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Is it just me or have the questions on SO gotten so much more advanced?
Obviously there are exceptions, but there is a trend I think
2 hours later…
Does returning a range compute it and then return the iterator or will it iterate like a regular range in a loop?
2 hours later…
@12944qwerty I mean, if you return the actual range without putting it in a list (consuming the iterator) then it's only range(x, y). If you consume the iterator though then it's going to be something like list(range(x, y)) where the actual result would be [?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ...]
so if you just return range(x,y) then you can just iterate over that normally. You can check if it's still returning an iterator correctly by using type() on the returned value
Ok, awesome.
2 hours later…
@12944qwerty Huh? Most questions I see in the feed are naive domain questions with little technical challenge. They are "advanced" because one has to drudge though tons of superfluous layers the OP didn't bother cleaning up because they only care about an answer.
3 hours later…
@12944qwerty Returning something returns the thing that you said to return, whatever it is. You should make sure you understand what range is and does; the question has nothing to do with return.
well, you also need to be aware that anything that can be entered into the "to iterate over" part of a for-loop is a first-order object, and thus could also be returned as-is from a function
(apropos of nothing here, just ranting) *grumble* When I was an undergrad university student taking a physics course, I actually had to understand how to use a computer
@Arne yeah, everyone always wants to skip the fundamentals these days, and pays dearly for it.
@smci sorry, I have been busy and I just saw your message about you answering my question. I did not see your message answering my question and I did not get a notification about it either, so sorry for the inconvenience.
@zoomingspeed You should have been pung by both the messages: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/6?m=56922647#56922647
@KarlKnechtel I mean, understanding that returning a range does not consume it does not mean it's unrelated as concepts
@Peilonrayz I was busy for the past two days, didn't have the chat open during those two and did not go on Stack Overflow. I checked today and there was no notification about my question except for him saying "you did not acknowledge my message"
Have you clicked the link I provided?
@Peilonrayz I can confirm receiving no pings or receiving them way later (and also only seeing them on specific part of the website, like when going to chat.stackoverflow.com) can happen
This is a known bug on SE at least (or inconsistencies?)
Pings will only be activated if you have the chat tab open, but you will get historical notifications on the main site anyway when you next visit. In any case, they have apologised so we can probably move on now, hopefully with @zoomingspeed understanding a bit more of our room culture without it being overbearing
@NordineLotfi "receiving them way later" we used to have a 'faster chat notification' settings in our main site profiles. But the setting seems to have gone, you may want to ask on Meta Meta what happened to the setting if you don't get notifications for extended periods of time. I have never heard of anyone saying "receiving no pings" before, if you can repo then you can report a bug on Meta Meta too.
Chat-related posts will receive basically no attention. I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than to go through the meta experience to try change something that's fundamentally futile
We don't have shared experiences wrt chat posts on Meta Meta.
The last post I raised was about how I can't properly load user profiles of new visitors now; if they've not been in the room before, some cache is missing and "view profile on SO" times out after 30 secs, but the loading spinner doesn't go away. I use this a lot as part of my RO stuff, but it ended in an argument in comments so I just deleted it.
@Peilonrayz ooh that message?
@Peilonrayz I can't think of one new feature in years?
@smci sorry about that, I spoke with somebody else (not in this chat) and I found out, my fault for not replying
@roganjosh We're talking about not right?
Yeah, it's a bug. There's been some regression in that query response time
there is no way
i edited my question for review 6 days ago and a moderator still hasn't reviewed it
Q: ModuleNotFoundError: No Module named "discord.utils"

zoomingspeedI am trying to debug my Discord bot on my laptop, but I cannot because for some reason my laptop thinks that discord.utils is not found as a module. I used to program my Discord bot with discord.py, before switching over to py-cord in order to get application commands. On my desktop computer (usi...

You can try sometime with something like this but with some anon user - (blank profile and something like user12345 as a name). There's no way of knowing it they've been cached before, but about 50% of them take maybe 10 seconds to load, and other times it just silently times out. Instead, my question got loads of comments about my internet connection (because I hadn't ever thought to check that first, obviously)
@zoomingspeed I can't see the question going in the reopen votes queue in the timeline.
@zoomingspeed a moderator doesn't review the questions like that. You need a number of reopen votes from the community.
Perhaps 3ks can't see non-completed ones. Which is odd as I thought anyone can see when the post goes in the queue.
I can't see anything relating to "reopen" in the history but I'll be honest, I don't know if that's a "registered event" as such
Going in the reopen queue is recorded in the timeline. E.g. codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288309/timeline
FWIW this is what I see. I don't really know what that invalidated line is about, but I don't see the queue tag like you showed
It does have 1 delv vote against it, I don't know if that makes a difference
I'm pretty sure "invalidated" means the post was closed before the review queue entry was completed.
Ah ok, thank makes sense, thanks
See the edit in Dec 4. It added the question to the reopen queue.
I shoulda gone to Specsavers :/
FWIW, I don't think the question is really answerable in the SO Q&A format. This is more appropriate for debugging it with some help, e.g. going through your setup (what what Python is used, what libraries are installed, ...) and runtime environment (what's the executable, where is discord loaded from, ...).
@MisterMiyagi Ah! I just tested on CR (where I'm a mod) and immediately after the [Added to review] entry I can see the reopen [review] (like the close vote one). However when logged out I can't see the reopen [review]. Seems like a bug :/
Oh you can see the review one the review is complete
There's a reason I moved those messages
Please let's not get back into old patterns. I have tried to be lenient with you but you've already had another warning from Andras and then you've been flagged with that post. I'm trying to be reasonable and you must surely have an intrinsic sense of what'll cause disruption so please engage that filter more
Heard you the first time.
random act of cbg
cbg :)
starts sweating
Ok, sorry, I can't keep it in.

Why is google flaunting "About 8 000 000 results" but then limits you to 100.
I come back to my favorite topic, but how can I check or try to find out all the exceptions that a line can throw?

pdb.runeval(expression, globals=None, locals=None)¶
I mean of course without running the line
Why "of course"?
I fail to see the practical application?
Just test it first through pbd
It's ok if you don't, just let somebody who does answer it
I'm not sure how python would be able to do such a thing since they're mostly errors at runtime? Are you asking for something to parse over mypy in real time?
Sorry, I'm not sure that even makes sense... just something with the docstrings that has a raises section
Maybe he's using generated code? and wants to select the line with the fewer potential errors?
was I disruptive?
Sure felt like I was.
I cannot change the way people view others in the room or how they interact with them, only try to keep the peace. The response to you was curt, but it wasn't outright rude, so there's nothing for me to do. You might have some reputation to make back up, I don't know
Oh nononono don't get me wrong I wasn't looking for your smite, oh mighty smiter.
just verbalizing my thoughts
Why (and on some level, how) would you check all potential errors thrown
and how is that not the definition of a debugger
picked my curiosity, got curt, then left
Hakaishin would have to answer that and perhaps there is something we don't see. They are a very frequent visitor so it could be any number of reasons that they left, likely totally unrelated to that interaction
We agree.
This is the first "faster python" example laid bare in the wild
It's... an unusual manifestation of the optimisation
*first example I have seen
I'm 101% still at the "as long as it works" stage.
but it's def interesting to see those little, negative? manifestations of the optimisation mechanisms
3 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel I know what range does, my question was if return would compute/consume it, which I now know it doesn't.
@MisterMiyagi Maybe it's just the experience and knowledge gap we have? For me they look and sound more advanced (though I guess technical is the better word here).
There isn't really anything to compute or consume there
The range object is "computed" when you instantiate it, and (an iterator over the range is) "consumed" when you iterate over it

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