that's the requirement
How are you persisting these workflow definitions? and the workflow instances?
version controlling?
i am persisting this workflows as xaml in database
and only the administrator is able to define the workflows
I spent 2 1/2 years building a workflow engine. I can promise you it's not as easy as you might think it is ;)
if I were to do it all again I'd just use message queues.
i thought so
but would the user be able to define logic(basically if-the-else) in message queues
Can you give an example of the sort of logic you're thinking of?
"If person is in department X, send notification to head of department X"?
suppose a certain event occurs then the Admin can define to show a notification to certain user if the user acknowledges that Notification then ok else send email to certain other user -> if email sending fails send sms
again, that sounds like functionality that should be specified by the developer, not by the administrator
Event > Conditional event handler > Do the thing
just my experience though :)
we already have such flow where the admin can select the thing to do when certain event happens
but what is required now is the ability for the user to define the flow of actions to be done
can you use windows workflow?
@MichaelEdenfield i am using WF
so then expose the workflow designer to them?
i have done that
yeah maybe i should scroll back.
ok... so you have custom workflow actions that show up in the designer.
your custom workflow actions should be able to do whatever you want at design time... I know we've done that in our app.
bind a dropdown to a collection you load when the task gets added to the design surface.
but i can't remember off the top of my head how
I think it was something like this:
i can check when i get to work in a few hours
thanks i'll read and get back
Interesting, I guess binding to user data in the designer is not something you'd traditionally want to do - unless you embed it, like you've done
A designer - say the WPF or Forms designer - would usually not have connectivity to the end-user's data. So this is quite a special case I guess.
Not an answer, just remarking
the WF designer is a bit odd.
yes it is
+1 to that
I still hven't figured out how to embed it in a web page :(
I took to writing my own workflow engine instead
@War sounds kind of like K2 BlackPearl
that's WF4 underneath but with a bunch of wizzy management tooling. However their underlying database infrastructure was made in the 1920s from pig iron.
yeh ... I played with that once ... looked pretty neat ... it had one major flaw though
@TomW LMAO ... yeh that too
what about BizTalk?
I have built a web front end on an OData back end
@TomW lets just say me and Biztalk agreed never to talk again
what does it have to do with K2 though?
Oh the K2 stuff I was using was an integration project with Biztalk
yeah funnily enough me too
I have for some reason always thought of it as a Biztalk add on
I didn't do any K2 stuff, different team
but they seemed to have serious trouble doing simple things
tbh ... both products are a complete nightmare when you get deep in to them
tru dat
Nothing works properly in BizTalk without hacks
You name the integration pattern, they'll get it wrong in subtle but unfixable ways
@MichaelEdenfield read the article. I think that's step 2, step 1 as 'Tom W' said would be to get connectivity between end-user's data and designer
well, you've embedded the designer into your application, right?
you can add whatever references you need. and you have access to the application's config file.
I'm pretty sure
so however your application normally gets access to the backend data, just do that
thanks for the help
@TomW exactly ... its one of the reasons I considered building basically what biztalk + k2 does myself as a SaaS product for this stuff i'm working on now
that and the stupid cost of licencing
@mikeTheLiar I think we used to joke about him being sixteen in 2012 so I think 1999? Also @KendallFrey it is Friday
friday woot woot
@kush Unless I'm missing something that math doesn't check out
I didn't do the math
I guess 1996 lol
you know kids born in 1999 are in college now
Why would you tell me such a thing?
Ah those heady days. We thought they would last forever.
@mikeTheLiar Ah 1999
Where i could buy blue and green EzSqueez ketchup
good times good times
Don't forget purple
Oh shit
nice catch
And Surge Energy Drink
I worked in a grocery store at the time
Mtn Dew Baha Blast
That colored ketchup sat on the shelf until it expired
Haha because it was unnatural
I'd be surprised if we sold a single bottle
EzSqueez technology survived though
Didn't they bring Surge back recently?
They did?
No you're right
It was disgusting
@mikeTheLiar ahh. Matrix...
the sopranos came out
not sure how I feel about a separate mobile only search index that will supposedly replace the desktop index in time
@kush in your site
no, Google. My site doesn't matter lol
Google has been sending signals that websites must be mobile first for a while but this is the clearest signal yet I guess
!!app indexing
@kush That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
mobile first could first
mobile first is a joke
most if not all prominent frameworks are mobile repsonsive
mobile first means nothing now
@Failsafe i mean look at my city website that I never finished
mobile first is market speak for 'too lazy to look good on a desktop'
Page is mobile-friendly
This page is easy to use on a mobile device
It isn't friendly anywhere :P
you can just buy templates that are responsive now
straight from themeforest
and those themes are fucking quality
What I don't get is if desktop sites can detect when you're on mobile and redirect you to their m.domain.com, why can't mobile sites detect when you're on a desktop and redirect you to the non-mobile site?
@mikeTheLiar probably because the only distinction that matters is the former
if you're on a desktop it doesn't matter which site you view because you can view both
also the dev's were probably lazy
I hate that whole mobile-redirecty thing. It stinks of laziness, and it really screws with linking to content.
@Squiggle Funny thing is you don't have to do it
It's an old way of thinking
Tell me that doesn't suck on a desktop
Wow dude NSFW
Don't link pictures of my own asshole
but my asshole is fine?
if you don't get triggered then yea
When you're star you can do whatever you want. Just walk up to them and start press-grilling. Grab 'em by the panini.
Does TFS have a way to replay a changeset?
There's a changeset that was rolled back, and I want to redo the changes, so I can debug it
1. Uninstall TFS
2. Use Git
man, I'm hilarious.
fuck off I'm in a bad mood what do you expect when I'm using TFS
:-/ I feel your pain. And no, I don't know of a way to replay a TFS changeset that was rolled back :(
I think that a rollback is just a "checkin the reverse changes" checkin.
you should be able to rollback the rollback?
Yeah that seems to be about right
Q: How can I undo a changeset rollback in TFS 2010?

EccentropyI accidentally rolled back an entire changeset. How can I undo that operation, and restore the changeset?

is it the case?
is what the case
i have this vague idea that TFS 2013+ has two kinds of rollback, though.
one's an "undo and delete" and one's a "apply the reverse changes"
i rarely rollback. we live dangerously.
thank fuck no one did an undo and delete
so still a bit stuck on trying to read back a DateTime? convert value to string
That was days of work
I was told to use GetValueOrDefault but in this context it says there is no definition for it
Is there any way to find out what parameters and arguments a query string can take for any random website out there?
                               Implementation_End_String = dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"] == DBNull.Value ? (DateTime?)null : Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"]).GetValueOrDefault().ToString("d-MMMM-yyyy"),
any idea why it the method isn't found?
Because Convert doesn't return a DateTime?
I have the system ns ref
oh ok
you don't need getvalueordefault there.
@Michael no
Not without access to the source
or just pentesting/hacking
DateTime? result = reader["field"] == DBNull.Value ? null : (DateTime?)reader["field"];
assuming the field is actually a DATETIME value.
@MichaelEdenfield Nah, just assign it to a string straight away, forget the nullable date
@KendallFrey it looked like he wanted a date value, though, not a string.
Implementation_End_String = dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"] == DBNull.Value ? null : Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"]).ToString("d-MMMM-yyyy"),
@MichaelEdenfield No, he's using ToString
@MichaelEdenfield the field read back is a datetime but I want to convert toString
I don't know how DBNull interacts with normal nulls
@KendallFrey well, his code doesn't actually compile because his two branches of the conditional operator return different types.
so I was confused which he actually wanted.
ideally it would be Implementation_End_String = dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"]?.ToString("d-MMMM-yyyy");
DBNull.Value is not the same as null
if you try to "do" anything with it I think it throws some odd data exception
yeah that's retarded
i know, I hate it.
nullability should be a proper monad
Implementation_End_String = dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"].ToString("d-MMMM-yyyy");
ok that's an option
@KendallFrey yeah I have no idea why DBNull.Value even exists.
why reader["field"] can't just return null
although that ^^ gives me no overload method for toString takes 1 arguments
oh. right.
object.tostring doesn't take arguments.
Implementation_End_String = dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : (DateTime)dataReader["Implementation End Timestamp"].ToString("d-MMMM-yyyy");
Error 2 Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and
Q: How to handle a senior developer diva who seems unaware that his skills are obsolete?

MainMaA colleague is working in a small software development company (twenty employees). He's a part of a team of five developers who work on the leading product of the company. For a few years, the founder was unhappy about the technical skills of the employees, and he recently hired a senior develop...

Yipes. Just yipes.
@mikeTheLiar omg thats funny and relevant to where I am now
how do you use an ORM if you don't know SQL?
@mikeTheLiar haha
how does one define an obsolete practice in our industry?
@kush Code first?
@mikeTheLiar lol thats weird
I dunno, I learned SQL before I learned EF
I think the developer deveops as he likes or standards allow
I dont think anything can be called obsolete till they remove that feature and stop us using it
How does the dictionary apps works if it using database? I have Advance English dictionary app in my windows desktop.Consider that I'm creating a dictionary app that is using oracle db to fetch the data. If I gave this app to my friend who is not having the oracle installed in his desktop then how does this app work?
its an offline dictionary
Guys, does anyone of you use ReSharper's Xaml Intellisense?
I want to provide a DataTemplate with an abstract generic viewModelClass such that Resharper doesn't complain about "Cannot resolve Reference..."
@BabyboBNukes can you elaborate a bit more?
@War i have a hatred of npm and can't wait untiil it becomes obsolete
@kush haha
what about ... not using an ORM ... is that now n obsolete practice?
or ... hand cranking SQL in application code full stop
@War I don't know I mean all the hipsters use dapper dot net, right?
Anybody know how to get the c# formatted type from an arbitrary type? I'm trying to get types from a ParameterInfo type, and all I get is this strange bastard string. For example, I call:
and get back the bastard string:
When I want the string:
maybe @KendallFrey, will know
I don't know that you can
being that that's a language-specific thing
well, I started looking into this asshatery of msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yfsftwz6(v=vs.110).aspx
hoping to find a way to parse it
pretty sure I've tried this before, and found out you have to write a recursive string parsing shit
@Nathvi You don't need to parse it, you have the parsed result to begin with
i.e. a Type
@KendallFrey, it needs to be parsed back into it's C# representation, because I'm doing metaprogramming
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@Nathvi You don't need to parse it, you have the parsed result to begin with
Unless you mean you're working with something else, in which case I don't know your situation
I'll try and be more clear and give some context. I'm using t4 + reflection to try and do the following. Read through an assembly to see if any interfaces contains a custom attribute [GenerateFactory]. If it does contain the custom attribute, I go and find the implementing children to create a new Factory for that type. For each implementation, I write an overloaded Create(...) method
the create method looks something like this
public static IObject Create(params...)
IObject objectToReturn = null;
objectToReturn = new UnderlyingImplementation(...)
return objectToReturn;
In order to create the new UnderlyingImplementation(...) part, I have to use reflection and use the ConstructorInfo type
this works fine for simple types,
but not for things like Dictionary<T,T>
Do you or do you not have a Type from which to get the name?
Yes, I have the type.
So you don't need to do any parsing
foreach (ParameterInfo parameter in parameters)
I think we're having a disconnect here. I'm trying to use T4 to auto generate factories.
You want to convert typeof(Dictionary<string,string>) into "Dictionary<string,string>", right?
No parsing is required for that
But you will probably have to generate the string yourself
Do you have a recommended way of generating the string?
Just... write some code to do it?
I guess that's the point of my question. I'm not sure how
> ?
> Dictionary<string,string>
sure, this specific case is simple
but I'm not really sure about the general case for translating the asshat strings back to c# strings
At no point in the process will the string "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.String]" be useful
I guess I'm ignorant to what other properties I could use to output what I'm looking for, more google I suppose
Unless you want to do some string replacement to hack it into C# format
@Nathvi GetGenericParameters or whatever it's called
looking into it now
@kush oh they do ... I know im not that hip
I use all that old tech ... like .Net Core and OData 4 and Owin ... can't keep up with all that new tech they keep inventing
are those out of date now?
do I need to start learning .Net core2
@ton.yeung erm ... no idea ... i'm not hip enough
I only use EF, im not a dapper goon
nor have I started using the IoC stuff built in to MVC yet
how old school of me to use ninject!!!
I took on a project that uses structure map ... I also know a lot of people seem to prefer autofac for some reason
tbh ... it wouldn't be that hard for me to rip out ninject in my code ... i'd have to change about 5 files
ah yeh ... I use the ninject conventions extensions
with a single line of code I build about 100 bindings
kinda neat
the less code I write the better tbh
I also like to build convention based code stacks
if you agree some simple rules and stick to them it can save you hours of programming
what is ninject?
hm nice
gotcha lol we can just continue to communicate through edits
@Nathvi never heard of ninject?
@Nathvi ninject.org
@war, no
well, I've heard of it, never really looked into it
@KendallFrey, looks like a simple replace of [ to < and ] to > works
replace any `number with empty space
@Nathvi it's pretty clean
var Kernel = new StandardKernel();

// load convention based rules
Kernel.Bind(x => x.FromAssembliesMatching("Core.*.dll")

// load rule modules
that's pretty much the entirety of all my ninject code
the modules I load vary between apps but the first bit is pretty generic
So... It's a way to use interfaces... I'm still reading about it
04:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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