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how's it going?
Alright, I guess.
And yourself?
Not bad
Is it possible to send a chat message to a LAN game?
I actually have an answer for this.
Past experience ;)?
Jokes jokes jokes
(I was implying spam)
@JonClements no, gevents isn't yet supported in python3. i've looked into the option of using ws4py which also uses gevent and greenlet and somehow should work in python 3. So i'm a little confused over the mather.
anny1 have an alternative lib to use ?
It would be nice if python had something like a same function, that would tell you if all elements of a collection were the same.
Cabbage folks.
@Volatility When you mean 'same' you mean 'equal' in value? or? Do you want to know if they are the same type?
@InbarRose such that it returns the same value as reduce(operator.eq, lst)
Just a lot less hacky
Wait, that doesn't even work, does it?
You get the idea
all(i==lst[0] for i in lst)
cabbage cabbage cabbage
I am very high on energy for some reason
Someone slap me in the face
erm, how am I meant to do that?
Well, you do live in Sydney right
I don't have access to your face right now, though ;)
Virtually slap me
I recently asked a question about that.
Q: A better way to compare a variable number of lists to each other for equality

Inbar RoseI am in a bit of a conundrum here, I am looking for an easy and dynamic way to check if all lists in a dictionary of lists are the same. Below is an example of what I am doing now, but obviously my lists contain real data (strings): def sample_method(var=10): d = {} for i in range(var):...

Be back soon
And YOU answered me @Volatility.
But I want a built-in function
or a function from a built-in module or something
all(i==lst[0] for i in lst) is just that.
len(set(lst))==1 ?
set won't work for a nested list
A list of lists?
That is EXACTLY what my question was, and YOU gave me the answer.
Uhhhh, my first silver badge for a language, nice!
I have not answered a single question for a week now
Cabbage all
Quiet day it seems
Cabbage Jon
@JonClements thx for reacting on my question, but socketio uses gevents and isn't yet supported in python3. i've looked into the option of using ws4py which also uses gevent and greenlet and somehow should work in python 3. So i'm a little confused over the mather. Am I seeing something wrong ?
i hate sourcecode that's in another language.
No prob. @gertv sorry I am out and about at the mo'... just pop by occasionally to see what I'm missing here ;-)
yay, got rep for the first time in a week!
@JonClements k np, thx annyway :)
Yeah @vol
oh... think I forgot to say "go to bed"
How goes the game @Inhale.Py ?
haven't had much time to work on it, but I did get a little more accustom to classes, got them to interact a little, and learned how to create instances and what not
class Character():
	def __init__(self):
		self.atk = 1
		self.name = "hi"

class CabbageJon():
	def __init__(self):
		self.attack = 10
		self.name ="Cabbage Jon"

x = Character().name
y = CabbageJon().name
x = y
What the hell is that supposed to be?
just me learning how to create instances for classes
But you are doing it very wrong.
x = Character().name

creates a new Character object, accesses its `name` attribute, assigns it to X, and then discards the Character object.
how does it discard the Character object
No variable is assigned to that object, so the garbage collector will dispose of it.
If you wanted to access that Character object, how would you?
X is the name attribute of the default Character object...
Also, if CabbageJon is suppose to be a character class that inherits from Character, why is it not inheriting?
CabbageJon? Alright...
Why not?
I havent gotten that fars yet
Which is why... again... You should start smaller.
Try creating some real application classes,
Like a Coordinate class
and a Slope class
basic math stuff
Coordinate has X and Y attribute, and that is pretty much it....
Needs to implement comparitive methods so it can be compared to other coordinates.
And a Slope class needs to basically be a collection of Coordinates (or a coordinate factory), and the slope itself, which will determine the generation of coordinates in the factory, or in the collection...
And have implemented methods like.. Slope.get_y_from_x(X) -> Y value. and Slope.get_x_from_y(Y) -> X value.
Ummm... so should I change my name and profile pic to be more cabbage related
Would be amusing, funny, and poetically just.
Well - could do the profile pic. but it'd confuse the hell out of people changing my name...
Yeah... Name change is irrelephant. but a cabbage pic would be amusing.
so... competition to find me a new profile pic. then...
Don't ask....
I vote the second one.
It is regal, and cabbagey! :)
Umm... I found a couple - let me move to the laptop as back indoors
I second the second one
is FF13-2 worth buying?
for the simple reason, it has too many numbers in its name.
I think that's quite cool
ie/aka: It is only the newest in a long line of FF games, respectively getting worse each time.....
Yes jon, but then no one will take you seriously
You mean they do now?
Only a little.
Awww.... will someone play the violins while I weep at this news?
plays the worlds smallest violin
why do people always play the smallest violin?
Why not the biggest?
You must be either A. very talented, B. very small, to play that.
@mgilson Because no one cares.
maybe it's because at that point it becomes difficult to determine whether it's a large violin or a small cello ...
Just a thought.
It is the inherint assumption that "bigger is better" in reverse, the smaller the violin, the less importance it has, so if a small violin is played, (the smallest violin in this case) then it has no importance, meaning, barely a care (or a f***) is given.
Hey, didn't I mention once that swearing wasn't welcome here? ;)
=( I have to much work to do, can't stay on here because I get distracted
@Volatility I was not swearing. Sorry if it offends you, I will edit.
using explicit language*
But... it says on the Zen that explicit is better than implicit!!!
I'm confused now...
whenever someone talks about swearing I remember southpark...
"He's talking about f***, you can't say f*** in school you f***** fatass!"
"Why the f*** not?!"
I've got that on my phone
Once accidentally had that set as a ringtone - that was a bit embarassing
What do you do when OP asks "How do I do ..." and you know the answer -- But the real answer is "That's a really bad idea"
You make sure that if you do answer - you provide all disclaimers possible? :)
@mgilson :) I was going to answer that question but you beat me too it.
@Jon that's what I usually do -- I rationalize it by telling myself that it's better I answer it with a big disclaimer rather than letting someone else answer it without one ...
he asked a similar question before that I answered
@mgilson if it's any consolation - I completely agree with your rationale!
Apparently he still doesn't want to do it with a for loop
What question is this that I feel I'm missing out on or something/
@Volatility -- He only has 2 questions and the other is unanswered ...
oh, different guy
that's interesting
same question, too
this one was the one I answered
I'll give it an eyeball in a minute? :)
Cool, but definitely too freaky?
Ahh that old chestnut of a question...
For some reason, I got a downvote on that one too :-/
Downvotes don't help me climb back to the top of the python list!
I always thought that as apply got deprecated in lieu of the * and ** syntax, then it'd be funky if it could be re-used as a kind of map with no return results or something
I think it's because users heard from someone that list comprehensions are fast, so they assume that it's a faster version of a for loop
In reality, it's really only noticeably faster if you're actually building a list
I wonder who that someone is...
Well, they're right. If you're building a list, a comprehension is faster than the equivalent for loop with .append
But the real reason to use a list-comp is for readability.
Why don't you tell him that!
Honestly, I am surprised that no one suggested starmap......
starmap(setattr, ((obj, 'name', 'blah') for obj in objects))
but doesn't starmap return an iterator?
so you would have to convert it to a list before it did anything?
@Volatility well, just consume it using a deque with a maxsize of 0, that's about as quick as you can throw away results...
IIRC - there's an itertools.consume recipe that uses that technique
Okay, cute little puppy wuppy, but as soon as he eats cabbage - he becomes SUPER CABBAGE DOG!
Umm, and could photoshop it a StackOverflow tattoo or something - that'd be funky
Hmmm ... It seems a little cannibalistic for this puppy to eat cabbage...
And if this puppy were to eat sauerkraut -- That would be downright wrong ...
But other than that - everything else is perfectly normal and social acceptable about this whole cabbage and being a dog thing?
Well, I think leeks are out of his diet too. (Look at his legs ...)
But yeah, barring those things I don't see any problem with it.
Mmmm ... Leeks ...
I like leeks - proper bit of butter and black pepper - gorgeous
I just found out that there's a "mentorship" program for newbies who want to contribute to Python.
I like em with eggs ... Or with potatoes in soup.
I'm definitely checking that out.
I might check something like that out if I have 20% time at google...
Sounds interesting... I've had my fair share on interns though... ;)
Although I might spend some time trying to learn more languages.
ruby, haskell
Maybe C# (but I can't seem to motivate myself to want to learn that one)
I don't mind C#
(umm, can't believe I just admitted that)
For some reason I have the same feelings toward C# that I have toward Java
but I've never used either, so my prejudice is completely unjustified.
hi all, i am a full time C# developer, is it a right choice for me to learn python..please give a opinion??
@GopeshSharma it certainly never hurts to extend your toolbox - so yeah, why not?
@JonClements thanks jon, but how can i carry on learning that lang, what i mean is that if i learn and leave it after some time it will become all new stuffs...
Same problem as with any language - if you've got the time, then it'll work - otherwise, wait until you do have time
thanks jon, it really helped
@mgilson from what I've heard from a couple of friends there, the 20% time isn't that linear. It's 20% you can contribute to a project that's approved by powers that be.
You can suggest your own, but it has to be approved for you to be allowed to invest that time.
Yeah -- that's my impression as well.
developing python is an interest of Google's though ... I guess we'll see
heya @BilalDadanlar - welcome to the room
Yeah, I'm sure they have some people contributing to core, so it might be doable.
You've accepted the offer?
hi Jon and to all :)
@BilalDadanlar if someone mentions cabbage - don't worry - it may be confusing - but it's our greeting here - so cabbage to you ;)
hmm ok, thanks!
Yeah. I accepted on Friday
Cool :D Good luck ;)
@mgilson Congratulations.
Thanks. I'm still worried that it could be the worst mistake of my life ;-)
But I doubt it
I got a call last week from the Dublin offices, wanting me to try again.
I'm pretty happy doing just about anything that keeps me engaged
The manager that I'll be working with seemed like a really nice fellow
Mountain View is supposed to be a beautiful place to live
I've heard that from some friends.
I've not been there, but I've been to San Fransisco.
A couple of them worked in the MV offices for a couple of months and were a bit sad to return.
SF is a nice place
And a guy I worked in college moved from the Dublin to MV offices about a year ago.
Ultimately, I'm also excited about learning all sorts of new stuff.
@pcalcao You gonna try again?
Not for a while, I struck out at the 4th interview last time. Since I'm starting a new job in two weeks, I'll be focusing on that.
I'll be working on Call Of Duty - China, so I'm pretty sure I'll be learning a lot.
@InbarRose nice comment on that questino
What question?
Some text parsing one
(the one that looks like they're just wanting everything up until the first space or something)
Ah, yes....
People sometimes are too caught up in the moment, and they think they need to pound out information with their keyboard else it will go away that they don't realize that what they are writing is going to sit around for a long time... taking the few extra moments to check what they type or whatever first would be much, much better.
I often find pen and paper is much better than a keyboard :)
This one has many duplicates. I've marked one. Close as you feel appropriate :): stackoverflow.com/questions/16653538/…
Yeah - that's a fairly good gotcha as well
cabbage @CarlosV
cabbage @JonClements. How was everybody's weekend?
It was errr, interesting... how was yours?
interesting as well...wish I would have gotten more sleep than I did, but oh well
Questions seem a bit dead today as well
This morning (3-4 hrs ago) there were a bunch
but this afternoon they've slowed down.
Last night I increased my helpful flag count by a bunch.
Some guy kept spamming under different user names.
Quick question: Does anyone know if python's GzipFile objects are seekable?
I think you get a file-like object from it, so I'm guessing yes (but haven't looked)
The docs say that it supports most of the file object interface ...
But the docs on file objects also say "note, not all file objects are seekable"
Maybe I'll do some experiments to try to find out.
there's a seekable() which returns True, and there's a seek method - so guessing you can
Yup - just tried it
readline, then seek(0) and readline again returns the first line
Nice. I wonder how that's actually implemented ...
I suppose I should just go ahead and read the source :)
Umm, linkedin api docs aren't very useful
So, it looks to me like seeking is implemented by rewinding the file and reading bytes until it gets to the requested spot in the file :-/
That's what I was afraid of ...
I suppose it's to be expected though
Yeah. I didn't know if there was any smart way to seek the gzip file, but apparently not.
Oh well.
LMAO - what a fantastic post
it was better before it was edited to add that code block IMO
wow ... I wish that everyone had the privileges to see deleted posts ...
Yeah - not quite sure why it requires so much rep...
I suppose it's because they've been deleted for a reason...
They're just noise to the general public ...
but still ...
2 hours later…
@mgilson not quite sure what's happening with that "json" question
Hi! @JonClements did you have the chance to think about 'deeper' traceback catching?
I did for a bit, then went to bed - so no
Should I ask this again, so anyone can hear/read it now?
If you want - not sure how many people are about though - alternatively - you could make it a question on the site ;)
Yeah, well, if no answers here, I will
well, I'm lurking while watching TV - long day - so not doing much in front of the computer/thinking tonight
OK, well, I'm going to watch an episode now, and ask it tomorrow morning :)
thanks, anyway
good night
1 hour later…
I now realise the folly in staying up till midnight everyday.
How long has it taken you to realise that? :)
Wow - they've only just got around to adding the first three seasons of Buffy to netflix...
Ah, and some classic Disney movies
Laters all - catch you in the morning.

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