@Combobulated I tried to find a solution for you, but I think it's a bug in tkinter. By default, resizable(False, False) only disable resizing the window if the window isn't zoomed/or fullscreen. If it's windowed, then it act as wanted.
One trick I tried was to make a non-fullscreen/non-zoomed window, then resize it to the same width and height as the screen/monitor, but with a difference against the height of the taskbar. Problem with that is, the taskbar isn't correctly (even with ctypes/win32 api) reported on Win10 based on testing.
Another last thing I tried is to only use the size of the title bar of the tkinter window, since for some reason, when manually doing the difference against the height of the screen, it somehow correlated with the size of the title bar, always
problem then occurred with getting the right size of the tile bar since it change based on DPI being scaled or not...but I kinda managed to make it work, at least when manually setting the difference
the main problem with this trick is then to position the window at the same position as the screen, since it move the window on creation a bit to the left/right.
also, feel free to discuss/ask about this on the tkinter room if you want.
@NordineLotfi I just noticed I meant to say "By default, resizable(False, False) only disable resizing the window while shoving the taskbar if the window isn't zoomed/or fullscreen. If it's windowed, then it act as wanted.". Didn't had my coffee yet...