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@exenlediatán Please don't ask here for help on fresh questions from the main site. See our room rules for details.
@MisterMiyagi FWIW, that image is a chat built-in. Try posting this is fine
2 hours later…
@KarlKnechtel They have different behaviours on subtypes. object is just the bottom type (everything else is a subtype) while Any is both bottom and top type (everything else is both sub- and superclass). The latter is needed for a truly “don’t care” placeholder.
2 hours later…
It's pretty rare that Any would be used anywhere that isn't covariant though
x: Callable[[int], None] = lambda a: None
y: Callable[[object], None] = x  # error
z: Callable[[Any], None] = x  # no error
You can express "I need a function that takes 1 input and I don't care what kind", but... why would you?
I think print and similar would take Any, no?
Hm, no, they just take object. No need for subtyping on them.
TBH I mostly use Any as placeholders when correct typing is not possible in a specific place. For example, the implementation of my async min takes key: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None because the type may-or-may-not depend on the iterable.
There's a bunch of @overloads for the most interesting cases before that. Typing is fun....
Yeaahhh, python's typing requires so much boilerplate, it's the opposite of pythonic
Hey all, is logging (using loguru) inside an async context manager going to affect performance / block the event loop? As in, is there a reason I must log outside of the context manager? Code as follows
async def foo(a, b):
    async with get_db_connection() as conn:
        result = await get_from_db(conn, a)
        if result:
            values = bar(result.values)
            if b in values:
                await remove_from_db(conn, a)
                await update_to_db(conn, a)
                logging.info('removed and updated')

async def foo(a, b):
    async with get_db_connection() as conn:
        result = await get_from_db(conn, a)
        if result:
            values = bar(result.values)
the actual get, remove, update are straightforward sqlachemy wrappers for what you expect them to do (get, remove, update - not intensive queries), should I really go out of my way to do if result and b in values: and then log? I was told so
If you move it out of the context manager then it'll just block the event loop later. What's the benefit of that?
the db connection is not hostage anymore?
we are running into connection limits, and I was told to refactor all in the "second way" as I have shown, I am not sure if this would really help that
Hmmm. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. I think the code after the async with will be executed immediately anyway, before any other async code gets a chance to run
I guess it makes sense if the context manager does multiple things. For example, say it closes 2 databases. Then the 1st db will be closed earlier, but for the 2nd one it (probably) won't matter
you make a fair point, is there a sure fire way I can figure this? my last option is to bombard it with 1k calls and check
in this case, the context manager I have shown is a wrapper around sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker the engine only has one DB
I'm actually not sure how you'd go about testing this... I'm trying, but I've rewritten my code 3 times already...
I was thinking on calling it till I get this exception, this is what usually shows up in logs github.com/MagicStack/asyncpg/blob/master/asyncpg/exceptions/…
I think this covers all the bases... in which case I was right, nothing happens between "DB closed" and "Async with exited"
so the create_tasks with n=0 is run (completed) after the logging / print
@Elysiumplain And the side effects being exactly what?
It would be great to know why you shouldn't use something, instead of saying "that thing you are using will have side effects".
thank you @Aran-Fey i will figure out how your proof works
1 hour later…
what is the fkign worst reason you will chose python3.6.9 with django 2.1.4 at present when you have full freedom to use latest versions in your project. and the project only run in docker and not in mac m1 chip
and only one thing in readme file is do run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt and boom complete and run the project , when nothing is install or a lot of dependency error
2 hours later…
a = [1,2,3](2,8)

Does anyone guess what the output is and why?
@AddWebSolutionPvtLtd I'm missing the joke.
I'll go with 'list' object is not callable
I like the idea of a joke whose setup is a line of code that crashes. Plenty of humor is based on an initially nonsensical premise. For example, "why was six afraid of seven?". Preposterous! Numbers are not sentient* and so would not be capable of fear.
I will add "funny syntax error?" to the big witch's cauldron in my subconscious, where my attempts at wit are percolated. See if I come up with anything in the next 3-5 weeks.
More attempts to make sense of continuation passing. pastebin.com/w2z9egUT Still waiting for the secrets of the universe to be revealed to me.
fib(11)(print) fails with a RecursionError, which suggests a remarkably bad use of call stack space
hey all! I have a question which is kind of on border, maybe this isn't the right place, but I'll try. I'm having Flask app, which listens on :5000 port, which I've sent to background from terminal with Ctrl+Z, then I've started another one "python app.py". And it looks like it started listening on the same port, governed by some wsgi server. So how is that possible that two processess are listening to the same port and how to debug such problems?
@AlexBender did you just suspend with ctrl+z or did you also run in the background with bg?
just suspend
well then it can't listen to connections, can it?
Later I forgot that there is a process, and started server again, and surely frontend part wasn't able to talk to backend part. It wasn't able to send data back, but connections wasn't dropped as well
to be able to detect a dropped connection you need either a timeout or active participation from other end, if the other end just disappears it wont't automatically get detected if you don't send new requests
@Kevin Let's see... using functions as continuations... functions only have 1 argument... and the whole thing is done in python? That's an impressive pile of bad decisions :P
that's right, but I basically have 2 questions:
- why new proccess is able to be started
- how to debug such problem, that there is a hidden listener
If you are on Linux you might want to use lsof to check whether the suspended process still owns the port.
The new process probably uses SO_REUSEADDR. If you want to detect of a non-closed connection was active on that port, don't provide that option
also, you can listen to the same port on a different host, if you didn't use a catch-all
(some may also use SO_REUSEPORT but that seems unlikely)
yes, if I know that there is a suspended process. My scenario is
I run a new server, ( which is on top of the sleeping one, I forgot about this sleeping one ) and I can't get any response
> If you want to detect of a non-closed connection was active on that port
could you elaborate a bit?
if you try to open a port without SO_REUSEADDR, then it will fail if the connection wasn't properly closed
ok, got it. Thanks for help!
Is there a way to explicitly pass a class instance to a classmethod, without using super?
class Foo:
    def foo(cls):
class Bar:
Foo.foo(Bar)  # doesn't work
If you know exactly which class the function is defined in, you can do vars(Foo)['foo'].__get__(None, Bar)(). Or something like that, I didn't test it
Could you make Bar a child of Foo?
@Kevin In my actual code, Bar is a grand-child of Foo, and I want to skip over the classes between them.
Or maybe something like Foo.foo.__func__(Bar)
@Aran-Fey that was it!
>>> Foo.foo.__func__(Bar)
many thanks! <3
Alternatively, if you know what the last class is that you want to skip, something like super(LastClassToSkip, Bar).foo() (again, untested)
If Bar's parent / Foo's child doesn't override foo, then there's nothing to skip
class Foo:
    def foo(cls):
class Qux(Foo):
class Bar(Qux):
Bar.foo() #output: Bar
Yeah, the issue is that they all override foo
As I feared!
The joys of working with classes that aren't intended to produce instances, and the class-definition is just abused to declare something
Aran's alternative approach works, btw
class Foo:
    def foo(cls):
class Qux(Foo):
    def foo(cls):
        print("[Qux override]", cls.__name__)
class Bar(Qux):
super(Qux, Bar).foo() #Bar
I blame dataclasses
Abusing class definitions to declare something is a semi-convenient way to implement namespaces. Which, as we all know, is one honking great idea
That's not what I expected to hear after "classes that aren't intended to produce instances" O.o
@Kevin i was still busy trying to understand what happens there, so I never tried it. The second one was a lot more intuitive. silly me was only looking for __wrapped__, and I wasn't finished looking at all the other dunders
I guess "declare something" is a bit vague
.. is abused to declare a de-facto instance / stateful object
Buyer beware: finding LastClassToSkip can get hairy if you have diamond inheritance. But I guess you could just look at Bar.__mro__...
> diamond inheritance
got that too, so I'm just hard coding the base class. in this mess I'm writing, that should hardly stand out as far as bad practices go =)
Would it be too much work to split the class(es) in two? I.e. separate the part you want from the part you don't want
I don't suppose you could rewrite all implementations of foo so they cooperatively pass control to Foo if the caller asks nicely
class Foo:
    def foo(cls, use_root=False):
        print("[Foo]", cls.__name__)
class Qux(Foo):
    def foo(cls,use_root=False):
        if use_root:
            print("[Qux override]", cls.__name__)
class Bar(Qux):
Bar.foo(True) #output: [Foo] Bar
I wonder if you could do something with metaclasses. I am scared to pursue the idea further.
hmm, that might be a way. not exactly that way, but having the option to pass information to parents
@Aran-Fey there is a good reason why that won't work, but it would be too large to fit the margin max char count
Well just post 2 messages then :P
Ok, no, I'm curious but not that curious
I just started writing the "short version" of the explanation, confident that it should fit into the character limit
spoiler, it did not.
anyway, said short version is that I'm using this lib to write schemata. Because our data pipeline was designed with lots of creative freedom, the schemata all build on each other. Read, the inheritance tree looks like the house of Habsburg's.
Because inheritance can only add and never remove attributes, I use a classmethod as a hack to do that. And before I commit that code to the repo, I want to make sure that I have at least the option to decide which of their parents' attribute deletion gets called and which ones don't.
makes sense? =D
So basically, adding a hack is easier than cleaning up the whole mess
that's the very short version, yes
if I wanted to clean up the mess that is our data pipeline, I'd need to understand our data. which I try to avoid as much as I can, one madness-inducing subject is enough for me, thanks.
2 hours later…
I'm using pd.cut to label some data into bins. However, I want values that are exactly zero to have their own bin. cut is made to operate on (x,y] ranges. I want the ranges (0, 0], (0, x], (x,y] but giving two zeros (or any duplicate value) as bin boundaries isn't allowed
I know I could do df.loc[df.mycol == 0, "mylabel"] = 0 separately, but my dataset is huge and this would require a second pass through my >200 GB dataframe in memory
Can you pass a negative number as the first value?
Maybe! I don't know if I have guarantees about nonnegativity about the data, but I should check
Unfortunately, since I'm not a pandas user, that is all the wisdom I will be able to dispense
@Aran-Fey I appreciate it! This might be the ultimate solution, as soon as I can verify it's safe to do :)
2 hours later…
Half serious answer: use a bin of "0" to "sys.float_info.min"
Finally the finite precision of floats can work in our favor. There's no smallest positive rational, but there is a smallest positive float.
2 hours later…
pandas probably supports different kinds of floats though

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