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Does anyone here know a way to properly do sudo commands in python?
I got the
But that has no authentication
I looked it up but the only solution seems to be use linux and do some fancy command :(
2 hours later…
Good morning friends..........
Can someone help me please with depth-first search? gist.github.com/anonymous/ae67f4494f863f41c12c
Egabbac none
50 more upvotes for bronze django badge :(
Hi guys
I am an android developer
I want to know how much will take to learn python if one's is good in android and java.
@Sameer The best I can suggest is to give it a go and get a feel for itself yourself
@JonClements i am going to do the same..But for curiosity , i want to know your exp
I approached it from C++ so it felt a bit odd, but after a bit of re-juggling the old sponge, was actually fairly simple and enjoyable
Does it match with Java
Does what match with Java?
@JonClements i mean, Does Python and java are similar ? or will it benefit if you know java already.
@Sameer While writing python code you should try to remember as few java paradigms as possible.
If you write java-ish python code it will suck and people will hate reading or even working with it.
@ThiefMaster hmm
your suggestion going to help for sure
@Sameer It's generally good advice. Trying to write one language as though it was another is pretty much always a recipe for disaster.
@JonClements absolute truth
every language is unique in its own way
Unfortunately, being so used to coding Python, I find lower level languages too verbose.
for i in range(11) is a lot easier to type (and understand) than for (int i=0; i<=10; i++)
Unless of course you don't realise range(11) only goes up to 10.
I must be super annoying, but please. How do I make this work: gist.github.com/anonymous/7a4fdb6c90acf7367543
The only good thing I took from Java when I went to Python was the defensive programming skillset to really think what comes in and what goes out.
"formsss" and "formsssss" - help i have hard time to find whats wrong.
silly rabbit....
i have got a bit of conceptual problem due to a practical error while working with twisted web...any twisted experts here...?
@mayankvats Wouldn't say expert, but no harm in just asking your question
@JonClements the problem is that when i am using request.write to write data to an html page the output is rendered after only 20 requests are send..however after that it(output) is shown instantaneously
By "rendered" do you mean displayed by the client?
displayed on the client page
And what is being written each time?
i would like to mention that i am not using request.finish() after request.write()
a simple msg in an html div
So any particular reason you're not using .finish() - what's your use-case ?
request.finish() closes the connection whereas i would lik to keep it open...
So you're returning a whole web page from it?
can you tell me how to properly use request.finish() and NOT_DONE_YET functions appropriately
the webpage is returned for the first time andthen a simple msg at every request
there are two main questions...
if i a not using request.finish() then why is output shown after 20 request .is there soe kind of internal buffer..
2) how to hold a connection after request.finish()
lots of love for this Q of mine
Q: What's the difference between $(stuff) and `stuff`?

TshepangRunning top -p $(pidof init) and top -p `pidof init` gives the same output. Are these two ways of doing the same thing, or are there differences?

man javascript is so strange
Finally got the "enthusiast" badge! I always missed it by a couple of days :P
@mayankvats It strikes me that you probably want to be looking at websockets instead of what you're trying to do
And in response to 1) - twisted doesn't buffer - so what's happending is that your browser is buffering, then at some point its browser overflows sufficiently
i know.. i tried but they are not supported by IE
so had to drop that
you'll have to resort to longpolling then
i have a program that does longpolling .i just wanted to make it totally pushed by the server itself
is there no way to overcome this problem in the domain of twisted
That's not how long polling works
So no - you can't use twisted/similar to do what you're trying to do
no i mean i have a different program that does it.
for same purpose
i just want to ake it faster
Let me see if I can't dig you up some links
I know I bookmarked some that I found useful at some point - think they're on this computer anyway
oh that will be awesome
thank you..
i have been learning twisted on y own for past week ..now my spirit is dying..
This one's quite old, but has a few good points: toastdriven.com/blog/2011/jul/31/gevent-long-polling-you
And, similar to Twisted, you could look at Tornado's chat example (which has relevant js and server) at github.com/facebook/tornado/tree/master/demos/chat
And, you may want to check out Cyclone - which is basically Tornado on Twisted
thank you...thanks a lot
solved it! very dirty, but much more satisfying if I find it independently: gist.github.com/anonymous/df8ad823cf6f7f69aa64
oh snap, 3300 rep
It is a slightly fancier version. :P
You've gone all posh on us have you? :)
Mayhaps my good sir. toss nose into air
You speaketh strangely my good man!
Nay, speatheth I do not, typeth I do.
Corrected I am, typeth posh yoda, seemeth to beith one
Ieth don'teth thinketh thateth addingeth etheth toeth theeth endeth ofeth everyeth wordeth iseth veryeth posheth. Buteth Ieth mayeth beeth wrongeth.
That's a good point. Seems more like one has managed to novocaine their tongue...
Awesome when a simple answer gets you 9 upvotes in a couple of minutes :D
Is there a way to hide a function from clients that import my file? I thought you could do it with a double underscore prefix naming scheme, but I can still see it.
Nope, you can't hide anything, __ just mangles the name a little.
Ah ha, a single underscore prevents importing, but only when the client does from insertNameHere import *
Which is sufficient for me. The client can use my methods if they really want, I just didn't want a whole bunch of "private" methods flooding the local scope when they do an import *
Fair enough, but do be aware that "we're all consenting adults here" in Python land stackoverflow.com/questions/70528/…
And "from foo import *" is highly discouraged, if the "client" is in your shop, you should make fun of them in code reviews.
I've never been a fan of the private/public split that many OO languages use. Especially once the OO experts decide that every member of a class should be private, and you should write a getFoo and setFoo for all of them. Bam, your source code just quadrupled in size.
I recognize that it can be useful sometimes, ex. when setting a member needs to trigger a cascade of updates elsewhere in the object. But that occurs rarely in my own projects, so it's not worth the 400% code bloat.
dunder name mangles stuff though, doesnt it, so it's not "visible", or have i misunderstodd it
Not sure. This calls for experimentation.
his name is generic, but he is like a really active member... :P
@InbarRose I've noticed quite a few active users that haven't bothered updating that...
In file myModule.py:
def __frob():
    return 23

class Fred:
    def __zort():
        return 42
Then, in the interactive prompt:
>>> import myModule
>>> dir(myModule)
['Fred', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__frob', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__']
>>> foo = myModule.Fred()
>>> dir(foo)
['_Fred__zort', '__doc__', '__module__']
__frob is unmangled, but __zort is mangled.
Because __frob is not a class member
the double underscore is an operator for mangling class methods.
Why just for class methods? Why not mangle __frob to _myModule__frob?
For that you have single underscore no?
Kevin, I and Guido The BDFL agree with you on the "boilerplate accessor". But you can also retro-fit instance.member = 'p' to call an accessor when you find that you there is a class invariant property that needs to be maintained without changing every occurrence of instance.member
(oooh, nice, chat support markdown syntax (yes, I'm new here))
Welcome @msw :)
Yes, welcome indeed, quite an entrance.
Greets and thanks for the warm welcome. I can see this being my new productivity destroyer. Yay!
Welcome to the club.
And as we customarily say here, Cabbage.
(@JonClements is the Cabbage king)
Cabbage @msw
So, @msw What brings you to this this humble chat room?
@InbarRose that appears to be a joke as it has considerably more digits than new UIDS stackoverflow.com/users/2404155/user2404155
I wanted to ask a meta question without getting all meta and then forgot what it was
@InbarRose good odds, he didn't see "cabbage" in the room topic and thought: "Woo hoo - other like minded lovers of the much underrated vegetable. I must seek out my fellow brothers and join their quest for enlightenment"
@JonClements :( Not a cabbage-seeker?
I mean "I saw 'cabbage' in the room topic and thought 'woohoo!'"
@msw yes!
@msw have you remembered what your meta question was yet? :)
nope, must not have been very important...
Woohoo, second Enlightened badge!
hey @AshwinMukhija
@pcalcao Congratulations.
So I hear this is a cabbage room
Oh, the mysterious inner workings of the brain. Maybe the part that hasn't developed since the Cambrian period, is in charge of deciding what thoughts are important and which thoughts should be discarded.
Since the Meta question had nothing to do with food, shelter, or mating, it was sent to the garbage collector.
@pcalcao way to go! All as cephalomancy predicted
Exactly, the crackling of the goat skull has foreseen it, and so it came to pass.
@AshwinMukhija yup - Python's cool - so are cabbages - why not combine them? :)
Love me some cabbage stew.
Sometimes I forget that these are not medieval times.
What has cabbage to do with medieval time?
If I tape a couple pythons to a cabbage, the result resembles an octopus. Hence: cephalomancy. Am I following the thought process here properly?
@AshwinMukhija yeah, computers in medieval times were awful for dropping the internet connection hey?
Pretty much. We still work on medieval computers here in India.
@AshwinMukhija With a name like Ashwin Mukhija I would never have imagined you are from India. /sarcasm
We are everywhere in the world. We are legion.
@Kevin people that attempt to follow my thought processes generally end up screaming at padded walls when they're not heavily sedated... But no... Did you know that a valid plural of Octopus is actually Octopodes ?
I am going with the James Bond version, "Octopussy".
And some of them actually ingest their own limbs
That seems a bit meta - how it eats itself...
Octopodes or people who try to follow your thought process?
@pcalcao Yes :)
Taking nail biting to its absurd conclusion.
Did you hear about the Irish Setter sitting in the corner gnawing on a bone? When it stood up, it only had three legs...
@JonClements wanna hear a joke about paper? nevermind its tearable!
Ahah. I need to discover more Irish jokes... or perhaps not.
Have you heard the one about the UFO? On second thought, nah, it would probably go over your head.
These two abstract syntax trees walk into a bar...
"So I asked my North Korean friend how it was going and he said 'Can't complain'"
Do you know how to really confuse a blonde?

Paint yourself green and throw forks at her.
A horse walks into the bar. The bartender says: "Good to see you again Ms Parker"
Why do cows wear bells? Their horns dont work.
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a glass of beer. The second orders 1/2 a glass of beer. The third orders 1/4 a glass of beer. The fourth... etc. The bartender pours two glasses of beer and says, "you guys need to learn your limits"
What's the difference between cabbage and snot?

Kids don't eat cabbage
heya @Frenchguy - welcome
If you yield ['hip', 'hip'], the output is 'Hurray'
It's an "hip" "hip" array!
Two muffins are baking in an oven. One muffin looks at the other and says "Wow, it is getting really hot in here". The other muffin looks at the first and screams "OH MY GOD A TALKING MUFFIN".
By some deity I really hope we're better programmers/developers than we are comedians ;)
That's pythonic, right?
Of course it is...
Sure, in the sense that you can have that in your script without causing a SyntaxError.
Good point.
ha ha ... I might start #include<awesome.h> at the start of my scripts from now on :)
I like C, it combines all the power of assembly with the ease of use of assembly
C++ on the other hand combines the memory safety of C with the blazing speed of Smalltalk
@pcalcao C is also easy to spell
And pronounce
heya @ferkulat - welcome back - how've you been?
@JonClements thanks, i'm fine. I was retagging posts for some time, now my eyes hurt :)
So, I wanted to know you guys' thoughts on Python web frameworks.
Which one would you recommend? :)
@AshwinMukhija I would normally recommend the one best suited for whatever job it is you have at hand, and what experience you already have :)
I like to learn new stuff. I don't have any immediate use for it though.
I was thinking Django, but Flask looks quite promising as well
But if you want to go with community backed stuff Django probably has the bigger community, before Flask, web.py and last but not least for coolness Aspen
btw: am i being a dick if i only retag posts? when there are corrections to be made, i'll correct them of course - but sometimes i just (re)tag
@ferkulat just be careful - some reviewers will be a bit pedantic about what could be perceived as minor tag changes... So if you throw in any corrections to the post as well - you're more likely to have them accepted
i approve of move retags if they are better than before
I've rejected suggested edits as too minor if there is clearly other stuff that needs to be edited
@JonClements yup, i've noticed sometimes one or two rejects - but in the end they were approved
@mgilson I notice you've been busy on the suggested edits queue recently Matt :)
Even posts consisting of changing formatting to code, but leaving decipherable, but horrible grammer/spelling I've rejected.
Yeah. I go through phases where I'm motivated to do it.
That phase being when you've exhausted all possibilities of trying to actually find something interesting to do?
Go waste time watching silly movies on YT Jon?
@mgilson what about those post where people write a horribly long title and only post one code block? should i edit them?
nm, i only read the last line
thought you had nothing to do
@ferkulat -- I'm all for making posts better. I even pass trivial edits if there isn't anything else reasonable to do.
Does anyone else have those moments when you're sitting bored, and you realise you've got the entire world at your finger tips, you open up your favourite browser, go to your favourite search engine, then just sit there staring at the screen...?
But, I think that the consensus is if you're going to edit, try to get as much as you can
Yeah, I think that's pretty normal
@JonClements definitly
It's kind of like, when someone asks, "name every book you've ever read", you might entirely draw a blank, but if someone asks, "have you read [insert book name here]?" you can answer correctly nearly 100% of the time.
@JonClements overburdened by possibilities
People are good at deciding, "is thing X an interesting thing to do?" but not "what's an interesting thing I can do right now?"
@Kevin so true
I can think of lots of things I could do right now that are interesting...
Before I mention them though, let me just filter out so it's only legal ones... :)
still locking kids in attics and basements eh? yeah, i too had a relapse
or don't sound I'm insane....
Q: What's the difference between Twitter and Game of Thrones?

A: One is limited to 140 characters...
@InbarRose something I've never watched!
The GoT wiki has flow diagrams with characters
Are you suggesting that both are whirling maelstroms of political intrigue, backstabbing, and scandal? Actually that sounds about right, I guess.
so that you can easily see when they die
and who kills them :P
@BasJansen isn't that like someone giving you an already drawn out map for a Fighting Fantasy game book...!?
euh, it is?
i do wonder when i get my django badge
tbh i sometimes check the diagram if i forgot who the heck a certain character was or what happened in book 1-3
@limelights -- I think you need a score of 100 for a bronze
@mgilson on 1 post?
I read all the books before the show started, I am a real SOIAF aficionado
i have to admit
i bought the books after seeing the pilot
@limelights another 50 upvotes for answers tagged django
read first 2 books before the second episode aired.... shudder
@BasJansen :)
@limelights -- No. On any number of posts (minimum 20 I think)
I read all the books, with about a five year gap between the last and second-to-last. I could remember literally nothing about the contents of the second to last book. That made things difficult.
@Kevin Shame, poor memory... I re-read them a few times.
You keep learning new stuff
Like how certain actions in the past affect actions later in the books.
It is sometimes intense when you suddenly have an "AHA!" moment.
@limelights then it's 400 upvotes on 80 answers for a silver, and 1000 upvotes on 200 answers for a gold
i had that especially with book 3 and 4
@JonClements Could have just posted the description of the badge.
which cover the same (partially) time period
@JonClements right... Ah so that's what the Tag section is for. Duh... sorry for the stupid question
for instance the Jon - Samwell dialogue (from both perspectives)
@limelights yeah -1 to you and a vote to close as "st00pid"? :)
@JonClements That should so be a tag.
Like an invisible tag, that users with 4k+ rep can put on questions.
hi @Bob - I've been dying to ask - but whose uncle exactly are you!? :)
@InbarRose oh - I thought he was yours...
@ferkulat editing some old questions I see?
Wikipedia says, "Bob's your uncle" appeared in the 1930s, but there's no widely accepted origin of the phrase. That surprises me, since the 30's wasn't too long ago, on a historical scale.
It's kind of sad to me. The past is a poorly organized and crumbling library.
We can only retrieve so much knowledge from it before the rest turns to dust and blows away.
but in yankee time its like 25% of the countrys lifetime :)
Try digging up recent colonial history, it is scary how badly documented (if at all) it is
In America, 100 years is a long time. In England, 100 miles is a long way.
not referring to british colonialism, that is decently documented at least
@Kevin I agree, the past tends to be more important than people think it is
I worry about digital rot. In 100 years time, how many operating systems will be able to read, for example, Windows 97 documents?
@JonClements so you were the 34 visitor then :-)
@Kevin None - as there wasn't a Windows 97 - so thus couldn't do documents?
@JonClements i'd rather do a review, but they get eaten too fast it seems
@Kevin none most likely. But for arguments sake, stuff that needs preserving usually gets put onto something more persistant than .doc-files from '97 :)
i used to work for the government and we put all of our data on giant tapes
with countless of backups
punchcards > tapes ;)
our govt still used those not to long ago
untill the mice ate them

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