@JonClements the problem is that when i am using request.write to write data to an html page the output is rendered after only 20 requests are send..however after that it(output) is shown instantaneously
@mayankvats It strikes me that you probably want to be looking at websockets instead of what you're trying to do
And in response to 1) - twisted doesn't buffer - so what's happending is that your browser is buffering, then at some point its browser overflows sufficiently
Is there a way to hide a function from clients that import my file? I thought you could do it with a double underscore prefix naming scheme, but I can still see it.
Which is sufficient for me. The client can use my methods if they really want, I just didn't want a whole bunch of "private" methods flooding the local scope when they do an import *
I've never been a fan of the private/public split that many OO languages use. Especially once the OO experts decide that every member of a class should be private, and you should write a getFoo and setFoo for all of them. Bam, your source code just quadrupled in size.
I recognize that it can be useful sometimes, ex. when setting a member needs to trigger a cascade of updates elsewhere in the object. But that occurs rarely in my own projects, so it's not worth the 400% code bloat.
Kevin, I and Guido The BDFL agree with you on the "boilerplate accessor". But you can also retro-fit instance.member = 'p' to call an accessor when you find that you there is a class invariant property that needs to be maintained without changing every occurrence of instance.member
(oooh, nice, chat supportmarkdownsyntax (yes, I'm new here))
@InbarRose good odds, he didn't see "cabbage" in the room topic and thought: "Woo hoo - other like minded lovers of the much underrated vegetable. I must seek out my fellow brothers and join their quest for enlightenment"
Oh, the mysterious inner workings of the brain. Maybe the part that hasn't developed since the Cambrian period, is in charge of deciding what thoughts are important and which thoughts should be discarded.
Since the Meta question had nothing to do with food, shelter, or mating, it was sent to the garbage collector.
@Kevin people that attempt to follow my thought processes generally end up screaming at padded walls when they're not heavily sedated... But no... Did you know that a valid plural of Octopus is actually Octopodes ?
An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar. The first orders a glass of beer. The second orders 1/2 a glass of beer. The third orders 1/4 a glass of beer. The fourth... etc. The bartender pours two glasses of beer and says, "you guys need to learn your limits"
Two muffins are baking in an oven. One muffin looks at the other and says "Wow, it is getting really hot in here". The other muffin looks at the first and screams "OH MY GOD A TALKING MUFFIN".
But if you want to go with community backed stuff Django probably has the bigger community, before Flask, web.py and last but not least for coolness Aspen
@ferkulat just be careful - some reviewers will be a bit pedantic about what could be perceived as minor tag changes... So if you throw in any corrections to the post as well - you're more likely to have them accepted
Does anyone else have those moments when you're sitting bored, and you realise you've got the entire world at your finger tips, you open up your favourite browser, go to your favourite search engine, then just sit there staring at the screen...?
It's kind of like, when someone asks, "name every book you've ever read", you might entirely draw a blank, but if someone asks, "have you read [insert book name here]?" you can answer correctly nearly 100% of the time.
I read all the books, with about a five year gap between the last and second-to-last. I could remember literally nothing about the contents of the second to last book. That made things difficult.
Wikipedia says, "Bob's your uncle" appeared in the 1930s, but there's no widely accepted origin of the phrase. That surprises me, since the 30's wasn't too long ago, on a historical scale.
It's kind of sad to me. The past is a poorly organized and crumbling library.
We can only retrieve so much knowledge from it before the rest turns to dust and blows away.
@Kevin none most likely. But for arguments sake, stuff that needs preserving usually gets put onto something more persistant than .doc-files from '97 :)
i used to work for the government and we put all of our data on giant tapes