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@wjandrea re your answer edit, a table like that seems a bit excessive to illustrate the point. Maybe if there were several meaningful "rows" I could agree with it, but.
3 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel I wanted to reinforce your point more visually. The description is great, but it's a lot of words and asides, so I wanted to also summarize it. Plus I wanted to show how "normal" variables contrast with functions.
Maybe "illustrate" is the wrong word though. "In other words" might be better.
5 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel I see
@roganjosh I can kinda get it, visualizing a sliding window, but the thing is DP doesn't have a sliding window, it's an optimal method. So I'm not sure exactly how the jump works. I also think what you are describing is the min_size parameter no?
Or maybe what I don't get, if it says subsamling is, how does it subsample? Between each point it adds jump amount of points linearly spaced?
I think I described a combination of both parameters but I don't know how to differentiate between them exactly
Currently I set jump to 2, which seems to work better for my data, which could come from the fact, that I have relatively little points
@roganjosh haha yeah :D
The logic starts here
@roganjosh yeah, I tried to grok it yesterday, but recursion was never my thing :P Since I'm getting decent results with jump 2 I'm happy, understanding it was just my curiosity, but the source code doesn't help that much, without investing more time than I'm willing to :D
But what I got is that it's not subsampling ala interpolation, but more seeing into how many subproblems the problem can be divided
As far as I can understand that, jump only affects where the breakpoints may be located - on multiples of jump - in order to speed up the calculations for large series
@matszwecja That's what I thought too, it's just about speedup right? Since it says the solution is optimal
Obviously min_size changes what an optimal solution can look like, but jump is I think only a help for faster converges, but not sure
I think jump can affect solution as well
@matszwecja I'm 99% sure you're right, since I changed it from default 5 to 2 and got better results, so it can't be only about speed
It will be optimal in regards to possible breakpoints on multiples of jump.
So technically 1 should result in best solution
@matszwecja hmmm, my problem is the gaussian noise for some specific cases. I realized I have to solve the problem with a different approach. But yeah I think jump 1 should be the best
I think jump has more impact than min_size, which looks more like it's just a threshold to prevent jumps that are too small when the sequence is not a multiple of the jump value
But also would take twice as long as jump 2
@matszwecja that's fine I have very little datapoints. In the dozens per signal
But I'm also a bit vary of using the signal approach since it's more complicated, I would have to port it to C++ and also until now it doesn't work for all the cases :D For the cases where it works I found simpler heuristics
@roganjosh So to answer that, I think I couldn't use it in the end at all :D
That's a shame
The other thing I did think of was potentially HDBSCAN which wouldn't require you to pre-ordain how many clusters there are like k-means would. Once you cluster that way, you run it back over the data, categorise points by their cluster membership in sequence order and then look for rows where the cluster ID changes to find areas of separation
@roganjosh The thing is I now there should be 2 or 3 clusters so it's no big deal
The implementation in scipy is in Cython too, so I think you should be able to call into it from C++
Scikit-learn sorry, not scipy
scikit and scipy are the same thing in my head and I can't remember which functions are in which library :D
A question that's likely sufficiently silly I'm hesitant to ask it on the main site ...

If I have a list that looks like this: ````mylist = [(1,2,3),(3,4,5),(5,5,6)]````

How can I search for all elements for which the second element of the (bracketed number) is 2?
you want the index of the groups?
The expected return would be 0 in this case (first element)
[x for x in y if x[1]==2]
that's a good question for chatgpt
O_o I didn't think ChatGPT could answer questions like this
@Allure yeah, these kinds of style of questions are perfect for it, it can even do more complex ones
next(i for i, tup in enumerate(my_list) if tup[1] == 2) to get the index
1 hour later…
I've followed every tutorial I can find and it looks like the latest macbooks have made it impossible to remove the keys. All it takes now is a slight juice-based disaster and you're looking at a whole new keyboard or turn your fingertips into mini hammer heads :'(
Are there any function decorators in the stdlib besides functools.cache, lru_cache, wraps, and contextmanager?
classmethod and staticmethod are technically function decorators.
@typing.overload? (which doesn't really do much)
Indeed typing should have a few.
For background info, apparently the typeshed devs are struggling to annotate functools.cache correctly, and so I'm interested if there are any other decorators that might have the same problem
I don't know what exactly the problem is, mind you
Excuse me while I have a mental breakdown.
Annotating the functools caches is frigging hard.
So far, I've found out that cache, lru_cache, and wraps have incorrect annotations but contextmanager seems to be correct
Why though? What is it that makes it hard / harder than contextmanager?
Primarily that what you get back isn't a function anymore. So you need to capture some parts of the function but also weld other parts onto it.
In most other cases, you still have a function but it just produces a different result.
Hooooold on a minute, contextmanager returns a Callable?! I thought Callable meant... well, callable. Not callable and a method descriptor
The type system is a yammin' mess
Callable is directly connected to a red phone on the devil's desk.
I did some async lru_cache annotating last year and it wasn't exactly fun.
You did a better job than all the typeshed devs combined. Congratulations
The things one is willing to do for procrastination...
What is the purpose of import R as R in this?
That re-exports the name. Which admittedly isn't needed there.
Thanks, I was just curious :)
@MisterMiyagi I'll take "what dumb things do people do for typing?" for $500, Alex
@roganjosh yeah, pretty much 99% of the whole thing is soldered or made harder to remove/replace. They do this for 1. Planned obsolescence, 2. harder to repair yourself (since only the accredited professional repair shop that have the tool and rights on the know-how can do it). Some people still do it though, but good luck finding parts to replace (they also make it harder to get the parts unless you have a contract with them and sign multiple NDA)
then again, everything can be linked back to 1. which itself link back to "so that they buy a new one" or "get it repaired for 2x the original price"
@NordineLotfi Literally just managed to do it and cleaned half the keys. They tell you that you can't, they offer no cleaning services unless they feel they are at fault, so it's a replacement as far as they are concerned. You really have to push yourself beyond what I felt comfortable with until I could pop them off. I went with the § key first and braced for a really upsetting afternoon if it went wrong
And that's my procrastination time over with :) It's surprising what a difference it makes, though to have keys that you don't have to hammer to make them work, so maybe it was productive
@roganjosh that's cool :D I'm glad you got it, especially by yourself. I wouldn't see myself doing that for something that cost like 1k+ or more
1 hour later…
Does anyone make use of batch mode insertion using an SQLA engine? I'm finding the docs really confusing as to whether the query expansion is something I need to do manually or whether it's illustrating an automatic backend transformation
I'm assuming it's automatic as it hints that it picks a default batch size. This is gonna be fun to parameterize...
Welp, no, it blows up as expected. It doesn't automatically see a list and know it should expand the query. What confusing documentation
1 hour later…
Fixed it. Trying to mix data-modifying CTEs with the batch acceleration approach for atomic insertion leads to some clunky string work but at least my new-found paranoia about everything needing to be atomic is gone
2 hours later…
I found my first answer that was generated by chatgpt today. Took a long time for me somehow
1 hour later…
Interestingly I just got recommended a video of Linus talking about GPT. He would be one of the last people I thought of that would support it writing code
I want to create a type annotation GenericType[T] such that an instance of GenericType can be subscripted with a T or a tuple of Ts. The problem is that most generics are implemented via __class_getitem__, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to define a Protocol for that. Anyone got a clue?
This code should successfully type check in the end:
generic_type: GenericType[int]
generic_type[1, 2]
Actually, more importantly, this should type check:
generic_type1: GenericType[type] = typing.Tuple  # ok
generic_type2: GenericType[int] = typing.Tuple  # error
That's not gonna happen, is it
@12944qwerty Probably, but how do you know for sure?
1 hour later…
@Aran-Fey do you want to subscribe the type or the instance? for the latter, __getitem__ should suffice and you won't have to touch __class_getitem__.
The type, i.e. Tuple or tuple or Union or Callable or ...
@roganjosh I mean, he had some pretty questionable opinions in the past. Does not surprise me.
btw, since you do OR, I found myself making an implementation for the voleg approximation algorithm: gist.github.com/secemp9/5ba77d5664f5a1bd98d9eea42d2ebf4a (for a client). Don't know if anyone here or you would find this useful, but yeah
what I noticed is that there is no dataset I could find for transportation problem or voleg, or even just transportation and supply and demand dataset. Most of the ones I heard about were from corporation though...
I tried to look it up, but I didn't find any implementation except for Rosetta code (but it's in py2 and I think it had one or two more stuff beside print I needed to change).

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