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Hello, in pyqt5 for a QToolBar how can i make a QAction to be not like a simple QPushButton but like a QToolButton?
Hmm, i use QToolButton instead of QAction, addWidget instead of addAction and also self.play_now_toolbutton.setPopupMode(QtWidgets.QToolButton.MenuButtonPopup) self.play_now_toolbutton.setAutoRaise(False)
1 hour later…
Is there a performance difference if I re-order np array dimensions?
That is, currently I have an array like so np.zeros((7, 2, 512, 512, 2, 120))
I believe that in some languages like Matlab, performance is better to have larger dimensions first, like np.zeros((512, 512, 120, 7, 2, 2))
Is that true for Python too?
interesting premise
from the get go, i'd speculate that performance shouldn't matter on elementwise operations. atleast i can't fathom why it would. but performance probably has some effect for matrix multiplications perhaps?
when you say matlab performance is better with larger dimensions first, is it for all operations including elementwise?
either ways, i don't know to be honest. just intrigued.
To be honest, I'm not 100% certain myself why it matters in Matlab. I heard it had something to do with memory allocation but I find it a little unusual myself, too
Here's some relevant background info: Internal memory layout of an ndarray
hm, it might actually have an affect for even elementwise operations. so, based off of your prompt, i now recall that it's slower to jump in memory rather than have a contiguous block of memory when iterating through it. that's probably what you're seeing
i remember that python allows you to choose column major layout too, though the default is row major iirc
hey PM. yep, so yeah, it might depend on the operation, but the memory layout can have an impact
im back to thinking that elementwise ops should probably not care
If your operation has to scan through the elements of the array, it's beneficial to have contiguous segments of the array(s) that can fit in the cache(s). But Numpy is flexible, so you can tell it whether you want your array to be row-major, column-major, or some other scheme that makes sense for your application.
OTOH, using a bunch of different schemes can make your code harder to read. So it makes sense to choose one primary scheme, and stick with it as much as is practical. Of course, you may need to read data that's organised as column major but your output format is designed for row major.
Okay! Thanks guys! Very insightful :)
Should go without saying that don't prematurely optimize :)
5 hours later…
any help on this one
@NaveenPandia please see our room rules particularly in regards to waiting 48 hours before bringing questions here if it's not been answered
1 hour later…
Q: how to write @token_required function using sqlalchemy core?

Naveen PandiaI've written a function to get user details of logged in user using uid(uuid) but how to add @token_required functionality for this after user logged in? As I've seen in most of the resources people have done it using normal sqlalchmey but I've implemented this using SqlAlchemy core. I'm new to t...

any leads?
This is a typo: str_sql = text("""SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = uid""", {"uid": uid}). You aren't parameterizing uid
It should be = :uid
Though, saying that, I'm not sure if that would run if you didn't have it correct in your actual code. uid would probably have to be in quotes to be a string literal
Actually, no, it would run. It'll select every row since the value is being compared to itself
:55440911I'm getting this as I'm passing uid value through POSTMAN sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError: (sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError) A value is required for bind parameter
[SQL: SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = %s]
Because now you've dropped the actual uid you wanted to pass
Back to your previous code it needs to be str_sql = text("""SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = :uid""", {"uid": uid}). Literally just that added colon
isn't that braced wrongly again
In what way?
it's supposed to be text("""SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = :uid""").bindparams(uid=uid)
or pass in the text() part into execute and then pass in the map
@roganjosh I've made those changes but the problem persists
or am I just not finding that part of the docs
Ah, perhaps that's because it's text as opposed to c.execute()
text isn't something I use, so your approach is probably correct
valid is according to the examples in the docs

but I can't see
c.execute(text(a ,{"p":param}))
in there
Suppose one user has logged in now I want to fetch that user details using uid but how to add @token_required functionality for the same.

coz onlylogged in user must be given permission to access that rouye
This is what I've done :
@app.route('/users/<uid>', methods=['GET'])
def profile_view(uid):
conn = engine.connect()
str_sql = text("""SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = :uid""", {"uid": uid})
results = conn.execute(str_sql).fetchall()
return users_scehma.dump(results)
@PeterT this way also we can implement this
I don't see that form in the api reference docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/core/… where did you see that?
that has it like the examples I posted, as parameters to execute or to bindparams, not as a parameter to text
@NaveenPandia please re-read Peter's comments
there used to be a version deprecated in 0.9 and removed in 1.4, but that has to have a named parameter:

stmt = text("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=:id",
bindparams=[bindparam('id', value=5, type_=Integer)])
The bottom line, text just doesn't seem to do anything but complicate this example unless I'm missing something
You just need result = conn.execute("""SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = :uid""", {"uid": uid})
: this thing worked but as I added @authorize required it is giving

"The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong
credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn&#39;t understand how to supply the credentials required.
def authorize(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kws):
if not 'Authorization' in request.headers:

user = None
data = request.headers['Authorization'].encode('ascii','ignore')
token = str.replace(str(data), 'Bearer ','')
user = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithms=['HS256'])['sub']

return f(user, *args, **kws)
return decorated_function
In the second abort(401) call, is there anything you can do to display information about the exception that occurred?
If you can see the console while your web app is running, perhaps a simple print call:
    user = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithms=['HS256'])['sub']
except Exception as ex:
@NaveenPandia please see our formatting guide for chat as indentation is important - without it we can't give meaningful feedback
I know there's a way to print the complete stack trace, but I always forget the syntax
import traceback
That's the one, thank you :-)
I'm tempted to recommend removing the try and except entirely, and letting the exception crash the process in a loud and diagnosable way. But I'm not sure how Flask would react to that
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/[email protected]/Documents/GitHub/flask-demo/app.py", line 74, in decorated_function
user = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithms=['HS256'])['sub']
File "/home/[email protected]/Documents/GitHub/flask-demo/myenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jwt/api_jwt.py", line 168, in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(
File "/home/[email protected]/Documents/GitHub/flask-demo/myenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/jwt/api_jwt.py", line 120, in decode_complete
One possible reaction: the framework will catch the error, print nothing to stdout, and write the exception details to a log file in a directory you've never heard of. This is a scenario I encounter frequently in my day job
Aha, a DecodeError. Much more descriptive than a 401. Progress :-)
stackoverflow.com/questions/62899143/… looks relevant, although I don't really understand any of it
@Kevin I'm going through that .. let me check if it works
@Kevin It worked but It is giving user_detail for every user not taking login for consideration :-)
1 hour later…
Unrelated topic: I wrote this code without understanding at any point what I was doing. It works. This worries me. pastebin.com/raw/VTKMtYYH
It worked.. Thank you so much for your help!! learned a lot from you guys @Kevin @roganjosh @PeterT
@Kevin I would be more worried if you understood it right away!
"Seems easy enough to me, it's all just monoids in the category of endofunctors"
For anyone else who didn't get that reference, this is the funniest thing I've read in awhile. james-iry.blogspot.com/2009/05/…
1 hour later…
{'payload': '{\n "dob": "2022-06-07 00:00:00",\n "email_address": "[email protected]",\n "id": 2,\n "password": "sha256$QD6YN6XIiCEwCDmJ$4f94e5bfc584f4c1cb1d58c1fb14cdd87131c76114e81f7c42e565645d9b9924",\n "uid": "3322b2ba64eb4c88baa4f67759c180c3",\n "user_name": "Pratik"\n}'}

if I do "if uid == data['payload']['uid']:"
Im getting this error

TypeError: string indices must be integers
seems like you didn't parse the json yet
so payload contains a string that has a json format
@PeterT yes
nested dictionary
not just nested dictionary, doubly encoded
if uid == data['payload']['uid']:
conn = engine.connect()
str_sql = text("""SELECT * FROM user WHERE uid = :uid""").bindparams(uid=uid)
results = conn.execute(str_sql).fetchall()
return users_scehma.dump(results)

return jsonify({'Message': 'Login Required'})
should do it, but I'd try and see if maybe you can't remove the indirection
@PeterT it is working .. but I didn't get what you'e done here
you have a string inside payload right? You can't just treat a string like it's json data
you need to decode/parse it first
#when you do
s = "myrandomstring data: here"
#then you wouldn't expect it to magically work
and know how to parse your format that you invented in your string
@PeterT got it.. Thank you... I've to work on conceptual part of data parsing
1 hour later…
Ohh, the return value of the continuation is meaningful. [my third eye opens just a little]
This may be the first time in history that a continuation returned
Oh, have I invented a new concept? Let's call them kontinuations.
Hmm, judging by the wikipedia article it seems like I had the wrong idea about continuation passing. Unless those haskell examples are purely for educational purposes. I didn't think it's something you would manually implement in a high-level language, just like you wouldn't implement a call stack
plus = lambda a: lambda b: lambda cont: cont(a+b)
x = plus(2)(3)(plus)(5)(plus)(7)
x(print) #17
Now suppose you add ` and None` to the end of the first line. Then the code will crash with TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable. This implies that the return value of plus is meaningful; and since the return value of every plus is equal to the return value of some cont, then the return value of each cont is also meaningful.
I believe it's possible to add four numbers even with the ` and None` design, but it would look different.
plus = lambda a: lambda b: lambda cont: cont(a+b) and None
x = lambda cont: plus(2)(3)(lambda a: plus(a)(5)(lambda b: plus(b)(7)(cont)))
x(print) #17
Re: "[not] something you would manually implement". That's my impression too. I gathered that they're a nice intermediary target for compiler writers. Parse your actual language into a continuation-filled form that borders on unreadable, then convert that into machine code.
I'm only manually implementing it now because it seemed fun
Hmmm. I guess it's kind of a grey area. At a low (compiler) level, there would be no such thing as "returning", since the program would use CPS instead of a call stack. But at a high (code) level, you can still argue that plus(2) "returns" a function
Makes sense. I'm guessing that it's easier to convert continuation-filled expressions to machine code if you can ignore all return values.
That's a bit of an unfortunate acronym, now that I think about it. It's the same as Child Protective Services. I guess a call stack is more child friendly?
as long as the stack is properly secured and will not topple over onto the child
I'm curious if you can add four numbers without using return values and without using lambdas. Anonymous inline function declaration comes with its own share of headaches.
Hey all, does python have anything idiomatic for "none of the elements are True", I am looking for none(i > 20 for i in range(10)) == True
not any(...)?
its that simple huh, I could have sworn I thought about that, thanks for quick reply
Consider also all(i <= 20 for i in range(10)). De Morgan's law handily gives us a choice of two valid styles
so I just negate the condition and put inside an all?
Thanks, both look easier to remember, but the real challenge is, will I remember after a couple months
I would surely know what it does, but I will have to remember this is actually none
Well, if you forget in a couple months, ask about it again and we'll answer it again :-P
heh, if only I could upvoting ~~comments~~ (chat) gave you guys rep
I hate markdown, I think I have a handle on this, and the strike does not work
Strikethrough might be... triple hyphen? testing
I will surely ask this in a couple months lmao
anyone snuck in some exception groups in their code yet?
I'm reading the docs rn and I'm already annoyed that the first parameter for ExceptionGroup is a message
I did not understand the entirety of that PEP, but to me it felt like it benefits library code rather than users of said library
with that said, this is basically a feature I would not use
3.11 is out, so you can read the official docs now instead of the PEP
wow, that is relatively easier to comprehend than the PEP
@NaveenPandia please note that I sent you a link to our formatting guide for chat. It's on you to ensure you follow that guide as it's not fair on other room members to keep posting unformatted code
There is a sandpit in the link to practice in. If I keep seeing unformatted code, I will start removing it. As it is, you got answers so it's not appropriate for now, but I will move it in future
2 hours later…
Is there a nice way to check if a directory is empty or do I seriously have to write if next(dir_path.iterdir(), None) is None:?
don't know about what could be nice, but for shortest I found: stackoverflow.com/a/70763308/12349101
Pretty dumb that os.listdir is the shortest, most readable, and most inefficient way to do it
Wait, actually iterdir() is even worse. That also loads the whole list of files and sorts it
That's it, I'm writing my own Path class that uses os.scandir
Hmm, seems I was wrong about iterdir(). listdir() does the sorting
But iterdir() uses listdir() under the hood, so it's still inefficient
I can't imagine the class wouldn't contain a child counter...
what's the avoidance on pathlib?
Not sure what you mean
I mean - why don't you use libraries designed to make your life easier for these things?
sum(1 for element in Path(dir_path).glob('*') if element.is_file())
Is that really better than next(dir_path.iterdir(), None) is None?
If you know any libraries that can do this nicely, I'm all ears. Currently the "best" option seems to be not os.listdir(dir_path), which is slow because my path is on a network
Aside from the host of pathing crap that usually comes with not using a clean path support utility... it enables a lot of filtering.
You don't have to have a fancy one-liner, i suggest not, infact, for readability.
but I find it cleaner for something like Function vs Method use.
as for the network....that's a different optimization problem, and "native os package vs other wrapper" is relatively inconsequential in that issue.
consider options for pre-processing function to help ease your response time, if it's that necessary.
re: network path
I really have no clue what kind of pre-processing you have in mind, or how using a (different?) library would make my life easier
not sure since I've no idea what your timing needs are - something like cache your network folder scan may be an option.
There are multiple users accessing (and modifying) the same folder, so caching is out of the question
Anyway, I'll get some sleep. Rbrb
Are you connecting through a mapped drive on windows or something?
I'd check into if you have indexing going on.

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