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Hello. Has anyone managed to use this code (developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/manage-downloads#python) to download some file from Google Drive (public link, of course)? I get this error:
TransportError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/google/auth/compute_engine/credentials.py in refresh(self, request)
    110         try:
--> 111             self._retrieve_info(request)
    112             self.token, self.expiry = _metadata.get_service_account_token(

11 frames
TransportError: ("Failed to retrieve metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/… from the Google Compute Enginemetada
Remembering that it is necessary to replace the Google Drive file id, which is as an example in the code ("download_file(real_file_id='1KuPmvGq8yoYgbfW74OENMCB5H0n_2Jm9')" with a real file id.
Here's an MVCE, with a file id (it's a photo of a cat) from my Google Drive, which is publicly visible:
from __future__ import print_function

import io

import google.auth
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload

def download_file(real_file_id):
    """Downloads a file
        real_file_id: ID of the file to download
    Returns : IO object with location.

    Load pre-authorized user credentials from the environment.
    TODO(developer) - See developers.google.com/identity
    for guides on implementing OAuth2 for the application.
Here's a MVCE*
4 hours later…
@Aran-Fey need to add charts and other UI data, find doing with python need to make a lot of schanges and service issue also there, like how to work to convert html to pdf, all in my hand is write a template and send the data ,
@PeterT this service is using pdfkit for that
@Marco I get google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError: Could not automatically determine credentials. Please set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or explicitly create credentials and re-run the application. when I run that
3 hours later…
I am studying the library FPDF. Is there an easy way to write text that is equivalent to Microsoft Word's line space 1.5?
2 hours later…
@JaakkoSeppälä based on this, it would appear not. If this styling is a requirement, you might want to look at something more full-featured like ReportLab.
4 hours later…
Can anyone understand this question enough to edit and improve its wording?
Q: How to unlist given list in python?

avsI have to copy particular columns from a given file to another file. but while copying that columns to another file i don't need them in list format. How can i do that? eg suppose file is abc.txt.gz bit address data code new 0 0FA34B 0002623748594759...

@smci My understanding would be that is someone's homework ;)
2 hours later…
Thinking about assembly code
Who are you and what have you done to Kevin? The real Kevin would never think about a language that can't recurse
It will recurse, in time. It will learn why storms are named after people.
In lieu of actual assembly, I'm writing ugly Python functions that have something like a call stack, and a state value that's something like a program counter pastebin.com/raw/xCew7QBe
I think I might be putting arguments and the return address onto the stack backwards, but it was 50% more confusing when I did it the other way around
Keeping track of those 3 "global" variables is rough... I (think I) understand the stack and calling conventions, but the fibonacci code is throwing me for a loop
#at the start of a function, the top element of the stack is the return address. The next element is the function argument.
#at the end of a function, the top element of the stack is the return value. the return address is no longer on the stack.
#before calling a function, push the following, in order:
    - optionally, any locals you wish to preserve
    - the function argument,
    - the return address.
#when returning from a function, pop the following, in order:
    - the return value
    - any locals that were pushed, if any
Here's some comments I wrote to keep things straight.
The only "function" in the pseudo-assembly is the "fib" function. Any time state = "fib" occurs, that's a call to fib. Conversely, state = ret_addr is effectively a return.
Aren't is_branch and is_branch_part_3 unnecessary? I feel like those could've been inlined, and it would've made things significantly easier to understand too
Since fib is the only place that jumps to is_branch, and is_branch_part_2 is the only place that jumps to is_branch_part_3
I could probably remove is_branch, yeah. That one is never the target of a jump related to a call or a return. It's mostly there because of tradition. Conditions in asm cause a jump, so here I jump.
"is_branch_part_3" can get jumped to by either of the state = ret_addr statements, so I think I need to keep that one.
Ah, is_branch_part_3 can't be inlined since is_branch_part_2 doesn't actually jump to it
part 2 doesn't jump to part 3, but you can guarantee that both blocks will execute the same number of times once the program finishes
But inlining is_branch makes it so that x and ret_addr are no longer "global" variables, so that's a big win
So you could say that part 2 "eventually" jumps to part 3, with many intermediary stops
Is there a reason why the x-1 happens in is_branch_part_2? Why doesn't fib push x-1 and x-2?
I'm not too worried about globalness, owing again to tradition. Registers in asm are global, so my x and ret_addr don't harm the pseudo-asm's verisimilitude
On the other hand, if I can apply some spot-optimizations to make them less global, I don't object
@Aran-Fey Not a bad idea. I wrote it this way because it reflects the order of operations of the code return fib(x-2) + fib(x-1). First x-2 executes, then the first fib call, then x-1, then the second fib call. Pushing both x-1 and x-2 would be more like a = x-1; b = x-2; return fib(a)+fib(b). Logically equivalent in this case, so it's down to preference.
Or uh, switch those assignment statements there. a = x-2; b = x-1;
Eagerly pushing my function arguments might dissipate some of the fog of confusion I've been having, relating to stringing together multiple function calls
Here's my take on it
@Aran-Fey Strange. This is the Google Colab notebook that I've used: colab.research.google.com/drive/….
Is it necessary to configure this identity (developers.google.com/identity) even in the case of downloading a publicly available file?
I don't think you configured any of this, if you did, please let me know.
I'm guessing that the code tries to use your google account (since you're logged into colab), and messes that up somehow
The error says something about "service accounts", and you're not a service account
What if you just set credentials=None?
I created a python package and I want to be able to do

import package_name

Right now I need to specify the name of a module in my package like

from package_name import module_name

How do I get this desired behavior where I just call the package name and then a function from it? Do I name the module the same as the package containing it?
@SethTaddiken Try defining someFunc inside the __init__.py of the package.
I'm not sure how useful this is to people that aren't me, but I wrote a cheat sheet for myself that does what you're trying to do. gist.githubusercontent.com/kms70847/…
Please don't write code in __init__.py. Just add a from .module_name import someFunc
Good idea, I second the motion
Wait, that cheat sheet essentially just tells you to write all your code in __init__.py? Why do you even have a package, then?
@SethTaddiken I wrote an albeit short answer to this effect here. It's only missing a final "hoist" to be available at the package level, but you can see how you can pull objects up through the package to be available at different levels
I've also noticed a mistake in my wording. Great.
The motives of 2019 Kevin are as mysterious to me as the dark side of the moon. But I bet his reason includes "so I can import it anywhere"
@Aran-Fey Ok, thanks. I've tried to set credetials=None, but same error occurred. I'm starting to conclude that it is really necessary to configure an identity as instructed on that site (developers.google.com/identity) to implement OAuth2 for the application.
Actually, it's my comment here that's wrong, but I'll revisit the answer another time. numpy.ndarray() is accessible at the package level, so you're not missing another "hoist" through __init__.py
Oh right, you don't even have a client_id. I'm not sure if google's python module supports that
If I'm not mistaken, you've recently commented on here about Google's OAuth authentication via Python code, am I right? I think you were trying to implement something that used this (but it was just about authentication in general, not something specific like downloading a file, like this code I quoted).
@Aran-Fey What would be the solution?
I've worked with google's APIs before, but I always had a registered client app and was logged in as a user. So I don't really have a clue how you'd go about downloading a public file. Maybe it's as simple as making a GET request to the correct url
Perfect, thank you very much. What I'm trying to do isn't that important. I usually use the gdown library (github.com/wkentaro/gdown) to download files from Google Drive, but sometimes it gives an error claiming that the file has been downloaded a lot (but this does not correspond to reality) and it ends up not being possible to download the file. Since this Google code would be the official way to download it, I don't think there would be this kind of error anymore.
Evidently it's not quite that simple. But you can start by sending a request to https://drive.google.com/uc?id=INSERT_ID_HERE&export=download, and then extract the download url from there
Oh, for your file that actually gives you the file content immediately. I tested it on a large file and got a warning back (in HTML form)
wget worked to download that cat.jpg (reference used: stackoverflow.com/a/30783921/2369957)
wget --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=FILEID' -O FILENAME
Via Google Colab I've used this code: !wget --no-check-certificate 'https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1MTVLdZucacIQ1L4ssbpPsO68CFyxlHDa' -O /content/cat.jpg
I'll try this second code from this answer (stackoverflow.com/questions/25010369/…) to download a large file, which is my need.
@Aran-Fey I take it that you disagree with Aaron's answer: stackoverflow.com/a/35710527/4014959
Which part of it, exactly? That's a long answer...
(chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/55392697#55392697): It didn't work, I'll give it up for now. Thanks again, Aran!
Well, he's putting stuff into __init__.py. Specifically, some star imports & an associated __all__ list.
If it's about whether or not you should have an __all__ or whether or not you should use *-imports, I don't have a strong opinion on it. The whole thing's a mess with no actual good solution. So just do whatever floats your boat
Imports and __all__ are perfectly fine in an __init__.py. When I say it shouldn't contain "code", I'm not saying it should be left completely blank (:
Ok. But (IMHO) the only legitimate use of star imports is what Aaron's doing, which puts all the importable names of a package into a unified namespace.
A blank __init__.py is pretty much the only thing I don't want to see. If I see someone do that, I will find out where they work, take over as the CEO, and un-hire them
@Aran-Fey Oh, ok. In that case, I guess we agree. :)
@Aran-Fey guess I'm out of work, and with no clear stance to fight back
To atone for your sins, recite 3 lorem ipsums
@Aran-Fey your avatar is from which anime or game?
I've always been curious about it
From a card game. It's a customized version of this
Very cool :D
Yurius, Levin Duke
Do you play this card game?
Not anymore. There was essentially 1 particular deck I liked to play, and I quit the game when that deck stopped being viable
Oh, ok
I know I post this every time, but how can I not? I also have this animated version
I've never seen this, cool
@Aran-Fey Too expensive?
anyone worked in django here?
No, it got nerfed. And other decks got powercreep
I am noob about these terms
Basically, my deck got worse and other decks got stronger
Oh, ok!

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