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whatever you want
beat me to sublime
uhh reason being that it's easy and I've better things to do than trying to write a compilescript for hours while a program can do that for me?
atom.io, visual studio 'code', brackets.io
also there are 0 advantages.
@SteffenWinkler It's easy, yeah. Until you try to do anything remotely powerful
@SteffenWinkler to an IDE?
It's like using C to write a desktop application. Sure you can do it, but it takes way longer than using C# or Java
I've never been in a situation where I needed to manipulate the compiler in any way
@SteffenWinkler it should take 30 seconds to write a makefile
I'm not even sure there is
@SteffenWinkler that's why you rarely need to modify a makefile
if you want to compile to files maybe
@SteffenWinkler what do you compile to, cows?
@KendallFrey no that's why you never need to write a makefile. Just leave it to your IDE
it's not to manipulate the compiler for to changes to which files get included in production vs test and such. visial studio does thise things becaseu your .csproj files are build sctripts
@KendallFrey what?
@SteffenWinkler and all of a sudden you need flexibility. You're boned!
what kind of 'flexibility' are you talking about?
maybe let's try it that way
because I've no clue what you mean by 'flexibility'
I press 'compile', MSIL code is generated, I click the exe file or the debug button and all is well
most IDEs don't let you easily do things like change compilers, change compilation options, create additional build targets, etc.
change compiler -> for C# there is only mono or the .NET compiler. I just switch IDEs.
also, make is blazing fast. no need to load an IDE if you don't need to edit code
How is that a problem @KendallFrey?
compilation options -> you can change those in VS
visual studio is very rigid there. We used 'dev', 'test' and 'production' configgs and certain actions in visual studio would re-add 'debug' and 'release, fucking our shit all up.
@RoelvanUden IDEs are fine 99% of the time. The other 1% is the problem
create additional build items -> just add another .cs file (or whatever) to your .csproj
@SteffenWinkler you misunderstood that
how and what?
for example, make clean
or make all
This current contracts design criteria must be like, "Whats the worst UI for what we are trying to accomplish? Ok, now make it look like it was designed for Netscape Navigator."
or make Love.exe
Create -> clear solution
Create -> Build solution
yea, visual studio is powerful and convenient. if it works for you, keep using it. But undestand that behind the scenes it's jsut making a build script for you. This is a good thing, it gives you a way to extend it's build process when needed.
right click on .csproj file -> build
Anyone here mofo good with linq?
i used to be but have not been using c# daily for like a year, now
@Luggage I know that. I also know how to manipulate .csproj files...but real makefiles for C/C++ applications? Hell no.
@SteffenWinkler make Love.o
@Obviously at least half of us are. is there an actual question?
The point is, you can do so many more things, if you need to
@KendallFrey see that's C stuff. And I'm not sure what it does anymore.
I'm a C#/Java/python/bash/SQL developer
@CharlieBrown I have this question
and that the editor doesn't always need a build system if you have a build file that is manageble.
Q: How to Introduce a Condition in OrderBy?

ObviouslySo I have this method, which I am using to sort my query. It works fine. private IOrderedQueryable<T> ApplyStupidSorting<T, TKey>(IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> predicate, SortOrderType sortOrder) { var query = (sortOrder == SortOrderType.Asc) ...

I took a look at C++ a few times, got confused by pointers pointing on pointers and got the hell out of there
No one is able to give a reasonable answer
@Obviously I don't understand the question
@Obviously or you dont like any answers you are getting?
The answers do not address the problem
@Obviously this line doesn't make sense: queryable.OrderBy(predicate == sortType)
what are you triyng to do?
I love the questions that are like "How do I compete in a horse race with my lizard?"
@Obviously delete " == sortType".
I am trying to further order the result by the profession type
I guess what @Obviously wants to do is add a Where before sorting
@CharlieBrown but I don't understand why my lizard is not a horse!
and I'm wrong
like the engineer should be top in the result
or some other profession
if(condition) sortLikethis() else sortLikeThat()
@Obviously in that case you need to chain the OrderBy calls
like so: myList.OrderBy(x => x.Prop1).OrderByDescending(x => x.Prop3)
yea, @Squiggle is right, jsut remove the == sortType. you already check that at the beginnign of the ternary
Actually there is no prop1 or prop3
@ton.yeung obviously...
there is just one prop
@Obviously then you can only sort by that one prop?!
its the same column
aaaand I've no clue what you want to do.
if you've one column you can only sort by that one column
@Obviously is it a SORT or a FILTER that you're trying to apply in that question?
It is a sort
So that predicate is the column by which it will sort
@Obviously whats wrong with using an if statement?
by which you mean predicate is an expression that when evaluated returns the column to be sorted on
.... but what do you mean the line with predicate == sortType to do?
what do you even think that line is going to do?
Okay let me clarify and come up with a different approact
So this query works:
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.Status);
This query does not works: query = query.OrderBy(x => x.Status == filter.ProfessionSort);
ohh, the escape system test?
@Obviously what is that supposed to do?
@Obviously of course not
@Obviously how do you order a boolean?
So it should order the list by professions
private IOrderedQueryable<T> ApplyStupidSorting<T, TKey>(IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> predicate, SortOrderType sortOrder, ProfessionSort sortType)
    return sortOrder == SortOrderType.Asc
        ? queryable.OrderBy(predicate)
        : queryable.OrderByDescending(predicate);
@Obviously ^ That? :/
OrderBy(x => x.Status == filter.ProfessionSort) should sort them with the ones matching profession sort on the BOTTOM.
@TetsujinnoOni false then true, probably
Q: Session Data to Model MVC 5

SelrekJohnI want to use C# Sessions as a way to store data(potentially editing) instead of going back to the database repeatedly, especially with repopulating lists, plus this may go across a few pages. In ASP Web Forms I would do the following. Code behind: if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["PersonSess...

@Obviously errh...we've been there
@KendallFrey is bool IComparable?
Is that a good answer? Keep in mind he just edited it.
If the filter has ProfessionSort == 1
If status is an int, its going to do that anyway
@TetsujinnoOni I think so
Not sure if my answer truly aligns now that he changed it.
it should keep that profession first
@ton.yeung it's not a system you ever WANT to use. it's going to be a rough ride. Does the data say it was too manyGs?
Yeah but if the filter is 2
@Obviously that's what OrderBy and OrderByDescending are for
lol, thats an insane business requiremnt, i love it
it should put that first
@Obviously Can you clarify what you mean with some sample data?
Yeah sure
SO, you want to sort, but for that profession, ignore the sort and make it 1st in the list
does the capsule have drain holes for the astronaut-goo to come out?
@Obviously Please just list the requirements. How do you envision this should work?
Okay I will try
@Obviously It sounds like a forum...usually threads are sorted by date of last post. But some threads are stickied -> always first
@Luggage So that's what the mystery goo is...
Yea. My points is they may expect high g-forces becasue it's an emergency system. It may look violent but be perfectly survivable
@Obviously the easiest way would be to first select all entries with profession=2 and then put everything else behind it
So we have list of users, users have different professions, So my grid will have an option to Sort By Profession
more survivable than being in the explosion
OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder).ThenBy(x => x.SortOrder == sortType)
soyuz can experiecne up to 20 Gs in an abort
it's about surviving, not being comfy. Anyway, the data form this experiment will tell us if it was too much
@Obviously so then you want to change the selector (your predicate) to point to the Profession prop rather than your other sorting column.
humans can take that.. for a SHORT amount of time.
they may not be skipping out of the capsule afterwards.
humans have taken several hundred Gs.
@ton.yeung what he isn't telling you is that they didn't survive...I guess
or it was for a very, very short amount of time
that 20g figure was for an abort from orbit. reentry forces. a launch escape system amy be more.
F1 drivers crashing. I was about to call BS and had to look it up
@SteffenWinkler car crash
so I'm right
either very short, or dead or both
very short
humans have surely taken much higher than 100G and died
well all three can apply to a car crash
@SteffenWinkler in the context, it should be clear I meant they didn't die
ah, sorry. I'm used to trick questions ;)
I keep getting these spam emails with no subject, no body and from "-"
I'm not sure what the purpose is.
@SpencerRuport - You can still inspect the source I think.
I traced an email impersonating one of our owners back to this company in Greece once.
@SpencerRuport text-to-speech transcription from someone without a microphone?
You should be able to see the headers of the email and follow an IP trail.
@TravisJ - Yeah there's some more info in the headers. But I'm just saying I don't know why it's being sent.
Yeah, what @ton said is where the truths live
There's no content so whats the point?
Not sure, sounds annoying, kill it with fire.
Still I've gotten like 50 of them over the past couple weeks.
It's my personal mail server.
@SpencerRuport - It is probably being sent from an account at a cheap hosting service. Trace the IP, contact the hosting service, they will nuke it I promise.
Yeah I should.
It's SFW
@ton.yeung well, you cannot drive it anywhere that's 100 miles further from your home, so you will need another car
Have yall seen the car that is driven off salt water?
@tweray - Good thing I'm never invited anywhere!
@ton.yeung - Think they'll give you shit for driving an electric car while working for an oil company? ;)
oh. You're one of Those.
/me -> beer. Cheerio, all.
@ton.yeung I wouldn't buy a Tesla because it's electric, because the electricity will end up coming from fossil fuels anyway. I'd buy one because it's a really good car
And that is the turning point.
well, i am used to drive to dc boston or philadelphia rather than train or flight, so unless they can make at least 1/4 charge stations as much as gas station, and they can get fully charged in 10 minutes, i might be in
And yes I know that the electric drivetrain is a really big improvement in decoupling the generation from the point of use and that makes it much much easier to decarbonise the whole process
@TomW - I strongly dislike driving sports cars which have no manual transmission.

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