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what's the chuck yeager hat?
SIEG HEIL! wait, is that not right/
@Pheonixblade9 who the heck flagged that :/ ?
wait, did somebody really?
I thought it was pretty obvious it was satire >.>
Yes... :/ pinged me all the way from js - 2 flags, looks like you're ok.
sorry about that. let me know if it gets another? I'll delete it.
More invalidations than validations.
I can't delete it...
@Pheonixblade9 - It will be deleted soon.
Some people just need to lighten up.. I hate chatroom flags
k. I don't want to get chat banned over a joke...
I didn't flag it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum about 80% of the time the flags are invalid
and it's somebody being overly sensitive.
there are genuine trolls and such
18 secs ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
Related http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/203346/flags-in-chat-are-defective-by-de‌​sign
In the JS room we don't use flags, we just ban people who are constant offenders.
good policy. But I'm a room owner and I don't have ban privs
@BenjaminGruenbaum - Flagging for a mod is stronger than flagging a single message, that is what I do if something is egregious.
Mod flags are pretty ok.
@Pheonixblade9 In JS room room owners can ban, it's a long story but we get a lot more trolls/idiots than most rooms.
Anyhow, the flag was cleared..
And you have an actual mod there (Thief)
@BenjaminGruenbaum gotcha. is it a moderator setting?
we don't get a lot of people here that genuinely require a ban... but I can think of a few
@ton.yeung yeah. the joke was that you called me a commie and I used a fascist signal.
The last one got a 42 day ban handed out.
@TravisJ so I guess mod flags do work out :)
@Pheonixblade9 no, we inverted it, when we run a bot command the room turns into gallery and the bot automatically lets everyone in. Room owners can change people back to read only access.
@TravisJ and often a few others, yeah.
can trusted users see the context around a flagged message?
@BenjaminGruenbaum interesting.
@ton.yeung yeah, a nazi salute to be accurate.
I'd rather just delete the message at this point. Maybe it was in poor taste. >.>
Means "hail victory" in German.
Hm, never knew the translation
@Pheonixblade9 maybe, but people need a sense of humor and understand we're all adults :/
It wasn't really offensive to anyone anyway.
@ton.yeung haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum What?! Who let adults in here!
@BenjaminGruenbaum true...
@ton.yeung no kidding
good luck with the house @ton, maybe it will become kinetic!
@ton.yeung shoot me an email
well I have no plans next week apart from xmas. I have the whole week off
so just give me a shout

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