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@smci the way it was written and how it didn't answer the question. It was as if the user asked what css injection is and copied and pasted.
1 hour later…
@12944qwerty a) There's tons of human respondents who behave like that, though. b) I think it does answer "how to prevent", it just doesn't show code examples, and has an external link, which seems bad behavior
@NordineLotfi You write matrix code in native Python, not numpy/scipy?
@roganjosh Sounded like deepfake or April-Fool's fodder. What pranktastic things will people get up to on Apr 1, 2024?
@roganjosh, I don't wish to upset you, but...
"SO, as a company, strongly believes that the community... and the answers they share are what will ensure the success of AI’s future. We believe AI has evolved from being a tool of developers to being a part of the community itself. In 2024, we’re looking at how we can continue to enable developers and technologists by welcoming AIs into our ecosystem and providing paths for everyone to collaborate with AIs." stackoverflow.blog/2024/01/18/…
("I have been a good Bing. You have not been good humans...")
Hey I wonder if anyone's written a decent William Gibson parody, with GenAI or otherwise. I think the times call for that. (The Hallucination Engine? SnowValuationCrash? ...)
class GenericType(Protocol[T]):
def __getitem__(self, arg: T | tuple[T, ...]) -> Any: ...

generic_type = cast(GenericType[int], [])
generic_type[1, 2]
@Aran-Fey I can't think of a way. I think only typing has a monopoly on fake types (like Annotated and ClassVar)
2 hours later…
@smci yeah, I got inspired by the rosetta code version. I could do it in numpy, but when I saw it took more time since I don't know the equivalent numpy syntax for most things, thought it would be faster to write it like this
(I don't mean faster as in runtime performance, but faster as in, for me to write it)
3 hours later…
@NordineLotfi You might have struggled due to it being called Vogel not Voleg, so that won't help your search. For the VRP I work on, the closest approximation is using k-means to find preferential vehicles for initial assignment, but I've since binned all hope of clustering being of any use
All of the problems start with strict time windows, capacity constraints in various dimensions, vehicle constraints such as refrigeration and so on. So, problem initialisation is exactly the same as the solution algorithm, it's just that you start with 100% of jobs unassigned, not ~10% on each iteration (assuming you can accommodate all the jobs in the first place)
@NordineLotfi you're not alone in not finding real data. IIRC there is 1 day's worth of data for some paper that studied truck movements in Bosnia and that's literally it. When we were partnered with AWS we asked if they had any (that have a massive store of real data... for a price) and came up with nothing.
@roganjosh ah no, I did search for Vogel too as search term, but I misspelled it countless time since then, my bad
I found that using a bipartite graph visualization with either hungarian or vogel worked but it depend on the dataset. For vogel you need supply and demand data, and for hungarian, there some other caveat.
@roganjosh Yeah, and even the dataset I got from some client seemed to not be documented at all. I only could understand the first two column. The last two were hard to understand (they weren't in English and there multiple different translation for the last two column's name).
When I asked them what it was or the context, they just didn't know. I didn't ask where they got that dataset, but it's likely corporate since you can't find it anywhere
also thanks for pointing out I misspelled it...fixed it on the gist
by the way, did you ever used gurobipy solver? I tried it recently.
No, I've used PuLP and vaguely some others but not Gurobi. We had a single license at my old company but at £10k a pop, it wasn't exactly accessible
yeah, only tried the free trial. I guess this is technically just regression over constraint?
it's really slow too.
Gurobi is generally regarded as the fastest available (not just from their own claims)
hmm interesting
It's still possible for you to formulate problems in O(N^2) and above, so you might want to revisit that
got you, yeah this will be useful
Some of the examples of PuLP may help with formulation here. The sudoku example absolutely blows my mind. I generally use heuristic approaches but seeing that really makes me think I could incorporate linear programming on each iteration
nice, yeah it's a bit overkill to do this for sudoku (given you can do it much faster by using an heuristic or taking the rules into account) but this is a nice example
It's more the fact that it solves it in something like 0.01 seconds with no objective function
I mean I made a heuristic to solve sudoku in a similar timing once (I think it was faster but I need to try it again)
I would be very interested to see that if you come up with it. Perhaps it's just my mental map of the problem that makes it seem harder than it is
did it in 0.06577920913696289 but I didn't optimize it (and not using numpy or anything). Only import I had to use was time
The board is all zero because I was testing things, but it does it faster if there filled values.
Neat, thanks :)
with the board used in the doc for PuLP, took like Total steps taken: 52
and 0.07773685455322266
I guess it's my perception of how much I struggle with the less constrained problems in newspapers that made me think it was worse to solve than it actually is :)
If you want a really hard to solve problem, there is chess and go. The hard part is to know in advance the final result while taking into account the opponent's action.
Then again, there is a version of sudoku that have opponent support.
I'm not even going to try build a chess or go solver. I think that would consume my life
I was half way through for the go solver, but then I learned there multiple different version of the game with their own different or slightly different rules, so I took some time off from that
the hardest part for me isn't even the solver, it's the function that decide if you won or not, and that depends on your knowledge of the rules
(although the solver itself is fairly hard to implement, but that's beside the point)
"Fairly hard" is certainly an understatement since it took years for a full team to beat the games
3 hours later…
@NordineLotfi if you're interested, I've been packaging up a production scheduling optimiser demo for my team here. It ended up being mega-rushed over two days so needs some cleaning up and better docstrings etc. It's not a particularly difficult problem that it's set to solve but that's kinda the backbone of a simulated annealing approach
user_testing is the file to run it from as another aspect was trying to demo how to build packages and APIs, which my team has never done on account of the fabulous Databricks notebooks. Just don't run the solver with the default params and hope for a good convergence graph - that's part of the exercise :P
@roganjosh I saw it since I follow you on github, but didn't check it at the time. Thank you :)
this is well documented though. Especially for the design decision
I never used simulated annealing before but looking at the code, this reminds me heavily of memetic/genetic algorithm
Lol, so you must have seen my mad panic throwing commit after commit at it :P Note to self: don't give yourself 48 hours to build a solver package and hope to demo it to the team. Thank god I managed to finish it with an hour to spare for my second session - now I can have breakfast! :D
I did see that yeah. At the time I didn't see it as panic, but now that you mention it...
How many people have run across python seg faults? A friend of mine was creating a ctf and somehow got python seg faults lol
I've had PyPy segfault on me a few days ago, but that's probably not what you mean...
I only had a Python segfault once. And this was only because I was using both Pygame and Tkinter at the same time.
I don't know what I did since it's been a while, but I think I got a gist about this on my github
@MisterMiyagi it seems similar enough? I've never heard of pypy before so I wouldn't really know
2 hours later…
It's 2024 and programmers still struggle with file paths. I noticed that vscode sometimes doesn't highlight any errors in my code even though analysis is turned on. Turns out that happens when your files are on a mounted drive. You're working on G:\foo.py, but vscode somehow turns that path into \\server\data\foo.py. So it detects a million issues in \\server\data\foo.py, but none in G:\foo.py. >_>
Whatever happened to the salad language?
It was so popular last time I was active here that you didn't even have to scroll to find "cbg"

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