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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 20:00

OMG - I am hating on multi-threading/processing. Can someone help me with this question about what a target is?
Q: The Programming Theory Gods Strike: What is target = foo in Python 2.x?

xxmbabanexxOften as I have been browsing this Q & A site, the answers that use multi-threading and processing have told me to use a format that goes like this: (target=foo, args=(bar, baz)) It is most often used in multiprocessing and multithreading (at least with my limited knowledge.) My question is, ...

2 hours later…
great suggestion:
Q: Room-specific welcome message for new users

ThiefMasterLots of the bigger channels have some kind of rules, stuff people are supposed to read before posting or requesting access, etc. In the topic it clutters valuable space that can be used for more useful things (regulars usually don't need a link about when to request access etc. there). When a bo...

1 hour later…
Morning chaps
morning everybody
Morning all
it's scary puppy!, morning;)
jon you any good with numpy arrays?
no no not scary puppy ... it's bloody friday today
@BasJansen depends what you're trying to do
nested an array
Q: Numpy array creation

Bas JansenFirst off I will apologize to the arbitraryness of this question but I am rewriting some of my scripts to use Numpy arrays instead of nested python lists (for performance and memory) but I'm still struggling with their declaration. I am trying to create a structure using numpy arrays, I am start...

@colin I'm assuming Bas just mis-spelt "cute" as "scary"
sp [float[float,float]]
not really :( your avatar == scary
ah, okay
actually ([float,[(float,float)]],
My avatar == scary - says the mad scientist? :)
i have an excuse
at least i am crazy according to some
and they dont let me near patients anyhow recently due to my halloween joke
Ummm.... what exactly are you trying to do with numpy @Bas ?
recreate a nested struct a la C
so that i can have
(time 0 (mass 10, intensity 20, mass 20, intensity 10, mass 30, intensity 400...)), time 10
get it?
currently i have it as a nested tuple list (quite slow)
Okay, it's Saturday and I'm still waking up - so you'll have to put up with some slowness
saturday? looks confused at his clock&
Oh.... yeah... see - I knew I hadn't woken up
Better put more coffee on...
[ [t, [m, i]], [t, [m, i]] ] ?
[ [t, [(m,i)], ...
so multiple m,i's per t
errr... god now i am slow
Okay, sounds like you want a matrix then...
and i'm trying to create it with np.zeros so that i have 1000 t combos and each nested array should contain 10.000 values to begin
hmmm... ok
okay, let me drink more coffee and make sure I'm not talking absolute tosh (as per normal)
does make sense
reading it, skimming over the methods for matrix as we 'type'
@Jon: Phill Collins - She's an easy lover
Ummm.... I'm listening to "Wild World" :)
am at work ... no speakers, no sound :(
Ahhh... That should be against human rights or something...
hey, any ideas if there's a vim plugin that adds a proper way to jump to a function definition in another file? i'm working on a rather big project where i'd usually use a proper IDE but i like vim more.. and pydev/eclipse somewhat sucks so i'd rather not use it.
@ThiefMaster no idea mate - not a user of vim, but for some reason it does ring a bell of a post I remember seeing the other day... lemme see if that's still in my history...
@Thief: does the python support plugin for vim not support this?
nope, but i'll have a look
Right - gotta get ready and go look at a house - bbl
@Jon: John Butler - OCEAN - Studio Version
You'll need a ctags program that understands Python
(But may already be available, depending on your OS.)
I really need to get around to learning Vim or Emacs decently :P
I feel I'm not a complete programmer until I do, even though I code for a living for almost 10 years now.
then ... do, learn it
@ThiefMaster: If you're in the market for trying a new editor, take a look at SublimeText2. I switched a few months ago and I'm loving it. Huge reduction on keystrokes
@pcalcao: Don't bother with emacs, vim will mean you can edit files with only a console. Vim cheatsheet on a mug
I know enough of vim to get ssh to machines and edit stuff, I can even code half decently on it, but my shortcut usage is quite limited. Jump to lines, complete with Ctrl-N, insert, delete, copy/paste... and that's about it.
but... you can edit files with only a console using emacs too..
@MattH SublimeText2 is what I've been using for Python mostly. I have an IntelliJ licence, so I could use the Python plugin, but I find it's a bit overkill for most things.
I feel a Vim/Emacs discussion on the horizon, is there any on the internet already?
@rxdazn: but you don't need both emacs and vim to do that. vim or just vi is what you'll find on almost any *nix you're likely to come across
i wouldn't want to use vi daily
I do use vim though
Some of the best developers I know personally use Vim... others use Emacs... and others use other editors all together.
@rxdazn Agreed, think of it more as knowing Emergency Life Support
Or a good generator for a pseudo-random string, if you ask a complete newbie to exit vi.
both are fine, just the one that fits you best
you spend more time thinking than writing though
@pcalcao: I think your coder credentials are intact, you appear to be familiar enough
Hi all can you help me with this?
Q: Python HTTP 599: Connection closed (Tornado)

sharkbaitI'm getting this error: HTTP 599: Connection closed [E 130405 11:43:14 web:1031] Uncaught exception GET /networks/1/sensors/1/alarm ( while executing the following code: @tornado.gen.engine def check_status_changes(netid, sensid): como_url = "".join(['http://131.114.52:444...

@sharkbait: Is this of any use to you? stackoverflow.com/a/7623570/267781
@MattH I looked at sublimetext some time ago, and while it looked nice I'm kind of used to gvim
hi guys..
hi uday
i want to make a tuple as a key to a dictionary
and what kind of values?
ah sorry, missunderstanding
you want that a tuple is the key of dict, right?
values are just int
tuples can usually be keys of dict
yes exactly
but i want to initialize with for loop
if suppose i give 5, 5 in for loop range
shouldn't be a problem
for i in range(5,5) won't iterate over anything.
i want, 0,0 0,1 .....5,5 to be initialized to 0
did you get me?
i tried using-
for i in range(0,5):
for j in range(0,5):
[(x,y) for x in range(5) for y in range(5)]
@udaysagar What exactly do you want this structure for? Have you considered a defaultdict or collections.Counter?
but isnt working!
your keys should be something like that: (0,1), (0,2), ...(0,5) ... (1,0), (1,1) ... (5,5)
working on coordinate geomety stuff
a[(i,j)] = 0
i try
and come back to you!
oh thank you @MattH I see if it's my problem! thank you very much
Using a dictionary to represent a 2 dimensional array just seems like an odd idea...
About as odd as using a 2 dimensional array to represent a dictionary.
@sharkbait: Welcome! :)
alrite, what might be the better idea? wooble!
I know that some implementations of Conway's Game of Life use a "sparse grid" which uses something more exotic than a nested list.
Ideally you'd have something whose memory footprint grows with the number of live cells, not with the dimensions of the world. A dict fits the bill there.
I suppose, although initializing the dict with all the possible cells defeats the purpose there.
Kevin its working!
uday: without knowing the exact use case, it's hard to say, but a numpy array sounds promising, maybe?
@udaysagar: did you try something like this: >>> my_dict = {}
>>> for x in range(6):
... for y in range(6):
... my_dict[(x,y)] = 0
Your problem was, you were using quote marks around (i,j). Python interprets that as, "the string containing the characters '(', 'i', ',', 'j', ')'"
okay, got it!
The amazing memoized algorithm for Conway's Game of Life is Hashlife — it hashes over time as well as space!
yes Colin
It's shocking no one's suggested a dict comprehension yet :)
my application should flag these coordinate points based on some condition, may be this solution suffices but more effective choices are welcome!
You could use a nested list to represent a 2D array: [[0 for i in range(5)] for j in range(5)]
getting/setting elements like a[2][4] = 23
oh, okay!
I think @Kevin representation is more intuitive for a bi-dimensional structure, a[i][j] is easier to "read" in my mind than d[(i,j)]
If you need fast two-dimensional arrays, use NumPy
NumPy has other coordinate geometry stuff builtin, so it's a win all round
If you need fast anything, don't use Python </sarcasm>
ha ha
well, numpy's largely C code, so it addresses that issue :)
>>> numpy.zeros(shape=(5,5))
array([[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
>>> a = numpy.zeros(shape=(3,3))
>>> a[1,1] = 9
>>> a
array([[ 0., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 9., 0.],
[ 0., 0., 0.]])
how can i iterate over the keys of dict?
for key in dict:
ok, cool!
@udaysagar, you can also use for key, value in dict.items() to iterate over keys and items at the same time
@pcalcao FWIW: You can actually index it as d[i,j] which is exactly the same thing as d[(i,j)] (for any object, not just dicts)
yes Jos, but i think it would be much effective if the syntax would be like:
And that reads a lot nicer than d[i][j] to me :)
for key, value in dict:
instead of for key, value in dict.items
i checked, former is not working...
I love/hate how we just say that numpy is c code as if that makes it super fast. CPython is c code too ...
for x,y in dict will attempt to take the key of dict and unpack it into two values. So for example, if you had a key (23,42), then x would be 23 and y would be 42.
its splitting the key into variables key, value and printing the elements of key
And while numpy is much faster than python code, it doesn't come close to as fast as you could do things in native C. (hence the numexpr package).
i mean, if key is (2,3)
for key, value in dict:
print key, value
2 3
Yes, that is the correct behavior.
But, usually, that kind of speed isn't necessary. It's not like most of us are doing super intensive 3D hydrodynamic or Particle in Cell codes in python.
so, if i wanna get the value, i should use .items() right?
.items will get you the key and the value at the same time.
for key,value in d.items()
If you only care about the values, for v in d.values() will do that.
oh i see!
so summary-
dict gives keys by default
dict.items both keys and values
dict.values() values
am i right?
Exactly, yup
can i get the number of keys that hold a particular value?
You can also do for a in d.keys(), but that is almost always identical to for a in d. There are only a few corner cases where it could give different results (and only on python2.x, so it's best to avoid relying on that)
@udaysagar -- Not directly.
something like sum(1 for value in d.values() if value == value_i_want) will work.
hey all!
Hi Gianni
thanks Mgilson
get a random key in the list of keys?
import random; random.choice(a.keys())
Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned NumPy's speed, even in passing. It's still worth using it if you're writing vector code, just for the convenience of having vector addition, scalar multiplication, dot/cross products, norms, and so on. (Though in my defence, its arrays are way faster than vanilla Python list-of-lists—e.g. I get a 100x speedup with NumPy just for adding two 100x100 arrays of floats.)
I recall adding numpy to my "ignored tags" list because all of the questions were like, "I'm trying to parse this 8GB text file, and it's too slow..."
I think I've mentally categorized numpy as "for people trying to decipher the human genome" i.e. "not me"
My code base is a sandcastle, and this is numpy:
Lots of interesting stuff in that tag, if you like maths. Here's a good answer from today:
A: how do I fit 3D data

JaimeYou need to properly define your fitfunc: fitfunc = lambda p, x: sqrt(p[3]**2 - (x[:, 0] - p[0])**2 - (x[:, 1] - p[1])**2) + p[2] I don't think that your approach is very robust, because when you take the sqrt there are two solutions, one positive, one negative, and you are only considering th...

i have to admit that all I have used numpy for so far is array creation
as a pre-allocated array doesn't crash this tiny old system while using python lists does
and afternoon chaps ;)
Afternoon to you too.
Did you see that? Everyone received an instant translation via the Chatroom babelfish implant.
Nothing, just messing with you, sorry.
its almost beer time
@BasJansen: You're buying are you?
hmm... if you come to the hospital bar sure
I think SO bounties should be beer vouchers instead
like 1 euro for a pint of lachouffe ;)
here its Evening!
@BasJansen: Your hospital has a bar?!
beer time is whatever time you want it to be. That's a basic human right.
@BasJansen: I miss Dutch and Belgian beer and Dutch beer pricing.
the only good dutch beer is hertog jan tbh
For 1 Euro you'll be lucky to get even a sip of beer here..
(not counting, specially brewed)
Of course the hospital has a bar, where else would they store the rubbing alcohol? (Try it with tomato juice, it's delicious. And sterile!)
I prefer Brand, but Hertog Jan is pretty damn good too.
Well, we got to get drunk somewhere and if we get drunk inside the hospital they won't have to beep us for emergencies ;)
dammit... i'm thirsty now
Because everyone knows you are unfit to treat patients and they beep someone else?
besides i dont 'treat' i just did 'take in chats' with people that wanted to donate material to a study cohort
ie, sir, we are studying glycosylation across the entire population and are interesting in creating a large cohort of healthy sample, would you be willing to donate some of your blood?
that's all... and a simple harmless dracula tooth + halloween + I WANT YOUR BLOOOOODDD... god me warned
in all honesty tho, i have no idea why we have a bar.
I like it tho
i went to amsterdam last year, my hotel's wifi password was 'heineken' :p
funny, sadly the worst beer we 'make' in my opinion ;)
I'm not into beers actually so none of them taste good to me, I do not drink at all
@rxdazn: Does that mean you've tried them all?
no, I meant only those I have tried so far
Friends, how can i math.floor all the elements in a tuple?
any one..
@udaysagar tuple(map(math.floor, yourtuple))
tuple([math.floor(x) for x in a])
but there might be a better way, this is just what comes to mind
okay, thanks..
@pcalcao There's no need to construct a list; you can pass a generator to the tuple constructor: tuple(math.floor(x) for x in a)
does anyone know if np.where/np.extract perform some smart search (ie a binary tree like search) or if they just iterate over the entire array?
np being numpy
doesnt say anything about the 'how' on the doc
and the elements should also get convert to int
tuple(int(math.floor(x)) for x in a)
thanks rxdazn
int truncates floats toward zero, so if all your numbers are non-negative, you can omit the call to floor
yes, thats true!
@BasJansen Source for numpy.where is PyArray_Where in multiarraymodule.c
@GarethRees true, I thought of that after I typed, you're absolutely right =) thanks
anyone home?
I'm at work, but that's probably not what you meant
@MattH : I just wanted to know if the django book was still good as a good way to start with django
Have you done the Django Tutorials and want to delve deeper into Djangoness?
@GamesBrainiac: I've not been following the book and don't know whether it's being kept up to date. It was out of date when I started with django 1.1
The Django Book is getting a bit out of date. Lots of things have changed recently.
@pcalcao Its not that, its just that the django book is so beautifully written
I mean, anyone could become a book with that kinda material
For example, you'd want to start with class-based views these days
@BasJansen -- I think they just iterate over the entire array. I don't know about extract, but I don't see how where could behave any differently. You don't know if you want to take an element until you've looked at it.
Generic views (chapter 11) are deprecated
it could use a binary search mgil
@GarethRees : I just want to thank you again for answering my question
about the Template dir thing in django
I am trying to find an elegant python way to solve this problem

No mention of csrf_token
if some poeple have some suggestions, thanks in advance
@BasJansen binary search applies to when your array is previously sorted. That might not be the case from what I gather.
@GamesBrainiac You're welcome.
@GarethRees : Is there any book
similar to the django book even if its something you have to pay for?
something that is updated
i know that my array is sorted (guaranteed by how i fill it)
@GamesBrainiac No idea, sorry. I learned Django by reading the documentation which is pretty good.
@GarethRees Guess, I'll have to do that from now on I guess. The django book teaches you a lot about python too
which is a neat addition.
Good books tend to spoil you a lot! :P
@GamesBrainiac Sounds like you've just discovered Sturgeon's Law
@MattH Never knew that such a feeling had a law in its own right! :D
@GamesBrainiac The longer you work in IT the more you feel that 90% is conservative
@MattH lol
hi all any Django expert here ?
Django user here, don't know about expert
hello and happy Friday to one and all
@GarethRees I want to limit number of jobs through Django
happy friday @bernie
Friday coding!
hello colin! :)
Oh dear, I helped a caps-locker..
@d.putto Answer by freakish looks good:
A: running limited number of process through Django

freakishLooks like a job for Queue with maxsize set to a positive value (and potentially with timeout): http://docs.python.org/2/library/queue.html Note that it is thread safe.

why people in SO give an answer and after 3 second they delete?! :P
@GarethRees yes but I am not sure how do I add job in a Queue
@Gianni They may be editing the answer
it's the "point pressure" :D
@d.putto queue.put()
Read the docs!
@GarethRees: Because they thought they got it wrong, perhaps?
@GarethRees also I am new to Queue so reading the doc
by the way if some people have an idea about this is welcome. I cannot figure out i resolve this step
i wish to avoid the closure of my window *.exe when there is the "Exception"
ciao guys, switching workspace
see ya, @Colin
1 hour later…
Just a question out of curiosity
I sometimes write some stuff on my blog, and sometimes concerning Python, you think CodeReview would be a good place to ask for a second opinion?
@pcalcao i think so
Or even here? Or would it be considered distasteful and a blatant attempt at publicity? :P
Here as in, chat, not StackOverflow, of course.
As long as you mention that caveat: that this is on your blog i think it's fine. And as long as everything you post is not a blatant attempt a self-promotion... I don't think this is a problem as I've seen several of your answers and they are of high quality
@pcalcao What kind of stuff? If it's not code you want reviewed, it probably doesn't belong on codereview.
@bernie Thanks :)
@Wooble The code, I sometimes implement stuff just for fun, like data structures, and since Python isn't my main language, I don't always know if I'm not commiting a huge crime.
Well, if your motivation is to get feedback on your code, it's pretty much by definition on-topic; I don't see why it would matter why you wrote it in the first place.
@Wooble Thanks, I think you're right, I usually keep the code I blog about summarized in a gist or github project, so I'll probably just link there. That kind of solves it.
While i usually prefer vim (kind of obvious from my previous question) pycharm looks really awesome :o being able to remote-debug and launch via SSH while editing the files locally (they are on a samba share) is pretty nice
IDE's by JetBrains are usually darn good. I use IntelliJ for Java and wouldn't trade it for anything.
any idea if the open source license needs to be requested by e.g. the project lead or if any developer can do it?
Good question, I don't know. Send them an e-mail, they're usually pretty quick to respond.
Well, have a nice weekend folks. I'm off =)
oh heh it's friday.. somehow i thought it's thursday
Well, better that than the other way around! :P
See you!
Hi people
One question
with python
it's possible programmed on url?
Hello @MirkoCianfarani. please go ahead and ask your question
not sure what you mean by that
you want a program to run when you hit a URL?
Because I work with the server in Cherrypy
I interest how to add the variable on Url
o similar
I know cherrypy.Httprediredt
but other?
are you familiar with GET query strings? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Query_string
I knows Read/Insert/replace/update/delete with Js
'query string
The query string for example is foo=2&clo=2
but with python the separator is $ and #
@bernie then
i'm sorry, @Mirko. it is very difficult for me to understand what you're asking...
What Python can do with Url
how to change the url?
This is interest for me
have a look at urlencode in the Standard Library: docs.python.org/2/library/urllib.html#urllib.urlencode
@bernie thx I know this technique
thx @askewchan
now I also look on this question stackoverflow.com/questions/120951/…
@MirkoCianfarani: your questions are no more clear than when you asked them 2 weeks ago. If you want the URL the person visiting your website sees in the location bar to change, you need to redirect.
jaaaaaaa but i don't want the redirect, always it is possible
but for example...
wiat one second
It is completely impossible to change the URL the browser sees in python code without sending a redirect.
This one part of the my project and if I add this sentence (add after the //)

def index(self): #, **kwargs):
demo presentation and input menu
print "\n16 index"
f = open( 'empty_file.cfg', 'r' )
jsondict = eval( f.read() )

f = open( 'empty_file.cfg', 'r' )
io = StringIO(f.read())

#jsondict['json_data'] = io.getvalue()
CAPTION = "Index"
(json_data, jsondict) = self.update_data( jsondict, CAPTION, '')


# urls dict
# index
urld = {'json_data' : json_data, #'json_data' : jsondict['json_data'],
This not function why
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. See you around
is anyone have any idea about cloud using python
@Manishkumar google app engine?
Thanks Wooble yeah i have read a link... but i have less knowledge in python
do you have any idea
Well, if you want to write cloud apps in Python, you should probably learn python first.
(although I learned Python because I wanted to use GAE and it was the only supported language at the time, so...)
yes... I will certainly do, even i have started already
but is there any help that can
managed both together
like to develop app for cloud with python
i have basic knowledge in python
only i have to do is to practice it with cloud app. is there any place where i can start
with full hand
What do you want out of a "cloud app" besides a good buzzword, though?
actually i am web app dev of php... after working 2 year with it. i got a bit of frustration (frankly saying). dont know but wanted to work with desktop application and after googling i found cloud app developement
with python
i have learn the fundamental of python in Graduation period. Now i wanted to implement this to cloud.
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 20:00

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