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Though off-topic but can benefit from experience: I updated my opera from Version 22 to Version Opera29.0.1795.47 Setup last day and eventually now don't able to find my bookmarks .How can i recover them or they are permanently lost?
@ErwinOkken it's a shame. I miss my old hackerspace. We had an electronics workshop, 3D printer, laser cutter and loads of nerds who were really keen help with projects like yours.
@yeungLeone if you ask that copy/paste question again you're getting kicked.
Yes, if I only knew this in 2010.. There is a group in the city where I studied :x
What is the reason that I haven't been kicked yet? I'm a retarded kid with a lot of questions.. :-D haha
^ Bad English, bad programming skills, no math skills, etc.
@ErwinOkken being dutch helps, eh @RoelvanUden ? :D
@KendallFrey @Sippy o/
Haha nice.
@ErwinOkken yeung has said nothing for the past 5 hours except copy/paste an off-topic question that nobody responded to.
You're interesting. You can stay.
Also yeah, being Dutch helps.
I'm interesting :o
no ur not
Oh. Sorry. My mistake. You're not interesting.
Question time. I have a ASP.NET MVC Error.cshtml that is shown because, presumable, there is an error somewhere. The HandleErrorInfo in the page is NULL. How can I figure out what went wrong? :/
does it log to EventViewer?
Nein. It doesn't.
u use log4net? or other?
if the error is outside asp it would be empty
Custom logger, but that's not the issue. MVC appears to have a problem somewhere and decides to load Error.cshtml, where the Model is NULL instead of the actual error. ELMAH can't catch the error either.
HTTP 500, right?
I've got a combo box bound to a list of grades, A1,B1 ...I'm wondering how I can tie the selected grade from the combo box to it's associated point conversion, A1 = 100 etc
I was thinking a key/value pair
@BrianJ as good an approach as any
The part that is confusing me is, do I need a separate list that holds only the grades and is bound to the combo box and a keyvalue pair that holds the grade/point pairs. Or can I just use the key/value par to bind to the combo box?
@RoelvanUden if it's dev environment, you can turn off the custom error page and turn on debug mode, so it will show stacktrace on page
@tweray good one
Well sorry guys. I found it.
Sorry you fixed the problem ;-)
This is what you get when you put a confusing system in evolutionary code that's not logical or comprehensible anymore.
This is how I've set up at the moment, but I'm wondering could I just use higherGradePointPair to bind instead of using the list:

Something with technical debt
Good morning everyone.
Good afternoon @Greg
How is everyone, just broke two records on my way to work today.
@Greg good afternoon :D
Debugging some webforms error, go figure :(
@scheien Yeah, that is usually what happens in web-forms.
Good good
I got in an argument with our UI person, because it impedes user work flow and pisses me off while I'm working on the project. She arguably was a bitch about it and still is being a bitch. I quote: "I don't mind feedback, but I'm ultimately the UI / UX". I was tempted to say, well I'm the developer I can choose to build it however the fuck I want and you don't know any C# backend and aren't even doing your UI Code job I am, so fuck you.
Working with .Net 2.0, XSD, DataSets, WebMethods, Awfulness etc..
@codebrain Ah
@Greg But the developer doesn't choose to build it however the fuck he wants, that's what requirements are for
@KendallFrey "agile"!
you tempted to say that much ? "F*** ooF" would have been easier.
@KendallFrey Well, within the constraints of the requirements. Which our UI / UX isn't accounting for, because she is an idiot.
The whole situation is all types of bad.
Our UI/UX guy usually hears us out when we have input (complaints) about the flow, design etc.
@Greg you're supposed to tell us what records were broke
He doesnt pull the "IM IN CHARGE" card
Probably the latest from Taylor Swift
Pulling that card is never a good sign. Unless he's your actual boss.
Pulling that card isnt good even if you are the boss. Tends to get messy
@scheien Our's doesn't take any of that feedback, she is too stubborn and ignorant. She has been with the company two months, doesn't understand a large scope still but still acts like she knows best. The worst part about it, when she doesn't understand she puts it back on you as if you did something wrong, to try and fill the gaps in what she doesn't understand.
A good leader listens to the employees, and then make a decision.
@NETscape What do you mean?
Well, boss should be open to arguments, but if you're a persistent sonnuvabitch and you are both "correct", he can and should pull that card ;)
@greg: Ye, I feel your pain :/
@RoelvanUden: Sure. sonofabitches usually gets what they deserve
TEAM => together everyone achives more.
@Greg you mentioned about breaking two records. chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/23127579#23127579
Yeah, annoying. I already know I'll need to change it after release. Right now I'm the only one with a working Visual Studio copy. She committed a change that broke our entire site. Since I haven't updated because I have huge changes I'm still working on mine still works.
Anyone good with linq??
breaking check-in? (that's never good)
@Obviously yarp.
@NETscape Oh, on my bike. I beat an overall time record and two sprint records in Strava today.
@scheien Yeah, this is the third time she has done it.
So I have this method that i am using to order by
private IOrderedQueryable<T> ApplySorting<T, TKey>(IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> predicate,
SortOrderType sortOrder, ProfessionSort sortType)
var query = (sortOrder == SortOrderType.Asc)
? queryable.OrderBy(predicate)
: queryable.OrderByDescending(predicate);

return query;
She wrote html, and thought this was valid:

It works fine
But when i put a case in where condition, it starts crying
@Greg ...and she's your UI coder?
private IOrderedQueryable<T> ApplySorting<T, TKey>(IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> predicate,
SortOrderType sortOrder, ProfessionSort sortType)
var query = (sortOrder == SortOrderType.Asc)
? queryable.OrderBy(predicate == sortType)
: queryable.OrderByDescending(predicate = sortType);

return query;
Where the fuck is your parent UL!
@Greg at home, drinking beer
@Obviously obviously.
@Squiggle She is supposed to be our UX, but help with UI.
So I can not do predicate == sortType
@Squiggle Yeah, that is what I'm saying.
@Greg push her through the windows :D
@greg: or OL
@Obviously and what error is it giving you?
ordered list
It says Arguments can not be inffered from the usage, try specifygin the type arguments explicityly
var query = (sortOrder == SortOrderType.Asc)
? queryable.OrderBy(predicate == sortType)
: queryable.OrderByDescending(predicate);

return query;
Okay, thought that is what you meant. Wanted to verify though.
All i want is to further order by the profession type
preciate == sortType should work?
@scheien Yeah, either way she is missing some syntax.
She did some JavaScript to calculate window dimensions, she used subtraction! Why would you use subtraction!
@greg: she sure did
I understand some scenarios, but this was not that scenario.
@Greg there would be a very good (and sexist) joke in there if you told it in dutch
@scheien Yeah.
@BenjaminDiele ?
@Greg in dutch, subtraction means the same as wanking.
@Obviously you're comparing Expression<Func<T, TKey>> with type of ProfessionSort - it won't work.
So how should i do it?
@Squiggle any turn around?
@Obviously what's an example of the predicate you're passing into the function?
It is a column
in my tables
@Obviously I think it's going to be an issue here, because your method is too generic. It isn't going to know that there is a ProfessionSort property on your object, surely? Also - I would recommend you specify the comparison in the predicate and just use queryable.OrderBy(predicate)
that is, the predicate you pass in is the one doing the comparison
@Obviously So make it explicit?
Declare the var explicitly. Or return it directly.
Or cast one of the two to another.
can you give me an example?
Is that a "fix it for me" or "show me how with a different example"?
I am not getting what you are saying
so if you give an example i will be able to figure it out
I was able to create a question out of it
Q: How to Introduce a condition in OrderBy?

ObviouslySo I have this method, which I am using to sort my query. It works fine. private IOrderedQueryable<T> ApplySorting<T, TKey>(IQueryable<T> queryable, Expression<Func<T, TKey>> predicate, SortOrderType sortOrder) { var query = (sortOrder == SortOrderType.Asc) ? quer...

I can't think of a good example because of implicits.
well.. those two types are completely different
var objs = new[] { "A", "B", new object() };
var maybe = objs.Length > 0;
var result = maybe
    ? objs.OrderBy(x => x)
    : objs.Select(x => x);
look at jon skeet's projectioncomparer though. it may be what you're looking for.
which under the covers uses his linkedcomparer
So the compiler understands this because Select and OrderBy both agree to be IEnumerable
But there are cases like yours, where the compiler can't infer a best lowest common denominator
A: How to OrderBy on a generic IEnumerable (IEnumerable<T>) using LINQ in C#?

leppiepublic IEnumerable<T> GetAll<T,K>(Expression<Func<T,K>> sortExpr) { using (var ctx = new DataContext()) { ctx.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false; var table = ctx.GetTable<T>().OrderBy(sortExpr).ToList(); return table; } } Usage: var t = GetAll<Foo, int>(x => x.Bar); Unfortunatel...

so you'd do something like
You guys can also try answering it on the question to get some stupid points
var result = maybe
    ? (IEnumerable<object>)objs.OrderBy(x => x)
    : objs.Select(x => x);
similar questions have been asked
I don't give a shit about points, sorry. :P
too lazy to write a good enough answer
jon skeet has projectioncomparer examples somewhere on SO
Ahh cant find a solution
I've a discrepancy between my code and the MSDN
according to MSDN the TreeViewItem should've a 'Items' and a 'Header' property
This is gonna be good, i can feel it
in my code, I don't have a 'Items' property
and no 'Header' property
but a 'content' property
which is not in the msdn
That bodes well
was it a good interview the other day, then?
picture of my code with no items showing: imgur.com/7cJQLsE
any ideas how this happened?
I mean, it's obviously not the MSDN being faulty, since I know there is a Items property.
@ton.yeung congrats I guess?
nobody having an idea on what's the problem?
@ton.yeung are you mercenary enough that your expectations may be considered high?
@SteffenWinkler what type is currentPathPosition?
Who has a favorite commandline parser library they'd like to recommend?
@ton.yeung mostly, you can ignore the fee, the company is going to pay it no matter who they hire and they expect that by using a recruiter
@Luggage I've used NDesk.Options. That's ok, does the job
@TomW If I have nyko.com/products/product-detail/?name=Zoom for a Kinect. Will the angle of the lens increase with 40%, or will the total (after calculation) increase/decrease with 40%?
I think i've used ndesk.options before. i've used several but not in a year or so
@ton.yeung yea..
Depending on the master service agreement, its usually a set margin anyway. The market is usually around $20hr for contracting, $15hr for contract to hire
ndesk options it is. i just need something simple and don't care to evaluate a few libaries
hey again, quick question, is it possible to declare a key/value pair using the variables from my Model instead of using `<string,int>`.

So for example I want to pass `<grade, points`> where grade is a string variable from my model and points is an int variable from the model.
So, they charge the client $100/hr, and give you $80/hr
@ton.yeung why?
@CharlieBrown TreeViewItem
Why? commandline arguments are sometimes even useful in a graphical app
@SteffenWinkler your sure?
parsing commandline is no less useful in C# as C++
but in may case this is a commandline only program
but I can doublecheck
@SteffenWinkler post a screenshot
no, post real code
@ton.yeung right, thats what I usually do as well
@KendallFrey cant, in this case
@Luggage Uhm.. I used CommandLineParser.1.9.71
@CharlieBrown ?
@KendallFrey I'm asking him to show me the debugger is saying its of a certain type at runtime
so this is my current pair `private List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> ordinaryGradePointPair { get; set; }`

But I want to change that so it take private List<KeyValuePair<grade, points>> ordinaryGradePointPair { get; set; }

ie, take the string and int values from my model instead of generic string, int
@ton.yeung $80.hr?
@CharlieBrown compile-time type is what's important though
@CharlieBrown was a ListViewItem....
@ErwinOkken your guess is as good as mine from reading it, but what they say I think means effective distance
@ton.yeung uh, winforms doesn't work too well without a user
@ton.yeung yeah
@ton.yeung When you have a program that say,, takes json in and poops out excel files and you want to automatie it, then commandline is the way to go
@ton.yeung What do you mean?
not all programs are meant for end-users.
room topic changed to C#: If you can't reproduce it, it didn't happen [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@TravisJ if only that were true #multithreading
we're not talking about input, are we?
there is the age-old scenario of just making a tool that does a job and hos no need for a UI
@SteffenWinkler - 99% true :)
you are overthinking this
command-line utilities are still very much alive. Just look at msbuild.exe to see that arguments can get really complicated. Definitely a job for a library
I assume we're talking about the good old argc and argv
@TravisJ yeah, I can accept that ;)
or. string[] args in c#'s main()
no you wouldn't.
what commandline progams do you use, @ton.yeung? git? svn?
config files and commandline args are two very different things
well, there we go.
you are missing a whole world of productivity
@KendallFrey well you could put your commandline args in a file and let the command line parse it...one could argue that the file being parsed is a config file
@ton.yeung what exactly do you mean?
@SteffenWinkler I'd call that a batch file or shell script
@ton.yeung so use git log
He;s saying that cmd.exe is some arcane artifact of computers that he never goes near for fear of upsetting the PC gods.
@KendallFrey a shell script would mean that the file itself contains a command (or multiple commands) being executed and some sort of shebang
powershell has arguments
@SteffenWinkler of course
Welcome to my world @Luggage, where many prefer GUI > command line. Reversed world of JS room eh :P
and a batchfile usually contains only a list of elements being processed
oddly, yes. and people think JS is jsut for making buttons change color on web pages.
both things are different from what I wrote.
@SteffenWinkler huh? a batch file is the same kind of thing as a shell script
oh, you mean a .bat file @KendallFrey?
@Luggage Did you check out commandline.codeplex.com?
I always forget that Windows has a command line, too....
@SteffenWinkler Well what you wrote is a bad solution to the problem that a shell script would solve
hah.. i wish i could show you my powershell scripts.
@Luggage I call my PS scripts from batch files. suck it
well, you could just put the entire thing in a shell script. But you don't have to.
@SteffenWinkler same for config file
processSomeFile.exe input.file output.file
way betetr than having to make some config first
usually commandline args aren't for config, so why put them in a config file?
but you configure your command with the arguments @KendallFrey
@Luggage even better: process < infile > outfile
once you have a few args and they can chagne order, say: processFile -o output.file -i input.file -t png --no-blue
@SteffenWinkler yeah, the command, not the program
but command == program
@KendallFrey my app currently takes input on std in and outout stdout, but it's annoying to test. i'd liek to let it take filename args sometimes
for most cases
i like the flexibility of choosing
@SteffenWinkler not in my sentence
that would be some weird thing you are doing
it's automate-ABLE becasue it take arguments
@ton.yeung how not?
have you ever used make?
I think we're being trolled, now.
Every programmer should use make at least once.
that's not what I meant by using make
@KendallFrey 'make' isn't the problem (make -j3), creating a makefile is the problem...
too bad they won't have it for the holidays
I may pre-order though
We'll have had augmented reality for a while by then. Will Rift be able to be enough then? :/
AR isn't for gaming
@ton.yeung no way
no way gift
Surely, it isn't a full immersive headset for purely gaming, but if you're used to augmentation the whole "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" effect of VR is reduced quite a bit. :/
@ton.yeung Ye
I can't give away something so awesome, I have to keep it :)
@KendallFrey I want to tell these people to use more commandline but window's commandline is still so shitty. That's what MS should be putting into windows 10. A good terminal emulator, bash, and the gnu basic tools
@RoelvanUden The HOLY FUCKING SHIT part isn't really why I want it
@Luggage cygwin
cygwin is a mess.
windows is a mess
powershell is better, but they both still sue the same console gui
that needs to improve.
and cygwin has done wierd things to my file permissions causing issesu in .net so i stopped trying that
@ton.yeung you work for SE?
@KendallFrey but Windows is the only thing running Visual Studio.
I saw the set of Suicide Squad beside my office yesterday
@SteffenWinkler That would have been right 5 days ago
No. the window that contains the console app. the same gui contains cmd.exe OR powershell
also, ncurses
that gui 'wrapper' is poor compared to ones for linux and osx.
@KendallFrey no it's still right. That stupid texteditor has nothing to offer that isn't already there. (see vim or gedit. Both have syntaxhighlighting, or monodevelop for IntelliSense-like stuff)
simple things like being able to resize by draggin a corner are missing.
@Luggage Ctrl+Alt+F1
@SteffenWinkler TBH, I'd rather have a text editor than an IDE
what's that do? i can't try right now, on a mac
@ton.yeung what did you use, putty?
vim, make, gcc, and git are the basic developer toolkit
@KendallFrey WHAT? Heretic!
they work well separate, keep it that way
Putty could make a MUCH better 'GUI wrapper' for cmd.exe or powershell than the one in windows
what the fuck is wrong with you? @KendallFrey
a.k.a. terminal emulator
I mean I like vim for writing a bash script
but a full blown application? Hell no
oh did you know there's a KSP mod for controlling rockets with putty?
and make? I tried understanding a makefile once. I'm done with that. They're unreadable
ssh or telnet, but yea, putty can be used
@SteffenWinkler gedit then
@SteffenWinkler not at all
I like putty. It's a decent app. I wish it used standard ssh keys instead of it's own format, though
i have to convert them
gedit has less features than vim
last time I checked
There is literally no reason you need to use the same program to write code and compile it.
@SteffenWinkler Notepad++

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