@duhaime it's important to understand the underlying terminology. Permutations and combinations are both fixed length; permutations show all reorderings, while combinations only contain elements in the original order. A powerset is essentially all combinations, of all possible lengths. If you also want them reordered (permutations of all lengths), you need to build it yourself.
If i check the checkbox, it starts a function that prints the data, including score_home which is a list of numbers in a dictionary, for example (score_home=[0, 1, 1, 5]):
Info_Matchs(tournament='NHL', date=8.1, round=9, clock='15:00', score_home=[0, 1, 1, 5])
and other matchs....
@Takao貴男 You might want to take a look at the MRE help page to increase your chances of getting help. Your problem can be summarised as "replace a list when a function runs". That doesn't need dataclasses, that doesn't need a GUI and that especially doesn't need a database.
@Takao貴男 I agree with the above said, if you strip down the code and get the basic parts of it and make an example, it will make it much easier for people to help. I am sure you can reproduce a smaller version of this without the need of a database. If you are lucky, in the process of making an MRE, you will end up finding the solution yourself.
What's the point of the py.typed file? Why am I forced into a boolean state of "no type checking" or "yes type checking"? Just look at the code and extract whatever type annotations you find, yammit
peps.python.org/pep-0561 discusses py.typed at length. I don't understand most of it, but it seems to boil down to "type checking software needs to know if your package should be type-checked, and py.typed gives it a definite answer"
Maybe they made it intentionally difficult to opt into "yes type checking" for political purposes. Maybe typing-related PEPs get a lot of scrutiny from the faction that is fearful of a future where type annotation is mandatory. The more opting-in you have, the less they'll complain.
And by "it's difficult to opt into for political purposes" I mean "(it's difficult to opt into) for political purposes" rather than "it's difficult to (opt into for political purposes)"
My guess is they probably did that to prevent a clash between the IDE and others general type hinter (eg: pylance, mypy), and force their own behavior/rules. There might be some more implementation detail on some google group or some such hmm
I mean, remember how you had to use type ignore a lot of times? Imagine someone doing the same on their own package after the fact, because they didn't take into account they had to support XYZ type hinters like mypy, etc.
@Aran-Fey Depends. When you're dealing with concrete types I would definitely say yes. If you are dealing with parametrised types then we're quickly in "oh my god no, please make it stop, argl....!!!!11" territory.
Because MyPy will torture you endlessly with "expected tuple[Foo, Foo], got tuple[Foo, ...]"
In a way, type hints could be considered similar to regex, if you don't compare the syntax. In a regex, you have to take into consideration not just what it matches to, but also what it could also match unto but that you don't want to, or make it not match on something very specific. I guess type hints is a bit easier to read though, but still easy to get lost in it
@MisterMiyagi Not too sure how that would happen. This is only an issue if the type annotations in the code are wrong, isn't it?
I don't see a reason to operate on the assumption that existing annotations are wrong per default. Chances are that the majority of them are correct. Would you really rather treat everything as Any/Unknown just because some of the annotations may be wrong?
@Aran-Fey I'm guessing this isn't done based on that assumption alone, but also based on the cognitive load of detailing every needed or possible behavior.
not that I know that much about type hinting, aside from stuff I saw on github issues and this room...
@Aran-Fey I don't think that's what this does? As I mentioned above, this probably use the custom behavior/rules if there is a py.typed file, otherwise, it might just use the IDE or type hinting extensions only.
@Aran-Fey In my case (asyncstdlib) the partial types meant you would get partial inference, meaning outright wrong conclusions by the type checker, meaning oftentimes Any would have been better. There isn't much point to checkers if you must ignore 90% of reports.
@Aran-Fey Incomplete as well. Overloading is a major issue (as otherwise tuples degrade as above, and similar) and I got bitten a couple of times by variance rejecting things that would have been fine.
If a module has type annotations but no py.typed, the type checker pretends it doesn't have any typing information for that module ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@MisterMiyagi Still, isn't type checking the whole reason why you had type annotations in the first place? If you've put effort into writing annotations, why wouldn't you want them to be used for type checking? If they're in use, at least you'll be alerted to the mistakes and able to fix them. In what situation would you write type annotations, but not create the py.typed file?
At the start type annotations for asyncstdlib were only enough to help the IDE along with checking/completing each function/class internally. Actually using them would often make the type checker throw a fit.
Checking the PR that introduced py.typed, the major changes all were for @overloads to make it possible to pass valid argument types.
I guess I can sort of understand the need to say "I'm still in the process of adding typing information, so a lot of these annotations are wrong", but then there should be a mechanism that lets you opt out of type checking, instead of forcing everyone to opt in
@MisterMiyagi thanks. I still feel like the python ecosystem could really benefit from a standard that allowed for static API declarations in a package. it would make safely updating so much easier.
My experience was that, once I started adding annotations (specifically return types), mypy would start picking through the types, even without py.typed file. There are also .pyi files that may help with @Arne 's question about static API declarations.
@Riya I'm using this pattern after I was bitten once dropping schemata where I couldn't programmatically recover access permissions. If you're working locally it probably doesn't matter, but never harms to assume that any code may eventually run in production.
the answer you linked states "If your models do define the complete schema, there is nothing simpler than drop_all/create_all" which I guess what she already does
it's not super wrong, but clearing all tables is different from drop + recreate, because the recreation, as in my case, may not include metadata such as access permissions
@Arne hmm, "never harms" might be wrong, it does cost time and energy. maybe "if the code makes it into a prototype, good chances it will eventually go live".
@MisterMiyagi Possibly. But there we're talking about people hacking away in their IDE, not about module developers who've added type annotations to their code. Pretty sure those people generally want types to be on...
I worked on a prototype project year before last, and intentionally incorporated a poison-pill that would make it production unworthy. That probably dropped the likelihood of "just deploy the prototype to production" somewhat (though that probably never goes all the way to 0).
I used an environment (AWS Lambda + API Gateway) that our corporate deployment process did not support (at the time) and used a hacky CSV file (with littletable) for the "database".
If it worked (or maybe it did?) are you taking ownership of moving it forwards?
I'm just curious about how this works as you're in a lot bigger tech business than me. I'm wondering whether the gatekeeper model works or how it works
@Aran-Fey I'm a bit guessing here, but the sentiment just comes up a lot. Even though I know a lot about typing, supporting proper types on a publicly used library was a conscious step for me. I would consider types to be part of the "public API", so making them official increases the development and maintenance burden with no way back.
doesn't look like a hobby project to me, but I could be wrong
@Aran-Fey the "no arbitrary code execution" part will be hard. I think most of the existing library might just use eval, exec or ast.literal_eval behind the hood
I mean, how would deserialize a string into code without doing that? Maybe by saving the whole object instead of converting it to a string I guess. But then pickle would comes to mind hmm
if trust wasn't an issue, I would have recommended using sqlite3 as a dict, like I did here.
@NordineLotfi Looks alright, thanks. Pretty inconvenient though - seems to only work with dataclasses, requires another silly decorator, and adds methods to my classes that I don't want. Ideally, I'd like something where I can just do library.dump(obj, file) and obj = library.load(file)
(Maybe obj = library.load(file, MyClass) if necessary)
@Aran-Fey you could probably use dataclasses_json.DataClassJsonMixin.to_dict(obj) and then use that as a json. It would be better than using a decorator, at least for dumping. Still looking around for a method/function to load it back as a dataclass though
@Aran-Fey I've tested littletable with dataclasses, dumping to and from CSVs and JSON. It's pretty lightweight. A Table is really just a glorified list, with some index support (and CSV import/export, full text search, tabular output, and some other stuff).
@Aran-Fey bit late, but have you seen docs.pydantic.dev? is a bit more than just a single call to use, but the validation (on deserialisation) can be important
Yeah, I'm not really a fan of pydantic, or anything that forces you write your classes in a special way just because you want to store them for that matter. I don't want to go through my code base and add inheritance from PointlessModel or @pointless_decorator everywhere, nor do I want it to add methods (like .dict()) to my classes.
Maybe I should just suck it up and use it anyway, but I really really dislike the boilerplate and forced bad program design
Imagine if you couldn't json.dump something unless it inherited from JsonSerializable. Why exactly is everyone ok with this?
How it ties the method of serialization to the class. What if I want to serialize an object of a 3rd-party class that doesn't inherit from BaseModel? What if I want to use multiple serialization protocols, but both of them want to add their stupid .dict() method to my class?
Imagine you have a 99% finished project, and now you have to store some data on disk. Why on earth do you have to go through the whole code base and add (BaseModel) to every class definition? What an absolute joke
for the record, I have dealt with pydantic a lot over the past few years, and did some serious deep-dives into the source code a number of times. So in my not-so-humble opinion, Aran is absolutely right. pydantic has, at its very core, a few horrid horrid design decisions that make it a massive pain.
unfortunately, runtime assertions for type annotations is mostly a mountain of code, and two mountains of edge cases, and no other project went through all that work. and since I really want that feature, I have to accept pydantic's design.
@aeiou it lends itself to overly abstract your code, which makes it hard to read and hard to debug. two of the things you least want to be hard in any project that's supposed to not be thrown away after a year.
but I mean, any "well written" paradigm is probably better than any other one.
hello all, beginner question for python , i'm tying to see if there is a way to assign default values to instance variables in my __init__method and if there is anything provided with the **kwargs during object initiliazation/creation then override the default value. i wasn't sure what is the best way or if python has a built in way of setting default values
one can add link to userprofile there in resume or any other website, but stating you work for a company (SO) in case, is wrong, in my opinion. like go to linkedin, search linkedin, see people. there are amany people who are not there who work for it
@Arne - i have lot of values, more than 20 that i initialize . in my init method , i have self.var1 = 'somevalue', which works but i wanted to allow users , a way to override them if they need to
you got a slew of options then, with the first one being "that's a lot of state for a single class, are you sure you're Doing It Right?"
and the next one being .. ah, Kevin'd by Aran
and the one after that would be doing nothing, because your users can just update your instance at runtime. Don't like the value of my_instance.a? Just go like my_instance.a = "something else"
@sahasrara62 I understood what you meant. I don't know exactly what kind of situation you observed, but I understood the situation simply as: I work as a volunteer to help poor people. So the situation with SO would be, for example: I work as a volunteer answering posts on SO (help people).
@Marco well volunteer work should be come in the volunteer section there, not in work section (unless SO gave job to that person). But anyway, if in any way it helps them it's good.