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@roganjosh 'Tis like a heresy upon the land... a non-scalable practice where experiments languish in people's personal notebooks and common code cannot be moved into packages...
As to tuple syntax, here's a decade-long mess of not-so-generalized questions and opinions: How to create a "singleton" tuple with only one element a) user is confused about tuple-unpacking, on a nested tuple b) should say 'single element" instead of "single string"
We're in a major transition right now to databricks. My workflow: Laptop 1 launches a VM into the old system so I can make extracts of SQL Server. I save them down as CSVs and send them to myself from an incognito window over MS Teams (if not incognito, login no worky). I then launch another VM on laptop 1 to receive those messages. Save them down, then upload to Azure data storage. Then I come out of both VMs and go into databricks, re-point all paths to the new files and run a notebook [..]
Why did python choose commas over parenthesis in tuple design? User is confused that tuple() is a function and has to be called with arguments. Hence calling tuple(1, 2, 3, ) fails wth TypeError; yet tuple((((((1, 2, 3)))))) works and returns (1, 2, 3)
That notebook pushes the results back out to Azure, so I save them down and then message them to myself over MS Teams again. Then I fire up laptop 2, do mostly the same steps, run the model locally and only then do I crosscheck the results to ensure everything is consistent. It genuinely boggles my mind how this system is supposed to be easier. It runs in 30 seconds locally but takes me an hour with the new setup
Tuple syntax in Python user is confused that [(x,y) for y,x in c.items()] the term `(x,y) is a target-list not a tuple. Actually that just hurt my head so I retitled it "Is this tuple syntax inside a Python list-comprehension?"
Commas in a Python math argument more misunderstandings about syntax. Should we retitle, leave open as-is, or close as syntax?
@roganjosh "It's like a crude git for marketing people and Product Managers..." You provoked me to google for "Rube Goldberg, Cloud Architect"
@roganjosh I swear that's like a Monty Python Jabberwocky-grade setup... you just need a hammer on a giant cog that hits a sleepy dormouse on the head, then...
"Crude git" is funny because until recently we had some weird wrapper system around git-esque version control that was unable to display notebooks, despite us being required to use 100% notebooks, so everything was the raw JSON repr. They were fun code reviews :P
@roganjosh Could you work in a carrier pigeon, too? transmits the holy code snippet, which is then OCR'd... marble elevator?
Carrier pigeon or fax would probably be quicker. I might raise it in our next meeting
"It runs in 30 seconds locally but takes me an hour with the new setup" Err how did you achieve that 120x slowdown?
@roganjosh Has anyone ever gotten a snake into a Rube Goldebrg machine? Possibly hard to control and incompatible with sleepy dormouse.
Running effectively 4 different computers, plus a spark cluster to do what pandas does in 30 seconds
Spark is slow for "small" data. Others in the team are pushing me to strip out the pandas (which was polars, but I capitulated since they said it was a maintenance burden) but there's no way I'm re-writing it in pyspark
All this talk of mission-critical dormice is reminding me of 'The Rescuers' (youtube.com/watch?v=mnEIh1GR3SA , ant catapulting pea at 0:12)
You're talking about time taken to spin up a cluster (itself taking minutes) to distribute a whopping 400k rows in a lot of cases for my project
@roganjosh that's nearly an anagram of "It catapulted pea"
:P Calling it a Rube Goldberg machine is a bit too grandiose. All of the VMs and web tabs have different access privileges (which also depends on whether I'm on office wifi or home wifi) and half the time I think something has broken (broken being relative; this is not exactly a functioning system even when it's "working") but then I realise I'm on the wrong VM or something
But sending SQL exports via MS Teams is my favourite part in that it's critical to the pipeline since there's no other way to get data between the different systems (onedrive is out because they're on different accounts hard-wired into the VMs)
MS is ending the classic Teams client in 2024, thou shalt use thy browser. $7/user/mth to "distribute" your code through Teams...
The app is broken for us already so that's why I have to launch in web browser but only in incognito mode
Just don't use teams :D
@roganjosh Oooh don't challenge them like that... "A dormouse riding a snake, Dune-wormrider-style, through an interoffice sand tank... delivers mission-critical code updates..."
2 hours later…
Coincidentally, I mentioned IP over Avian Carriers yesterday in The h Bar chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/66345581#66345581
I'm trying to learn python but I'm having trouble with the documentation: docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html
It's hard to read and very dry. Does any one know a good python doc to get up and running?
@PM2Ring even with the 55% packet loss (ouch), I bet with modern storage drives you could rival some ISPs. Certainly mine, which is just over 4G
@bit are you learning for learning's sake or do you have a project in mind?
The latter
What kind of project?
nothing concrete, just want to dabble in ai or image processing or computer graphics
Given that you have an old account with questions about .NET I'm not really sure the official tutorial is really going to be helpful other than a reference. People write all sorts of blogs and practical tutorials about those topics and if you understand one programming language already, python will be easy to absorb. "Computer graphics" is a bit shakey, though. As in building games?
what I like to do in order to pick up a new language is to just write puzzles in it, like the first few days of any advent of code. Lets you get a hang of the syntax and gives you some concrete snippets for the basics that are useful as a reference once you work on an actual problem
> Rafting photographers already use pigeons as a sneakernet to transport digital photos on flash media from the camera to the tour operator.
> A similar pigeon race was conducted in September 2010 by tech blogger (trefor.net) and ISP Timico CTO Trefor Davies with farmer Michelle Brumfield in rural Yorkshire, England: delivering a five-minute video to a BBC correspondent 75 miles away in Skegness.
> The pigeon (carrying a memory card with a 300 MB HD video of Davies having a haircut) was pitted against an upload to YouTube via British Telecom broadband; the pigeon was released at 11:05 am and arrived in the loft one hour and fifteen minutes later while the upload was still incomplete, having failed once in the interim.
I second Arne's suggestion of Advent of Code for new languages
@PM2Ring The big question is whether such a system could support full Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP). One we've figured that out - that's a world I want to live in
They tried to kill off HTCPCP, but there was a huge backlash: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
> Around the time of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian military website mil.ru returned the HTTP 418 status code when accessed from outside of Russia as a DDoS attack protection measure.
Yup, and rightly so! I actually used it in the libraries I built at work where I was developing two coupled systems in python and java that both ran their own servers. It was a really tricky coupling to maintain in multiple places, so it made sense that they could detect there was a deployed version mismatch and throw 418. Worked perfectly.
@bit You definitely need to get comfortable with basic Python, doing "boring" string & number processing before venturing into image processing. We've had countless questions in this room from people who try doing advanced stuff in Python who don't have a solid foundation in the basics. It's frustrating on both sides. They're out of their depth, and we can only give them limited advice because they don't know the basics.
But when you're ready to do image stuff, take a look at Pillow. pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable It's the defacto standard Python lib for basic image stuff. The Pillow docs are ok, but they could be better organised...
It also helps to know some Numpy. For more advanced stuff, see Scikit-image scikit-image.org/docs/stable
2 hours later…
np.cumsum snickers in the last row of class xD
1 hour later…
@roganjosh I mean like extracting images from a binary file and using them drawing to draw pixels, as a start. Games would be cool too.
@PM2Ring I'm reading the official Python tutorial to get a solid foundation in the basics. That's my hope.
@roganjosh Something like this project: github.com/marksgraham/OCT-Converter
morning cabbages, folks. Hope everyone's doing alright. Seems there's a throat bug going around
5 hours later…
I've been... less than optimal in that regard, but not out of line for September at all.
2 hours later…
@inspectorG4dget Can you describe it? Might have it too
The advice the others gave is good. Also, when you say
trying to learn Python", what language(s) are you coming from, and what's like the most complicated thing you've programmed in those? [CodeReview.SE on the \[python\] tag](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/python) is always a good start tab to open with toue morning coffee, or whatever, for a quick 15-minute skim. You'll learn terms and concepts you don't yet know.
But, pick your own task and take a stab at implementing it.
And here are tons of image-related competitions on Kaggle. Pick an easy one for starters. It's useful to work on an old competition that's completed, because people will have shared code, notebooks, solutions writeups, discussions, EDA etc. (You can stll submit and score your submissions)
^^^ Apologies the browser somehow mangled my formatting edits.
2 hours later…
@smci Whilst CR has the tag, if bit is very new (doesn't understand operators and functions say) then CR may be too advanced. if you (@bit) post on CR feel free to ping me out of the blue and I'll look into writing an answer.

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