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3:00 PM
yeah lol
even the ones you think are alright are screwed up in some way
I've been with a girl for 7 years. Day we split she changed to a money grabbing evil bitch
"You didn't tell me you loved me today!" doesn't talk to you for a week WTF?
You know, I'd be happy living on my own. n just dating girls
Once it gets more serious, it gets boring and repetitive
I've got a kid, I've got a house. All I need is a fk buddy lol
I had one girlfriend who asked me "If you were to die right now, what would your last words be?", me being an idiot took it seriously and I was like "I dunno... What do you say when you die?", this went on for half an hour before she got pissed off and stormed off
I realised afterwards what she was getting at
I would of said, LETS FK!
3:03 PM
I don't know how dying is supposed to make someone say they love you, I would have more pressing matters on my mind =P
Ennit, like what is going to happen to the xbox haha
"Shit man, who do I give my game collection to?!?!"
great minds think alike
on a serious note, did you see monsters inc 2 was out soon ? OMFG!
Monsters University or something?
Something like that
3:05 PM
I can't remember if I saw Toy Story 3 or not now
Toy Story 3 is the one with the cuddly bear which smells of strawberries
Oh, in the nursery?
Lotso is it?
Yeah i saw that
3:06 PM
I watch it 3 times a day at the weekends mate lol
"hey, we're doing agile: sprint one is done, stakeholder won't test it/look at it, we should keep moving on sprint 2 now" <facepalm>
Haha, it's great when you can do that with them.. my little brother is 5 and he's not happy if he's not on minecraft if you try and leave him to do something himself
oooooooooooooo @SEAN !!!
@ChadRuppert Someone's missed the point =P
3:07 PM
I just got an email from the managing directory of that client who owes me money. I was cc'd in an email to his accounts team saying to pay me now! W0000op
oooooooooooooooooooo @JamieTownsend!!!!!! GEW ON SON!
yeahhhh boiiiii
Although I can't spend it lol
I hate that
Just sits in my business account
I suppose I could buy fuel haha
3:08 PM
got my rent deposit back and I was like "Winner! But I can't spend it... ='["
buy fuel and the odd lunch here and there
lol yeah
I got my returns to do soon. When they take all my profit the bastards
no link to documents folder in Win8 start screen = mega fail
I am thinking of sorting that then taking a dividend and buying a new car :)
I test drove a Jaguar XF the other day. Was lushhhh
Is that the one clarkson drove to beat the sun?
not sure
It's not the most expensive or fastest. But it is a really nice executive car
3:11 PM
they are supposed to be dead nice
Jag's executive flagship car isn't it? I know nothing
so it got voted yeah
it got voted executive car of the year or something
oh yeah it got that award
jag are solid cars since ford bought them out
I found one for 15k and it was sound
but if it's not the most expensive it can't be their flagship car
3:12 PM
brand new they are 30/35 so not too pricey
I want a Nissan GTR
ooo man
definitely want a ford mustang
they're soooo cheap!
not happening any time soon, but still =P
There is one who goes to the gym. Matte black paint
it is lush
3:13 PM
guess how much they cost, new
in £
90k ?
@Cylen 20k?
IDK, but my friend got an old one for $5K
20K, lol get a ford fiesta for 20k
posted on January 10, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Last time on FAIC I described how a lifted implicit conversion could be “distributed” to both branches of the conditional operator that is the realization of a lifted arithmetic expression, and then optimized further on each side. Of course, the … Continue reading →

3:13 PM
The GTR is only like 60k new, and you can tune it to have more BHP per Tonne than a Veyron
@JamieTownsend It's an american muscle car, they're gonna be cheap as fuck
only 60k Sean ? lol
from ford's own website too
Is that wrong? I'm sure I heard you could get one for that brand new...
3:14 PM
no I mean you said only, as if 60k is fuck all lol
fuck it, ill have two lmao
@JamieTownsend here you can't get a fiesta for less than 40k, new
60k for something that performs like a supercar, it is fuck all =]
£14k for the exclusivity in the UK of a lamborghini
me gusta
I see Lambo's all the time in manchester
oh yea, tax avoidance central :P
3:15 PM
in fact once I saw two pull up next to each other
Bentley's are like Golfs in my town
they'd cost more than most houses up there lol
how much a Mustang costs there ?
well yeah =P
@WileyMarques £14k
3:18 PM
Is it gym time yet ?
I want a GTR cos they look cool as fuck and they're fast
and a Lambo cos I have many a wet dream about them, but that's just cos they're sexy
don't like ferraris
@JamieTownsend It's 20 past 3, so no =P
2 more hours
Did I tell you my gym is open 24/7 mate ?
I'd have a jag if someone gave me one but I'm not sure if I'd buy one
I went for a work out at 2am the other day lol
see that would be alright, go at like 8 or 9, knock myself out before bed
actually no that would be a terrible idea
3:20 PM
yeah, I hate waiting for equipment
eating then going straight to bed
fastest way to become a chubber
Just don't eat carbs after 4pm :)
you kinda can't if you have a shake
What flavor you have? I am addicted to strawberry lol
@Sean here a mustang costs near R$ 200k
3:22 PM
All the cheap ones are shit... I liked the USN vanilla one
The other USN ones were too sweet for me
Hello all
@WileyMarques Wow that's a big figure
hey @Buba1947
what is r$?
@Buba1947 long time no speak sexy
Reials or something
3:23 PM
@Sean Hi
@JamieTownsend Missed u though Jamie
i should have asked what nationality uses that currency
thanks @Sean
Q: If I have <div id="Hello"><span>Foo</span>Bar</div> and use a jQuery selector like this, $('div#Hello'), how can I expand the selector to select the TEXT node (Bar)?
3:24 PM
good question
My Ban got unlocked hehe
That might get you started
@Sean Yeah, found that. Hacks and uglyness. Can't believe there is no decent approach to it.
yeah, "not" was what i was thinking too
@CCInc I have temporarily removed the 4btc from the blackjack game. Price of btc is way high at the moment, and I need them back until the price goes down.
3:28 PM
function isTextNode(){

// If this is a text node, return true.
return( this.nodeType === 3 );


// Get the text nodes in our statement paragraph. Contents()
// will get us ALL children, including non-element nodes.
// Then, we can filter those down to the final text one.
var textNodes = $( "p.statement" ).contents()
.filter( isTextNode )
@Sean That is elegant, thanks for that :D
@RoelvanUden np =]
I should ask my boss to change my official job title to "Google Monkey"
Sometimes that is exactly what we do :p
I'm a programmer creative googler
Why can I not sit in my chair properly ?
I start up straight and within 10 mins I am nearly slouched on the floor
3:36 PM
cos after years of sitting wrong, correct posture is quite difficult to maintain
also, your chair is probably not at the right height for your desk/monitor etc.
I'm not a freak for that kind of thing but it's probably why
although I did manage to convince my mum her monitor was too low down
I've no idea
I think within 10 years i'll be blind lol
"But I'm looking down at it, that's not a problem..." yeah well when your neck is cricked and you've got a hunchback in 10 years mum you'll be saying "Ooooh he was right you know...."
I want a brain transplant so my left eye is used
got a perfectly healthy eye that my brain all but ignores
strange !
@ChadRuppert Reais, the brazilian currency
I know, it's a right pain in the ass
it's -6 on my left eye, but glasses will only bring it up to -4
3:40 PM
because my brain just ignores the help
otherwise, I have perfect vision =P
all cos I didn't wear my eye patch when I was younger
Naughty boy
soooo regretting that right around now, could have been a fighter pilot or an astronaut
I'm mildly allergic to sticky plasters, and they were these adhesive patches you stuck over your eye so naturally they irritated the shit out of me but we didn't know that's why it was >_<
So what does the eye actually do ? just sit there looking pretty ?
i was minus 5 until i had my eyes lasered
now im 6:5 vision
its lifechanging
3:42 PM
the optician said lasering won't help, there's nothing wrong with my eye
i dont understand
@JamieTownsend No it works, I can even read with it if the type is big enough and I strain
if you wear lenses, lasering will work
I wear one jam jar lense that doesn't fully correct my vision
it only brings it up to -4
@Sean Shit really, that is what the stupid eye patch was for?
3:43 PM
well the guy that did mine, cured a -30 granny
@Sean Is it actually out of focus? Or does the brain make up other funny effects?
i just want to wake up in the morning and see my wife without having to find my glasses
so i'd get a second opinion
feed her more then chad :P
@KendallFrey No it's not out of focus, it's like having gaussian noise everywhere over the image
WTF brain.
3:44 PM
hahah she's plenty fed. i just can't see a damn thing,
@RoelvanUden Apparently so xD my child optician knew what he was doing
@Cylen I've had two opticians tell me the same thing now
well, have a look at the lasik option
if it can be corrected with lenses, it can be done with lasers
all the laser does is put the lens onto your eyeball
@Sean I'm actually thankful I was forced to wear that shit now.
Yes but it won't correct it fully so there's no point
well, if you're near london some time in the future i can give you the referral of the guy that did mine
he also invented the procedure, so he's a bit useful
3:45 PM
my vision is fine anyway, my right eye has perfect vision, or one better, he said "You know you've heard of 20/20 vision? Well 19 is what opticians like to call perfect, so you're better than perfect in one eye." not sure if that's true but still
yea thats what i got after the laser
I can see fine, nothing wrong with my vision at all
its like, "hello world"
So you can see perfectly in 2D. Ouch.
@KendallFrey Nope, 3D =] it's funny how it works =] the peripheral vision on my left side is worse but you only use peripheral for motion detection anyway
3:47 PM
If one eye is shot, how can you see in 3D?
yeah, you'd think no depth perception?
@Cylen I can try but the guy sat with me for like an hour, he tried nearly every damn lense in the box and said "Your brain won't accept the help. There's nothing wrong with your eye at all."
whats the name of the condition?
oh, you have a nerve issue then?
you can call up his surgery and ask
3:48 PM
Yeah that's what I thought but I've had it my entire life so I guess my brain just makes up for it
I don't think there's a name for it, or at least he didn't know
@ChadRuppert Yeah
@Cylen Sounds like amblyopia.
that blows. :(
well drop Dr David Gartry an email.call
If I close my right eye I can still see, just not in detail
entire family have had it done now,
3:49 PM
I can navigate obstacles, tell who people are, just not read fine print and make out details
So if you asked me to look at you with my left eye and point out the scars on your face, I couldn't, but I would remember it was you
So, it's not like you're blind, just can't see small stuff.
Also, what scars?
3D films are the biggest waste of my time =P
@KendallFrey If you had any
I have scars on my extremities, not my face.
I have two on my face, both in my eyebrows
One from falling over in the playground with glasses on, that's the biggest
3:51 PM
Including one that's almost bigger than the toe it's on...
I tore my toe open when flipped my bike.
And another from being in a giddy mood in school and following a door round with my body while coming back into class from a loo break, the door bounced off a pipe and twatted me in the face
To this day, I have no idea what happened.
Oh I have the best toe... They operated on it twice and the nail still grows back sideways =D
Was playing hide and seek when I was like 4 with one of the girls up the street and I hid in my wardrobe. She found me, I got out, shut the door and it just fell off its hinges and split my toe into pieces
They operated when i went in, tried to save the nailbed but it grew back sideways, had it operated on a bit later to try and correct it but they couldn't so they removed the nailbed and it still grew back
3:54 PM
WTF body.
Yeah it's fucking annoying as well, it's a really weird sensation when I have to trim it too, if I trim it too close it actually hurts
so it's royally screwed =P
I used to be able to crack my chest. (Like a finger, you know?) Is that weird enough?
Oh and I have some patches on my scalp where no hair grows cos a dog decided my head was tasty when I was a baby
Is there any list to see what things can throw an exception like "A generic error occurred in GDI+."?
3:55 PM
So either my boss is fucking with me, or I'm going crazy... Not sure what. Logged into our website in development today to add some more stuff, and everything is different. Navigation, layout, links, font... Everything.
haha, I know what you mean there, I occasionally get that, it is really weird
happy days @Sean
I know right, the world wants me dead
The client has paid, and has also paid an extra 500£ for additional work they might want doing in advanced
fsck @sean life has been kinda a dick to you.
3:56 PM
I'm back guys. Rejoice.
@KendallFrey I can pop my sacrum into my pelvis due to an ice skating injury. :)
What's a sacrum?
@KyleTrauberman Oh fuck HI, Kyle!
I also broke my arm in the same place, first time it healed not straight, they said "It'll straigthen out by you're 16" and I'm kinda glad I climbed a wall and broke it again cos they pinned it and it's fine now
@KendallFrey Triangular bone in the back of your pelvis.
3:57 PM
In humans, the sacrum (plural: sacrums or sacra) is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine and at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity, where it is inserted like a wedge between the two hip bones. Its upper part connects with the last lumbar vertebra, and bottom part with the coccyx (tailbone). It consists of usually five initially unfused vertebrae which begin to fuse between ages 16–18 and are usually completely fused into a single bone by age 34. It is curved upon itself and placed obliquely (that is, tilted forward). It is kyphotic — that is, facing forwards. Th...
@ChadRuppert It's not that bad really =]
@Ellie fuck you very much How are you doing?
I've never broken a bone that required medical attention.
@KyleTrauberman I'd be better if you weren't here I'm fine, thanks. How about yourself?
oh I had my nose spread over my face too, and since I've never really taken that much interest in my own face, and the swelling, when the doc asked if it was straight I couldn't really tell but it looked close enough, now it's bent =D
3:58 PM
@KendallFrey I used to ice skate competitively. Fell during practice one day and landed on my blade, which split my tailbone up the middle.
@Ellie Suck it up princess, I'm here to stay Tired, the dog had to poo in the middle of the night and woke me up.
How does one land on their blade?
I thought that's stuck on the bottom of your feet.
flexible tiny person bones?
@KendallFrey I was trying to execute a Waltz jump -- one of the most simple jumps ever -- and tripped on my toe pick. I basically ended up in a Tebow position, with the end of my blade up my ass.

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