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where ya been - what ya heard
it is?
where am I from then?
@ton.yeung hey not like so...
ah forget it
just hi
lead on my friend
srsly though, 1hr and 1 day left.... zero motivation to do anything
Its a pre-Friday
have a .net group meeting tonight in the area for wings and beer mmm
pre-Friday of my last week of work at this company
yeah, and no work for 2 weeks
lets get this party started!
pretty much
hes not my type
I spied on him playing video games today
I saw that. So epic
Cool Air powered Lego car
needs a foot air pump to keep going
modern Flintstones
oh, so that's where the air comes from
I thought it was probably a compressed air tank
Think they pump it into tanks has gauges
but if you had a few - you could chain them to fill and use
Will it be lighter?
Batteries are so darn heavy
tank storage its nearly as heavy, or heavier
well that is an intresting take
@ton.yeung Would shipping actually be more efficient than transmission lines?
fiberglass tanks are lighter, but i would have to think very expensive for the size
Seems far-fetched
interesting approach
seems like you need to just run air lines to houses
@ton.yeung So does a fleet of trucks
true pump stations..
I'm thinking long-term
energy efficiency
@Greg I like the rough look. But if it's not what you want, it's not what you want
@ton.yeung I know that. I'm just wondering how much.
Have an energy storage system based on a gravity release.
oh man, you can transport the compressed air tanks inside the near vacuum hyperloop... so meta
@ton.yeung so are trucks, one quick nail
@ton.yeung Batteries, derp
gravity. release.
100% efficient
i think energy recapture is our best bet, we have so much waste in the usage of what we use
@TravisJ you think like a Kerbal :)
thermal sinks would be best, or underwater hydrodynamic systems
Here is a small tangible example. Consider a plastic bag with potatoes in it. Now picture twisting the bag up multiple times so it is twisted shut. If you place the bag so that the portion of the bag that is twisted does not move it will stay that way until released. It will have the same energy twisting the bag open when released if it is one day or one year.
That's a poor example
Because so much will be lost on wrinkling the bag
Just lift a weight via cable
Plastic bags barely "wrinkle", you are thinking of a paper bag.
NoYou can see the bag being opened by gravity if you hold the top of the bag while it is twisted.
Well, yeah, that's what a potato bag is to me
gravity's best use is the fact that we are hurtling through the solar system at high speed, we would want to capture that speed
and how exactly would we do that?
puts on rocket scientist sunglasses
We couldn't do it without dropping closer to the sun, and we all know what that would do... Global Warming
@ton - Yes, except you could have a wind turbine twist a large highly resistant rubber band and it would be easier to generate the energy than by compressing air.
@TravisJ For some reason, I don't see that panning out...
@Kendall - Once the band was at a maximum amount of stored energy it could be replaced with an untwisted one.
Now I really don't see that panning out.
got pulled away
The wind turbines tend to be several hundred feet off the ground, this would give space for a very large band.
there are some concepts around drag chutes that are pulled behind the earth
How are you going to explain "a giant rubber band" to Dragon's Den?
also the space elevator would provide a drop point where a magnet could descend via gravity and generate a potential
magnets now?
@Kendall - A piece of material with a high tensile strength.
@ton.yeung True, and air tanks are easier to swap out
magnets, turbines, all the same concept behind them
@ton.yeung That explains nothing
compressed air tanks are one of the most dangerous things to use for that
a compressed air tank is a giant bomb
@Pheonixblade9 Yeah, I thought of tank truck + RPG from Taliban = your own stored energy blowing up your own infrastructure
really the same as an oil tanker
or natural gas truck
i just hope they put it on youtube
A natural gas truck won't explode right away, will it?
nat gas would, oil would not
@KendallFrey yeah. The ideal qualities of an energy source are: easy to charge, easy to discharge. The problem with making it easy to discharge is limiting the rate at which is can discharge
@ton.yeung you don't know what your missing in funny
@ton.yeung You have a wind turbine for a GF?
@Kendall - You could use carbon nanotubes
@ton.yeung slightly diff, lng has a much higher density at atmosphere
there is a proposal to use the underwater thermal currents near florida that are produced by magma flows, thats nearly unlimited power
@ton.yeung the only thing to remember is NG leak floats above air, LNG leak will fill a building from the bottom up
We can steal energy from the earth's rotation, you know.
if magma was a good power supply why not one drop one in a volcano
Tidal power stations take energy from both the earth and moon.
Nearly unlimited
its not the magma, its the flow of the water current
its unlimited water power
i do like the tidal concepts, they are very interesting
but i guess @TravisJ wins since thats gravity
So use tidal stations to generate a steady source of energy, and use gravitational potential energy to store it. win.
mini sun?
stars don't work if they're too small
The most efficient energy has to be antimatter annihilation.
Like fusion, but hundreds or thousands of times more efficient.
They do the gravitational potential energy thing already. In Michigan, they pump water from the lake into reservoirs and let it flow out at night, driving turbines
@ton.yeung You know...
The main problem with antimatter is that it doesn't exactly sit around waiting for you you find it.
@ton.yeung think peak power usage
@ton.yeung they pump up at non-peak hours and pump out during peak hours.
Niagara does sort of the opposite though
cant wait till we go all waterworld
During the daytime they put full water capacity over the falls. At night they divert it
@ton.yeung thats why i bother going to work, if i didnt sail, i would just work min wage
the best kind of boring
one you choose, one just happens
I work during the day so I can game in the evening.
Unless you choose one, and then it does not happen. Which is the third kind of boring. This causes a boring overflow for the current definition of two types of boring.
Working to save money is boring.
lol. you must have something like sitting on the beach, relaxing. or something similar
i work to spend money, and according to my savings account, i am damn good at the spending part
Can anyone here help with me VBscript?
sailing is a good mix of relaxed half the time, and teetering on the edge of death the other half
@aDroidman this is probably not the best place to get vbscript help.
@Pheonixblade9 Ok, thanks for letting me know.
i really like the idea that wind can propel you if you just know a bit of physics and geometry
try the javascript room. They're way more friendly and helpful to newbies than the C# room.
or the c++ room. they're even friendlier
@aDroidman why this currentDate = Now * (8.64*10^11) + 109205?
Somehow I got the hat I just got on the 19th
I like this new hat though :) It is cute.
What? lol
a wolf?
@CharlieBrown that converts the date we see, 12/19/13 into LDAP
or it should. It could be wrong though
It's a kitten @ton.yeung
That hat is bugged
That is a kitty
There were similar issues last year too IIRC
It should be impossible to get that hat until tomorrow
I gotcha lol
I got my hat, don't bring it down...
I like it :(
I like the one I'm wearing better
Oh yeah
I roleplay with myself
does vbscript have any kind of console or anything?
@CharlieBrown VBScript is Excel.
No, that's VBA
Which is also other Office apps
yeah, but same question
If you run VBScript via cscript, it runs in console mode
what to do for 2 weeks, maybe learnz python
Buy KSP and fly to Laythe.
@KendallFrey KSP? Klumpy Space Princess?
How was AoE? ;)
i haven't played online in like 10 years!
I've been watching you
age of empires
I get a kick out of seeing "Steve is now playing ..." because no one else does.
wutchu talkin bout
Ah, you got a new friend! Congrats!
@ton.yeung lol
i dont think kendall gets it either
@ton.yeung [what you talkin bout willis?](http://what-you-talkin-bout-willis.urbanup.com/354286) Famous quote from 80's tv sitcom "Different Strokes"

Used in normal conversation when speak doesn't understand.
Don't know if you caught on, but I haven't seen 80's sitcoms.
You didn't miss much.
web ads are really annoying now
Everything was a porno when I was a child
"You won't BELIEVE what this guy was gonna do!"
"Ten things even your DOCTOR wont tell you about"
"He died last week and then THIS happened"
who writes these things?
"Ten parts of your body only your doctor can reach"
saw that on weather.com
blah. I got all but one ticket done in the next sprint
When doing a Path.Combine(@"C:\inetpub\wwwroot", parameter); Do you need a ` at the end of the string` for it to work? Or will that cause it not to work?
Interesting. That message is actually immune to relocation
Even after the edit
@Greg a \?
i bet if you look at how Combine works, youll find the answer
That's the point of Path.Combine
Combine? Personally, I welcome our new C# benefactors.
I live in the sticks. That is a combine
Well, when I did it the way I wrote it said "invalid directory", so it must be something else.
(that's actually the first thing I thought of too)
linqpad, linqpad, linqpad
!!afk stuff
@KendallFrey Why are you leaving me!?
@CharlieBrown Mmmm, oh how I do love me some linqpad :)
Q: Stack Exchange Glossary - Dictionary of Commonly-Used Terms

Adam DavisWhat are the common phrases, words, abbreviations that are used on Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Super User, Meta Stack Overflow, and the other Stack Exchange sites? This is meant to be a very quick overview, not an in-depth tutorial. When considering whether a term ought to be included, please ...

Is CV (for close vote) missing from that list?
Abbreviation of Vote to close, the act of voting to close a question on a Stack Exchange site.
Yea, I was wondering if I should add CV and point it to Close and VTC....
If you want to get the hat for editing..
Do it to the sandbox.
oh :( *shakes fist*
Q: Formatting Sandbox

Ólafur WaageAs per Jeff's suggestion in this comment: You can use this question as a formatting sandbox. You can edit Community Wiki questions here with 100 reputation, and post answers here with 10 reputation (protected) if you want to test out formatting there as well. Beware that since the changes ...

I wondered the same thing
@ton.yeung Hehe, I wanna see the answer to that one :)
Now that will get a lot of views lol
These hats are everywhere on my screen, I hate you firefox!
user image
That is what my chat window looks like right now.
According to Fire Fox I'm the master hat; I leach all other users hats.
Stallman is Jesus!
So VB.NET has some crazy crazy stuff... like a built-in keyword for pattern matching: Like
The real problem is that Stallman's hair actually looks clean in that hat.
@ton - you are going to get the 42 hat for that question :)
500 views in 2 days
oh yeah
You are already at 60 views in 20 minutes
pretty nice
Haha, no way. That question is perfect for the context right now. Hats, winter bash, jesus, etc..
Not to mention Stallman is apparently the author of the GNU project which is pretty impressive really
@ton bump ;)
@ton - If your views go at this pace you will have 500 by midnight lol
The crazy thing is that Shog is going to get a gold badge for his answer

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